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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Should I poo in this loo sirs?
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>Abu Tahir aljanab
>calling a persian an arab
Why does everyone shit on kaaba?
You would be beheaded as Saudi law stipulates if not bum rushed by every guy nearby. Just don’t.
nah, that sounds like bullshit
nice larp, Indians don't use toilets

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Women won't understand why men pick the PlayStation
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Has it ever occured that you only attracted shitty women because you're a shitty man
Does a woman shit test in the woods?
Nah shitty women love good men. Their sole purpose is to extract the light and love out of the poor suckers. A wise man filters for a good woman.
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Xbox is tranny shite

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or creation event, etc.

you have complete empty nothingness for who knows how long and all of a sudden 8 billion years later I can now masturbate to porn on my brothers PSP

what happened? how did we get here if not for something outside of existence itself?
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>Boomer woman thinks launching "tough" challenges on 4chan makes her look masculine

This is why society is crumbling, btw. People like this boomer woman (in spirit) being given power. No ability to read and understand and you resort to caricatured aggressive behavior when you are clearly in over your head and amidst people intellectually out of your league.
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That's not biblical or scriptural. Hebrews 5. Protestants don't have priests in direct violation of scripture
Evolution is a jewish fairytale directly taken from the zohar. Charles Darwin's family were multigenerational kabbalah practicing free mason, gullible fuckwit.
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Protestants truly lack a sense of dignity and grace
I have an ability to read. I can read in about 7 different languages, actually, and 4 alphabets. I just choose not to lower my iq by reading stupid ass nonsense. You are beneath me, nigger faggot.

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BREAKING: Israel arrests 45 African farm workers for daring to leave their plantation and look for work elsewhere.
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Stop being hateful. It can cause disease in your body.
Address >>467040256. You won't because it exposes you.
Cry moar gurl, Haiti 2.0 is coming at you dirty little kikes fast. The entire planet is waking up and soon you creatures will find yourselves at 109 countries and 1 planet. Your existence is in jeopardy.
Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. I think niggers will be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society it once was. Niggers will be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and niggers will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive
Is that from a New Mexico tribe? Doesn’t look too Navajo? Seems Mexican region.

What tribe is it from?

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Is morally unethical to support the leader of a party who is actively committing genocide in Palestine?
What's the point of keeping it alive if it's real
Selected by Palestine

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Dangerously based
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They're not necessarily from Rwanda. Rwanda is just a country the UK struck an agreement with to deport people to.
>Why doesn't Ireland send them back to the uk
Probably the same kind of chronically weak jewed asylum policy we've been struggling with for decades.

>What is the Rwanda asylum plan?
>In April 2022, the government said that any asylum seeker entering the UK "illegally" after 1 January 2022, from a safe country such as France, could be sent to Rwanda.
>They would have their asylum claims processed there, rather than in the UK.
>If successful, they could be granted refugee status and allowed to stay in the landlocked east-central African country.
>If not, they could apply to settle in Rwanda on other grounds, or seek asylum in another "safe third country".
>No asylum seeker would be able to apply to return to the UK.

the irish love niggers, they suck the EU's asshole raw, we should dump all niggers in ireland for their benefit
What's a good estimate on the amount of illegals we have right now?
Ireland doesn't have control over its immigration system as a member of the EU. The dispute is between the UK and the EU, and the EU has been giving the UK the middle finger over illegals pouring in from France.
>Brit shits trying to destroy us again
>meanwhile all of the cringe students are protesting the war in Gaza instead because they love browns so much

Fuck this gay earth. I'm surrounded by retards on a hell planet.,

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>we brought you the geriatric from the space wizard movie, go Biden!!!
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He couldn't choose a worst timing to hang out with Genocide Joe
You don't get normies: they actually want to be part of The Establishment. Everything is high school to them still. The popular kids weren't popular because they were cool, they were just the biggest normie clique.
It'd have been less embarrassing for him to just suck an actual cock for money at that point.
He looks sickly. I suspect he is not long for this world
>Jew Biden is your father

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You Motherfuckers
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did they kill him and replace him with a.i.? his voice sounds different than usual
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Uh oh
>i love the jews, let me clear about that
How did you know ? not even 2 mins in he goes "i love the jews"

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you get to ask 3 questions about human history and have them answered.
What do you ask?

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Janny, this is political. Drugs influence thousands of political decisions every day, yet the goyim are never told what is and isn't good for them, whereas I know that coffee, fags, alcohol, coke, shrooms, and LSD is decidedly good for you.
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if they are real then show us one.
oh you cant? its because its all in your head you schizo fag. stop doing drugs.
in your mind, certainly.

>show me hard evidence of incorporeal spirit beings
if you ever get one come visit you i'll be here waiting for your post of new found appreciation of demons.
ive lived 30+ years with no signs of schizophrenia and i dont fry my brain with drugs so no, demons do not visit me.
are you followed by a psychiatrist?
meth isn't bad desu. so long as you dont smoke the shit
Where is benadryl

