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Axe Murderer vs. Lolicon God
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I actually thought that Priest had a decent powerup by actually using his arms for more uses. The ghost arms that we see is something ghosts can actually do, Asura for example does the same thing and forms his armor using them
It seems that Priest can now use said arms to directly rip out the souls of his victims to bypass the time requirement of his sutra. His sutra works as normal and incapacitates those that hear it but as seen with the Divine General that Priest beat, he bypasses the sutra time requirement and didn't even need to incapacitate said General to directly drag its soul to hell in moments after he entered his range
>and Dark Gathering has been pretty faithful to that until now, but that also doesn't scale well into actual battles

The series does still play by this, even outside their main Curses the Graduates have other effects like Oiran being able to manipulate the dimensions of the hotel she was originally sealed at, make Keitaro invisible to others and make illusions.
Asura can use refractions and light to make even normal people see him and trick those with ghost visions
The A-Dam ghost did a lot of funky mind control and soul controls when it got its hands on Keitarou
Even Child in her own turf can put forth all sorts of rules and spooky stuff

As you said none of those really translate well to battle and not really useful against Tai Sui or at least not stuff he can't deal with. Maybe in the next ghost encounter we get to see more of those
can everyone do a reaction edit?
We could.
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>all of the S tier ghost are failing to kill a god
Dark gathering more like Jobbers gathering

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Akane will soon make Aqua's stars disappear the same way he made her stars disappear.
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Kanagods are the only ones understanding Aka’s romance writing while the rest seethe and whine about it being filler or “underdeveloped “
>Dad abandoned her family
>Meet MC once for a few hours as a child
>Always remembered him
>Hold onto him as her motivation to keep working hard
>Ends up all alone as a result
>Instantly recognized him when they meet again at high school
>Has to suffer as MC get closer to other girls
>Doesn't make a move on him because she wants him to be happy
>Tries to let go of her feelings but is unable to do so
>Wants to be seen as special
>Willing to put other people wants over her own
>air-headed, idiotic personality
>Depressive and self-loathing inside

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Ruby is Itsuki.
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>instant reply cope
It’s afraid.
Yeah there's clear deathflags for Akane, not so much for Kana as I always said she's getting kidnapped if anything of the sort were to happen but she won't die.

I won with the latest chapter, especially on the part where I said the eyes meant nothing and it turned out to be true.
As usual, since you incestlosers can only come up with the dumbest interpretations that always return wrong.

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Happy 14th birthday Anison Matrix! It's another first Saturday of the new month, it's time to seriously party because MOGRA serving a double large helping on jagers. Of course we got our usual regulars slamming down the shots but the guests tonight are no joke! We got TAKU INOUE and Kur@ra taking the spotlight so everyone, grab your drinks because... What station is this? It's the


23:00 - 23:40 HokBoy VJ: COCOA*
23:40 - 00:20 kei。 VJ: COCOA*
00:20 - 01:00 D-YAMA VJ: DeLPi
01:00 - 01:40 TAKU INOUE VJ: DeLPi
01:40 - 02:20 chefoba VJ: DeLPi
02:20 - 03:00 Kur@ra VJ: COCOA*
03:00 - 03:40 melo VJ: DeLPi
03:40 - 04:20 Oblongar VJ: COCOA*
04:20 - 05:00 oddrella VJ: COCOA*

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Thank you, anon. Very much appreciated! I'm also hoping for an Aiobahn song to be played.
one of the few chuubas that actually put in the work after getting stonewalled over and over during her early days, pure undiluted talent and discipline
These ad breaks are out of control.
Too bad he didn't play yona yona journey.
Too bad he didn't play Crazy Crazy.

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what really counts as "eliminated"? How do sensors decect and calculate shit, tracks arent elimination but the wheel is? Is broken barrel a elimination? What about the engine? What part has to be hit and calculated as "penetrated" for elimination. Is any crew penetration enough for elimination?
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Go play your esports.
Because tomboys are the best
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>school mandated homosexuality
>beer at every school cafeteria for every meal
>Maho-based state religion
Now we just need to figure out her tax policy
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I can't find her, but I wanna get lost here with her and keep her warm during the cold nights.
I'd rather play with Yukari's fluff

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Why was this hack so allergic to the basic concept of giving each character in the cast appropriate enemies to fight? Even the most retarded, worthless, braindead shonen understood this. Naruto understood this, Bleach undestood this, One Piece understood this, MHA understood this. They give secondary characters weaker shitters to fight while the protagonist fights stronger enemies. In a competently written shonen Piccolo and Krillin would be fighting the villain's henchmen while Goku and Bejita would be dealing with the main villain and everyone would be happy.

But not Dragon Ball where even the weaker shitters are still too strong for secondary characters and Goku/Bejita/their kids have to beat EVERY SINGLE ENEMY. Why?

You can tell Super wasn't written by Toriyama because it gives secondary characters at least that much.
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Stupid. Toriyama's biggest inspirations was 60s and 70s manga, especially astro boy. Back when comics were simple just to have characters and scenarios bend to put the main hero through conflict. And in the middle of dragon ball in the 80s, Hokuto No Ken was really popular which only had one real hero anyway. Toriyama never intended dragon ball to have some kind of super ensemble cast like Oda with One Piece or Kishimoto did with One Piece. Toriyama has often even voiced dissatisfaction with vegeta after all.
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pretty much why every villain was allowed to kick Bejita's ass
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Bullshit. His Kenpachi,Byakuya,Ulquiorra,Ginjo and Yhwach fights are the most titular fights of Bleach. Only like fucking Kenpachis fights holds a candle. A lot of non Ichigo fights are just there to show off Bankais anyway and Tite shouldve just sold some damn data books or corraborated more with Video games better debuting them there instead of giving forgettables like Soi Fon,Komamura and Hitsugaya tons upon tons of panel time to get their asses kicked.

