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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Would having the DU armour package and infantry support have saved It?
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"Anonymous" US officials told that Abrams were brought back to the rear to the press. Once that news became viral, the Ukranians said that It was was not true and that they would keep using the Abrams tanks on the frontlines. And here we are
those explosions are so fucking jucy i'll never get tired of watching this
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Russians always lie. They're addicted to lying
>Lately, I was suddenly struck by the thought that in Russia, among our educated classes, there cannot be even one man who wouldn’t be addicted to lying. This is precisely because among us even quite honest people may be lying. I am certain that in other nations, in the overwhelming majority of them, only scoundrels are lying; they are lying for the sake of material gain, that is, with directly criminal intent.
Dostoevsky’s 1873 essay Something About Lying
Panicking. You have to remember new russian troops are not conditioned as much compared to their pre 2022 military. So they are easy to scatter
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No, tanks die sometimes, that's how Russia has lost 2,000 of them.

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Gen 5 is better
Do you have a matching Glock vibrator?
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Git yurself a MAN's gun, sonny!
Unironically this
>Hammer Down
>8 rounds vs 13 rounds

He's just kidding OP.

>be soldier in the XI Corps on May 2, 1863
>be sitting down for dinner
>suddenly rabbits and foxes come hopping through your camp from the nearby woods, first a handful, then dozens
>look out towards the woods
>there can't possibly be anything out there
>see the top of a flag start appearing over the horizon
>suddenly, autistic screeching, the likes of you've never conceived of before, echos literally everywhere
>hundreds of Confederate soldiers burst out of the trees, bayonets fixed, running right at you

What do?
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Southerners are so stupid it's crazy. Those unemployed, uneducated serfs went to war so their lords wouldn't have to build railroads and factories.
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And the north literally went to war for niggers.
The modern equivalent would be if southerners went to war for corporations rights to employ immigrants at below minimum wage instead of Americans. Honestly it’s baffling how you “people” can romanticise losing a war for the financial prospects of your betters(at your own expense)

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What’s the big deal about these?
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When China bought the Liaoning from Ukraine for pennies (undoubtedly involving corruption) they very probably believed that they were buying a fixer-upper that could be made into a functional carrier. The Ukrainians neglected to tell them (or maybe didn’t know themselves) that naval Su-27s were too heavy to launch off of ramps with anything but a light load, ie, a couple of short-range air-to-air missiles and fuel, that’s it. So, realizing that they had been fucked they decided no one is going to sell them a fully functioning carrier that meets their needs for them so they decided to go the U.S. route of making a super-carrier which had the ability to launch the heaviest aircraft and with significant force projection capability, something that no ramp carrier was going to give them. You see, engine tech is a problem for them, they’re stuck with low efficiency / heavy engines which need a catapult to throw fully-loaded Su-27 variants into flight, plus anything else they wanted. su-35 is beyond their technical capability to produce, so it had to be a catapult. That’s what these new breed of carriers should theoretically allow — serious force projection capability. If they want to compete with the U.S. as a world hegemon it’s essential.
When China bought it they said they wouldn't try to use it for a military purpose and were going to turn it into a floating casino. So why would the Ukrainians tell them about what military aircraft it could use?
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Except for the fact that the J-15 takes off from the ski-jump carriers quite fine, with decent weapons load to boot. And that for the past 10 years. Yes, China already operates carriers for 10 years, which is enough for a generation of naval aviators to emerge.

Americans do say the greatest bullshit with the greatest confidence all the time.
False I’ve not seen ONE launch with a significant load out. It’s a couple of air-to-air missiles and I think maybe a drop tank, PERIOD. It’s a joke and CLEARLY not what the PLAN intended, hence the designation as a "training" ship.
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PL-12 and YJ-83 AShM. It's literally in the photo above. It never had any droptanks.

No Su-33 has ever taken off with anti-ship missiles.

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Steve1989MREInfobros… I don’t feel so good…
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>t.buys supplements from grifters fearmongering about seed oil
He seemed scared to eat it lol
>built different
No, they are not lmao. Do you realize on how prevalent high blood pressure and vascular/cardio issues in east asian countries? I think they also have high cholesterol too.
>Why does he like courting death
Its part of his cultivation.
Post physique

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>rolls coal over you’re country’s capitol
heh, nothin personel kid
Is it an anti-runway weapon ?