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>Another day, another escalation
- Pro-Palestine protest by BIJ-1 were announced on Remembrance Day despite ban in Amsterdam
- Police punished for racist app-group
- Coronapas ‘not a violation of the Constitution’
- Hail the size of marbles fall in Ede, parts of Limburg flooded due too the rain, possible geo-engineering
- Assassination attempt on Spanish VOX politician was funded by a Dutch women
- Ozempic documentary pulled from air because of fine
- They are releasing criminals now due to ‘staff shortage’, also the ones with felonies and given welfare
- Haarlem wants to change the road speed to 30 km/h
- Ronald Kahn (CoolCat, MS Mode, Sapph, America Today) leaves the Netherlands because taxes, rules and bureaucracy
- Protests against the monarchy on kingsday, supermax also removed and searched in Emmen
- XR protesters removed from A10 highway
- Man refuses to be knighted in the order of Oranje, saying that it is no honor for him
- From 100 euros wages, you only keep 47 euros
- Significant increase in pay for civil servants

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capitalism has killed far more, just the women performing abortions because they couldn't stop being whores for 1 day outperform all of these three put together.
national socialism is the best system there ever was and no jewish memeflag can prove otherwise.
je dochter gaat uit met een ahmed, gelukkig spreekt ze geen duits.
Ik heb geen dochter Achmed
je transzoon dan, jood
Heb ik ook niet en ‘capitalisme’ heeft helemaal niet zoveel mensen als die 3 >>467039521

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Previous: >>467030764
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine requested a waiver from the Council of Europe for (formal) suspension of several human/civil rights -https://archive.today/O20yg
>Zelensky: 'Kiev is negotiating with the US for it's support for the next 10 years -https://archive.today/uAMXX

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Looks like you don't hate the kike game, you just want to be the one running it.
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based, same
sadly, yes.
Never understood pawnshop, don't they basically buy stolen goods?
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They actually believe this shit, there are so many of these FB groups that have computer generated pics of the most fictional bullshit and they just eat it up.
This has like 6k likes.
Why do niggers nig?
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That's why they are the best slave race
A nigger without internet and access to nigger culture is the best of slave
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A smart ambitious poltard could potentially start an african army using only AI generated images and fake facebook pages. If one were so inclined.
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I just posted this in another thread, but it's the real reason.
Damn. I need a source, though.
Yeah, it's crazy. What I've observed is that they'll believe pretty much anything that strokes their ego. You can tell them the most far fetched, retarded shit - but if it makes them look good in some way, they'll eat it up.

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In Moscow rn, enjoying the view of destroyed Amerimutt equipment.
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i'm pretty sure i've done more than hold my arm up to an object before
Russia is not run by jews unlike America so they have my full support.
No timestamp
Based, have a big fat Z

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Do dogs belong in civilized society?
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Any person who enjoys seeing animals suffer or die is a subhuman who should be burned alive, just my two cents.
I'll look into it, does it provide training and management instructions?
I need advice to give the neighbors, they don't understand the dog doesn't speak English
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r8 m8
>blame the owner
so logically you'd put the owner down along with the dog if it mauls someone.
Look at the empty, soulless expression of the father at the end there.
There's nothing in these people's heads.
My mother in law had a pair of dachshunds who were both getting on in years. Both were rescue animals. One was nice, loved kids, loved hanging out with me because I could take him out and let him enjoy himself.
The other was a piece of shit. It had been abused and dumped in the woods, found and "rehabilitated", but it was a garbage animal. It would bite and snarl at the smallest noise, lose it's shit if you moved wrong, and had to be caged at night so it wouldn't piss and shit everywhere, or tear up the furniture or even my mother in law, and it would suffer panic diarrhea if left on its own. Guess which one was her darling little baby? My wife and her sister were convinced she loved that dog more than them.
When my wife got pregnant with the bull's son, we had long discussions where we agreed the dog would go the moment it stepped out of line, no matter what drama it caused. I would have taken it outside and shot it myself if it bit my kid.
I didn't have to as unfortunately both dogs developed an unexplained stomach cancer that rapidly killed them both within six months of each other, and I have no idea how it happened and you can't prove a fucking thing.

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sorry to break it to you, but they're not coming back
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how dumb is she to make pictures like this?
>how dumb is she to make pictures like this?

All women are whores, especially hoholinas...
It's not the first white country that has decided to suicide itself
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Of course they don't, neither do russian draft dodgers who managed to suck enough cocks abroad to get a residency permit. The thing about slavs is that they're extremely nationalistic, but always want to migrate to western nations and once they latch on, they never fucking leave. And the best thing is that they continue their retarde blood feuds thousands of kilometers away from their beloved shitholes, while their women flood Tinder and suck dicks for free drinks.

I've been banned from 4chan since covid I don't understand why I am allowed to post now is it because I am an arab
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Hang on.
So you were banned, because you’re an Arab, which might be considered racist
But now your alleged ban has expired, and that’s racist too.
I think it’s because you’re a larping cocksucker from Idaho. Or maybe because you’re actually not not not not not and Arab
>ketchup on rice
A lot of things aren't adding up because I can't find old screenshots but I swear I am telling the truth I couldn't post anything on 4chan for many years
>It's because I'm arab guys
and where is the place of the Arabs? You enjoy your freedom in NY and also support your shitty commie religion, go fuck yourself, hypocrite
On pol specifically

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Reminder: You're all cattle and Andrew Yang was your very last hope
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Justice is when everyone has shorts
Reminder that supports should only be given to the physically and mentally disabled.

Stop pampering/supporting people who are either too stupid, too lazy, or too unambitious to work hard. Stop stealing from people just because they own more than lazy, stupid and unambitious people.
Yang was equity, not justice. Justice would be removing all the kikes, niggers, illegals, and jeets and then making rental housing, healthcare, and high speed public transit free.
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>A politician was your hope
>Not yourself, your forebear's blood, ancestors within you and your gods
You are the vaccinated cattle here

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