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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Dead Shaak-Ti edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92680786

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Why the hell arent legion and shatter point focusing on the future of this franchise Rey and the first order?!?
I literally don't reveal my powerlevel and conceal it quite well so to avoid looking like those cringe-tier S O Y faces that we see on Youtubers. And I actually play games. Also I don't take it personally when Disney shits out the latest slop. I appreciate what little new good material there is, and stick to what I like.
And yet autistically obsess over some stupid ugly bald bitch and constantly try to shoehorn the cunt into every fucking discussion.
Fuck you.
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Ray? The First What?
Stop talking gibberish and help me paint my Republic Commandos
I'm not him, though. Ventressfag definitely s o y faces all over the place, especially when his waifu is on screen.

>Dwarven society is essentially quasi-communist
>Living in mines encourages communal quartering, everyone sleeps in the same big hall
>Lack of resources means that everything has to be rationed
>Children are brought up and educated in the mine creche
>"Our mine > our society > our selves"
>Organise themselves based on which area of the mine they work so you have three basic groups, Miners, Administrators and Security. Administration covers quite a lot of ground from cooks to healers to cleaners to traders
>It can't be an anarchy and you can't trust people to know which is the best way to do things so society is very highly regimented, adherence to "mine rules" (the rules governing how the mine operates, safety and security) is expected to be total and instantaneous. Adherence to "social rules" is a little more lax.
>Personal freedoms are low, personal property is low
>Administrators are the most powerful group, since they control people's assignments
>Religion is banned but flourishes underground
>Anyone can join the mine, from any race but you can never leave
>PCs are most likely to come from groups that leave the mine, prospecting groups, warriors, traders and the like
Disclaimer and I can't believe i have to say this but this is Current Year /tg/ this is in no way and endorsement of communism, I'm just trying to think up ways to make my fantasy races different
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Immediately, and I mean immediately we have people screeching about the politics. Fucks sakes, why did I even try and make a good thread on /tg/ in 2024?
What about the mines that only produce steel?
What the fuck did you expect when immediately, and I mean immediately mentioning communism in the first post? Clearly just (You)s and nothing else, so why are you bitching about getting them?
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>autistic flashing of wealth
>arbitrarily hard to acquire social status
>kings and queens and high nobility
>Gigantic fortresses of unparalleled craft in order to achieve glory

I mean dwarves as they exist in the vast majority of things is basically antithetical to your situation. If you really want to make them interesting, don't make them communist, make it so there's just dwarven settlements and such with radically different ideologies still working together for a greater dwarven good.

>fascist or highly authoritative dwarven holds with militaristic might as their major focus in areas of extremely high war
>more relaxed but still productive enclaves of fairly greedy unregulated waukeem worshipers in major cities, cooperating with other highly effective craftsmen to achieve high levels of monetary wealth (basically mega capitalists)
>anarcho agrarian communes of basically halfling tier dwarves farming in the hills and fields to make sure food deliveries to their brothers in the mineshafts and fortresses can never go without a bite to eat, and more importantly, a bite worth eating
>beyond mega hippies who travel across the world and commune with nature in its many forms in order to atone for the exploration of the land their kind do, bringing balance to the injustices their kind do as a penance they willingly take upon themselves
>some civilizations like your own, where interspecies cooperation is natural, if not exactly super effective at times

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It's a quick description to put people in the picture as fast as possible.
Look, maybe we can try and salvage this. There's aspects of communism you clearly dislike, how do you think they would apply to this society and how would they play out?
To me communism is a stifling and claustrophobic system, so it can work as a metaphor for the mines themselves.

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No clue if I'm doing it right edition.
>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip

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I hate river trolls, though I have 6 plastic. I dont think im getting them, I am tempted to grab them and just have the collection thpugh...
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If you can spare the dosh I would
>first combat patrol issue issue has a terminator captain and a tyranid
>it costs 2.5€
>the editor turns a profit and comes with a 20+ page color printed issue, dice and plenty of cardboard
>they sell for ~60 in gws website

by my estimations a full size sprue (they cut them in three to fit in a regular box) is about max 1€ to produce
those kinds of offers sometimes start with an issue done at a loss to bait people into buying the successive pricier issues that cover the initial loss

sometimes, I don't know if this is the case, but then again resin moulds are also cheaper than plastic ones
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when is this guy coming out or is he out and i cant find him?

