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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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Ever notice how Christians turn into moral relativists when it suits them?
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>God makes these perfect rules
>God influences and inspires his followers
>His rules are shit and his followers often disregard both good and bad rules
>The circumcision requirement however, was formally instituted separately with only the physical descendants of Jacob, who later became the Jews.
Which were the covenant people of God at that time. They are one covenant, but the covenant was expanded after the coming of Christ. That's why the believer is the true circumcision and why Paul's arguments are all based on rather than against the Old Testament.
>Physical circumcision was just a shadow of things to come, along with the animal sacrifice ceremonies, prescribed feast days and so forth
And the sacraments of the new covenant, in turn, point back to what has already come.
>1) If killing every man in a city you are at war with is what you call genocide, there's not a single society who ever went to war in antiquity that isn't guilty of genocide.
There are plenty, there is a difference between genocide and slaughter, and that difference is the systematic nature of it. Most sacked cities would see mass casualties, but that doesn't mean they would actively kill every single male because unless your goal is complete replacement of a population its a retarded thing to do. Good job you conquered the city which is now useless because there is nobody living there to utilize its infrastructure and resources.

>If you understand the nature of politics at the time you'd know why 'just win the battle and leave them alone' wouldn't be reasonable.
It was less about politics and more about the need to properly support an army as well as the evolution of warfare from raiding to actual war goals. If anything sparing a city and simply taking hostages would be the more pragmatic choice since most states of the era relied on conquered cities remaining semi-autonomous vassals to their conquerors instead of being wholly subjugated.

>2) He's saying to not kill the virgins because they weren't taking part in the massive pagan ritual orgies and to take them as servants instead.

>Given their city doesn't exist anymore, and they're women in the bronze age without any remaining male family members, "just let them go" obviously wasn't an option.
Could have not committed genocide.

>Not a single example of what I would call genocide nor a call for any women to be raped.
Killing every single man in a city is by definition genocide. If someone killed every single white male would that not be genocide? And if the other races took white women as "servants" would that be noble of them to not force them to fend for themselves?
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>Could have not committed genocide.
people are not god, you dumbass

And Catholics are corrupted

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The Universe was created from nothing. You can't prove it wasn't.

>bUt ThAtS nOt LoGicAL!

"Nothing" does not have logic, it's nothing. And without logic, illogical things can happen, such as a Universe exploding from nothing.

No God required.
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Where do you think you are? This isn't chrisTumblr.
The Science says being a faggot and spreading AIDS is beautiful, christcuck
>everyone who doesn't eat Jesus's dick is le woke
Why feel addressed then?

>finalizes the death of God
>refuses to accept the social consequences that necessarily follow and pretends like his nation can carrying being "culturally Christian" when he's uprooted the presuppositions on which that culture was founded
Is he retarded?
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Objective reality turns bizarre with harmful elements like allowing p3d0s.

This is why people can't bring themselves to objective morality. Christians will read how children are abused by their religious officials, and yet, don't care enough to go on a killing spree for others' children.

My pet theory (out of many) is that Romans eventually got kind of tired of fighting the Persian Empire and they started to inquiry for any weaknesses & its strong points.
One of the forte was religion – the Persian Empire was monotheist, with Zoroastrianism at its helm. The details are fuzzy with the good & bad spirits but, overall, Zoroaster was the central earthly figure.
Then Jews, almost the same as Persians, monotheist, with the fulcrum difference being that their God – El, Elohim, Adonai, YHWH – was an arrogant, absolutist, grey god.

Romans put two and two together: they were having more trouble with monotheist people's than with other polytheist ones. So it stands to reason that, instead of venerating dozens of gods, only one all-powerful would suffice.

But it couldn't have been done overnight, and they had to do step-by-step strategies to implement it. Near the end, it was between Sol Invictus & Son of God.
People have chosen – they feel better with a god that takes human form, rather than an “aerial” celestial that illuminates the world. The Son beat the Sun.
>Is he retarded?
idk but at the very least he doesn't worship a jew raised by a cuck
The problem is that "Christians" are not a monolith.
>Is he retarded
Everyone who rejects God is retarded. This is self evident, and by definition.

