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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Previous >>959310

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
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Studying anatomy, particularly facial anatomy diagrams, will probably help you out. Faces in general are patchworks of fat bumps, dozens of different overlapping muscle groups, and the underlying skull structure. One thing to keep in mind too is that anime faces are often "perfect" in the sense that while they have variance in cheekbone height, facial fat, and overall skull shape, they lack the flaws inherent to normal human faces like wrinkles, smile lines, sallow cheeks, etc. Anime faces are almost universally youthful and feminine, unless the character is specifically old/very masculine, in which case you might get something like pic related. Soriz here from Granblue Fantasy is supposed to be old and very fit/lean, so his facial muscles and skull shape shine through along with a healthy amount of wrinkling. You basically want the opposite of this but this face is still worth studying as it has a lot of anatomical roadmaps from it.

For this part in particular you're modeling a very stylized version of someone's cheekbones, the ridge around their nose/mouth, the upper chin area, and the buccal region of the cheek. It's mostly muscle, but the important thing to remember is that everyone has a fat pad right under their eye socket and to the left/right of their nose. You can feel this on your own face, it's the soft, pliable skin on that region before it starts to stretch out on it's way to your mouth and jawline. This patch of fat is also why your face puffs out below your eyes and while it doesn't go out as far as your forehead, the principle is similar. Just remember, you're not bucking anatomy but heavily stylizing it, so when in doubt look at a facial muscles chart. Most faces have very little fat and the muscles/bone are responsible for the deformation.
Thank you so much for this incredible post, I have the anatomy for sculptors book and i draw the asaro head every day, buts it’s very difficult to understand the plane on that part of the cheeks where the red line is, now I see a way to get it understood. Thank you!
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Start like this with a cube and then extruding, anime characters have in essence a "cat" face.
i always assumed people just modeled for anime, kinda surprising to learn that people sculpt it too. I imagine that's way harder, props to you folks
i actually give up on sculpting, too tedious compare to normal modeling

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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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I may be saying something retarded cause I legit don't know 3d other than the most basic stuff
but shouldn't OP be exploring shaders?
>I may be saying something retarded
yes you are, anon
He needs you clothes, boots and your motorcycle.
Don’t burn you passion up. Doing this every day for 4 years sounds harrowing, even with such time that’s probably not enough man hours to get such a job done.
>"3D Animation and Game Arts"
Which university? Why did you pick that university?
It seems like op doesn't have the fundamental workflow down. His high poly and renders look good, but ignorance about correct workflow and best practices is going to fuck and burn him out before he ever reaches the animation stage.
Op, I recommend you check out courses for creating game and animation ready models, before moving onto basic animation in maya. Spend an intensive month or two on them. You'll acquire the core skills, and it'll allow you to be more confident and waste much less time pursuing your berserk project. Nevertheless, I'm rooting for you!

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Another blog post of a guy hoping to make it.
for reference i never complete any projects cause I'm lazy and I lack discipline, also because I have a day job.
Let's see if I can finish this time, goal is to finish a base mesh with game res and textures, as well as eyes and hair cards.
Also, please feel free to destroy me, I value your opinions.
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got rid of the redness below the breasts, all things given I think I came pretty close to the intended body shape.
Very nice
>unique to women
Women are women bigot.
There is nothing wro
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taking a little break from my previous model, having a bit of fun sculpting, currently writing down a few things I've learned from my previous project to apply them on this one.

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Sup, /3/? I’m sick of Cris shitting up /v/ and all of the other boards with his dogshit models so I have decided to combat him in his domain.
You might know me better as the guy who made that one Jet Force Gemini picture, but I have much more impressive stuff than that.
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Can't wait to report your next github
Can’t wait to see you disappointed when I unleash my next GitHub.
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Axolotl Men.
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Here’s the enigmatic Warlord, the main antagonist of my game and Fygoon’s nemesis.
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Finally made a new render, and it’s just to shit on the /vg/ crowd.

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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Does /daz3d/ have any suggestions for people to commission from? I've used totocandy1 once but the cost and quality was shit.
well what kind of commission are you looking for? Just images, specific characters, models or morphs?
Inb4 poses
Oops, I meant full character. Material, morph and possibly expressions.
>For some reasons some very, very tame Pixiv artists were b&n earlier this year (and later this previous years). Most have no idea why. We're talking as tame as Ganseki.

>does anyone knows what happen to gansekiiwao on pixiv? They nuked his account!!! Where I can find his stuffs now?

I think I may know why. I read their terms yesterday and they do seem to disallow pictures that look "photorealistic" and it says it can lead to the suspension of the account.

