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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [co­de] and [/co­de]

The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

ground miku edition

"GPT2" model on lmsys https://rentry.org/GPT2 (unavailable now)
AWS bedrock now has custom models on demand
Meta AI released Llama 3 8B and 70B https://llama.meta.com/llama3
Claude Opus on Amazon Bedrock https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/anthropics-claude-3-opus-model-on-amazon-bedrock

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles


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t. self hating locust
My internet is "5G" and I moved to one where it is not and it worked, does that have anything to do with it?
Holy retard!
I think my internet is just failing (lol)

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The app is better than ever and im tired of pretending its not
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I live in the first world so I've never used that piece of shit.
Telegram runs in circles around it
Yeah you use iphone texts like we are in 2010
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Those already exist and have been used for years. I'm not sure what you're waiting for exactly.

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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100298534 & >>100292317

>(05/02) Nvidia releases Llama3-ChatQA-1.5, excels at QA & RAG: https://hf.co/collections/nvidia/chatqa-15-662ebbf6acc85f5c444029a8
>(05/01) KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.19756
>(05/01) Orthogonalized Llama-3-8b: https://hf.co/hjhj3168/Llama-3-8b-Orthogonalized-exl2
>(04/27) Refusal in LLMs is mediated by a single direction: https://alignmentforum.org/posts/jGuXSZgv6qfdhMCuJ
>(04/24) Snowflake Arctic Instruct 128x3B MoE released: https://hf.co/Snowflake/snowflake-arctic-instruct

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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Strange, I tried just --threads 19 and only get 2.5 T/s (down from 3.2 T/s)
Maybe it depends on the OS scheduler, or the model.
Command-r bros, what's your settings
cope, astericks should never be erpified, you're mentally ill
No. I should try those, perhaps. But Llama3 is scary.
Seems to be great for writing stories, dumb for chat, dumb enough that being uncensored doesn't offset it.

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all of this looks great, so what's wrong with it? what is the better option, if any?
and no, I don't want to use rust.
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How would you ever know the size of a char without a bunch of macros?
Ironically CMake has the same issue as C/C++, it has a ton of legacy shit which still exists for the sake of backwards compatibility but it actually has much better options available. If you do everything with target_link_libraries, it will make your life so much simpler.

Once modules become widespread, it will make managing C++ projects way easier. CMake already has support for them. You should start moving to modules already.
POSIX guarantees it is 8 bits, I don't support non-POSIX systems :^)
>c/c++ is great the way it is you're just not good enough, so use a different language
>creates rust fixing a lot, but not all issues
>Noooo you're not supposed to make a language that fixes the bad parts about the thing I like. Now I'm no longer part of a special boys club that can do niche stuff few other languages do
but make is fucking trash

.c=.o? >@ >$? implicit variables?
wildcard functions duplicating what you get in shell?
and all this nonsense for a script that checks modification dates on object files.

the only reasons i use make are:
a) i already learned to use that crap so its less effort to continue using it than writing a builder that makes sense
b) its a standard. an asinine one, but standard nonetheless

using a product for these reasons doesnt make that product a good one.

Where is a good place to keep your passwords safe? Is a password manager worth it?
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I write them into a notebook.
There is one built in your fucking browser. Every third-party pm is an obvious scam for normies.
Your brain is a good place

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"don't talk to me or my son" edition

previous: >>100184497

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

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MASSCAN scans the Internet's IPv4 address space in only 5 minutes (10 million packets per second) from a single machine.
IPv6 is somewhat enumerable through IPv6 reverse DNS records and announced IPv6 prefixes in MP-BGP.
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RIP to a real one
are the earlier gen, smaller count threadrippers in any way affordable now? Or do I just buy a more modern CPU instead.
>56,000,000 years to scan
statistically the average server has 22 open, a lame ass password, no fail2ban, so you can keep at it forever unless you get throttled by some cisco switch along the way
it's like robbing a house, if i go around an apartment building and try every door, eventually one is unlocked with its owners gone to get groceries.
i dont have to be a skilled robber, i dont have try every window every vent every disguise every city on the continent.

what i am trying to say is the theoretical billion of years is a HUGE NUMBAH but irl doesn't matter and doesn't stop anyone from trying the low hanging fruits.
yes there is.
>no ECC memory
>way too little RAM for zealot filesystem
>probably no hotswap bays
>no HBA?
>only 20+4 PCI Express lanes

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does anyone knows about a way to see f1 TV for free? cause in my country is kinda expensive and i really want to see the races, help
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nice try formula 1
Depending on your country, use a VPN and look at a free or $1 dollar IPTV 3 day trial package. Also, not sure if it's still being posted in /F1/ on the /sp/ board but there used to be a link and password to watch an F1 stream. If it's not listed, ask there and someone might help you. Fucking doubt it though as /F1/ is either Hamspammers or Dutch Banger Racer fans and they're all cunts.


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Did someone say something about emulators?

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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I saw a roastie last night with some kind of Galaxy Flip. Just thought you might be interested in knowing about that.
Nah fuck that shit. I'm trading this shit in for a S23. Too many fucking holes to jump through on iOS.
It takes 5 minutes to setup and is insanely simple to do. If you think this is hard or bothersome to do then I wonder how the fuck you even were able to get past the setup screen on the phone itself. Also don't get the S23 if you want a good camera. It is awful like really not good for the price.
>It takes 5 minutes to setup and is insanely simple to do.
It takes connecting to a computer every 7 days and only let's me sideload 3 apps at a time. That's since retarded faggot shit and you're a retarded faggot for making excuses for it.

