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Pretty much anything on their catalog that seems too NEW to be on GOG got a high chance to have DRM.
I figure the way HD2 works is its running on PSN, not on steamworks.
It just generates you a temp token.
That's why lobbies go dead after an arbitrary amount of time and most networking problems seem to be solved by restarting steam, why your friends list is slow to populate, why crossplay is possible, why the server capacity was shit at launch, and why the game is so buggy when it comes to networking like with networking hosts and dot damage and spear lockon.
So no it doesn't actually use your steamid for networking purposes. There's an abstraction between it and PSN.

So the players like me this whole time who have been coping with crap connectivity, we all hit skip. So everybody evidently lmao.
There is no legal document on the planet that is valid if it can't be signed or even read before making the purchase. ToS and EULAs are supposed to be defensive. They aren't there so that corporations can just get away with robbing you, and they are thrown out in court all the time.

>Don’t make the acc willingly, dont play the game that simple
Sorry, but I don't have a time machine. If you're going to force an account on people months after launch with a bait and switch, then they should be able to get a full refund.
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That's not very democratic.

Traitors must die.
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on one hand, i feel bad for thirdies who bought the game and won't be able to (fully legally) play it anymore.
on the other hand, no chinks in-game

>is GOTY in your path
What do you do?
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the gameplay isn't even good, it's just flashy. it's OK. everything else is true.
>so I guess the base game is like doing the story missions and the endgame/rest of the game is like grinding in pso for levels weapons and higher difficulties?
Late reply but yea, that pretty much nails it. I'd check out some videos of combat to see if it's for you since it's a bit flashier than PSO or MH.
Game needs more open areas. The grind being small boss arenas gets boring real quick.
No worries, I do know how the combat is, looks very nice. I just had no idea how the game was structured, I imagined it was going to be like dragons dogma 1 but it seems it is more mission based. Sounds kind of fun, I guess I'll look into it a bit more and buy it if it looks appealing enough for me.
I kneel

>Wade's jewish mother converts Knuckles kinda by always comparing his life to the plights of the jewish people and he orders halal bread
>entire live action stage play to show off Knuckle's origin story that looks like some Gentlemen Brochos type shit with giant puppets and a man playing guitar
>becomes a Dodgeball esque thing as the big emotional climax of the story involved a bowling tournament
>Knuckle's villain shows up out of no where in the final episode so we can have a action scene in the last episode
This was one of the most baffling productions I've seen in quite a while
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Which Sonic game was ESPN 8 The Ocho a reference to?
Oh and Shadow has a Omochao guide
>games reference
Doubt it
I agree with you
It’s only since Israel came to fill the ‘privileged’ position in the eyes of the public that their persecution of an ‘oppressed’ nation became an issue
If, at some point, Jewish people are again perceived to be the oppressed ones then public sentiment will spin and again perceive them as the group that ought to be supported
Liberationist ideology has really become the primary perspective college students see conflicts through, where ‘good’ and ‘bad’ guys are determined through who is more oppressed
In summary, I think many Palestinians would feel justified in treating Israelis very poorly (if they had the means to) and it’s only due to lack of capability that they don’t
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>Who is that?!
>Secret Agent AMY, I'd like to introduce you to Secret Agent ROUGE .

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are south east asians the most hardcore gamers out there?
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This is completely normal and everyone does it all the time.
filipinos have the highest circumcision rate in the world, pretty much every male there is cut, it's even higher than the middle east or any other place you can think of
Many SEA countries practice circumcision anon. I'm not sure if all of them do so, but the Philippines and Indonesia do it. Please do your research regarding SEA foreskins
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I've seen so many penises and I can assure you that SEA penises (at least for Thailand, Cambodia etc) fit my description perfectly. They either have thick foreskin that makes it look like a worm, or they have extremely thin foreskin that makes their dicks look super veiny and shit.
Why would anyone get circumcised? What's the point of crippling your genitals? This is what we need to protect children from

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>The Steam Deck? Nah, I'm good, I already have a PC...
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these two girls kept touching my butt in middle school once, we had a substitute teacher and I told her and she made me go to the front office with them, worst day off my life
Not just that, but the recurring skit they did.
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reeeee get out!
the only valid response in the thread
I'm a zoomer and you're wrong, young women love man ass too

My choice is clear.
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I mean, isn't the remake essentially the PC release? It took years to remake the game and release it on PC. It took years to release it on PC. Is there a difference? Either way TLOU and Until Dawn was on playstation for years before it came to PC.
the amount of fuck money they make and throw away is insane honestly if they use more of that money for single offline games I would not mind that
Day 1 multiplayer releases.
Day 1 remake releases.