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How many soldiers does a civilian building need to host to become a military target?
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IT is a military target if murrica said so
I am demoralized and will support the mongol horde as it rapes its way across eastern europe. Thank you cumrag
Inciting a terrorist attack is against the law, war tourist

All fields
That isn't actually the Kremlin, you know...
And most of the Kremlin's staff is technically part of its military command structure - part of its purpose is to act as the military command headquarters of the Russian Armed Forces. Like, fussing over the civilians you might harm in the Kremlin is akin to fussing over the civilians inside of the Pentagon.
They're in the same boat as civilian workers in military factories, and nobody cared when they got caught under the roofs they were toiling within.
lol. noguns imbecile

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Admirable work Anon but you're never going to convince the retards. The AR charging handle is an elegant design. Its inherently ambidextrous, low profile and requires only a minor opening in the receiver which prevents shit from getting in the action.
And a ching chong ping pong to you too
American client states have the most boring military equipment.
And will probably fail.
Cant wait to see these in a pile in Beijing, after the reunification.

you need to be 18 or older to post here
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>Hahaha Taiwanese guns weak
Meanwhile, in China.

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>South Korea’s Hyundai Rotem Co. has been selected as the preferred bidder to supply 30 wheeled armored vehicles to the Peruvian Army.

>The deal, if realized, would be Hyundai Rotem’s first export of wheeled armored vehicles and the first time a Korean combat armored vehicle will enter the Latin American market.

>Hyundai Rotem said on Thursday that it has been chosen as the preferred negotiator by Peruvian military authorities for the supply of wheeled armored vehicles.

>Under the potential contract, Hyundai Rotem will be eligible to deliver 30 units of its K808 White Tiger to the Peruvian Army. The deal valued at $60 million was facilitated by Korean trading company STX.

>Wheeled armored vehicles, characterized by individual wheels rather than continuous tracks, offer maneuverability akin to standard vehicles.

>The K808, equipped with an 8-wheel drive system, can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h on paved roads and around 25 km/h off-road.

>It features run-flat tires capable of sustaining operation even after being hit by gunfire and an automatic air pressure adjustment system based on surface pressure.

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thats just a world of tanks player, opinions based on WoT logic is automatic F tier
Those damn uppity llamas
I refuse to believe that this isnt industry standard for all post-2010 vehicles
The very fact that they’re willing to work with such a small contract simply tells me there’s corruption involved. Or if "corruption" is to strong of a word, how about "strong unofficial government support"?
Initially it was Serbian Lazar that was selected as the winner, but it didn't take them too long to realize that it's just a revamped BTR-80, so they thwarted the decision and went for more reliable Hyundai.

Is sabotage enough to trigger article 5?

>A big fire at the Diehl Metal plant in Berlin.

>Among the products manufactured by the enterprise are air defense systems, guided missiles and ammunition.
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>I-if you don't stop I will let you fuck my wife!!!

Such a powerful NATO response
Germans again proving that their safety autism is completely worthless just like how German cars are garbage that needs 80 hours of labor to complete an oil change every 1000 miles.

For all your red tape autism you couldn't have a sprinkler system in your factory.
>peak function over form and it shows
Their auto industry is all propriety tools and screws and cars that make Detroit look like they have their shit together. The only part of Germany that isn't disappointing is their wheat beers.
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Jesus, if this is cucking out I'd hate to see a real western response
they would resort to nukes

>Russia Says Capable Of Intercepting Hypersonic Missiles
>According to Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, the Russian Armed Forces will receive the first samples of the highly anticipated next-generation S-500 air defense missile system this year.
>The Russian Defence Minister’s announcement, reported by the state-owned news agency TASS, signals a significant advance in Russia’s military capabilities.
>Shoigu outlined that the S-500 system will be delivered in two variations: long-range air defense missile systems and anti-missile defense complexes.
>This revelation comes along with the planned supply of other defense systems, including S-400 and S-300V4 air defense missile systems, Buk-M3 and Tor-M2U missile systems, and next-generation radar stations.
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Flak can with enough Flak
american bloodthirsty boomers are same but instead they send poor and retarded ukrainian fodder to catch glide bombs
Kek this is always the funniest part with these tards. It reminds me of the news articles claiming how successful the S-300 had been in Syria, until it was announced they had finished training the Syrians and were going to finally send it.
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Nobody sent ukrainians into a war except Russia invading them to steal their land, and genocide them.
Also ukie boomers are based and not cowards like russians
Nobody is forcing Ukraine to fight except for the russians. Russia is the one that invaded firsf.

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Close up image of the M1150 ABV armour array released by the Russians. After all these years, it's still NERA.
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Yet the Russians keep "modernizing" the shittier T-80BV -> T-80BVM.
Only the heat death of the universe will be the end of that particular type of autism
This is why we need to return to heavy armor
>is clearly a submersible
At this point I'm convinced "muh Ceramic Chobham" armor was purposeful disinfo put out by the British, especially when all unclassified British Chobham armor designs are also NERA.

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What would be the advantages of the A-7K in combat?

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