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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

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Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Did you summon for Mythic Loki?
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at least link to the previous thread, faggot
When has that ever been a thing here
I miss seers snare.
Dont worry, they'll bring it back.
Next year.
With no orbs.
remember the last time we got a permanent game mode?
me neither

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What are you favorites point and click for android guys.
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you posted it, broken sword is my favorite point and click series period. I think the directors cut of the second one is on android as well
There are two I played with the play pass which I loved but I don't remember the names. One was futuristic (the plot iirc was around a cloned baby, the name was Nordic) and the other horror in which you play as a Gothic girl whose friend is a Christian girl.
I love the Chzo Mythos series but you probably have to run it through ScummVM.
Just tried this and played Beneath a Steel Sky and it was fantastic. You made me discover a gem.
oh I didn't know I could get scummVM on android. Are the controls good ?

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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thanks bro
I'm around level 160 now. I log in, do and collect my dailies, the daily arena/fights. My progress is completely locked behind pulls and the purple powder thing right now and I get so little of it. I'm done playing in a few minutes it feels like.

So I was about to drop some more money on this game when it hit me that I have no idea what the endgame is like. Is there a point in trying to progress faster and further, or is it just more of the same and I might as well take my time getting there?
>Is there a point in trying to progress faster and further,
new season content. locked behind afk stage 1125 and reso level 240. and main story
just afk anon
also check if you havent done any daily activity. are you part of a guild? labyrinth?
You don't need to pay you just have to wait. Sounds like you're on a newer server so there's an event that doubles your afk rewards that should be starting for you pretty soon.

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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take a shower
>take a shower
touch grass
I think anime is based.
omg me too sis
This game unironically looks too much like genshin for me

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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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Also SSJ3 and Buu are better than Gogeta, Suckmmas and KEKly, while having much better banners, if you're going to soomon then you're going to have much more value summoning on GW instead of filler trash.
You could do that on JP too, retard. Skip the units and use ezas. By that logic there's no reason to summon on that either.
Why save for 10th when apparently you can just luckfag what you want?
Everyone who's been playing a while has nothing to use coins on. If you're new, anni has the most value like scholaranon said. No anni units are relevant for the next one, what a stupid and dishonest way to gauge them. Again, you have the option on both versions to skip and clear with ezas, their value for clearing new content hasn't changed.
Their banners are dogshit aside from the eza unit and one of the banner units. A couple of the ddfs are still useful. This is the same as the anni banners.
you can keep telling yourself that summoning on goku and buu is the best choice but the reality is that despite majin buu saga getting buff non stop, super heroes is still miles above it
it doesnt matter is ssj3 goku is a better tank than the gammas when beast, ui goku, and vegeta can handle slot 1, and the gammas are straight up better at damage, support, and are actually at full power on the last phase of the battle where it actually matters

the anni banners will have discounts, free multi, tickets etc, anyone could splurge there and be fine or dont do it, whatever floats your boat

yes you can beat everything with either team but you spend from what i see hours in this thread basically preaching "my opinion > your opinion" you arent smarter, you arent better than anyone here, you are just a dude with a lot of free time and a lot of invested time on this game
Gammas also have 80% DR at the part of the fight where SS3 gets cooked. And they give a 2 turn multiplicative 50% def. People overlook them because the other units are so busted, but that's the point.

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>20 million pre-register on china
so it's flop on global ?
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>Infinite abyss exploration commission
I hope they remove this shit from the final game, fuck off
lol what is this shit
dont tell me this is weekly or something
If I recall right, during beta 2 that was mostly a challenge. You didn't have to do that.
You literally do not get anything for doing it outside of like 20 premium currency.
t. did it in the last beta
>clear up to floor 15 for full rewards
>tap out
It's just a slightly longer side quest.

News when
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>with a playable male mc
Holy cope
Manjuu should go the way of Snowbreak and ban any kind of yuri discussion, as well as banning asking for a female MC or playable male gacha characters.
I want to fuck the pammies
Game is designed for normalfag audience. Prepare for massive disappointment.
At least it will guarantee stability, even better if its not discussed on /vg/ for being too normie friendly.

