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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

#503- “Not A ManAss” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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>10 weight
No clue what that means.
I just got an inshore boat for mid-Atlantic targeting anything big worth eating. Figure that means jigging and trolling as well as casting on structure and oyster beds. I've got 4000 and 8000 series spinning rods. I've been reading up on 50 series conventional reels wondering if they're more durable and something I can grow into as I gain experience and eventually buy a proper offshore cc.
Fish noob here.

When buying split shots and weights for fishing, are lead weights still in wide use, do I have to specifically ask for non-lead weights? Are they clearly marked as such on the package?
Lead weights are generally considered acceptable. Where do you live?
Any Florida bros with experience on the west coast can recommend some bait and tips? I've tried worms and shrimp and all I get is pinfish which I've also used as bait and all they get is other pinfish. I've also caught some puffers like twice. No luck with bigger fish even though they jump over the water while I'm actively throwing.

I've tried that Gulp spray on some lures but even less luck.

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Id like to learn taxidermy to atleast have some use of the small game that i cant eat. Where should i start? What tools i need and are there any good textbooks on the subject?
Pic related i paid 150€ for this and wanted to share it with you guys.
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Or maybe he means game that went bad or game with disease/infected injuries that would make it unfit for consumption. Idunno, there's a lot of room for such a thing to exist. I had a squirrel with squirrel pox and I couldn't find enough info to make me comfortable eating it so he got turned into a wet preserve in a jar as an example of what pox in a squirrel looks like for anyone who asks me. I got as close as "(state) says it's okay to eat pox squirrels!" but not enough info for sure saying "there's no fucking way this shit could affect humans ever and humans can't carry it by eating this squirrel infecting them by total accident" for me to feel comfortable enough. There's no cure for pox in squirrels AFAIK; the best they can do is give it a couple treatments and keep it at a sanctuary and hope it clears, which it may never clear and only get worse until the squirrel ceases being able to breathe IIRC. I have a strong feeling that no one's going to do that here for an adult squirrel at least halfway through it s life and since it's state land, it'd need state game commission permission as well as an attempt to capture that specific squirrel. And I didn't notice it until I had already shot it so...unfit for consumption that I couldn't have foreseen. I made use of it how I could in a way I needed as I haven't preserved a squirrel like that in years.
Yeah sounds like it. Eating small game is frowned upon now, depending on where you live (a "redneck" thing to do) but for no real reason other than cultural hogus bogus. Early Americans (native and European) ate badger all around.

Bite the bullet and grill a squirrel or stick it in a stew, OP. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
Hadn't considered that, even though my local wild rabbit population has encephalitozoonsis up the ass. Should only pose a risk if your immune system is compromised, but enough to dissuade me from eating them. The pelts are also fairly thin, hard to put the fur to any use other than decorative.

Not sure if I'd want to taxidermy a disease-ridden rabbit (or other diseased animal for that matter) and keep it around, but I guess it would be one of the few remaining uses and fine to practice on.
Don't eat opossum, skunk, or raccoon. They are lousy with parasites and disease.
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Raccoon has roundworm and other things. Skunk can also carry. Haven't heard much about opossums though and they have a pretty low body temp. What do they carry? They're all "meh" meat from what I understand unless you maybe like possum like you're Granny from Beverly Hillbillies or you're a black southern family, then raccoon is on the table.
>Anon, thas rayciss!
Hell I'd try it if it was cooked to the right temp if given the chance. Maybe I'm missing out on something; who knows.

