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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

When you submit your email address, you will receive an automated email containing a verification link.
After this email has been sent, your email address will be purged from our servers. We will not retain long-term records of your email address.

Clicking the verification link in the email will permit you to post normally. The verification link is valid for 24 hours.
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4chan Pass users are not required to verify their email address using this system.

The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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bro, everybody knows you're paid to bash the stock, but you could make it a little less obvious.
>yes it's going to billions per share
>b-but someone will get a better entry price than me muahhhh
just ridiculous. do better faggot.

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
>Its Monday 9:30 am
>the stock rockets up 15% at open.
>they freeze the stock.
>immediately after the freeze the stock drops 10% and is red in following days, all gains are wiped.
>we are back to our regular schedule program.
How does $1000 sound?

King of shitcoins
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You should have held your ETH and restaked it on YieldNest to support network security and, of course, to maximize yield. Mainnet launching soon.
ETH is the ultimate banker coin but the bankers themselves don't know that yet
If I bought all the supply of gold, what would I do with it? Not much. Just like having all ETH just allows you to spam Ethereum for any usage
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I think you meant its retarded brother.
This shit cant even break 4k, what a dumb shit

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This cryptocurrency thing has gotten my wife all up in a bpd episode again. She's saying I shouldn't be investing her dead father's inheritance to her into base coin gems but I find her fat and I think she reeks. So please tell me how I can further spend her money that she doesn't deserve and I do

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I'm nearly at $1M now. What's a good comfy job that one can do part time? Kind of burnt out on my IT job, although it's remote
anything where you can help directly people. thats how we are wired, that is making us happy.

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is anyone else collecting pokemon on Solana? I’ll drop you an alpha: search up Sanctum. You are still very early anon, don’t miss the next big airdrop, especially if you have spare SOL just laying around
Not necessary but would greatly appreciatw if you use my code when you sign up for bonus points for both of us: F2BEVW
Would you rather gamble on shitcoins and lose your money or sit comfy on your SOL and passively earn staking APY + airdrop? Once the token launches the normie appeal will be enormous and the value will skyrocket, just look at those fucking things in the picture. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you, get in on the ground floor while you can anon
unfortunately it is going to receive a DMCA take-down notice like Circle did. This is because the name pokemon was coined by Nintendo

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In this thread we discuss the significance of families archiving economic developments over generations. Also I would like to encourage anons to write down their thaughts and beliefs for the next generations.
also, do you think it is better to make children when you´re younger or older. According to the chinese calender the same constelation of animal/element repeats every 60 years. So it would be more likely to skip the "wealth destroying" 2nd or third generation if you make children when you are older. On the other hand the generations can interact more and communicate important financial discussions better when there are more generations alive with only 18 - 25 years age differences.
Kids when you have financial stability
if you want to have children go for it anon. but we are close to reaching a technological level where it should be possible to live more than 100 years if you are a healthy 20-30 year old adult now. you need to take care of your health and learn investing. you will need to push out your costly medical treatments as far as possible. so basically do some of whan Bryan Johnson does and accumulate as much wealth by living stress free as you can. this will be the key to live for more than 100 years.
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picrel is Larry Ellison. he is 79 years old, he has been living a healthy life doing sports since he was 30 or so. does he look like an average 79 year old to you?

now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
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the operation has been Delayed, something you are used to, please stand by.
ill give you that one
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What is it that Jimmy wants, lads? He got his 0002 entry. Why can't he leave us alone?

In addition:
>down 30%
>waiting for wagiebucks to be deposited to buy more
>not selling

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It was on its way to 10M and they dumped hard, what happened ? I think the dog hole schizos might have been right ...
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The telegram is funny af, I hope it does well. Depends on (((btc))) though
When squid was at ATH, that ww3 bullshit happened. Then email registration slowed down buy volume from biz, and Twitter was generating a lot of impressions but that didn’t translate into buy volume because Twitter users buy stuff they can easily find when they search for the ticker. The past two days since cmc listing, there is a steady stream of small/medium buys coming in, so I think the tweets are working now. Etherscan will update the info, which will make the token possible to list on CEX’s without trademark issues, and coingecko will add a pump as well. Most of the newfags from early April are gone, those are the ones that act like scared little children when they see the price drop 20%. As this picks up more and more Twitter holders, those holders will play a large part in the resurgence of squid. Biz is a dead end past 20m mcap, what will take this token to 100m is the professional looking memes, the growing presence on Twitter, and the enormous marketing wallet that will get this listed on a tier 1 exchange. I bought in on day 1 and I just bought more two days ago. I’ve done really well with other shitcoins in the past, and I’m confident in this project. Patience will be rewarded.
Who runs Squid?
It's a community revival. Old holders exited during the first pump, it's 100% community owned now. Some generous anon gave like 70k to the community/marketing wallet lol
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>70k to the community/marketing wallet lol
You telling me there's 70k in the community wallet, and these retards aren't doing anything with it?