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New thread. Re-did this one since I missed the subject line. The 3rd anniversary for global just started along with the second Taimanin event.

Also, in case ICYMI from the last thread:

>That thread along pretty much emphasizes the crowdfunding thing again although them having plans to explain more. It also repreats some info regarding why the game got the axe, and it was honestly a lot more than I was expecting even if they came go into extreme detail. Basically, it is a combination of complicated contracts and resources. Even though sales have gone down, they were still making plans going forward.


>This one here follows a bit on how they still want to talk with the fanbase and answer questions in mid September. Aside from that, the plot is 90%. I'm not sure if they mean from what we have seen or from what they have so far, but good on the communication either way.

>Going back to the complications, the team was also talking with various other affiliates since they rely on more than the parent company and DMM. We probably won't ever know all the details of these contracts, but maybe that complication is the reason why there is even a small glimmer. Also, I say they got the axe, buy the team is asking that it was their own decision to end things given the circumstances. So maybe it really was a case of funding getting cut rather than an official end.

>No news on global. The admin from the official Discord has said that there are no plans for cancelation right now. It may or may not end early still, but I honestly wonder how much overhead they worry about
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Yeah and there's a used car dealership selling Toyota in my town, doesn't mean that Miyamoto who installs the engines in the Japanese factory knows of it's existance
Where I will get more of marianne now, at least there is the offline version to look forward too.
You could always commission more art
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The fuck
I guess the next set of arma units is going to be the HIGHEST forms
RIP to anyone still waiting for a regular character arma unit
The pattern has failed. No new shadow. Hope they at least rerun green, I still need his weapon.
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wabbit session
Uooooh rabbit tummy erotic

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Any fun?

Lissandra is here!
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Fuck your Gloom.

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Every single game I have played today has been against Elder Dragon Shyvana. Nice fucking game Riottards, no wonder this dogshit died.
What no games against Vex Norra with a single copy of Eddie for overpowered buffs.
I know it's not happening because of the team getting gutted but the entire fucking dragon archetype needs to be gutted for constructed to be decent. Who the fuck thought cards like 2/3 draw a dragon were a good idea. The entire archetype is just slightly overtuned with a ton of cards that punch above their weight for their cost that get pushed to absurd levels by bullshit like Form Up, Single Combat, and Elder Dragon.
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This game is trash

String Fucker boss fight is in, remember papa Cometpants loves you
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Im too addicted to EB to do any of the hard fights
My luck is on point at least. I was gonna skip since I didnt even pick up any of their previous styles, but since I have Khalid might as well get the ogre woman too
>that pic
Why must you hurt me so?
any emus more optimized than LDplayer? that shit makes me laptop run like magma
ok nvm i fixed it. runs pretty well now.

that said, rerolling in this game is kind of shit. only 15k jewels when you start. i want 3 chars from the shirei banner...
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>Im too addicted to EB

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What we do here is go back
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the edgy kissless virgin is back bros
who should I pick with the gw choice file
Archangels, with order of priority being Gabriel>Raphael>Uriel.
Managed to get Cleo on the last step and now I'm finally able to go back to diamond 3. Feels good, even if I don't really like her design.
The archangels are the best pulls followed by ladon and echidna, but this choice file is a bit underwhelming.
The only time I can remember a choice file not being underwhelming was the last one that had Indrajit, right after the Eva collab started.

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Official Website:



Livestream Tuesday, AS Yakumo and $A Bertrand incoming.
Previous Thread
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Got to Elzion with this white gate, should I just finish Akane alter or is she shit without stellar?
She's nothing special.
Yeah her kit doesn't really stand out to me. What about Ciel, Dunarith or Toova?
Dunarith Alt pretty much only exists for the Gariyu tome challenge, Toova is decent and can provide Overthrow, which stacks with itself if from equipment. Don't have Ciel but he is apparently a good support DPS for blunt.
Ehhh my blunt's pretty bad, I highly doubt Ciel will be able to do anything about it. I guess I'll go grab Toova then.

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