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theres a mountain about 3 kms away from where i live and there are always tons of rabbits there.
maybe im autistic or something but i think it would be really cool to try hunt them only using primitive tools/weapons (nothing more advanced than a bow, and thats already pushing it).
has anyone tried it? or tried rabbit hunting in general? im just looking to get a couple every few weeks or so, nothing too crazy
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im not larping really, but i am joking (i hope no one thought that i would make my own elastic from scratch).
i have the plant though, 3 actually. picrel is my "desk" one, i also have a mother plant thats about 3 meters tall and a whore that i harvested latex from a few years ago to make a condom from (i thought it would be funny). i also waterproofed my hat with the leftover latex and its still waterproof to this day

nah i want to have fun with it, and i might end up catching someones toddler (which would be funny until i get arrested). i use traps carp fishing though and they work pretty well
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>I disagree with alot of anons here, if you just walk through the woods with a bow and arrow, your odds of killing one aren't that terrible.
Where do you even find rabbits? I go hiking every weekend and I literally never see them. I've seen more moose than rabbits, no joke.
Maybe its just a regional thing. If i wialk in the woods a few miles im guaranteed to see two or three. Usually in spring they are more common- they hang around in either grassy meadows or they bed-up in thickets and thick brush. Every one I've ever killed was in the evening time. After dark they are fairly active too you can shine their eyes and get fairly close to them. I keep a wide lane mowed back around a swamp maybe three widths of an 8ft mower (maybe about mile long total) and it doesn't get driven on much so it's just tall grass and I see them there pretty much every couple of days. My suspicion is that they are pretty much everywhere but I only tend to see them in meadows and grass because it would be hard to see them in the brush.

The funny thing is that I see more of them around the house than anywhere, there are a few areas outside the main yard where I just let the grass grow a little taller or let the sorrel and toadflax come in this time of year and there most evenings there will be three or four of them will just bouncing around out there in it like it's a spawn point on a vidya or something. I have a few big blueberry shrubs nearby that I think maybe they are attracted to.

In the last ten years or so the eagles have become so common that I figured they would eradicate them but it doesn't seem to have put a dent in them at all.
From my understanding the best way to catch small game like this in a primitive way is with snare traps. Takes the sport out of it I suppose but hunting a rabbit with a bow or sling sounds like a nightmare. I've been sport shooting rabbits and typically you're shooting at them from 50ish yards. (They are invasive and wreck the native plants in the area I have done this so keep your ass cheeks unclenched) 50 yards is a long shot for a bow/sling and if you want to get closer you're either going to have to be extremely patient and stealthy, or shoot from the hip after scaring them up out of the brush. Fucking forget about a spear or other thrown projectiles.

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Welcome to beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2577491
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If you started from a nuc, the need to feed is reduced if they have stores since they're not starting with nothing (I would still feed though until the honey flow. They'll stop taking the feed once they get in their swing of things)

You should do the smallest entrance untill your hive is fully established (2 boxes full of bees). Your hive is very weak right now since they just started so they're in the "establishing" phase. By using the smallest entrance if makes it much more defendable.

Based on your picture, that looks very normal activity depending on the time of day and the weather, if its in the evening, they are getting ready for night time or if its cold, they just dont like to go out. If you started from a nuc, remember too that your hive likely started from a split off a bigger hive, so you probably have a larger ratio of younger bees who wont leave the hive, which warrants a feeder. You should see more activity pick up over the next two weeks as the current generation ages up and gets oriented to your location. As long as your queen is laying eggs and they got food, they're good.
that picture was taken right when I put them in. Yesterday there was probably 10X the amount of bees on the front by the afternoon. You are probably right that it has alot to do with their life cycle and most aren't old enough to be foraging a ton, but I also think it may have been a bit of a heat issue. I may need to start putting up an umbrella to stave off the afternoon heat for them. What's the best way to treat them for mites and beetles btw?
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mann lake anon here. pic related is roughly 50 million bees (4200 3lb packages, ~10-15k bees per package). They arrived in the middle of the night and I heard they shipped them today. Local people picking them up Saturday.
i feed them sugar
winter is quite long here and sugar makes them poo less than honey does
would like to feed them honey though, but as theyve tended to shit in the hive early spring ive found sugar to be better for them

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how hardcore are you?
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>want to take care of my lawn, some bald spots
>go to buy bag of seed from store, 80$
>notice bag is only 50% grass seed, other 50 is "inorganic matter"
yeah nah everythings fucked mate, you try to be a good little citizen but jokering out is the only fucking escape from this hell i didnt help build
imagine being the simp that had to sit up there and pretend to be a cute girl for 738 days to make the story marketable because no one would give a shit about you doing it.
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This is her now .
>ticks can't get under your clothes
>burrs don't stick to your clothes