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>setting is supposedly a European medieval fantasy world
>town guards
>snobbish, arrogant nobility
>bastards are not acknowledged, shunned and disinherited
>nobles who marry commoners automatically forfeit all titles and become commoners, even royal heirs
>there is a town jail
>certain crimes require a time in jail, but not execution, simply paying a fine isn’t enough
>there is a magic shop anyone can enter and buy things from
>feuds don’t exist between nobles, only wars and duels
>there is an eternal inner peace in the kingdom
>the king has legal dictatorial powers over everyone in his kingdom and even nobles are at least de jure required to do everything he says
>every single commoner has to be polite and submissive to every single noble
>no real identifiable national identities, only different accents
>civilians usually aren’t armed and are harmless
>mercenaries are individuals and not part of a company

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Do you not understand that what you just said disproves the town guard meme?
You clearly know nothing about medieval history lol. Sounds like your "education" is acquired from watching youtube videos. What medieval era are you even talking about in the first place and in which region?
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I am not here to educate people. I am here to give them ideas to simulate their world in a more historically authentic way.
The historically authetnic way being something you misundertood about a pop-his youtube video
See: le town guards didn't exist meme
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>I am not here to educate people.
Correct. Because educating someone would require some actual knowledge about the thing you are talking about. All your doing is parroting some shallow talkingpoints on the level of pic related while not even specifying the period or country you are talking about. You sound like a child that just learned a new word or a teenager who thinks he's deep for whatever the fuck reason.

Catachans Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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>the newfag fake grog cries in pain as he strikes you
No but I bought old hormas and regretted it
Abbadon is now a woman.
Based. Keep loving evil women,
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What armies are most likely to be "pub stomp" armies?
By which I mean the ones that are especially good in games between low skill-level players.
Bonus points if they're not actually all that strong at higher skill play once people gain some experience playing against them.

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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That's true. On the other hand, Yamcha is also far smarter than Gohan because instead of trying to make a career out a skill that plays to absolutely none of his inherent strengths, he became the world's greatest baseball player by leveraging his ki and martial arts to make billions of dollars and live a life of abject luxury accompanied by a huge harem of slutty celebrity hangers-on.

Also his batting stance is hilarious.
We're not your friends, buddy.
I thought we had a gods of egypt jump, for that movie. Do we not?
We do not. Whoever gave you that idea?
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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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>subtract time of OP post from current time
>if result greater than or equal to 7 days, yes
Use this knowledge well.
You can just click/tap the posting time of the post and a small window will tell you how long ago it was posted.
I have some extra models from Dire Foes boxes and random spare model. is ebay the best play to get rid of them?
Marketplace for your community and then eBay if it doesn't sell in a few days.
okay, I'll give it a try. thanks.

>go to wizard tower
>he dosent have stairs for you to get up
>you need to get teleported up but can't
>be a smug fighter and decide to rope climb up
>the wizard sees you climbing up from his window
>he fucking wind kicks you in the balls throwing you off the rope to your death

what now fightan xhes chuds?
I merely punch the tower until it's nothing but rubble.
I'll see you at the bottom with the rest of the debris wizcuck

Gothic Edition:

Previously on /slop/:>>92683893

▶ Thread Task: Gothic characters, settings, landscapes, and horror.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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This is the kind of shit that made all the good posters stop coming here.
Not him but there's a way to stop that, I forget what it's called and my free subscription expired but it's a simple switch
reject horror embrace compfy
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Pretty cool style, the foggy atmosphere came out well