It’s funny how those against corporeal punishment have never been slapped.
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Most people against corporal punishment were corporal punished themselves. This is simply a numerical inevitability considering corporal punishment was almost universally practiced until the 60s/70s and the largest demographic alive are baby boomers
it’s always the people who are unrelated to an issue that bitch the most about the issue
they also donor for moral posturing
The person that murdered today will not be the same person in 30 years time. Everbody learns SOMETHING. Which is something to take away from it all.
The only time I can think of myself using corporal punishment is if my child hits my wife. Especially if he’s a boy.

Other than that there are a variety of punishments which achieve the same task. Like digging holes

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The one they hate the most.

Interestingly, I came to the conclusion that the fallen angels created the white race (chosen people) myself by comparing the biblical myths to their counterparts when they also appear in other legends and religions. Then some schizo started calling me a christian identity nut and so I looked into it, and sure enough, the likely sources have already carved out the truth as against the law.

Wild stuff.
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Yes, also they are most likely the gentiles mentioned in both Luke 21:24 and Revelation 11:2.

"And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." (Luke 21)

"But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months." (Revelation 11)

This might actually be referring to the zionists who think they are Jews but aren't. I believe this will be in fulfillment of what it says in Psalm 37.

"Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it." (Psalm 37:34)

So it would seem to be necessary according to our Lord's timetable that zionists (who think they're Jews but are actually not) would occupy the city for a while.

The Revelation 3:9 reference also appears to point back to Isaiah 49:22-23. Again, if we just take the same inference that the synagogue of Satan are actually gentiles, those of the synagogue of satan would never in a million years expect that this prophecy is actually about them being made to worship at the feet of Christians, as it says in Revelation 3:9. Because they always habitually call themselves "Jews" and probably think that's what they are. Even though there is no actual connection historically or otherwise.

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I just thought, I know a lot of religions, including yours. Even something that scared you so much as satanism, has more nuance and complexity, I'm not talking Lavey here. But Christian religion is just a belief and worship. Quite uncomplicated for a true thing.

You may ask particular questions
Jews have Y Chromosomal Aaron and genetic markers which are also seen in other Levantine peoples.
Northwest Europeans are not Semitic in the slightest. They kept no law of Moses, they followed Indo European gods.
>The one they hate the most.
>maybe it is just the most despicable variant and that's why "they" hate it?
>nah, that cannot be. my powers to discern truth are limitless.
>my powers to discern truth are limitless

Historically, why have artists had a fixation on fat/overweight women?

It wasn't because "the rich were fat and the poor all starved" - there are many descriptions and depictions of fat peasants from all through European history.

So why is it?
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Ever lay in bed on a cold winter's night in medieval Europe? A woman like this could save your life
They're more attractive than sticks.
Looks like a pig, probably smells like one too.
fat = lots of money to buy and eat lots of food before fast food to get fat
There are many pictures of thin aristocratic/wealthy women, anon.

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Prussian record in wars:
Friedrich "The Great" :
>1. Starts Silesian War. Runs away like a coward and his subordinates win the day. Proceeds to come back and take all the credit. Openly dependent on his daddy dearest's years of thrift to fund said wars. The entire war was a race to the bottom.
>2. Starts Second Silesian War. Spends most of it losing, despite Austria being busy with other campaigns. Only manages to reverse it into a stalemate because Austria was tired, and Maria Theresa had already achieved some of her other objectives.
>3. Starts Third Silesian War. Decisively defeated, but the Tsarina dies and some idiot shows up and gives the defeated Prussia a victor's peace.

Post Frederick "The Great":
>1. Napoleonic Wars: Prussia gets its ass eviscerated like a schoolgirl in a hentai. Prussian queen literally gets on her knees to beg Napoleon to spare Prussia. Napoleon also makes the Prussian king wait on the shore while he has a party with the Tsar in a river barge, because both know that Bonaparte could end Prussia just with a single stroke of the pen. Eventually, Russia and Britain end up defeating Napoleon and Prussia gets to sit at the peace table as if it belongs there.
>2. German Wars of Unification: No, no qualifiers here. Under Bismarck (who does deserve to be called The Great more than Friedrich The Lucky Fool does), Prussia rolls over Denmark, then Austria, and finally FRANCE. The last was so absolute that it gave France a neurosis about being defeated that lasts till modern times. Like, they literally gave the world's strongest power national PTSD. That's kinda cool.
>3. World War 1: Gets their ass beat into paste.
>4. World War 2: Gets their ass beat even harder.