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I am thinking of ditching my tent and matress and sleeping bag for a tarp and a hammock.
Any experiences on this?
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If you have it set up correctly there is very little tension in the system and load on the anchors is minimal. I'd trust >>2724841 in high winds more than I'd trust most tents. In a normal tent the mode of failure is that it falls over on you. In a hammock the first thing to fail in extreme winds is one tarp anchor. the hennessy tarp I have has simple plastic o-ring and hook tarpline tensioners which will just pop loose before there can be any damage to the lines, the tarp, or the stakes. if that happens you groggily make some random adjustments until shit stops flapping around and go back to sleep.

the way things get really bad with a setup of this type is when your anchors aren't trustworthy for whatever reason. anchoring strategy is different for every scenario, every soil, every situation and the only way to git gud is to git gud.
I don't know how much loft the Costco down has, but at the rate you're doing all this rigging and sewing you could make Apex underquilt and have sufficient insulation by choosing the right thickness. At 30F you've also entered the territory where drafts are problematic so you'd have to take that into consideration in designing. Personally I would try this at a warmer trip where you can get some data on whatever system you end up building. It's one thing to push something you know to the limit, its another to discover if something works.

I never understand this idea that hammocks are so complicated. There's maybe a little more fiddling once everything is up but it's not like I didn't spend time looking and cleaning an area for the tent. Whatever extra time is a very minor trade-off for getting a nice tarp and hammock in camp.

All my tarp and hammock rigging just goes in an external pocket on the bag right as it comes of the tree.
>trees spaced perfectly apart
This has to be the same person saying this in every hammock thread, right? I mean I’m pretty sure 99.99% of the people who would comment about hammocks know they have an adjustable suspension and tree distance can vary but a lot, so it has to be just one retard who keeps saying this… right?
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get yourself a cheap nylon tow rope from the dollar store, and suddenly every tree is perfectly spaced

also get a coil of rope from your nearest hardware store and extend your hammocks normal attachments
I suspect it's the same guy that goes to GPS threads and tells people their inaccuracy will get them lost and they should rely on paper maps instead.

You have been abducted by aliens and they are telling You that you are going to be dropped onto an uninhabited planet with an Earthlike atmosphere and and an ecosystem identical to the pacific northwest.

they have given you a set of thrirteen empty boxes whose interiors is 1 foot tall 2 feet wide and 8 feet long, you may request anything you want for on the planet and you have a weight limit of 35 pounds each (not including the box itself) you will not be leaving the planet, no rescue is coming

One box will come with you the other 12 will arrive in six month intervals

What do you pack?
How do you pack it?
Which do you take with you initially?
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>after the first year additional people will be dropped on the planet with the same terms, they are not guaranteed to be human, but are guaranteed to be team players
>They will be dropped within 5 miles of your camp where ever it is and one person will arrive every two weeks for a year and then it will stop for 2 years start again for a year stop wait 4 years start for a year and then no more
i am NOT coexisting with any damn spaceniggers

i change my first crate to have clothes, a camping kitchen set, a knife, a canteen, water purification tablets, an axe, a file, a tent, and a flashlight & batteries
and the second crate will contain an AR10 with 5000rd of .308, more batteries, and the seeds of kudzu, rosa multiflora, japanese barberry, and black locust
with the third crate being filled with a whole a 50/50 set of ticks & mosquitos
and after that, every other crate i have is filled with cobalt 60
I rape the aliens
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Dead Thread
hypothetically speaking could i bring a girlfriend
a girl would fit in the box
Initial Box (35 lbs):

Folding Tent (5 lbs): Provides immediate shelter.
Water Purification Tablets (1 lb): Makes water safe to drink.
First-Aid Kit (5 lbs): Essential for medical emergencies.
Multi-tool (2 lbs): Versatile tool for repairs and basic construction.
Fishing Line, Hooks, and Sinkers (2 lbs): Enables catching food.
Metal Pot (3 lbs): For cooking and boiling water.
Fire Starter Kit (2 lbs): Flint and steel or lighter for fire creation.
Seeds (5 lbs): Choose fast-growing vegetables and herbs for immediate planting.
Waterproof Notebook & Pencil (1 lb): For documentation and planning.

