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It helps to learn English first
Try "find out if a" instead of "understand" for a start
Do any other moids read things like this and feel incredibly sad?https://imgur.com/nXojmO3
Guys someone can explain the bear woman meme?

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Are all women hylics? Here's how my past 3 relationships went.

>1st gf
Christian Korean girl. Nice girl, but wanted to travel constantly, and was unhappy when she didn't have new content for her IG.

>2nd gf
Christian Russian girl. Another nice girl, but constantly wanted to start new side hustles and was never happy with our level of income (she wanted the penthouse suite).

>3rd gf
Atheist Polish girl. The nicest girl, but she was practically a nymphomaniac without antidepressants, and wanted to start OnlyFans and Pornhub accounts with me.

I like to travel, have sex, and make money too, but I don't identify with any of these things. I prefer to read books and make music at home, and I want to write and have children. It seems like no girl exists who can tolerate this and like there's less and less girls who want kids. Is it hopeless for me?
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Books are material
Writing is material
Creating material things beyond yourself is material
Try again
I don't involve myself with any of these things for materialistic purposes. My concerns are intellectual and spiritual, not money, fame, sex, status, or even pleasure.

>Didn't want kids

>Sort out nonsense in hope of alternative source of fulfilment

Colour me shocked
Gnostic terminology refers to the ability to go beyond this world. A hylic is a person who is fully satisfied with living with the things of this world. Intellectual development, while pleasant and good, does not necessarily require you to go beyond this world.
If your intellectual and spiritual interests involve assimilating yourself to God in some manner, sure, it is understandable how there would be a huge gulf between you and other people. It's why monks generally do not take wives.
Based autist thread

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This is kinda funny but a little scared now

>quit job
>have money saved up
>just vibe for a few months
>finally time to start looking
>apply to some jobs
>get a promising interview
>goes well but I'm asked the dreaded "can you explain this gap on your resume"
>lie and say I thru-hiked the entire Appalachian Trail because it was about a 6 month period and I'm in that region
>interviewer seems satisfied (and also impressed whoops)
>get the job
>I guess my lie was passed along because it's how my manager introduces me to everyone
>co-workers always asking about it
>decide to come clean and say I just needed to explain away the gap on my resume

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1) Are there people here absurd enough to unironically hold the position that opposition to the Catholic Church is evil/satanic
2) If so, do these absurd people masturbate
Meant for /his/ but I’ll take advice on this too if anyone has

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Every time I consider putting one foot forward I'm hit with the overwhelming sense that it's too late. I can't socialize and meet new people because they'll have expected me to reach certain milestones, and when they find out that I haven't, they'll think I'm a weirdo. I'm convinced most people think I'm gay because they've never known me to have a gf. I'm convinced that I missed my chances in life and there's no turning back now. At the same time, I don't much want to continue playing if this is all that's left of the game. What's the point living the rest of your life with the burden of regret?
>they'll have expected me to reach certain milestones, and when they find out that I haven't
They won't. They don't even care about you in the first place. You're just being anxious. Most people are losers, just like you.

>I'm convinced most people think I'm gay because they've never known me to have a gf.
Nope. They don't care.

>to continue playing if this is all that's left of the game
I'm 38. I started my company when during Uni. I was 25 at the time. Felt like a total loser for starting it, because all my life I've been told to study and get a degree. Felt like I was doing it wrong not pursuing it, felt like I would end up broke. I didn't. I ended up better than my colleagues.

There comes a point when you're just tired of complaining, Anon, and in that exact moment is when you're gonna start doing shit. This whole excuses bs is exhausting, and you know it. Sometimes we get so tired of complaining we end up just doing it. How old are you? the average person will live to 80s rn, and it's increasing... how close are you to it?

It also can be a consequence of you spending too much time on internet, where fake gurus claim to have achieved wealth in their early 20s or some shit, and that if you didn't, it's over. Real life doesn't work like that. And all these losers who ended up rich in their 20s are either sons of rich fuckers or just random gurus selling books teaching people how to make it. Be realistic and don't punish yourself over mundane stupid shit. There's never a time to get rich. You just go outside and do it.
Nah dude, if you reach a certain age and haven't got a car, haven't got a place of your own, haven't got a lovelife etc. then people are going to start thinking you're weird. I've had coworkers joke about me being gay because they all talk about the women they're seeing whereas I have nothing at all to report. I think you're grossly underestimating just how innately judgemental human beings are.
>They don't even care about you in the first place
That's the problem.
sure they'll think you're weird. that doesn't mean they won't socialize though
actually in the same situation here, I'm being honest with my shelteredness to a date and it's stressing me seeing him respond negatively each time. I dunno, maybe normies just want an experienced partner and don't have patience anymore. regardless, there's people like you out there...wish there were some support groups for this

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I don't think they care about you at all if they didnt answer
You need to love yourself first before getting into a relationship.
Since I got 100+ followers I set up a discord for my webfiction but what if my fans are all spergs?
I love myself. The reason I love him is because he's a lot like me.
oh wow to see you here in this thread of all places. after all this time. it pisses me off that you either forgot entirely i existed or you knew that there's a chance i could tell it's you but you don't care.

