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disturbing relationships with staff members;
disturbing ending\faculty decisions;
literal child endangerment
atrocious framerate +heat death of launch switch
shinies are literally just given to you at this point
how could so much go WRONG
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I hope the anime or masters delivers because I want more pics of the trio together
Florian is so lucky
>the game about making 10 years olds travel the world alone to become dogfighting champions contains child endangerment
You don't say. Where do you think you are??
Imagine not wanting to fuck Miriam
Do "health" teachers in Paleda cover sex ed? Asking for a friend.

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Vegeta! What does the Pokedex say about the total number of Pokemon?
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There's only 151 though?
Oh, Igawa Asagi! I just lookedit up, thank you
This thread reminds me of old /b/. Thank you for that.
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c-c-c-combo breaker!
your lazy art is so shitty that the only way I can tell Delcatty is holding a scouter and not an inhaler is from thread context

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How much do you like your favorite Pokémon, /vp/?
post your collection if you want
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>that poor anon in /pgg/ who got banned for posting a gif of Bulbasaur because the mods thought it was Ivysaur
You did that though, and you are not him, you are OP. Because nobody other than you is obsessed with whoever this ivysaur person is. I don't know because I've never seen him, I've only seen you screaming at shadows in every thread.
What a piece of shit thread
>/vp/ when it's Johto/Unova/Greninja/Ivysaur/Delcatty/Blastoise/PVP thread: >:(
>/vp/ when it's a recycled pokegirl/furry thread with the same images: :DDDD
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Oh boy, the jannie is back talking to himself. Removing the IP counter was a mistake

Liko is strangely happy edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:
https://nyaa.si/view/1806610 (1080p)

Next episode:
>May 3rd: PM2023 048 - Shine! The Brilliance of Fire and Art!


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I forgot to catch up with the cup. What's the current lineup? Is our housewife still on the roster?
I dont want Flora to become Meowscarada...
Fuck that
Which mean PM2023 days are numbered.
Bring on PM25 with the new female protag.
>T. coping F aggot

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Battle Day TankChad Edition

>May info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

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I just removed a gym by reporting it twice using fucking pgsharp.
Two level 35 spoofer accounts can kill your precious home stop/gym. Crazy.
>Everyone else just ignores it
I guess you mean except for the mods who constantly ban you for it.
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>I guess you mean except for the mods who constantly ban you for it.
This is another thing literally only you do, !Akemi. And I mean when you say "projecting" instead of "n- no u!!" in an attempt to sound smart.
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Fakemon Collages are back! Request a mon, and I will post all the evos/prevos/variants/megas/paradoxes I cataloged for it from various talented artists.

Starting the thread off with Slowpoke, since a handful of artists recently began to expand the family with evolutions from all types.

The collages do not include redesigns and fusions, unless the redesign changes the typing and can qualify as a regional variant. Paradox fusions akin to Iron Valiant of course are included.

I've been following over 3000 artists for well over 15 years and started cataloging their work 3-4 years ago. I update the collages twice a year. I also have versions for the artists, but I will not be posting those due to the image limit.
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Is there anything Eternatus?
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What do you have for the most forgotten pokemon, Finneon and Lumineon?

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Who are they going to be?

We can be 90% sure they'll pick Serperior and Empoleon for their French theme. That leaves fire starter to pick.

>Typhlosion - already in PLA
>Emboar - better for Chinese region
>Delphox - already Kalos starter
>Skeledirge - more fitting for Mexican region

Potential candidates:
>Charizard - European dragon for the center of Europe
>Blaziken - French cuisine
>Incineroar - maybe it'll go back to the alchemy theme
>Cinderace - football is popular in France, right?

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bdsp came out 2 months before arceus. they weren't going to make you use the sinnoh starters twice
>No fun and speculation allowed
>No retarded patternfag speculation allowed
>please ignore how [completely different game] already has two sets of starters
Why would this game do the same?
>why would the kalos game have pokemon from kalos?

Post em if you got em, Talk about your current hunts and recent captures or failures.

old >>55816973
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it's a good one
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and the swablu that trolled me last thread
Jesus Christ, trying to hunt in SV before post-game is fucking miserable
Where is your shiny Jirachi from?

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ITT: Post your favorite pokemon images
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>it’s not even different
Based Clamperl proving itself to be unlewdable once again
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I couldn't find a better one so I'm going with this.
Hoennchads always win

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Trying something new edition!

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: Has your OC ever done any volunteer work? Working at a Pokemon Day Care, cleaning up a local park or route? Was it their choice or were they dragged along by someone else? Did the experience do anything to shape the Trainer they are today?

>Thread task: Draw a new outfit for another OC!

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

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Heyo, it’s me!

In your time of need, I reappear! I’ve done a bunch of thinking about the whole parental storyline. I know some of you offered some more changes to Hemlock’s team, but I’m honestly happy with how it is. I have DnD later today, but if I can get some uni work done maybe I can write later today.

I’m considering splitting up chapter 1 in two parts because I’m like, maybe 20% done with what I want to tell? I’m almost at the start of act 2, speaking in movie terms. But that would also probably be pretty anticlimactic… if only I could have a steady rhythm of writing!

>online RPing
>fighting games
>uni work/art in general

GUH I have WAY too many things in life that take daily effort to do… and I don’t do all of them every day! I’m seriously spread thin :PPP
Welcome back, Musume.
Do your best, son.