Box 2 (6 Months): Heavy-duty tarp, rope, saw, axe (shelter improvements & tool creation).
Box 3: Water filtration system, water storage containers (long-term water security).

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This IS the /out/ book club.

Post em.
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Very re-readable

Written by a frenchie though
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The part where they're surrounded by the laughter of natives up on the cliffs every night while slowly dying crossing the utah salt flats stuck with me. That and the fact that they went full retard and didn't stay the winter with the other tribe that welcomed them in.
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>the middle taiga
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something a little different but absolutely fascinating and horrible. the conflict with the wilderness and the habitants therein completely deformed the worldview of the colonists forever
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Anything Hilda

/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2684982

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread
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They aren't as good as the pipe tobacco but they're still pretty good. They also have cigars under the same name.
>I've had grape note cigars before.
CAO Amazon Basin? Still got one left from 2019. Blueberry and grape. Such a unique cigar.

>Cigars taste better to me but a pipe is the better smoking experience.
I’m actually the opposite. I love the taste of pipe tobacco of all varieties, more than the taste of cigars, but a cigar is the better overall experience for me. It might be because I smoke them on the weekends, usually with good company, good music, and alcohol, but the experience is like nothing else. Plus I don’t have to fuss with tamping and relighting. I’ve found my own personal perfect balance with smoking a pipe alone on weekday mornings before work and smoking a cigar or two on the weekends with family/friends.

I have yet to try the pipe tobacco (though I hear it’s one of the best aros available), but I’ve gone through two or three tins of the cigarillos over the past 5 years. Good stuff.
Nice, I'm looking forward to trying it. I've never actually tried Eileens Dream, I'm not much for aromatics. I will try it some day, I did just pick up some Stokkebeyes Nougat at my local shop because they said thats what the cast of LOTR smoked on set.
That's not to surprising that your preference is reversed. To really appreciate a cigar I need to sit and relax, which not something I'm particularly good at. A pipe is so versatile where it can hang out of my mouth while working with my hands and I can still get a good smoking experience. Take a little micro break to relax and ponder for a second while puffing on it, then go straight back to work. A cigar is difficult not to accidentally inhale if I just leave it hanging in my mouth so I tend to smoke them when I have a free hand, like driving or doing light duty stuff around the property. I really hate accidentally inhaling and it's much harder to do with a pipe. It's also a really big "oh fuck" moment when you drop a $5+ cigar on the ground and crack its wrapper making drawing out of it next to impossible. Dropping a 10$ pipe on the ground is no biggie and worst case I just have to relight it.
Does anybody else have a jar with random bullshit in it? I just throw a random amount of the flavor of the week in one jar and I swear that the more time passes, the better it gets. I couldn't even tell you what I have in mine anymore, I just know that my friends always compliment it

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Bit of a stupid question. Are crampons sold as a set or individually?
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>sacrificing a little bit more space and weight
>for fucking chopsticks
Don't be a pussy. Propane tanks don't spontaneously explode. I keep a full 20lb grill tank inside all the time. That's just shit they say to cover their ass from getting sued in the event that some freak accident happens. You could sit inside your house in a pile of full propane tanks smoking cigarettes and putting them out on the fucking nozzles and nothing would happen.

Sure, it will blow up if you have a major house fire, but I think you have bigger problems if that happens.
Dude have you ever used chopsticks? Do YOU like chopsticks? Why are you asking the internet this? If you can eat with them, and it's enjoyable and effective, then do it. Otherwise pack a fucking fork and spoon or whatever it is that you eat with. Are you a bot?
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Explosively Based
They're superior cooking utensils

Currently assembling my at home and outdoors first aid kit. What is essential gear that I need to have? Or are there any preassembled kits that y'all reccomend that aren't just fancy band aid packs?