>Everyone hated Bleach for that
Not quite. What everyone hated Bleach for was that its reoccuring cast was overly huge. The Gotei 13 alone was like 30 or something additional characters(Captains,Liutenants some Seated people like Yumi,Ikkaku,Hanatarou,Rukia etc) Tite had made relevant and that supressed the original 4 really fucking hard to the point where he clearly lost his focus on them. Chad and Orihime both just stopped evolving as characters and fighters after they showed up and Ishida and Ichigo came off as rushed in their fights. TYBW Ichigo is a perfect example even because he just cycles through a Shikai/Bankai change into an entirely new one and people still to this day are underwhelmed with how all it does is Getsuga Tenshou compared to Rukias new Bankai,Renjis new Bankai or Kyouraku,Unohana and Hitsugayas Bankai which all put forward some great feats.
I remember one of the early Dragon Ball chapters included a fan letter section and one of the petters was from a kid writing that they saw a big dog and it scared them. Maybe the translation took out some context, but it seemed weird to me, why would you write about something like that to a random manga artist instead of talking to your family. I hope that person is doing okay today.
kek kids are hilarious

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Cute new Majimawives

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Is Jujutsu Kaisen even worth continuing since Gojo died

He carried the series
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He was sealed and then he died in the fight against Sukuna much after because he simply made an Oopsie and got cut in half
>He carried the series
>does nothing
>kills two shitters
>vanishes for half the series
>dies in his first serious fight
Gojofag brain rot.
It’s his personality people like you autist
Yuji has been using bloodpiercing and dismantle so youre already wrong.
Shares the same personality as isekaiman #626366

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Loco Musica is everyone's idol!
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With the exception of that one censored scene, the little girls in Prisma Illya never have sex. They just kiss with tongues, which as far as I know is not a crime or cheesy pizza.
MahoAko also is not cheese pizza because it is a cartoon.
What chapter is this from
>prideful girl gets sexually dominated.
Need more of this.
like most internet projects tvtroons has been a joke for years now

Why the fuck does she have so little doujins?!
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Thorfinn the manlet
>Irrationally and fanatically believes in strict pacifism
>Magically overcomes all challenges to his pacifism through the power of being a kung-fu viking
>Beliefs are constantly affirmed
>Tranny-loving gungrabbing cuck
vs Vash the CHADpede
>Faces an impossibly cruel world wherein his attempts at pacifism are constantly destroyed, still maintains his mindset
>Forced to kill Legato
>Eventually accepts that his naive beliefs rooted in emotion are illogical and that there is a place for righteous violence
This is why Trigun will always be the superior moralfag manga
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I thought vash was frylock in the thumbnail
Vash doesn't say his beliefs are irrational and gives up his non killing rule. He accepts he needs to stop Knives and incapacitates him. Thorfinn is just the self hating feminist insert of the mangaka
>Tranny-loving gungrabbing cuck
OP has reached maximum derangement
>Tranny loving
Thorkells son
The part where he demands the confiscation of all weapons
You just know
Vinland Saga is garbage
Trigun is alright

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>a pure nerd girl with perky tits and a fat ass just waiting to be corrupted by a blonde gaijin delinquent
No wonder Fujimoto choose this design. A classical doujin JK who undergoes 'correction' over the summer
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It's unironically more likely Asa will get turned into a weapon by Yoru than Chainsaw Man dying in the Chainsaw Man manga
Segway into Kishibe enter for MORE fanservice
The thing with Denji right now is that he can just snap at any given point. He probably won't though.
So much soul Asa could never.
>Yeah bro this is totally what is gonna happen so I must defend Yoshitda for being retarded because of things that will not happen.
War will save humanity, this is set on stone said by the manga, famine and control. That IS going to happen.
Not telling him is a gag at this point to create misunderstandings because at this point everybody thinks and has seen Asa use her powers, not because of fear LMAO Asa literally saved chainsaw man right in front of yoru's cuck face and she did nothing

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New episode soon
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made lolis relevent again
she looks like his mom/aunt.
Not everyone is a shounentard.
Do not.
So what happens when different families fuck each other?
shippou marrying the saegusa twins would result in what? a new branch or will they be part of saegusa if strong?
Or if they are weak they will be of the shippou?
Do you think Erika or Leo would give a fuck? That Honoka wouldn't be devastated? That Mayumi wouldn't be butthurt?

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>Izo the Demon Slayer
It's a shame we probably won't see any elaboration regarding his title, or any sort of basic Izo's background.
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>that time Muzan left Japan, met Izo and went back to Japan
He's based on Okada Izo, a legendary hitokiri and of the inspirations for Kenshin Himura
Where are the new ND chapters?
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This guy?
At the end of may

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There's a way to block specific artists if you have an ad blocker.
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/000"])
Add this but replace 000 with the pixiv user ID
*add this to filters
Man, I need to read over my posts more
working on one, but probably can't do a lot of them. Might be able to deliver a couple next weekend friend
I remember that some users are also able to add tags in pixiv so most of the AI stuff actually gets tagged, at least for works that get enough views for somebody to care to tag it as AI.
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It's ok anon, take your time.

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Stop being happy.
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Become happy. Might stop later.

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