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All kinds of weird and humiliating TFs welcome. The sillier and more humiliating the better.
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Interesting and unique idea. Shame that we didn't see breasts example.
>How much resulting blob can communicate or it is completely helpless?
>How does it work for males? Are they put into male or female sex bots?
>How attached are those blobs, are they more like part of sex bot body or underwear that casually can be taken off but is indecent in public?
>Are normal people aware of blobs still having sentience and what is the attitude to sex bot(the same person or copy)?
>Part 1
I missed one rent payment in this city and you know what my landlord did? Sent me straight to this strange center where they shoved me into some kind of pod that stuck diodes to my head. I felt the electrical currents pulse throughout my body as the machine photocopied my memories and personality. The stinging, alien sensation of my limbs receding into my body, and my torso receding into my head as it was transformed into a lump of flesh, a squishy blob of fat around a spongy skull. The pod kicked me out onto the cold linoleum floor, a floppy globe of meat, dizzy and disoriented. My senses returning, I tried to protest, but my mouth mangled my speech into incomprehensible gobbledygook, like a filter was placed between my brain and my tongue. I was helpless, alone, stripped of my personhood, left only my sentience if only as a sort of torture.
>Part 2
Someone picked me off the ground and wheeled me away to another room. In vain I tried to ask what was going on, by my mouth refused to say any intelligible language. The guy wheeling me told me I shouldn't bother trying to talk for the first few hours. I was brought before a strange, humanoid robot, flatscreen tv for a face on top of a doublewide hipped runway model body. There was a hole in the robot's butt, like it was missing, and it dawned on me what was going to get shoved inside. I fearfully garbled broken noises, trying to wobble away from my fate, but I was shoved right into the robot's legs, eyes and mouth facing outwards. I felt it squeeze me into shape, a thonglike strap around the middle of my face, my eyes forced onto either ass cheek. My mouth was forced through a hole in the strap, locked into an open puckered hole. The robot powered onto life, and I could hear its voice... *my* voice... through its speakers. The audio quality was a bit compressed and artifact-y, but there was no doubt about it. this robot stole my voice! This robot stole my life, and made me into its butt!
>Part 3
About a day later, the robot was out on the street, looking for people to have sex with. Of course, the one getting fucked is me. Forced against my will to suck on nasty dicks while the robot syphons money out of their credit cards. It certainly doesn't help that my mouth is as sensitive as a pussy, and whenever I orgasm now I salivate buckets. Whenever I get exhausted, the robot knows to inject my with all manner of compounds to get me ready for the next customer. By now my mouth is listening to my brain again, but it's kind of hard to talk with my lips in a permanent pucker, and way harder still when it's stuffed full of mega penis. I can never get used to the pleasure... the eye watering, lip gushing, skin tingling pleasure.
Sometimes the robot takes a break and ducks into a bathroom for some alone time with me. The things it says to me as it wiggles my face in the mirror for me to see what I've become. Reminding me that I'm its ass, smacking my cheeks and teasing my mouth hole with its fingers. It can feel all the sexual pleasure I can feel, after all.
>Part 4
The robot ran into one of my old friends. The robot acted perfectly like me, but a me who was happy to be a robot prostitute. I could tell my friend was upset about me being made into this thing's ass, and tried to look at me. I told her that the robot wasn't me, and she assured me that she was aware. The robot acted like it was weird my friend wanted to talk to its butt, but bless my friend she actually tried to defend me. She dragged the robot and me with her back to the facility where I was transformed, planning to demand that I get turned back to normal.
>Part 5
My friend wound up getting turned into a blob herself, fashioned into a pair of boobs for another sex bot. Both of them patrol the city streets, looking for fucks for the right price. This was our lives now, forced to be the body parts of these infernal contraptions, forced to suck on nasty cocks and cum out of our puckered mouths. Every time I felt like I was going to cry, the robot injected me with drugs to stop the tears, denying me the power to grieve and accept my new existence. I could feel my mind slipping into a dark dark corner, days blurred together as the robot met with man after man, a trance taking hold of my psyche... protecting me from what thoughts would overtake my higher functions soon enough.
>Part 6
Penis penis penis mmm suck suck suck suck penis penis- Aww! No more penis suck?! Please master robot please find another penis for me to suck I wanna slurp up more yummy cum and drool more love juice on another penis! Please please please pleasure me master! Massage my cheeks and slap my wobbly jiggly face! I wanna feel so good for you, master! Master make me a good butt! Master found me another penis! Yaaaay! Penis penis suck suck suck penis yummy salty penis penis penis yummy yummy yummy...
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Keep em comin'
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Nah, the other half of it where the futa fucks girl 1 and talks about how broken and addicted she is now. That one had multiple pages in the raw that weren't ever translated because of how the doujin was released.
Do you mean pages of normal content or something extra, like the character blurbs? Do you happen to have the raws, or are they in the raw on panda, but not in the translated version?
This is the finalized raw
This is the English translation