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I just invested $300 into White Monster, what are the financial implications of this?
depends on your price per item and profit margins anon

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What the fuck is an organic memecoin?
a coin with no KOL insiders
Doesn't exist, name a single one
There is no such thing as organic memecoins

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Everyone post your biggest loss this bullrun I'll start

Bought at 5m
Now 1m mc

Pic related
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It's not lost. Someone is temporarily holding that money for you.
Started off with 100k. I have 21k left.
I've lost a decent amount of money chasing pumps in the solana casino. Otherwise I think my bets are quite solid

Proof ?

Only 1 guy that sold his presales stack, that's all ?

>Basic information
In response to the scam-mania that 2021-/biz/ was jannies have decided to go scorched earth and kill the board with over moderation.

This is an appeal to jannies to please allow at least 1 general where there are no rules and we can once again try to find mooners amongst the trash.

We accept that every project shilled in this thread is a scam, nobody should buy anything here. This is purely for research and entertainment purposes. However posting a honey-pot or other flatly malicious contract should still warrant a perma-ban.

I encourage people to post pump.fun tokens or other tokens that have been around at least for 3 weeks. 99% of projects go to zero within 3 weeks, and pump coins have hardcoded out many of the common rugs such as liquidity pools and malicious contracts. This provides a level of safety crypto for degens that crypto hasn't seen in years.

>General insights
Memecoins are likely to be a new asset class, similar to NFT's. Yes there will be a huge bubble and many people will get rekt, just part of the cycle. They are here to stay, only the strong will survive.

Highly recommend everyone reading the following threads. Memecoins are literally the best casino in the world, degen millionaires are being minted constantly.

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$MAGPIE starting to move!
My shitcoins portofolio is STACKED. Will I make it bros ?
Good point BUUUUUT Squid has rebranded to handsome to avoid the copyright stuff, we're gucci
no you picked awful memes sorry


hammy is going to billions. i gave it to you at 2m
im giving it to you again now


if you want to degen gamble can buy $blep CA - Bkd4k5nLA6Aq7PHLJUFnWGSyWriyT2fcKbADScaBGwJy

it doesnt matter the icon is still squidward. its 100% never getting on any cex ever. also im bearish on all macho/chad/mog vibe coins. CUTE COINS WILL WIN

Harold and shark cat are cute, u bearish on these too ??

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central bank interest rates will moon.
Nothing. Why would something happen?
How can u be so certain nothing will happen?
Shutup retard
Because it's just another day. Get your head out of the clouds, weirdo

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Munger edition.


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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That’s what I like to see. I’m staying away from AMD, NVDA and SMCI cuz it’s just too volatile for me atm.

Otherwise I like ur shit. Do u do options as well or just pure stocks?

The best time to plant a time was 10 years ago. The second best time is today. Start ya goof

Bro earnings are and absolute scam 100% they will crash soon. It’s a total fraud what they are doing. Anyone who works in the automotive industry knows the numbers Carvana showed yesterday were absolute bullshit. It’ll crash for sure, question is when?

If you don’t understand anything at all, just put the money into SPY, VTI, or some equivalent. If u go to ur bank you can talk to someone who’ll explain that shit to you. Do NOT fall for their shams saying they’ll manage the money and grow it for u. After management fees and fund fees and “ups and downs” in the market, you’ll end the year with a measly 1-2% gain.


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sold at break even half my position yesterday.

gonna focus on patience and right buy time
is berkshire meeting today? im watching some video on yutube

This board is so fucking dead. We could probably get a permanent BAT thread going if everybody promises to bump it every morning or something.

There's more exciting stuff going on with BAT than most of the other shitcoin vaporware nothing coins being posted on this dead board.
True. It's exciting that the browser (MAU/DAU) is growing.
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>We could probably get a permanent BAT thread going
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Bat threads had the hottest chicks and asses around.
I hate BAT but I LOVE their threads!

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Apart from their token launch that saw an 18x surge from IDO price, they also recently hosted a price prediction contest with a Star prize of 1BTC. So that kinda increased their popularity significantly. No surprises that you've heard about them before.
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I have 242 of them now
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based and Avaxpilled

>Verification not required.
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This phone call must be for you, AVAX Chad

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>be me smert in school
>get into coolege at 16
>painfully shy and autistic
>get multiple diplomas in different fields
>get sick with unrelated thing and get put on NEETbux
>decide to get my life in order post coof
>get a bunch of tech certificates and diplomas
>”We’re sorry anon, but your lack of work history is a contributing factor to us passing on you.”
>End up being the smartest man working in a goddamn fleamarket and delivering pizza
>unrelated disease that got me on NEETbux progresses which causes agonizing pain 24/7
>all my coins rug too
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*collect a bunch of information by scraping twitter, but also have some market info
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I see thx I guess if t

I see thx I guess if he's actually doing it, I wasn't thinking of giving him money though, and I'd sniff him out but ok

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Asahi Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)

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very nice brownings and savage
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Closed at 2300!!! 2300 now confirmed floor!
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Time to stack!
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Hey, I was wondering if you fine folks can help me in seeing if this coin is authentic or not? I got it for a few dollars at an antique store.
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and the other side. I understand some coins need to be flips portrait, for it to be legitamate. And this coin does that, so if I turn it over north to south, the other face is the right side up

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