Day 1 regular single player releases are only a matter of time.
And yet Stellar Blade didn't release on PC day 1. So what's your point?
No one will remember Fable anyway.

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I mean, the "why" is obvious. 4chan's anonymity lends itself to forming an attention vacuum. It's always there for anyone to take.
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>using dalle on a phone
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Some people are just addicted to attention and building parasocial relationships.
lame. I sleep.
good night

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Back in my day we had people putting more effort into bait like this, what changed?
Or they are right and can see that outside a handfull of losers, nobody left.

Gamers cant take a stance for anything, thats why they take "not playing a game" as such a big difiance. And the fun thing is, since they dont have shit to do anyway, they'll keep playing
Is it even possible to get a refund if you've played for more than 2 hours? I can imagine they might give a you refund if you live in one of the countries where you can't create a PSN account, other than that... I doubt it.
>He bought the game when like only 2 weeks before release they out of nowhere dropped that they would be using the worst shit since securom
You get what you fucking deserve.
Do you think this whole refund campaign will result in a price drop/sale? I know it's already relatively cheap but I've been waiting for a sale.

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>party members gets old
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my father died a year ago.
and i felt nothing.
We've evolved to cheat death but past a certain age we're pretty much walking corpses.
But here's a comparison
People loves to play god anon. Deciding when they should kill people in the name of mercy, that was a form of narcissism that they are not fully aware. Narcissism and probably a little bit of moralfaggotry, anything that makes them doesn't have to witness that muh pitiful suffering family member alive, anything that doesn't torture their heart and sore their eyes. At the end of the day its not always about financial problem that makes people 'pull the plug', its about one comfortable desire to not looking at something unpleasant in front of them
Neodoge memes are the best, fuck the original doge meme cancer.
Me neither. I’ve started thinking about it a lot more over the last few years. It’s scary as fuck to imagine nothingness and it makes me feel physically ill.

I’m going to read the Tibetan Book of the Dead in the hopes that it’ll give me a new perspective other than that of death being like falling asleep and not dreaming, but forever.

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>260kg guy dies before 30 due to "health complications"
In the end, the other guy wins
>Mr. Heart
>not using sling
Yeah bro that's why all ancient armies used nothing but slingers. Hoplites? Roman legionaires? Those were not decisive; it was the velites, obviously.
You don't just run towards someone like a retard, for fuck sake
stomp his knees, he'll topple over like nothing
he also has no stamina to do anything but stand still

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how did they dualhandedly save blue archive?
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another gacha sloppa game
I was surprised how well it held up when I listened to it recently. Thought it would be extremely cringe.
>implying LP is cringe at all
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reanimation bros...
Nu-metal generally aged like milk.

Do your part! Refund Helldivers 2, for freedom and democracy!
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There are people in /v/ that are mad over the fact that we don't want to make PSN accounts, these people are not customers, these people have Sony interests as their priority.

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You know why he has a cat, goes the other way too
Post it fatty
these are goblins, not demons
TF2 was a multiplat

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>write down any vidya topic you want
>post the result on vocaroo
You can make your own /v/ the musical with this shit.
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The hero this board needed.
His daily sacrifice will never be forgotten.
a bluegrass song about the lusty argonian maid

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Nigger, you're the CEO. It's your job to tard wrangle the other C-levels and ensure they do a proper job, in this case the CMO. You knew all of this way in advance.
I actually hope you don't regain any trust, simply because there needs to be another example to discourage other companies from trying to pull stunts like this.
That rabulism doesn't work in EU courts because they love shitting on companies for stuff like that.
If I can hit "skip" then it is clearly not required, no matter what other shit you write there.
>create all of this drama
>all because they want to be able to ban people
this is 4chan janny tier behavior
>check his twitter
>he keeps going "th-this is sony's doing, we have no choice!"
top fucking kek. if this was in the contracts from the beginning, then they should have never sold the game in regions that have no access to PSN.
if this was not in the contracts to begin with, then it is their doing because they could have told sony "no".
it doesn't matter how you twist and turn it, at the end of the day, they are always one of the guilty parties. the only thing they can decide upon is what they would prefer to be crucified for, incompetence or malevolence.
I love Sony. They make the best real life Kino with their retarded decisions.

