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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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Pretty much this, don't even know if this is the right board, never had to ask before. Any way to see the thread pic in the archives?
what archives

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request a Sinestro corps like boob window and give willow bigger boobs
why cant you be normal
What's a sinestro corps like boob window

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i am not underage, i'm just inept at probability

we have a pin code made up of 4 *distinct* numbers, guessing the first digit has a probability of 1/10, guessing the next should have a probability of 1/9 and so on (because the numbers are distinct), therefore the probability of someone guessing the code by inputting random digits is 1/(10*9*8*7), is this correct?

moreover the probability of someone guessing all digits but not necessarily in the correct position should be the previous probability multiplied by 4! because that's all the possible combinations of the digits one can try, correct?

finally someone guessing at least 2 numbers in the correct position should be (1/(10*9) * (1/8*7)*2!) because it's the probability of guessing 2 digits in 2 correct positions * all possible combinations of the remaining digits, is this correct?
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In the case of this particular problem, saying first and second digits are correct is no different from saying second and first digits are correct. I don’t know if this helps very much, but one way I think about it is seeing if the order i choose the elements in matters to what I’m looking for. (E.g. if I want to see the probability that i draw two different color balls from an urn is, the order doesn’t matter for this event, but for the probability that I draw a red ball first and a blue ball second, the order does matter).
Also for probability specifically, the idea of sample space and event are helpful. In the case of this problem, the sample space is all the valid pass codes and an event would be something like passcode contains the digit nine. Since this event doesn’t specify where the nine occurs in the passcode, the numerator of the probability would involve a combination (because your event includes multiple orderings of digits), and then the denominator would be the size of your sample space.
lol the password is 1 2 3 4
i think i get what you're saying
so let's take the event "someone guesses the first digit correctly and in the correct position"
theres a probability of 1/10 to guess it because since its the first position it means we havent chosen any other digits yet (if it was second position it would be 1/9), however once guessed the other digits are bound by that choice, for example if the first digit is correctly guessed and it is 9 it means every combination WOULD need to be calculated as 1/9*8*7 however since they're bound by the first choice i only have to consider the groups that start with 9 and those groups are all of size 3 so 4 choose 3 multiplied by however many digits i can choose from (9*8*7 in this case), does this make sense?
also when i normally write 4 choose 3 i'd be considering combinations that contain another 9 in it but since im dividing by 9*8*7 i am, in a way, only considering the probability of every other combination not counting the probability of the first digit, also simplifying the fraction only leaves me with 4 choose 3

if an event were "someone guesses one digit" without specifying in which position and which digit it is does that make the problem incomplete or do i have to add up the probability of every possible correct guess? (so 1/10 + 1/9 + 1/8 + 1/7)
1. Yes that's correct.
2. No that's incorrect. The probability of such a thing is 24/5040.
3. 365/5040

I'm looking for a fantasy book/series with a specific scene. I remember roughly what happens but not any names.

Two female mages go into a bad part of town wearing fancy clothes and jewelry. They get mugged, then kill the muggers in self defense. Not entirely sure about this but I think the younger one calls out the older for leading them down that path, but the older justifies her actions by reminding her that those men would have probably raped and murdered them both had they not resisted, so they're better off dead.

I rather like that concept and would like to read more but I forgot all the details since I heard about it. Does it ring a bell for anyone?

Who is this character?
I think I know, but dunno the know of the game xD Will try to figure out.
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Well fuck. Didn't take long. It is an enemy named Titchi, from Snow Bros- an arcade game.

i fuck with this character pretty hard.
Silly little hobgoblin imp demon creature thing

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What are some good hotkeys and macros to map to a mouse?
Currently I just use Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, and Win+D on my mouse, but I have extra buttons leftover I don't know what to do with
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but you can do that with one mouse click on the far right of the taskbar
I know, it's just more convenient to have it on a single mouse button so I can do it anywhere on the screen

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Can anyone help me set up the calculation for C) and D)?
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My man, d is trivial. Point b is co-linear with q_1 and q_2 which are of opposite charge so the field's direction is blindingly obvious by inspection. Its magnitude and direction, as with c, are simply the vector addition of the two contributing components at that point E = E_1 + E_2 but you already know the directions are co-linear and you just need to work out twice the magnitude of the electric field at a distance r from a point charge due to a charge q. As the magnitude of one of the charges is 0.75 times the other you can do the calculation once and just apply the 0.75 factor, although quite frankly that you're asking this questions says that you need the practice and should apply the basic formula again and not just use this scale factor until you no longer need to ask for help.

When you have the two magnitudes make sure you assign them a + or - value to indicate their
orientation since the field is a vector field.

c is ever so slightly less trivial with you having to work out the angles of E_1 and E_2, but that is itself trivial as you are given all necessary value directly and once you work out the angle for one symmetry applies so you wouldn't waste time working out the other directly.

Then it's a matter of again working out the magnitude the field for one charge at point a, applying the same factor of 0.75, but again, you need the practice.