Prussia really has the best PR department in human history.
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>The real retard of the Early Modern period however is Louis XV.
>Bankrupts his country due to war.

This isnt some mindblowing fact you know?
Spain did this over the course of roughly 100 years from 1550 -1650, starting with the Italian wars to the Thirty years / Eighty years war
France did this over the course of roughly 100 years from 1700 -1820, starting with the Spanish succession war to the Revolutionary wars.
And then Britain did it albeit under a smaller timeframe but far more destructive wars from the later part of 1800 and the first half of 1900s.
The Russians did it through the 1900s simply to be geared for war.
France bankrupted itself immediately at the beginning of the century 1701 when they fought a world war over the Spanish throne, and while France was at the top of the game, they continued to do this all the way to 1815.
name more kino state than Prussia. It was Butterfly effect- tier historical anomaly bringing enormous waves of enlightnement and destruction
The point wasn't the bankruptcy it was the fact that he bankrupted his country for nothing. Louis XIV drove France into debt plenty of times but he gained shit for it, he made France more powerful, made its borders more defensible, shattered Hapsburg power, and placed a Bourbon on the Spanish throne. Louis XV has in a single war nearly accomplished more than Louis XIV did in the longest reign in European history, and gave it up and flipped European diplomacy for no gain, he abandoned a rising ally to support a dying empire, giving away vast territories that would enrich France and expand his power. Then he started another war with ambiguous objectives which didn't even benefit himself or France, and this time instead of winning a hard fought victory was so thoroughly humiliated that France entered a downward spiral which would cause the fall of hist dynasty.
>name more kino state than Prussia
Every state is butterfly effect-tier historical anomaly
>A dynasty arising from a minor county in Swabia supercedes in a matter of two centuries the ancient and powerful Welfs and Wittelsbachs by marrying into conveniently dying dynasties in Burgundy and Spain forming a European hegemony that would sustain its dominance for 150 years and last entirely until the 19th century
>Oldenburgs were counts of a tiny part of Germany and through marriage their dynasty would spread to Denmark, Norway, Russia, the UK, and for a time Sweden
>The Portugese Royal line is made up of two lines of agnatic Capetian bastards who were multiple times dethroned and regained their throne multiple generations later

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Let's post Celtic things; culture, language, archaeology, genetics.
La Tene culture, Hallstatt culture etc. it doesn't matter.
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saw a galician docummentary on the celts, it said that the castros weren't built by celts, pretty awkward
Because it's not proven that Galaicans were celts at all. It's all crapy larp from romaniced hispanomutts. The only proven celts were the celtiberians. Celtiberians spoke a celtic language, and they left written account of that, the oldest written account of celtic matter of fact. We don't know what the fuck Galaicans spoke. It's also tought that most of the celtic toponymian in Galicia was the result of roman troops of celtic origin putting names to the new territory.
>most of the celtic toponymian in Galicia was the result of roman troops of celtic origin
Whether the castros were celtic or Iron Age people building it that way we don´t know it for sure but saying this phrase about the roman troops is just ridiculous.
How many romans were in Gallaecia? A 0.001% of the total population? So how do so few romans reach to hundred of rural areas and started to gave names to places? If they were roman why did not they use latin? Even if they were roman of celtic origin why did the real romans allowed the places to be given celtic names instead of latin names? It just sound ridiculous and not believable at all.

>The Cerrigydrudion Crown reconstruction is based on the bronze fragments found in a grave near Cerrigydrudion, north Wales. The fragments are from the Middle Iron Age, 405-380 BCE.

>Iron Age copper alloy shield boss

>Decorated with asymmetrical triquetras in paired circles, engraved in Mirror-Style. The shield boss has a domed and pointed oval form, double-arched at the sides, with longitudinal fish-tailed perforated extensions, like the two lugs on each side, for fastening to the shield. Decorated in the central area with four engraved roundels, containing triskele motifs with trumpets, filled in with rolled graver matting.

>Bronze cover of a shield boss, 100 BCE-50 CE. It is decorated with a Celtic art design. The shield was probably made of wood and leather.