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What do we think of the latest Fallout game? Only actual Fallout fans allowed in this thread
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Convince me to give 76 a go. I think I need a break from 4
Its just like 4 but more stuff
Also don’t listen to trolls you dont need premium
"Verification not required"
Look I have been going through FO1 and 2 and I need to get it off my chest. Fallout was never THAT good, neither FO1 nor FO2 were as good as Diablo but they are solid.

Bethesda apologists seem to think that older fans are either grumpy or that games prior to FO4 set such an unbelievable high standard that is not worth matching so you might as well enjoy the graphics. But if you ask me the issue is that you could remove the FO skin from those games and they would still suck as we have seen with Starfield. It is not hard to make something as good as Fo2 or NV again, but the fact is that Bethesda is not even going to bother and the series is moving further and further away from what made them original only supported by brand recognition.

FO4 sucks because it is a bad looter shooter that abandoned the already pseudo RPG mechanics of FO3 and it only gets worse by comparing it to NV, a game that expanded on the role playing side.
F76 is a laugh. You take gamebryo and try to make it a MMO. Holy shit. FO4 but less of everything and more of a chore simulator. You have plenty of room sure, but nothing in it nor reason to care for it.
The show is Borderlands, it is just Borderlands but every now and then Amazon Executives interrupt to bring you THE MESSAGE. No one even mentions the Trannyhood of Steel for fear of being cancelled, that shit is not right.
>2 marsh biomes
>2 forest biomes
>ash biome
>”snow” biome

Only two of those are actually interesting to explore. How are there no destroyed cities like Boston and DC? The closest you get is Charleston (literally the size of like megaton at most, not even) and it wasn’t even nuked, just hit by a flood. Especially 25 years after the war, Bethesda actually had the perfect opportunity to make the world way more bleak and desperate like Fallout 3, only it would make way more sense for 76 to have that atmosphere since it’s not 200+ years after the war. 76 and 3/4’s environments and atmosphere should have been switched due to their respective time periods. As it stands, it’s just a boring environment that’s way too green and lush to feel like Fallout.

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Nothing to fear.

Seriously what's the issue?
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brother that was 13 years ago
And they've had 6 (six) more data breaches since then.
UK doesn't get SSN's, they use a verification service only that is usually embedded like your banking app might be, and neither party shares info besides that you're legally allowed to look at things online, it makes no sense to do so otherwise due to the risks involved politically and to you. Maybe if you live in Chiyna.
You can seethe and cope because you're underage all you like. You don't get to play hellsoy anymore underageb& :).
So you actually believe the government/police couldn't trace an account back through the ID that was used to verify it?

I have a bridge to sell you
Companies regularly leak all of your info one way or another to random niggas they pissed off in the phillipines and your info goes on a nice unencrypted .txt to the highest bidder.
Years later after fucking your shit up they say oops and take a tiny ass settlement that they tell as little people as possible about and walk away scott free

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Whats the actual reason no developer wants to try giving Superman a faithful game?
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I dont understand people obsessed so hard over goku that they simply cannot accept that superman is more powerful than goku.

That doesn't mean goku less awesome.

Simply the reason is that DC comics work in way different way than DragonBall. Superman is absurdly broken with one big weakness which is kryptonite. And his nemesis simply abuses that.

Yeah, Goku can win aganist superman if he used kryptonite, but would that kind of win satisfy goku, would dragonball fan like goku winning aganist kryptonite weakened superman?
Because flight as a mechanic is horrible to build around, and it's Superman's most iconic power so they can't just leave it out
I saw someone say that they were made after Gohan and Videl and I can't unsee it.
>Gay Gorilla is a joke about AIDs
>lesbians on the street lose their kid as a joke about bad parenting
>jimmy and the reporter bromance is a joke about slavery
>latina Lois is a joke about BWC
At last I finally see...
Superman's feats stop being impressive as DB kept growing, and it's still going (sorta).

Total ligger annihilation.
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stealth marketing
don't make me laugh
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do NOT open
some of the arts are super scary especially ELIDs
Game teasers and streams. It took a lot of time for Reverse Collapse to release.

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What genre is Doom?
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Does it mater what methods are used to create 3d space when in the end you get a 3d space?
Doom-like, just like generic 3rd person RPGs with bosses are called Souls-like
So it's peak semantics. The game that helped coin the term existed before the term it helped coin and so therefore the term can't retroactively apply to it because.... Because it's fun to piss people off by going against conventional accepted thought XD
Shoot em up. He read it at the start.

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SFW 500
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So you do realize dragons never existed right
then how do you explain St. George, retard?
bad dmt trip
406pcs nsfw

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