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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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Medieval Edition!

>Motorcycle discussion
>Carb cleaning tips
>EFI cleaning tips
>Steel Horses
>Mirror Removal Services
>Top Speed Runs
>Kings, Queens, Knights, Princesses, Princes

The Links:

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Try a "cafe" style textile jacket with a removable liner. Comfy at all temps, cut normally, looks reasonable.
When the summer temps get really hot I wear this instead of a jacket.
I don't know if it's a good idea, but it's comfy af
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forgor pic
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TCX baja mid when I ride in my free time. They're really easy to put on and keep my feet and shins warm and protected. However for work I wear jim greens razorbacks because it was too much of a hassle bringing another pair boots with me to work.
Since my Honda dealer called and informed me that he probably cant source
my CB650R eclutch this summer i made a list of bikes i am interested in.
I know there is a wide variety of bikes with different applications but those are just interesting too me.
The cb650r was supposed to be an all purpose commuter/fun bike.
I also have an 3rd gen VFR750 which can be used as a tourer/fun bike. Therfore the sensible choice would be something small for
city/work commute. But fuck sensible. Can spend up to 16k, if you have an idea of lets say a 250 commuter + used Hayabusa for that price that might work too.

Give me your choices!

Moto Guzzi V7
Moto Guzzi v100
Honda CB650R Eclutch
Kawasaki Z900RS SE

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I mean let's be honest...
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Last week. We can't all live in eurocuck landscape where everything is a few blocks away.
>u want 300 mile battery car
I don't, I want an electric car that goes 50 miles and is shaped like / drives like a miata or something.
My car has a 600 mile range with a full tank
Should i stop filling up my tank and just fill it enough for the next trip?
Can you at least pretend to have the slightest idea what you're talking about, anon?

>muh proper genset
Anon, what do you think "genset" means? A genset is simply a SET containing an engine and GENerator. So this is a hopelessly vague statement that only serves to waste my time.

>how do you plan to use solar with no grid?
You DO realize solar panels run off the sun, not the grid, right?
Just seeing any of my family members once a month is right about 300 miles per direction. My cheap as shit diesel shitbox can go both ways easily.

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just why
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What's it like being a loser?
To allow them to fit in a small spot. Better than them hanging a few feet out into the lane.
>you don't like trucks? heh.... I'll spend all my free time defending trucks on 4chan...... triggered libtard???
Another example of truck derangement syndrome's horrible afflictions to deformed chud brains. Sad quite frankly....
Finally a truck with some fucking meats on it. Nice tasteful lift with just enough tire.
Cum-drinking euromuslims seething yet again

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Should I take stick shift lessons? Someone's offering a 4 hour class for $250 near me.
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Just buy a shit moped and learn with it
Im just giving an example of having to do some arbitrary extra movement to do something when the alternative is to not have to at all.
>not having friends
Skill issue. Learn to mask your autism better and you can have all the friends you want
You don't need a lesson. Just work it out by the feel. You control the engine with the throttle, and feed power to the gears with the clutch.
You go this.
An afternoon in a parking lot is all you need. If you can get going and get to second then you'll be good in just about every situation.

I have a B18B2 engine and it is time to change the oil in it. Should I do an oil flush? If yes, how should I do it? If no, what are the risks of an engine flush?
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Scotty Kilmer and Deutsche Auto Parts have GREAT tutorials on how to do this.
Instructions to mod/compliment their instructions;

Use the pro stuff, follow the instructions CLOSELY (don't forget the new oil filter, yes it's gonna get dirty). Use a pedla depressor to press down the throttle to the RPM listed on the can/bottle, for the amount of time, drain and replace with nnew oil filter and oil or repeat with more and new oil filter. Then new oil and oil filter, drive about 500, drain and new filter.
Oil flushing is a meme, just change the oil as intended. Oil has properties that prevent filth buildup (dispersing agents and detergents). Just use quality oil and stop being neurotic.
Use ATF for the transmission and oil for the engine, they're formulated with specific properties to each. Engine oil has to sustain much higher temperatures, and it also has to neutralize acids from combustion, etc.
The wackiest you can go with lubricants without causing problems is probably using car oil in a wet clutch motorcycle, but it has to be pre-API SJ to not fuck up the clutch. API SH is where car oils started diverging from motorcycle oils with all the anti-friction additives (which you probably don't want in your slushbox either)
Putting Seafoam into your crank 100 miles before your oil change will do the job.
I have direct injection, carbon build up and the car burns a lot of oil. Should I flush?
You should be worried more about your valves, oil flush wont do anything for them.

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In Russia, this badge is a symbol of literal emasculation. They see a Mercedes Benz and and joyfully say "eunuch" while laughing.
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Its not specific to horse. Think about word 'ox'. Barely a funny word
So? Riding a castrated horse doesn't make you a eunuch.
europoor hours are garbage
Only emasculated faggots prefer security over freedom
I don't really care. More funny to see Ladas being asked to do shit you don't expect.