>be IRA scumbag
>get arrested for arson or armed robbery or murder or one of the countless other crimes you and your psycho friends commit on a daily basis
>demand to be treated as a political prisoner
>but you're not imprisoned for your political beliefs, you're imprisoned because you commit crimes for your political beliefs so the state rightly treats you as a common criminal
>start boycotting clothes in protest
>nothing happens
>start boycotting showers and toilets and also smear shit all over the walls
>nothing happens
>start boycotting food
>die of starvation
What the fuck did they expect?
Imagine being this much of a disingenuous chud.
Everything in my post is objectively true.
Hunger strikes are basically, "Give me what I want or I will kill myself!" Really childish.
You are British.

Discuss Nile river civilization.
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You literally cannot refute this.
Pharaohs were identified as Nordic redheads in DNA testing.
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I also think the word chemistry (the boring neutered reductionist overtly exoteric version of alchemy, remember alchemy was viewed as a sacred science) comes form the Egyptians or the land of khem (khem meaning the black land referring to their black and fertile soil). This is probably because of all the occult knowledge shown in all the pics itt

pic rel, the ancient egyptian custodians of high knowledge
You mean the Nubians?

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Is it ever acceptable to hit your child? What are some good reasons? Is it allowed for something small like getting a B in an exam, or should it be reserved for severe cases like commiting dangerous or criminal activity? Should it be a last resort, or could it be done at the first sign mistake? At what age could a parent hit a child, 4 or after puberty? How hard could a parent hit a child? Is a single slap in the face the max, or can a parent use an object like a belt or a slipper and hit them repeatedly? Or is it all just a form of abuse? Is there any proof that physical punishment is helpful or harmful to children? Are children allowed to hit their parents as well whatsoever? Why is it acceptable to hit children, who are mostly at their weakest physical state throughout their lives, but not acceptable to hit other adults like spouses? Are white parents allowed to hit their children, or is it something reserved for POCs?
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New Thread
I treat children like they're little people - until i'm reminded otherwise. Depends on the circumstance, I feel. Someone should definately get a skelping for being a little sh!t. But I haven't witnessed any bad actors lately...Not that I spend much time around kids.
>Children search for boundaries and it is the parent's duty to engrave them into the child's mind with hot red steel and ensure their prosperous future.

Been smacked a few times as a child.
Never saw the harm.
The only time I would hit my child is if they hit my wife.

For my child it’s incredibly important that they realize they didn’t hit their mother. They hit MY wife and that does not happen.

I probably wouldn’t hit, but the fear of God is coming

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>go to Protestant church
>grape juice
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Mark 14:22-24 ESV
[22] And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” [23] And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. [24] And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.
>as you can see this clearly lays out that the Aristotelian substance is transmuted into body, blood, soul and divinity
>This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.
When was it poured out for many? Was He literally referring to the act of pouring it from a cup, or is this a symbolic reference to the crucifixion?
Of all the verses in the Bible THIS isn’t metaphorical?
That's just a baptist thing, they're odd.

Why are leftoids pro-ethnostate for brown people but anti-ethnostate for white people?
Because they're anti-white.

I've heard that Jews don't do this because they were victims of a pork-related plague/disease that almost exterminated them, but the most interesting thing is that their Saturnian god was a pig/donkey and they didn't eat it because they considered it a sacred animal.

>Abdi-Ḫeba, who was Governor of Jerusalem about 1430 B.C., states, in a letter to his overlord Amenophis IV of Egypt, that Jerusalem, or “Urusalem” is the city of Beth Ninip and of Uru, the god of war, whose name there was Salem

>Uru or Erra (Nergal) was a disease-demon and god of the pestilence before he became a god of war, and Salem, Shalem or Shamash, was worshiped by Melchizedek under the name Sydyk and has been identified with Set, Israel, Saturn, Adar, Dionysus, etc

>In ancient times, as might be expected from the many caves and caverns found in the vicinity, there was in the district where Jerusalem now is, a temple of Ninip, the Babylonian creating god who let loose the Flood

>To Ninip the swine was sacred, and, therefore, taboo to his worshippers. Ninip, like Dionysus, was a lord of the underworld and of “the spirits of the earth” before he became a sungod, and the rock Sakhra (Sakhra was the mother of the sungod) with the cavern or “well of spirits” beneath it, is to the Jews the most sacred part of Jerusalem. Here they say is the “House of the Lord God,” here they pretend was the Holy of Holies of the temple supposed to have been built by Solomon, and here “the pestilence was stayed”!