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Is beautician a good career for a mtf tranny?
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No actually anytime I have to talk to said receptionist I think 'Why do I have to talk to a man in a place that's for females only.' I picked a female doctor for a good reason, and suddenly have to explain my nasty problems to a man, who I know only got this job to feed his fetish.
>To be completely honest with you there aren't a lot of career choices for us outside of sex work
Yes, all the works preferred by autistic men like programmer and graphic designer.
You do realize that those people transitioned after they got their jobs right?
That's a fucking woman though. She doesn't care about your disgusting vagoo. She probably likes men and not women too. Stop thinking that everyone out there thinks that you're this hot piece that they undress inside their heads. You disgusting attention whore

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Here's a quick way to start a conversation with a stranger who is sitting near you.

The other day I was sitting at a restaurant outside reading, wasn't too busy. A girl, who I found attractive, had sat near me even though other tables were empty. I was reading a book at my table and decided to go use the bathroom, so I turned around and said "Hey excuse me. I"m just gonna use the bathroom real fast, do you mind watching my book for me?" She agreed. When I got back, she asked me what I thought about the book and boom the conversation starts.

If she doesn't say anything, you can thank her for the favor and then start the conversation then by asking her about something.

This works great for coffee shops and other public areas where people chill at, if you ever need it.
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what the hell is your problem man
Write your name and number with a short note saying "please return when done reading." inside it lol
>uhhhh just take it with you dude
what's the next step in your master plan
Do the same thing but to a different person
This is mostly silly. Just start by asking her a normal question than having to go to the bathroom when you don't need to. It will have exactly the same effect.

My old man's doing crypto and fucking went with NordVPN. All I know is it's shilled everywhere which makes me suspicious but don't know why not to get it and why to get something wlse or what to suggest. Please help, he listens to people on YouTube way more than his own fucking son on just about anything he's an stubborn old idiot
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It's YouTube. If this many youtubers get inventives to shill something, it's probably a scam, like BetterHelp was with so-called unqualified therepists and psychologists.
Anyway, I've heard people vaguely say it's shady or sells customer data over the years but never with actual links or videos or sources
Its fine. Its just a widely advertised VPN
If youre using it right/for the right reasons?
Nothing really.

The problem with nord (and any other similar products) is
>Wrong Expectations by Users
If you want privacy/to hide from big brother or whoever the fuck, then do not use nord or any other von services. They are points of failure and will sell you out if need be.
But if you just want it for shit like web browsing gone public wifi or primarily shit like changing locations to bypass stuff, then go for it.
use Mullvad instead

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This is a thread for people who have and would like to recover from an unhealthy dependence on pornography, erotic imagery or any kind of sexual overindulgence. Share your advice, your struggles, your solutions, and discuss strategies to get better.


Helpful links:

>Aggregate of hundreds of scientific research studies on porn

>A few examples that have shown porn to have negative effects:

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I don't know about the anti-anxiety med and won't comment on it.
But yeah, a porn addiction and excessive masturbation will often cause ED
>How can I fix this issue?
You can take Cialis or Viagra temporarily to make your dick work in the short-term (you can order online from Indian pharmacies if you're embarrassed to go to a doctor). I think this can be helpful; real sex is probably the best thing to rewire you away from porn.
Long term fixing, you clearly know the answer, cease and desist porn use.
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>9 months without porn, fap once in a while
>decided to go on nofap
>1 month
>started slipping and taking peaks/going on /gif/ again
Depending on your age your better off than most guys who haven't mutilated their penis
>It made a small but noticeable difference in my motivation.
care to elaborate?
I felt a little more driven and energetic. I'd compare it to drinking some coffee and then finding a 20$ bill you didn't know you had on the way out the door.

me and my ex still talk. he flirts off and on. idk i he does this for gratification and he knows ill do it back or if he wants me again. he's confusing. boys r confusing.

i worry no guy will like me like that again. im an autistic 4'9 18 yr old girl and im a little chubby. like 140 pounds chubby. but i have big boobs and boys like big boobs, right? so i have that going for me. i have a funny voice. like shitty anime girl voice that i get flamed for which some pedophile might find kawaii as fuck so hey awesome. u guys may say wtvr u want but its cool to get this off my chest, even on a site like damn 4chan.
140lbs at 4’9 ain’t chubby, that’s fat, and big boobs on a fat chick is like abs on a skinny guy
quick question, are you retarded? im 4'9 but i am also 18. i have the body of an 18 year old girl. bodies distribute fat differently. big boobs, big hips, big ass, and a little tummy does not equal fat. im calling that youre a skinny gook twink who cant break 100 right now. faggot.
nah hes right ur bmi is 30 ur fucking obese lmao
yuck a body positive obese girl
did you need advice on something?

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I financed a bike to help build my credit. Had the money the whole time but want to raise jew score to get new home.

An insurance company cancelled my insurance without notifying me. The bank didn't notify me which is against the law here (but they claim they did, so apparently because they "say so," that's legal). But, neither did the DMV, OR the insurance company.