But my dad is ded…

JK my dad’s just fine
You got this, dude!
(And maybe remember to take time to rest. You'll drive yourself into the ground otherwise.

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Why no love for the hyena line? Please post more love
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Hyaenidae is a subset of felidae, Hyaenas were the old-world family that filled the niches that canines did before the land bridge between Asia and North America re-opened and let the canids (who evolved in North America) into Eurasia, about 8 million years ago. One species of Hyena even crossed into North America, but largely they've been outcompeted by canids at every turn since the interchange and have gone from being ubuiquitous in the old world to being restricted to Africa.
>Hyaenidae is a subset of felidae
That's not how families work.
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>Pic related as a bad example, right?
No, that one's one of my favorites. Same with pic rel.
If you disagree, care to explain what you don't like about them?
NTA, but it's the usual one-dimensional thinking every fakemon artist seems to fall into, right down to taking something that looked alive and vital and killing the life in the evolution.
Pokémon are made by committee, have been since Tajiri's day "draw thing, submit to council, receive feedback, make adjustments, repeat until accepted/outright rejected". They also stick close to their original concept base and Game Freak based it off a hyena. Which means it's not going to suddenly become a werewolf, that's why they went and MADE a werewolf 'mon, complete with only acquiring the form at night.
There is such a thing as a were-hyena, but they are highly associated with magic sticks or even blacksmithery.
A Pokemon based on one would probably lean into that rather than be a garden variety werewolf.
A magic toting fourlegged Mightyena or a shaman themed bipedal one seem more on point than chunky bipedal werewolves

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Why exactly do people want Sound type as a new type? That’s like making Fist into its own typing and changing a bunch Pokemon/Move typings to Fist.
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I don't see beast type too much, it probably would end up being discount dragon. Kind of like magic or light type ended up taken by the fairy type.

Stellar would've been the perfect name for a cosmic type, but now it's stuck being an underuse gimmic withing a gnerational guimmit that will proably be gon bey gen x.
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For me it's people who want Light type to be a thing
Light I could almost see as being justifiable since it at least as some cultural connotations that could make for interesting designs, like having "holy" or "angelic" mons along with more literal applications of light. And you could get away with it without butchering other types too hard. Sound just has too many mechanics built into it for the type shift to make sense.
Don't get me wrong, I'd rather not get light, but I'd gladly take it over the steaming pile of shit that is Sound Type.
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>space, planets, stars

What does that have to do with a Cosmic Type specifically?

Most of the Pokémon in that list don't have much to do with those things anyway. I looked at their Pokédex Entries. Oddish is nocturnal, so what? Bellosom likes sunlight but that's because it's a plant, same for Sunflora. Finneon absorbs sunlight and shines at night, I don't think that's enough to make it Cosmic Type and more that it's a glow-in-the-dark sort of thing and Lumineon appears to be a similar case. Is Voltorb only there because you said mysteries as part of your criteria? I guess you mean the mystery of how it looks like a Pokéball and maybe theories on that. You must have also put Difloon on there because it's a mystery but it feels even less of a mystery than Voltorb. Ditto is Normal Type because of its transformation gimmick. What is the reason for Meditite? It meditates and has does daily training. Does it have some sort mystery or does simply doing something daily count as having a relation to the sun and moon and therefore Cosmic? I can keep going like this but it shows the list doesn't make much sense.

The one that fits most from your list is the Ultra Beasts for obvious reasons. But they fit well with the existing Types anyway.
>cosmictard doesn’t realize earth is a planet
wow anon I guess every pokemon ever should be cosmic type! what a coherent and totally not retarded idea for a type!

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>Best known for is a spineless weasel word phrase best known for[by whom?] being the sole anonymous authority that Wikipedia jannies allow in their site. It is best known for being a vague and ambiguous crutch for bad articles.

>At the time of writing, there are approximately 141k Wikipedia pages that are best known for using this cowardly phrase.[1]

>Conflict with rules

>Putting "best known for" in an article is best known for being against Wikipedia's own rules as per a NPOV and AWW. This is best known for becoming comically self-evident when you read the example list of terms that conflict with AWW:

>some people say
>it is believed
>many are of the opinion
>most feel
>it is often reported
>it is widely thought
>it is often said

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basedget here >>55833333
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you may not post in this thread unless your favorite mon has a 3 digit physical defense stat
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You might have just given me another idea to request in the drawthread, thanks anon
once it’s done please post it here
the only thing cooler than an aggron is an aggron with heavy weapons mounted
on the one hand it won’t need breeding to get head smash
on the other hand it’s a fusion of two mons that are slow and are reliant on head smash not missing

i think this fusion is basically just cosmetic, really

Firefox Edition

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?

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The Dratini.
help bonus is by far and away second best subskill, and makes the dratini better by far

the xp down just makes it suck to level
Is this guy any good?
double skill subskills is good, not a bad nature, bfs good. energy bonus isn't bad if you're not a guaranteed 8.5 hour sleeper, or to counteract a nature or two

it's the order of the subskills that's the problem, it's going to spend a lot of time being average if you do decide to use it
Fell asleep before turning on app. Woke up after 4am. Turn on app. Phone dies a couple hours later. If I try to enter sleep manually it will count as my second sleep of the day. What should I have done and what can I do now?

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