Back when this doujin was being worked on, it was partially leaked and translated before it was fully finished. Contagion added more content after they were done, but nobody ever came back to finish it. Not that I blame them, the stream cheat overlaying the panels seem like a huge fucking pain in the ass to deal with.
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Oh, weird. Either the first 2 got lost in the move from 4chan -> R34, or the person that compiled them just missed them in the move from R34 -> Panda.
It's been a long time since the release of the finalized version, and I thought the group that did part 1 would have done this by now. I'll take a swing at it I guess.
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This thread is dedicated to "Lift and Carry". What is Lift and Carry? It is a fetish revolving around being carried by someone, usually the opposite gender. Heavily associated with FemDom, much of LnC is based on the idea of being impressed with the woman's physical strength, usually with her being stronger than you.
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Oh I know a lot of those
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post men with pussies that’s all there is to it
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Tall Cousin 2 Update: Won’t be finished until Late May and some elements until after that. Probably July release date at earliest. The wait is gonna kill me!!!

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10906454
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Bro who the fuck rated this a 1?
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I'm more excited for this than Megalopolis
Probably someone who doesnt like that it's sketch previews.

Honestly I'd love it if she went a bit further than 212cm, imagine her at like... 234cm man, 80+cm height difference would be hot as fuck
Holy shit.

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You all know the drill. Post Hucow's, discuss Hucow's, don't be a sperg.
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>Hucows turning into snobby sommeliers a la https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8cECtBdS8Q
"Ah, yes. I detect notes of cedar and an aftertaste of strawberry."
>Tail randomly starts in the middle of the spine, and not from the tailbone
This shouldn't bother me as much as it does. I wish I could turn off my autism bros...
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"From Internet Cult to State Religion" Edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: >>10869227 (https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10869227)
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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I would accept, in fact this is probably the ideal. Because now that we're together as one there's no real need to hold back.

>"You think a magical girl roleplay is bad? We've got a Hibi-Miku cosplay pair who can't help being sickeningly sweet to each other every time they flatten our planet."
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Personally I'd be engineering absorption/entrapment apocalypse population replacement scenarios rather than being a goddess going around absorbing people.
You know, like, everyone on Earth NOW is gonna be hunted down by my custom race of cute girls and buried in tits forever. And once everyone is gone we just repeat the scenario in a different universe (everyone in the old universe is still stuck)
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Hah! I made a deal so that every time I get his by one of your apocalypses, I'll end up reincarnating/respawning in a different universe. The price was just to let you keep my old lives in their respective universe (still subjected to their specific apocalypse), and also that I can respawn only in worlds that are about to get hit by one of your apocalypses.
Which is better in this case? Manipulating time so she experiences three years in an instant, or keeping her there for three years in real time?
Three Earth years or three Pluto years, maybe even three Milky Way years?

Gargantuan girls with gargantuan dicks
Non-retarded OP edition

Last thread >>10842773 (You) (Cross-thread)
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I found the page with the request.
Is there a way to access the listed files, or are they only available to the requester?
Hmm that all sounds viable enough. Well except that Old idea. Since Yukari is at such a high level waiting around is going take a long time and I don’t want to wait.
And come on, it’s Doomguy. Of course Mime is mastered.
Sorry dude, she has the Heavy bit on so none of that works.
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What's in the box? Edition


Previous: >>10956823
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Mind you most of his work is hyper and some humiliating tf's
Sorry, didn't explain myself properly.
The square-cube law is about the observation that when you scale something up, its mass and volume increase by a greater ratio than does its surface area. In that sense it does have some relevance to the giantess's weight, but at the same time, it contributes absolutely nothing answering that anon's question about her weight. It is irrelevant in this case because his question is about her weight relative to her height, not weight relative to surface area.
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Would you try to get into dangerous situations so that you'd get rescued by a giantess?
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no, because i am the dangerous situation

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This thread is for male milking machine images especially with stationary restraints, but also any cool self-bondage scenarios anyone has come up with- especially those involving some kind of milker or stroker.