>Pigs entered into the rites and myths of Adonis, Attis, Tammuz, Set, Semele, Demeter, Rimmon, Dionysus, etc., as well as of Ninip, and were often cast into caverns as a sacrifice. In the cavern at Gezer, which is not far from Jerusalem, many pig bones have been found

>By the Egyptians’ pigs were sacrificed only to “Bacchus” and the moon-god
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>The serpent-dragon is the most polysemous of symbols. Even in its earliest manifestations it served to both symbolise and synthesise the disparate domains of cosmogony, astral lore, earth energy and the life-force that lays dormant in all sentient life. We can locate this most primordial manifestation of the godhead in the Orphic creation myth that we find rendered in the Estensi Phanes relief. The 2nd century CE Church Father, Athenagoras of Athens, records:

>"According to Orpheus everything had its origin in water, from water mud was formed, and from mud an animal, a dragon bearing the head of a lion; and between the two heads there was the face of a god, named Heracles and Kronos. This god generated an egg of enormous size, which burst into two, the top part became the heavens, the lower part the earth."

>Chronos, the primeval form of the godhead - a serpent-dragon also known as Herakles or 'the coiling serpent' - is depicted wrapped around the two parts of the egg and coiled around the luminous, golden-winged god, variously known as Phanes (Radiant), Protogonos (First-born), Eros (Love), Ericapaeus (Power) and Metis (Wisdom), who emerges from it. An androgynous being, facing the front this syzygy possesses male organs, to the rear, female; cloven hooves indicate his/her identity with that most universal force of nature, Pan. The deity bears the thunderbolt of Zeus in its right hand and the staff representing the polar axis in the left. Emerging behind the shoulders is a crescent moon; on the chest, the face of a lion, and to the left and right protrude a ram or bull and an ibex

>Hellenistic astrology knew the serpent-dragon as the celestial dragon or 'dragon of the eclipses' and identified it with the circumpolar constellation Draco. Inherited from Babylonian and Chaldean astrology, the constellation was known as Athalia, a name derived from the Bronze Age Akkadian attalu
>The 7th century CE Syrian bishop Severus Sebokht writes:

>"Renowned men in this science say that eclipses and the disappearance of the stars are due to the Dragon (Athalia)... they say that the... width...is twenty-four degrees, and the length 180 degrees, making six signs of the Zodiac or half of the sphere; we thus see that its head and tail face each other and are al- ways diametrically opposed. This dragon always appears in two zodiacal signs, the head in one and the tail in the other."

>Theli (Hebrew: תְּלִי, Təlī; also translated as Tali, Thele, T'li, etc.), according to the Sefer Yetzirah, the earliest extant work of Jewish mysticism, is a celestial being who surrounds the universe. Theli is briefly mentioned in two verses of the Sefer Yetzirah, where he is described as "above the universe, as a king on his throne". However, his overall purpose is never elaborated upon, and the Sefer Yetzirah itself does not attribute a particular form to Theli. Despite this, in the few sources which mention him, Theli is generally envisioned as a dragon

>Shabbethai Donnolo, in his commentary on the Sefer Yetzirah, the Hakhmoni, envisioned Theli as a "cosmic dragon" which possessed great power within the universe, and governed both planets and constellations. Saadia Gaon, in his own commentary on the Sefer Yetzirah, sought to explain Theli in purely astronomical terms, and recognized he was not merely a constellation resembling a dragon, although Isidor Kalisch identified Theli with Draco. Ibn Ezra remarked that he was uncertain of what Theli constituted, instead identifying him with Leviathan as a tannin, or sea monster. The Vilna Gaon shares this identification of Theli as a tannin, while still asserting its supremacy over the signs of the zodiac

>The etymology of Theli is uncertain, and the term does not resemble tannin, nakhash (“serpent”), or any other Hebrew word which became associated with “dragon” in later Jewish thought
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In Canaan/Israel, Ninurta was known as Melqart (Moloch) and El. Both Herodotus and Lucian claimed to visit the temple of Melqart in Phoenicia and both concluded that there were two different deities called Heracles - one the Olympian and the other "Tyrian Heracles" (Melqart/Ninurta). Yahweh's temple was EXPLICITLY modeled after Melqart's temple with his two pillars at the entrance (Hercules pillars that separate the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean). Also, the foundation myth of Tyre includes a burning tree that wasn't consumed, with a serpent around its base. Clear biblical parallels. Many many other connections. This is true, because people from Tyre built Solomon's temple. Even the king of Tyre, Hiram is referred to as a "brother" (achi) by David, and Josephus stated that he was of the tribe of Naphtali.