>Also don't get the S23 if you want a good camera. It is awful like really not good for the price.
Looks fine to me. Holy fuck I hate apple and their retarded little cult that does zero research on phones.
>It takes connecting to a computer every 7 days and only let's me sideload 3 apps at a time. That's since retarded faggot shit and you're a retarded faggot for making excuses for it.
No it doesn't. Maplesigner does NOT need a pc at any point and you can sideload unlimited apps at once on your phone. This is NOT altstore and it has NOTHING to do with it.
>>Also don't get the S23 if you want a good camera. It is awful like really not good for the price.
>Looks fine to me. Holy fuck I hate apple and their retarded little cult that does zero research on phones
I owned the S23 and I currently own a Pixel after having an iPhone 15 Pro for 6 months. The iPhone and Pixel's cameras are a million times better than samsung's.

Is it always desirable for a subwoofer to cut below 30Hz? Like even for music? Or is that more of a thing for home theatre?

I've read that those SVS woofers that cut below 25Hz are more suited to home theatre than music.
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Some harmonics go lower than the fundamental.
Do sealed subs sound better than ported subs?
The Australian market is fucked. Get the sb-1000, it will be more than capable of getting louder than comfortable in a medium sized room.
You'll get better results finding the correct room placement and doing room correction EQ than you would just spending more cash.
If I was building a system today and saw the sb-1000 was going for $527 I'd get two.

All else being equal including wattage, ported subwoofers are louder at the cost of a sharp rolloff below the tuning frequency potential port resonance and increased group delay.

Insane audiophiles only use sealed subs but well designed ported subs are perfectly performant.
In any other country you choices are the speedwoofer 12s or the Rythmik L12/F12.

>Is it always desirable for a subwoofer to cut below 30Hz?
Not so much a HPF cut off but it's often a goal to tune a speaker system to have a gentle rolloff from about ~30hz to 20hz as opposed to having a dead flat response to 20hz.
If you have speakers with significant resonance and distortion below 30hz then yes, use a HPF.

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>527USD not AUD
My bad, not as great a deal as I thought.
Last Black Friday the SB-1000 Pro went as low as $847 AUD ($560 USD). Reckon that's worth the wait and extra premium?

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Did you know you can use it to boot VHDx as well?
You can with a single drive have your whole machine on you most of the time.

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the only way out of this is to hire more pajeets. surley this will improve windows.
You also have to turn bitlocker off and then on again, if you have it. Also a lot of machines had two recovery partitions, plus some goobletygook partition that doesn't do anything but you can't move things around it while it's there, both of which had to be removed and rearranged so that there was enough space to the right of C:\ and I believe to fix this on our machines I had to reboot everything twice and in the mean time no one could use whatever machine I was working on.
Windows is still the only OS directly associated with "virus", I doubt marketing whores can convince people otherwise who literally experienced it themselves
I attended a presentation on cloud security and the speaker (Microsoft employee) emphasised "secure development practices" multiple times, followed by "log4j".
Yet in my experience, the worst reimagepocalypses and patchpocalypses happened due to flaws in Microsoft software, not Java or XZ.
Like, a Bitlocker bypass, or Exchange server takeover, or NotPetya won't happen due to log4j.
Following the instructions as published by Microsoft won't even work if at some point you ran cleanmgr, because you'll no longer have a copy of the WinRE image in your main partition (it's removed as unnecessary because technically you don't need a recovery image since you already have a recovery partition).
You have to download a Windows ISO, mount it, mount the WIM file with the installation files, copy the WIM file with the recovery image, and finally enable the recovery partition again. Only then the update will finally install.

The worst part about this is that if someone tried to download the instructions as published by Microsoft but gives up before doing all this shit, not only the update will still refuse to install but he'll also lose the recovery partition, so his system will also be completely unable to recover from a future botched update. Win-win.

Not to mention that depending on your backup solution, you might need to reconfigure some settings since the partitions on your disk will be different. What an absolute shitshow.

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Be nice if you could actually install the drivers for this piece of shit
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Doesn't Windows automatically handle driver updates these days?
Ahhahahahahahahahhahahahaa fuck no, only on some devices even then drivers are outdated
My last gen carbon x1 has input lag on my monitor that makes all fps gaming unplayable. People say its a driver issue but there is no available 'refresh rate' option anywhere in intel arc. Fuck intel and fuck 1335u
you can manually tell windows which driver to use via device manager. you need to unpack the driver package first, though
>driver version displayed prominently
What's the point? Can't they just slap one number and keep incrementing it as needed? 22621 by itself is more than enough to uniquely identify a release, even with multiple branches and whatnot.

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Why was 4chin dead a couple hours ago? Huh?
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Works on my machine.
Well obviously works for me now, DUH, it didn't work like 12 hours ago for a few hours.
The homepage 4chan.org was down. But the boards worked for me.

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Suddenly, its like almost ALL websites that I use are now willingly letting themselves getting MitM'd by Cloudflare.
I have to click this shit for most of the address that I visit now.
Did Cloudflare adoption just accelerated suddenly or its just me?
How do we defeat such a thing?
I am afraid that the web will not be private at all anymore.
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This site is the epitome of herd mentality, it's literally filled with Twittard refugees.
Schizos mad at the relevant and informative answer
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Anyone knows why this shit happens? Can't Google anything via incognito from my phone on local WiFi. Bing/Yandex work fine, google gives a lot pictures to click on.
We're not mad, you're clearly shilling. I bet you would also shill Squarespace that polices you instead of learning how to write HTML+CSS and setting up your own server.
you do realize Cloudflare has sketchy relationships with both the DoD and Israel, right?

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