I'm already getting tourniquets and cpr masks (I know CPR doesn't use mouth to mouth but mouth to mouth is used after Heimmlich and other forms do respiratory arrest) and I'm also getting big ass scissors of course.
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I typically carry the larger Sea To Summit first aid dry bag. If I'm incapacitated and somebody goes through my things, they'll see the red cross and know it's a first aid kit and not just socks. Remote chance but zero downside.l except cost.

I bought the Uncle Bill tweezers. Save your money and bring tweezers from the medicine cabinet at home.

Dulcolax tabs can help if you eat commercial freeze dried food like M. House and it constipates you.

For the drive to a trailhead, buy a $15 pair of Amazon window hammers/seatbelt cutters. I watched a woman driver burn to death because her seatbelt jammed during an accident and we couldn't get her out. Likewise people who could escape by smashing car window drown after ending up in a body of water accidently.
Why kvetch about TQs? OP isn't very likely to need it, but if he does, he's probably fucked if he doesn't have one.
A TQ is the last medical item I'd ditch.
Sorta. You're way more likely to get fast access to an emergency room in the city than in the woods. Tourniquet areTime. about buying you time.
Where'd you get the bag? I've been looking for something similar to put my homemade kit in.
I'd add medical tape and get rid of the bandaids if you're already going to be carrying gauze.
Also some vinyl gloves are nice if you're administering first aid on someone else.

What are the best long distance walks in Europe?
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You will never be an oldfag.
E1 isn't even possible this time of year, übagüfy.
Did bongs really name their famous /out/ areas after pokemon regions?
Bump I want an answer to this

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britbong here. I'll save the details as they're quite mundane, though essentially I've lost my job and my place at university. I figure there's nothing tying me to this country anymore, so I've decided to go to America and be a travelling hobo/hiker. I'm somewhat an intermediate outdoorsman but wanted to ask for any suggestions from you guys on how to make my life easier/not get murdered.

> planning to stay until deported/find meaning
> will start out with about $4000
> can't drive
> will likely stay on East Coast as I'm terrified of being eaten by a grizzly
> stealth camping the majority of the trip

I'm hoping to visit some cities/towns throughout the trip. how hard is it to find stealth spots? cities are quite small here, so I don't have a reference, but is it feasible to cover the span of most cities in a day? Where's best to stash my gear for a day or so? I plan to make my money busking as I'm a skilled musician, is this a good idea?
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In some cities and towns you need a permit to busk. They'll scan your ID and detect britbong. If you attempt unskilled manual labor to raise cash, you'll need to speak mexican and they'll probably kill you for the money once you've accumulated cash. The invaders here today often hail from foreign prisons.

I think AT, starting in GA like the poaster above suggested, is a good idea. Fellow hikers will be kind to you and the brit accent will probably get you laid by outdoor girls/dudes. The US west is too vast and rugged, you could easily find yourself in trouble fast with no phone reception and help is 100+ miles away. I wouldn't linger in Apelanta, if they see a white dude carrying a pack and a guitar, they may rob you. But the AT is very nice and mostly forgiving and quite doable.

Even the AT is lengthy though and since you'll be carrying more weight than the average through hiker, presumably, you'll be slower. This is important because you'd be heading S up to N, and by mid-November and certainly December you can freeze to death. Maine has brutal, fatal winter weather in particular, I don't believe it gets -30F sustained in the UK.

We have cheap discount stores galore, so 4k can be stretched a fair way depending on your diet. Others on trail will generally share. There is also dumpster diving, which can be gourmet and healthy but can also lead to trouble if unwise or unlucky.

The important thing is to do this endeavor. Many thousands have enjoyed, ultimately, the exact scenario you contemplate. Let those who care know where you are and perhaps leave a bit of dosh behind so it can be wired to you via Western Union or the like.