Once you have the magnitude and the direction you should produce a sketch of the two vectors E_1 and E_2 and add them by your preferred vector addition to get the net E-field.

BTW where is your sketch? Where is your effort at answering the question? You haven't shown me any effort on your part. 4chan let's you edit images with simple tools and that you haven't sketched even simple arrows for vectors or show any attempt to provide an equation for field strength around a point charge has led me to talk vaguely because I'm not here to do your homework especially when you give no evidence of having even tried yourself.
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is this what it would look like?
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Here's the equations for the vectors.
If you're struggling with this I recommend learning trigonometry, vector addition, and geometry.
Remember to convert units to SI. Also remember that in this case the y value for q2 is negative.

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I would like this album or at least an mp3 of the song Over Yonder featured in it. It's not online and there is no real place to buy the album other than importing a physical copy so might as well try my luck here.
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It's available on Soulseek.
Oh shit, thanks anon. But I'm stupid, I suppose you can't do me a solid? Cause I've never heard of soulseek.
I tried getting soulseek but I think NAT is preventing me from even finding the person who has the album
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Here are my settings if you can try [Options -> Login]. Also, some (most) users disable download to people who do not share anything, you can just share a folder with some MP3s or JPEGs and that'll be enough for 8 out of 10 peers [Options -> File Sharing].
If you're still struggling you can also try Nicotine+, which has a friendlier front and QoL.
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I tried both SoulseekQT and Nicotine+ but it doesn't work. I find a Christmas album and some scattered songs but that's it. I live in a country that doesn't allow port forwarding and always has problems with NAT, so I imagine that's the problem. And yeah I'm also sharing a folder with some MP3s so it's not that either.

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I want to be able to create stuff like this eventually but for now I don't even know which software I'd use. If any of you lads have a good tutorial on this it'd be much Appreciated..
Also yeah I don't plan on being able to do something this complex anytime soon I just kind of want to know how to even get started in the first place.

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Have you seen any pages or scenes of guys getting hit in the nuts in recent obscure/niche manga, comics, or anime you've been following.
Even just knowing the title would be fine. Doesn't matter if a guy or girl did it.
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Overpowered Sword chapter 94
Familiar with this one, had followed the manga before.

Nice. Thank you. I like the art too.
I did not expect to learn how to fight a bear today
The bear didn't get hit in the nuts. It just inhaled gas from what the tube was connected to.

>mentally ill
>don't qualify for NEETbux
>live with mom
>no car or driver's license
>no friends
>combined work experience of 4 months over 4 years
>no computer
what steps can i take to improve my life? what can i do? what can i afford to do. applying for jobs doesn't work. applying for NEETbux doesn't work. nothing works. i'm stuck. i don't know what to do.

and before offering any advice, please do not underestimate just how poor i am. i likely do not have nor can afford to have the means to follow most of your advice. i'm working with a budget of $0.
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I don't know if you've talked to them about it, but if not that sounds like a productive conversation you could have with them. I never met anyone who was resentful of providing for their family. They find value in it, and it gives them a sense of dignity. And I think you feel the way you do because you lack that. In other words if the tables were turned you would feel better and your household might feel like their a burden, even though you wouldn't see it that way. Have you tried seeing if they could try and get you a job where they work? Even if for some reason it was an unpaid arrangement it would show you possibilities that are unknown to you now, and if you carpool then it's not costing anyone anything.

As for Church yeah it depends. I was imagining going late in the morning on a Sunday around the time they finish the service, and everyone is still hanging around chatting. You don't have to walk right up to the priest first.

Oh fuck yeah, why didn't I think of that. I was in a similar position being supported by my grandparents and joining the military helped me get a start in life. Honestly it's shit and should be a last resort, but if you decide to join don't worry too much about the branch and job (there all garbage and 90% bullshit busy work), but just try to get a short of a contract as possible, there's a big difference between 4 years and 6 years. As for the mental illness, recruiters are good at hiding that shit however possible. If one's like "no that's a deal breaker" just go next door and see what the other branch has to say. 100% sure your not going to get in trouble for it.
>Have you tried seeing if they could try and get you a job where they work?
short answer, yes. still a NEET.
Do you have autism? If you do that's a potential gold mine. Even if you can never get needbux there's a lot of programs that can help you.
i applied for goodwill (who hire people with disabilities) and they didn't call back. i guess i was too high-functioning. i'm just squarely mediocre at literally every aspect.

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Post images/screenshots of the glorious days of ancient 4chan
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I am looking here for images with text in a card format, like picrel and the following posts. They should preferably use Yu-Gi-Oh's card templates but any other media also works, really. Post everything that you got, anon!
Thanks in advance.
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Okay, one last bump. If no more cards are posted, there will be at least a new one for my collection, so thanks anyway.
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Hmm, I believe I can help.
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requesting song sauce for >>>/wsg/5535210
Can't tell, anon. But you have the uploader there. He should know.

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