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Previous thread: >>973562
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that sounds sensible, thanks for the help
i found these images by some guy on artstation to be the best reference for what you need to do, it isnt necessary to copy this 1/1. some basic things i learned after doing my own style based on this
more here
>loops around the major points of deformation
>clean planes with all quads to fill the areas between loops
>where you have 3 edges connect to one vertices (planes converging from different directions like a cube) you will end up with a 5 edge connection close by
>dont go over 5, creates too much stress, this is achievable
>VERY IMPORTANT: do not create loops with odd number of vertices,
now what I mean by this is that if a loop exists on a shoulder and the loop at the wrist, you are going from a large area to a small dense area, you will need to reduce the density of the faces and verts, this is achievable with clean topology but only if you dont go from even to odd numbers or vice versa. If you 32 verts in a loop around a thick thigh, but go down to say 16 verts around the knee, it will be possible to connect them with all quads using some 5 edged vertices, this also is relevant with shoulders and hands/wrists where you might end up with 1 vertices left that you cant connect cleanly if you dont have even to even loops. i hope that makes sense
>ALSO IMPORTANT: do not create vertices with more than perfect squares around the center of the body
make sure there is only one "horizontal" edge going to the center verts, if you have two converging edges going into a center vert it will create a "spider web" effect when you mirror it and end up with 6 verts connecting into the center verts
I hope all of that makes sense
heres what i mean by reducing topology from a large are to a small area, you can see that it where you have 8 to 6 verts, or 5 to 3, or 10 to 8. its just easier that way
shouldve also said that its because when doing fingers you will probably do like 6 or 8 vertices loops, to get a nice equal amount of deformation, and texture size, etc. so the rest of the body will need even numbers too
saved and screencapped, thanks

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itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."
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ct scan of a gamers brain after he tried giving himself amnesia to re-play his favorite game for the first time again
wow, that's crazy.
That's completely ama
and what has frame driver to do with basic maths again?
Either way it's not common knowledge, although this is indeed emntioned in the donut video.
that's what Indians are for

a casual image that i will use for my new album
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Poser and Bryce weren't nearly as popular as AI today.They were only known in the relatively small CGI community back then and not used by every normiefag like AI generators today. But it's true using Poser was looked down at by a few of those that could even model, rig and animate a character.
For most of the zoomers participating in this “movement”, it started when this particular video showed up in their home page on YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK8ilaPZbKE]. This isn’t a guess, this is THE answer to the question from someone who’s in the know.

It may not mean much to you since this was just the mundanity of everyday life back in the day, but I think it’s something special when you look at it with fresh eyes. There was something really magical about watching this video for the first time, with the ethereal music and the surreal visuals. For people who grew up playing low-poly games, watching 3dcg cartoons, and looking at the Windows pipes screensaver, “bad graphics” is something they can look past and actually appreciate what’s there. These images could be recreated using modern software to get something that looks cleaner, but then the dreamlike quality they have would be gone.

For a moment, imagine being a teenager during the 2010s. Most of what was at the forefront of “aesthetics” was corporate minimalism, mobile games AAA realism made by people with no artistic sensibilities, and pop stars and rappers encouraging people to be degenerates. After a decade of anti-aesthetics, I like to believe a lot of young people are copying things like old CGI, Y2K, Frutiger aero (dumb name), etc. because the things they experienced during their childhood were legitimately better in all regards than what they got later in life. I suppose the 2010s had vaporwave, but that got old quick when everyone started jumping on it without any creative ideas, just like what’s happening with this. Ultimately, that's the problem with OP’s pic. It could be due to a lack of ideas, but I could also just be because he doesn’t know how to use his program, and is limited to only the most basic tools.
Have you tried getting a degree in psychology instead of posting?
No, what for?

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its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024
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legit one of the best, but imo, it needs some lighting tricks, the kind you'd see on a photography studio, I mean
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i've never done a donut surprisingly enough
i give myself a 5/10
fake af
I will try harder next time

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What are /3/'s thoughts on this new GLITCH animation?

Personally, this is some of the most creative modeling and animation I've seen in years

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shes cute
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Episode 2 is releasing, how will it fare compared to the pilot?
I just watched the first e
the writing is kinda decent but some of the humor is trying too hard and the textures and lighting are atrocious, well animated though
Just watched ep2. It's cool I just cant fucking stand the lack of highlight compression in the rendering.

Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
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You are the best Cris, obviously. The jannies are also the best.
No, you are the best!
That would be impossible because you're already the best, Cris.
No, you are the bestest
No, Cris. The bestest are the jannies.

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All RODIN needs is a brief description, a 2D image and within seconds it will generate a 3D mesh asset with the desired amount of polygons that can be exported in formats compatible with Maya/3DSMAX/Blender/etc.
It's currently in a semi-public beta where people can apply, releasing next month.
This is just generation 1 but it's already this good.

How will this affect the 3D artists?
Mass layoffs in the 3D industry expected?
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imagine the porn
Until we can run these AI models locally this shit will always be censored.
No those were character creator, AI is a fake idea and steals 3D models. If you try to say Mikey Mouse (A public domain character) you get nothing because no one has made him in 3D.
>it's already this good.
does it pass the "3d turing test"? (aka a blender doughnut)

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Why did you guys choose 3D over drawing? Is it because drawing it's too difficult?

I've been thinking if I like drawing or 3D more and what to invest more time on, because with 2D you can also animate
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They both have their set backs. Its a different kind of dirt, but its still dirt. One thing I find difficult with 3D is that it's harder to fail forward faster. I can't edit mistakes as quickly. Especially late in development.
I really don't know wh
well in 2D you dont have to deal with UV mapping
AI and 3D animation are both art, you use an algorithm to produce some stuff to look at.

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Stylish tacticool reloads
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The fact you have to watch it that many times to pick it up means that the illusion works.
LayzuhCatz is pretty good animator.
Why are the anime grills trying to kill each other with lollipop sticks?

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