>The Pillars of Hercules are the promontories that flank the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar. The northern Pillar, Calpe Mons, is the Rock of Gibraltar. A corresponding North African peak not being predominant, the identity of the southern Pillar, Abila Mons, has been disputed throughout history, with the two most likely candidates being Monte Hacho in Ceuta and Jebel Musa in Morocco. The term was applied in antiquity: Pliny the Elder included the Pillars of Hercules in his Naturalis historia (Book III:3)

>According to Greek mythology adopted by the Etruscans and Romans, when Hercules had to perform twelve labours, one of them (the tenth) was to fetch the Cattle of Geryon of the far West and bring them to Eurystheus; this marked the westward extent of his travels. A lost passage of Pindar quoted by Strabo was the earliest traceable reference in this context: "the pillars which Pindar calls the 'gates of Gades' when he asserts that they are the farthermost limits reached by Heracles"
>Since there has been a one-to-one association between Heracles and Melqart since Herodotus, the "Pillars of Melqart" in the temple near Gades/Gádeira (modern Cádiz) have sometimes been considered to be the true Pillars of Hercules

>Plato placed the legendary island of Atlantis beyond the "Pillars of Hercules". Renaissance tradition says the pillars bore the warning Ne plus ultra (also Non plus ultra, "nothing further beyond"), serving as a warning to sailors and navigators to go no further

>According to some Roman sources, while on his way to the garden of the Hesperides on the island of Erytheia, Hercules had to cross the mountain that was once Atlas. Instead of climbing the great mountain, Hercules used his superhuman strength to smash through it. By doing so, he connected the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and formed the Strait of Gibraltar. One part of the split mountain is Gibraltar and the other is either Monte Hacho or Jebel Musa. These two mountains taken together have since then been known as the Pillars of Hercules, though other natural features have been associated with the name

>Diodorus Siculus, however, held that, instead of smashing through an isthmus to create the Straits of Gibraltar, Hercules "narrowed" an already existing strait to prevent monsters from the Atlantic Ocean from entering the Mediterranean Sea

>In some versions, Heracles instead built the two to hold the sky away from the earth, liberating Atlas from his damnation
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>Beyond Gades, several important Mauretanian colonies (in modern-day Morocco) were founded by the Phoenicians as the Phoenician merchant fleet pushed through the Pillars of Hercules and began constructing a series of bases along the Atlantic coast starting with Lixus in the north, then Chellah and finally Mogador

>Near the eastern shore of the island of Gades/Gadeira (modern Cádiz, just beyond the strait) Strabo describes the westernmost temple of Tyrian Heracles, the god with whom Greeks associated the Phoenician and Punic Melqart, by interpretatio graeca. Strabo notes that the two bronze pillars within the temple, each eight cubits high, were widely proclaimed to be the true Pillars of Hercules by many who had visited the place and had sacrificed to Heracles there. But Strabo believes the account to be fraudulent, in part noting that the inscriptions on those pillars mentioned nothing about Heracles, speaking only of the expenses incurred by the Phoenicians in their making. The columns of the Melqart temple at Tyre were also of religious significance

>Melqart, properly Phoenician Milk-Qart "King of the City", less accurately Melkart, Melkarth or Melgart , Akkadian Milqartu, was tutelary god of the Phoenician city of Tyre. Melqart was often titled Ba‘l Ṣūr "Lord of Tyre". In Greek, by interpretatio graeca he was identified with Heracles and referred to as the Tyrian Herakles

>This picture records the Assyrian invasion of Tyre. King Luli is handing one of his children to someone in a boat (something Layard did not see). But the building behind the castle may be the temple of Melkart with its two pillars of gold and smargadine / emerald, as described by Herodotus

>The word Herodotus uses is stelae, which are often more like elaborately carved tomb stones than pillars. Nevertheless, this stele recorded by Jean Spiro in Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum seems to show the goddess Tanit, between two pillars

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