Good luck, anon, this most likely will be awesome and provide direction in life.
Good luck anon, you'll have a great time here! American culture is different, but you're not going to get shot or any shit like that. Big things if you're serious about this:

>Pay up a bit of money and get a couchsurfing account
It's a website and app that get you in touch with people who WANT to give you a free place to sleep and show you around their city. We don't have hostels, and airbnbs are as a expensive as regular ass hotels now, you're saving money by spending on this. The whole system works off of reviews, which means the first one is the hardest. If you have the time or means I strongly recommend making your account now and getting a review before you leave home - either as a guest or a host. Have your parents help, or get a friend to make a free account and give a 5 star review after he "hosted" you, just so you can have a name telling other people that you're a normal, safe person

>Spend some money on a good backpack and sleeping bag. Figure out what you're going to bring and get used to carrying the weight
Tent is optional, I didn't have one and there were times I wished I did. Get a smaller backpack you can use when you have a safe place to stash your gear, but sometimes you'll need to carry all of it, all day, every step. Pack clothes that let you do different things: have something to wear at a bar on a Friday night, but also something to hike in, or catch a ride in

>Learn to hitchhike
This could be a whole thread, the most important thing is that it's ok to turn down a ride. Expect getting a ride to take an hour, you need to stay cheerful the whole time. It's not personal. Most cars will drive right past you, all you care about is the one that stops for you.

>Learn to dumpster dive
Americans love throwing out perfectly good food. Start off with bakeries, they'll help you get used to eating trash food. Go into pizza places at closing time and politely ask for some food they're going to throw out - it's only embarrassing the first time.
>Out of sight out of mind
This is your slogan for sleeping. There's lots of parks or even just random bits of foliage all over American towns, if it's dark and nobody sees you, you're free to sleep there. Find a place early and then come back to it at night, then wake up before dawn and get going somewhere; the time right before and after park hours are the most important. The underside of an underpass is loud, makes for bad sleeping. There is strength in numbers and local wisdom: if a bunch of homeless people are somewhere, it's an ok place to be. They also know if free food is going to be passed out somewhere.

Americans are used to buskers, that'll be a good way to make some money/friends. Just keep an eye out and scram if someone decides to be a cunt about you.
Go out West, I promise you're not going to get eaten by a bear. America is gorgeous and has an insane variety, you're doing yourself a disservice to not at least see the Grand Canyon. Read some Jack Kerouac and find out why he called Denver the Gateway to the West. No guarantee you'll find meaning East of the Mississippi.
If a fast food restaurant is open 24 hours, you can simply stay there all night. Workers don't get paid enough to give a shit, just buy another burger if need be. They all have free wifi and outlets to charge your phone.
You don't have a car, but: You can park in a walmart parking lot for 24 hours. BLM Land (Bureau of Land Management) is free to camp on.
You're solo traveling, that means you decide how long you stay in the same place. You're the master of your own fate. Embrace the adventure and err on the side of leaving people too quickly than outstaying your welcome - always leave on a good note if they're gonna review you.
And finally, have fun :) visit cool museums and art galleries, chat up the front desk worker and get in for free! Go to the amateur rodeo night! Chat up a cute stranger in a coffee shop! You'll never see her again, you can say whatever you want!
man thank you so much for all the thoughtful advice. and yes I am deadly serious about this. I'll be flying out either this summer or next spring. I've made an account on that couch surfing app you recommended and have already bought/own the majority of the equipment I'll need. I'll screen cap all of the advice in this thread and post them when I do another update upon landing.
I plan to pack some means of self defense also, though I am reluctant to purchase an actual firearm due to the different states having different laws regarding them. Would an imitation or airsoft replica suffice? Barring that I'll likely grab some pepper spray or a large knife.

I heard Europeans find our forests to be woefully underdeveloped, our grasslands astonishingly mundane, our swamps horrifically useless, our plains ridiculously boring, our badlands pitifully impractical, our deserts outlandishly dangerous, our mountains hilariously unusable, and our canyons disgustingly red. Is this true?
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Feel free to ignore the facts. You lost. put the booze down and go to bed sami.
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Holy fuck stay in europe
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I'm a britbong myself and find American nature to be absolutely breathtaking. so much so that I'm planning a yearlong thru hike along the east coast at the moment. any recommendations on areas/towns/cities worth seeing?

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