So when are Telsa shareholders going to vote to kick Elon?
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The twitter purchase was objectively idiotic. Bought at the absolute top of tech valuations with no path to consistent, high profits.
If Elon gets his $50B, shareholder are going to desert the company.
If Elon doesn't get his $50B he's going to tank the company.
It's going to be a fun year.
It's 200% more likely that your inclination to knob slob the rich solely for being rich makes you a retarded sheep.
>Why do people want to get rid of Elon so badly?
Internet opinions
He offered to buy it as a meme, and then they took him seriously and got a court order forcing him to go through with it.

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I did it go/o/ners, with just scheduled maintenance. Not only does it drive, but as if it's still new. Smooth, powerful, efficient, quiet and supremely comfortable. What a machine. Bonus pics to follow. She will be 21 in a few months.
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>creased pants

fuck my bitch.
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Nice. I rolled over 200k a while back in my hongda too
230k on my gmc sierra
shes falling apart on me faster than I can throw parts at it but she still runs
2020, had it since new. More than half of the mileage is out having fun instead of work shit. I'll keep it until it refuses to go anymore, then it will live on the lawn.

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whats the HARDEST you've ever been burned on a car?

>MFW bought a fucked up miata that ended up putting me atleast 4,000 in the hole.
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I buy Honda, so no. I've never been burned on a car
por isso que o brasil não vai pra frente, puta que o pariu
Not Brazil but one of your neighbors, that car would probably be half the price or less there. And I didn't deceive the guy, he knew it was a mechanic special. I've seen the car around, he seems to have dumped a lot of money on it because it looks much nicer now. Funny thing I forgot to mention earlier, the car even needed a clutch job at the time I sold it. I had dolled up the interior a bit with new door cards and seat covers to hide the torn upholstery.
this is your brain on zootopia
Weeb niggermutts seething kek

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Early 2000s was the pinnacle of G-wagon design
>still used a wheel knob for AC
MB never had this, at least not in the high spec cars
Modern merc interiors are awful compared to the 90s. Genuine leather and wood materials have been replaced with faux leather plastic and flashy lights
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nu-benz hvac vents look like literal buttholes
picrel (w460, early w463, usspec w463, later refresh)
I had a 94 e class and the "leather" definitely wasn't real then either

Any anons do Turo? Thinking about leasing/financing a car and using Turo to pay for it, then just sell the car.
Expertness with Turo as a company? Do they offer insurance for customer at fault accidents and damages? How much of a cut do they take? Are customers all grubs leaving a giant mess off the interior?

Twins editions

Thinking of getting a GWR SSST so suvdricers can hear me even if they can’t see me.
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Tfw want to go on road trip but know it’s going to obliterate the soul red paint even though Mazda aus has some bullshit power guard or auto guard clearcoat applied
Close! There is a Miata meet up at Griots HQ on Sunday BTW
If I ever get the bumper repainted I will need to do PPF I think
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>There is a Miata meet up at Griots HQ on Sunday BTW
might show up if i'm feelin like makin the drive. what time?
Nice one! It’s 10-1
probably a '93.

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well /o/ I'm a dad now. my dad didn't wrench when I was a kid but he would take me to car shows and the racetrack. I also remember my mom letting me steer while I sat on her lap as we drove around our apartment parking lot.

rec me some cars to make some memories with my son.
my soulless but reliable corolla has served me a long time but I want something different, more fun, maybe more space. and if you have nice car memories with your dad I'd also like to hear it

inb4 the car doesn't matter. I know, but it's a fucking corolla and ive been frugal for long enough
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Took my oldest son to the track for the first time last weekend and he got to see me race the thing I'm always puttering with in the garage. Now he looks at me a little different and cannot stop talking about racetracks and racecars. When he's a little bigger it will be go kart time.

For my dad it was old VWs. He had a beetle and a bus and was always wrenching on the things. The beetle had one primer black fender and a mildly terrifying hole in the floor of the back that our outdoor cat used to use when the weather was bad.
Don't forget to take it to a rally, despite being much less popular than in the past they are still a very different experience to what one can get on the tracks. Of course follow the security measures and obey the Marshals
For sure, we've got a good one local that I've been to spectate a few times, Oregon Trail Rally. The guys that run the racing tire shop near me race old Saabs in it. I'd like to take my open wheeler to the hill climbs around here too which is kinda like rally on tarmac.
This. I grew up in this blue Camry, now I take care of it and will grow old in this Camry. It's not the car that's boring, it's what you do with it that matters.

I now have too many old Japanese cars. All because of this Camry.
Based and comfy

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