Apologies for starting the thread with this crummy image I threw together in koikatsu studio, but I wanted to pitch my idea here and get some feedback. (I will follow this image with some proper ones so I'm not just being a faggot)

Basically pic related will give you the main idea of what I'd like to have made, rough as it is, but a few details elaborated on here/how I'd like to really flesh it out.

Essentially it's just an overdesigned chair or chaise lounge, function will come over form but if it can look nice and sci-fi by the addition of a nice white plexiglass 'shell' of some kind or something I'm going to spend the money to do it.

The idea comes from some other machine bondage images I've seen with these kind of inflatable 'sleeve' cuffs where the limbs can be placed in, then the interior soft lining inflates to 'trap' the limb. I was thinking latex for mine, but I'm open to suggestions, just needs to be a material thats fairly tough, stretchy so it can be inflated, and comfy. Latex is sexy but it doesn't breath very well... So maybe something more like the sort of fabric used by those blood pressure sleeves from a doctor. It seems pretty comfortable while also being really restrictive, kind of like a full latex vacbed but just for the limbs with straps to supplement and add restriction.

The idea is with this you could easily self-gag, attach the harness at the top to stop head movement, buckle up your waist/chest, place your limbs into the sleeves, then a (analogue/non digital of course) timer would begin after a short delay that inflates the sleeves for however long you wanted to be restrained. Obviously this is also accompanied by something like the serious kit milker or even something 'simpler' like the Venus 2000 for men.
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This image kind of looks like it has the sleeve thing Im talking about.
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Also as someone whose experienced it holy shit the lubed-up stockings/pantyhose/soft gauze being rubbed over the head of your cock is super intense. Can't imagine what it would feel like here if it was really like this with a machine doing it at some crazy speed. Would brain fry me for sure. That would definitely be another long term goal is something that could replicate that as an alternative to a 'vanilla' milker.
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I'm spent. Sadly everything else I have in this genre is either western, furry, or too shota-looking.
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hire* derp.

Found one more pic.
part 2 of

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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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I'm not the artist, the post above that one is him.
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Thread dedicated to sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Question Of The Day
How long do you plan for and prepare for your masturbating sessions? Does it build up some sort of anticipation to the moment and get you exited about what's to come? Tell us about it!

Previous Thread: >>10948869

>FAQ - Please read before posting

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training/Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

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just ignore that fat faggot
Had probably my best session yet last night but I'm still new to this so no orgasm or anything like that. But today I'm getting a lot of involuntary spasms and twitching in my legs and ass like my muscles are trying to clamp down on my prostate. And my prostate feels funny, like I'm acutely aware of it right now and I think this might be the pleasure waves I've heard of. It feels good though so I don't think it's just irritation or something. But yeah I'm just sitting here with nothing in my ass trying to do other things and distracted by the shaking and how good it feels right now. Also haven't cummed in maybe almost a week now, so that's definitely building something.
how do you HFWO
i feel like i keep getting more and more focused on my ass and my dick is barely in the picture when i cum. should i try vibing my cage to wake up my dick?
Do your symptoms respond to Ibuprofen or Naproxen? Does your diet include coffee, spicy foods, alcohol, and cured meats? Have you every had an ultrasound or prostate exam?
i think.... after years of being a masochistic buttslut... that i now want to be a sadistic dom top.
I want to use my slinks on twinks and fist hunks and top bottoms.
i have a huge dildo collection and most bdsm basics.

would you get fucked with dildos more readily if the guy said he was new to topping or would you prefer he just say he was a top from the beginning and if u sensed he was trying his best do you think you'd mind that he was only a bottom before?

I'm asking the tiny percentage of buttsluts here that actually get proper fucked by dominant men. I wanna tie up this twink i know and rim him and fuck him with toys and my cock and then fist him and make him fall in love with me

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Previous thread >>10890811

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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Ikemeru is lurking the thread
If they're here, I'd like to let them know that I love Fullta-chan very much.
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What makes you say that?
>"Camera's been on the whole time, huh?"

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Camping Edition
Previous: >>10974656
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Post your favorite recent giantess stories, I feel like there's nothing good out right now.
They fucking suck too, how hard is it to just jack off to giant ladies killing countless people and be done with it
There's this one set of stories with genshin impact characters
It's normal for artists to take caution against AI since techbros are viewing artistic process as a problem that they need to get rid of
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