They issued a very steep fine and told me to get back-dated coverage. It was difficult, but I did. They refused to remove the fine. They then blocked a payment through my bank, blocked my access to their online portal so I couldn't make a payment there, and then expected me to send a money order or pay through the phone for an additional 10% fee.

In addition to this, they ignored my many attempts at contact through email, texts, and when I called, they had their credit resolution department harass me with claims of not submitting proof and changing their story multiple times (which I have recorded on camera).

I've been trying since October to pay the motorcycle off in full and get rid of this nightmare company.

They also later charged me again for "no insurance," but this time it was completely invalid and they just placed a charge to me arbitrarily. They then charged interest on all of this. After this, I stopped paying because this was a violation of my consumer rights.
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I believe the insurance company originally dropped the ball. After all, they cancelled my insurance without my request after I payed well in advance. But the DMV was never notified either, and I was informed of this later on when I tried re-registering the bike for the next year. I was told the DMV was "eventually" notified by my bank, not by the insurance company, which is odd because both the insurance company is supposed to notify the DMV and the bank, and the bank is not supposed to have any contact with the DMV at all outside of transferring title (this is according to a DMV representative).

However, the Credit Union saw a moment where they can make an quick buck and blame me for "failing to maintain insurance." They never expected I was going to get back-dated coverage, but because the insurance cancelled as a mistake, they covered me and I got it.

I've spoken to a few people who used this bank and they have had similar issues where a small discrepancy, or some fault entirely not their own caused a huge fine that they had to fight over. I believe the Credit Union just does this crap and it was just a mistake on the insurance company that threw me into this situation.
I am not changing the subject. This is something you can google. Please stay on topic. Would a judge look at my evidence and see that I have been trying to work on this and the credit union was clearly playing games, or should I just take it in the ass and pay the jews and never deal with this company again?
How does an insurance company drop your policy if you've already paid it in full? The DMV would send you a letter in the mail fining you for a lapse in insurance as well.

It's very much on topic: the credit union provided you with a method for payment and you failed to do so. The onus is on you here.
>How does an insurance company drop your policy if you've already paid it in full? The DMV would send you a letter in the mail fining you for a lapse in insurance as well.
Exactly. That is why I think they messed up, because the DMV wasn't notified till way later. The insurance company made some mistake and I had nothing to do with it.

Money orders are not expectable. Easily stolen, and with sketchy behavior from a credit union, I'm not going to see my cash disappear and have to resend another payment. 2 previous methods of perfectly acceptable payments were attempted and deliberately blocked. This is not acceptable. And then to fine someone for "no payment" after blocking one payment and returning another, this is a violation on consumer rights.
Also worth noting that I made the payment and they blocked and refused my money before they had requested the money order. This behavior is very unusual and not acceptable.

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What's the appeal of women? Can't you just get rid of any sexual urges with your right hand? If you can refuel your car for free, why would you instead choose the gas that requires far more time, money, and energy that's only maybe slightly better? This is a serious post I'm autistic. It honestly baffles me, like they drive men insane when they act like whiny toddlers. What's the appeal?
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you're definitely schizoid.
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Being worshiped by a female it's the closest you will get to being godlike.
Why would i masturbate when someone can do it for me?
i think you might just need to wait for the right woman. you shouldnt be dating someone unless you love them and want to be around them. seems obvious, but loads of people hold lust over companionship.

or youre just asexual or something. nothing wrong with it, as long as youre not a dick about it.
their only appeal is their sluttiness and debauchery
people want real women for the raunchiness of the sex, nothing else . women will do any sex act and you dont have to commit at all in any substantial way. if men had to commit they would just jack off. no one would put up with women if it werent for the sex acts and debauchery

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Is there any legal subtance that would boost my mind?

I need something to keep me focused for hours and hours on end. Other than caffeine, what would you recommend?
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lions mane is supposed to repair your brain, a lot of people with brain damage go hard into it. It's backed by science and probably works to a limited extent.

I personally take lions mane and have the genius mushrooms. Ironically the lions mane seems most effective when I take very little, only one capsule. The genius mushrooms blend is probably about right.
Kratom feels so fucking good at ~4g but it makes me pretty constipated so I had to stop taking it. I do miss it.
Fuck off fungi fags
I quit smoking cigarettes, but I still use nicotine gum for an added boost of focus at work or when studying. Obviously in addition to coffee.
That's very foolish, it has been known for decades that MDMA is one of the best treatments for PTSD that we have, yet none of us are allowed to take it. There's plenty of drugs out there that they are aware could be beneficial to the public, that we're not allowed. Look at legal medical cannabis in the UK, it has been proven to stop seizures in those with more severe forms of epilipsy, yet almost nobody is allowed a prescription. It is very naïve to think that if a drug works we the public would be given automatic access to it.

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How do I find my looksmatch?
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so what's her angle? good cook? huge tits? dick sucking pro?
I get hair compliments from both genders
What the fuck does that mean
If you get compliments from both it means you must really have pretty hair lol. Embrace it
Trial and error?
he probably just likes chubby women. they are usually better girlfriends in all honesty becuase they usually do feel they have to make up for their fatness by being extra affectionate and caring partners.

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