Some horror prompts finally

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hard mode: no tentacles
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Ne telleth nat hym gomeres
Alright, so I had an idea for one from awhile ago I dug up and I don't know how eldritch you might consider it but humanity somehow slew a number of greater gods and it fucked up the lands really bad. For example, where the sun god died the sun hangs forever in the sky for miles even though it sets elsewhere and now there's a huge zone in once fertile lands where everything is burnt to a crisp from overexposure and there are similar areas elsewhere where other gods died. The moon god left a great forest shrouded in eternal night with a giant moon hovering above and things started to change and adapt to the darkness, the fire god exploded like a nuke and left a glass crater in a desert where there are now giant pillars of flame erupting all over, the god of agriculture rotted his farmlands into a grotesque soup that became a poison swamp, etc. So there's discussion on this by scholars about how true the gods were as the moon and sun and such still exist despite them being dead but there's also the unsetting sun and moon which have a very real effect on the land too and so then what exactly are they?
Then there were lesser gods, now known as demons, inspired by the Ars Goetia in appearance, who were sealed away because the stuff that killed gods was hard to come by and reserved for the big boys. Temples and shrines were built over their prisons. Sometimes they were kept under guard, if near population centers for example, and others were so isolated they were just abandoned, but some people still knew or would figure out how to summon them and make bargains. They'd usually try to fuck with the bargainer, which people didn't always know since talking about them was verboten. One character was basically a choir boy whose puberty ruined his singing voice so he snuck into a temple, poured a bag of sand onto this etched seal, and completed a little ritual. This demon, a human face framed by a metal crown on the back of a big crab, sifts up through the sand and listens to the request for a beautiful voice and gave him a woman's. He then ended up basically being a honey trap spy/assassin for his home kingdom in lieu of being put to death for interacting with a demon. There's an order of thaumaturgists who travel the continent making sure the seals are intact and forcing the demons to speak truths using special power. There are also gods and demons who haven't been killed or imprisoned. The sea god had infiltrated subterranean caverns and filled them with monsters mutated from abyssal fish.
Neither polytheism nor the ars goetia are medieval in the slightest. The slain gods could theoretically be the old pagan deities but I don't think some 17th century christian fanfiction should get included into a pseudo middle-age setting.
Vikings are arguably in the middle-age setting and they christianisized pretty late.
And I'm not even mentioning Latgallians.

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How do you like em?
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From the looks of that pic that is the last thing a Gobo ever sees. Ether that or a guard elf is about to have his vary long life cut vary vary short by an orc raider.
you are new on 4chan I see
eventually the new race is the base "humans" for the setting, and a new "orc" race appears.
With these guys as your regulars no one would dare start a bar fight
Everyone saying blizzard orcs is an absolute turbofaggot and deserves to be purged

Shields Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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>The thing with modern mtg is that it is too big to suddenly fall
absolutely this. it's the definition of inertia at this point. if it was going to fail just on the basis of "magic is shit now, and there's better games", it wouldn't have made it out of the 90s.
Energy being a side deck is already an improvement honestly. The additional mechanic of being able to use your bench at the same time as your center opens things up strategy wise too.
That sounds very much not like Pokemon.
Stop deflecting, the fact that Bandai went with cheating memory now is a disgrace
Digimon used to be fun
Magic is slipping, but Yugioh is slipping faster. We're going to see Pokemon as the undisputed king, with One Piece, Lorcana, Star Wars, and Magic fighting it out for the remainder of the top 5 in the US until one or more falls off. And in Japan, it'll be Yugioh, Duelma, One Piece, and Weiss doing the same.

Rather than Japanese dominance, the countries are just moving further apart.

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I'm tired of GMing. Every time I GM I'm a perfectionist, and when I do make a mistake, I own up to it. I've GMd for the last 11 years, and I'm essentially a forever GM. This has, predictably, worn me out on GMing.

I have a notepad where I've been collecting the usernames of every player I've shadowbanned from my board. These are the worst of the worst players, furries, metagamers, etc..

I want to have fun GMing for once, in the most selfish way possible.
Tell me how to be the worst GM possible, bad enough that these players will flee to reddit with stories of how bad I am.

Setting will be a homebrew D&D 5e world. I don't just want your bad experiences, I want to know how to intentionally misinterpret 5e rules to make it the most unplayable experience possible for all 8 players. Yes, 8 players, because I want combat to be as excruciatingly slow as possible for all of them.

They're all desperate to play because they get banned from every table they visit, so even if the first couple sessions go terribly, at least a few will probably still show up for more sessions, so feel free to have multi-session ideas like settings and overarching plots (if those still exist).

Give me your ideas, anons.
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My advice is to stop playing with terminally online people, and play games in-person preferably.
Get a new hobby, man.
I experienced something like this from an actually good GM. At least it was only one session, but the literally unbeatable lies really rubbed me the wrong way when the GM acted like he'd outsmarted us when he revealed that no matter what we rolled there was no way in game for us to ever know he was lying until he already killed the people who hired us.
The loli circus copy pasta seems appropriate here
> The skeletons give up smoking and Pjornhubbe

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