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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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What literature is xe referring to?

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Is it wrong that I agree with this?
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House of Incest by Anais Nin. It's her diaries, documenting the time she seduced and fucked her dad. Quite hot stuff.
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No it's not, it's a surrealist prose poem. She did write about her incest in her diaries but that's not them
Mind recounting this argument for us, anon?
>passed judgment on themselves when they became conscious of their unconscious crime: by their self-annulling, for sake of expiation
How much did Wagner know about Greek tragedies?
Would he have read the Euripides play about them where Jocasta doesn't kill herself on learning the truth?
Would he know about the lost plays some of which depicted Oedipus not blinding himself but being blinded by others punishing him?
The cement garden

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Fantasy Landscape Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23335672
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That's Red Dwarf!
make her pregnant and give her a massive futa bulge (with balls)
Clicking on it and buying it are different.
Is your blurb interesting?
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>futa bulge (with balls)
good taste, but no
this is a no-smut story, only the character designs are horny

Alright, here:
>Would you click on RR?
>Would you click on Amzn?

And blurb:

>Betrayed and murdered for daring to expose the deeds of the corrupt.

>Snatched from the void of death by the capricious hand of cosmic coincidence.

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It's kinda hard to take him seriously when you realise how unoriginal he is. Literally every thought he has is just stolen from Jung or Dostoevsky. You could just read their works instead and you'd miss nothing.
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It's strange that you take a criticism of someone as me saying I'm better. How do you know that I dont think even more lowly of myself, by comparison?
How does tenured dick taste in your mouth?
Kind of like how everyone else on this board likes let us Americans live rent free up their heads?
>People read Dostoevsky and walk away supporting the slaughter of Christians in Gaza
I don't support the slaughter of Christians in Gaza, I support the slaughter of Christians full stop.
bibi is a nazi

Relaxing in the thermae edition

>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

NOTE: replace ' dot ' with an actual dot to access the links below
>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

>Mέγα τὸ ANE
https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg

Feel free to write your thoughts/stories/etc... in your target language.

>Work in progress FAQ

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You don't read real authors enough, you retard.
I'm not suggesting we should have discussions about Esperanto here, I only mentioned it at all because other people started it by posting falsehoods about it, which I won't stand for.
>oppidis suis vicisque exustis
Together with proficiscantur, I would rather interpret this in the original meaning of the ablative "depart from their burned cities and villages", no?
It would be more likely translated as 何物善惡兼?
Also 舌哉 not 舌也

Wagnerbros, how and where should i begin reading his works.
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Watch The Ring Cycle on YouTube.
Start with Karajan’s movie version of Das Rheingold. Should be on a YouTube channel called “James Lupolt.”
Then watch Die Walküre, Siegfried, and Götterdämmerung. I forget exactly who was in charge of production for these but they’re the ones posted by a channel called “Tom Caprio” on YouTube so just type that in and they should pop up.
I recommend these because they are a traditional staging, true to Wagner’s vision. people wear tunics, have swords, etc. these were the last good stagings of Wagner.
lots of Wagner stagings on YouTube are newer productions that try to change the time period of the play and do distracting, gay, unnecessary art-student shit like putting Wotan in a 1920’s mobster suit or setting the opera in fascist Germany.
If you want some great analyses of the stories and music, I heavily recommend you supplement these viewings with Stefan Mickish’s explanations — they will be the videos with a dude sitting at a piano, posted by “Heldentengery.”
Have fun and enjoy
Thank you anon.
Also, the Anna Russell presentation on the Ring Cycle is very helpful if you are new to opera

>Asian American diaspora female literature
This. This is the distillation of every bad trope in modern fiction made manifest.
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hee hee meltdown
it sucks not to be white huh? You must be so angry
>Asian men are less masculine than men of other races
>this is specifically because of white people though
that makes no fucking sense. How is it just white supremacy? How is it also not black, brown, etc supremacy?
Did she forget that there are other races besides white and Asian?
This but unironically
WMAF is a mind virus

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the New Aristocracy movement. - #2

In order not to clutter the thread here is a pastebin link explaining and clarifying everything I outlined in the previous thread:


Bronze Age or classical antiquity? Provide arguments for and against each.
What is the first indispensable historical work which the list must begin with?
Should it be FROM the period or ABOUT the period?
It's important to reason out which works are truly necessary to understand the period so that whatever knowledge comes next becomes embedded in the context of the previous (in this case of the FIRST). It is sometimes misleading to go strictly in chronological order.

Having an atlas will be indispensable so I've done some research and boiled it down to two for now:
>The Complete Atlas of World History 3 Volume Set, 1997, Routledge - John Haywood
>Atlas of World History 2nd edition, 2010, Oxford University Press - Patrick O'Brien

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>The Aegean Bronze Age - Oliver Dickinson, 1994
>Greek History: the basics - Robin Osborne, 2014
I believe the right call is to start with a single book outlining the prehistorical era and bronze age of the Mediterranean so I would go for >The Making of the Middle Sea
but I can see arguments being made about starting from the history of classical Greece because most good history books outline enough of what came before to provide the necessary context
I haven't researched enough to find good books about classical Greece, so I am going to need help with that
Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon and the likes are going to come later - first we need a single work (or several, but as few as possible) which provide the information one would need to make sense of the in-period histories
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bump for the American anons just waking up
Also this is an example of how a comprehensive chart could look made with the desktop version of draw io which I do not like at all - never mind the colors and the shapes, the software is just too rigid for something like this and I can't implement the exact way I want to be able to organize things
does anyone know of a software that can be used to diagrams/charts/visualizations that has more options, for example if I want to organize the information like a circular phylogenetic tree or other non-standard shapes? it has to be able to include images for the book covers (drawio can do that but I didn't bother since the overall list will look retarded anyway)
the book titles are there just to illustrate, these are not suggestions I'm putting forward
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What is the New Aristocracy's attitude towards male eros?

Are there any classic novels/plays where an aggressive woman relentlessly pursues a man and forces him to make her his wife?
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Rustico and Alibech

Fun fact: in old timey translations of the Decameron they leave the sex parts of that story in Italian untranslated. I own that edition where it’s old timey English and then like three pages of Italian.
If an anon is in that situation they need to fix your mentality first by reading Jung
You utter retard, you seriously don't know Eros is desire?
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What are the best books about getting bullied by women?

how do I not make shit poetry? I feel like I just produce complete shit
Just be earnest. Some may like it, some may not. But if it honestly depicts your heart then it's perfect.

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bodies by the smashing pumpkins edition

previous >>23347157
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-----Solaria ----
Suburbane Plateaux

If only she were happy as I was in settings
Where one can charm gorgeous men
With a gorgeous voice

Instantly happy in the magnificent circumstance. .
One must imagine Anonymous happy.
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I just finished reading a chapter of a book without experiencing a gap in my attention. Feels pretty good desu. Might go do that again :)
If you're into cars, I highly recommend going to the Porsche museum, near Stuttgart. Beautiful vehicles.
Also, if you type 666 in their audio guides you'll set-off the alarm.
Now that we bring up cars, I have a neighbor who owns the shell of a Ford 32 into which he mounted a 1972 Corvette engine.

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I have been recommended Tao Te Ching by a coworker to help with my depression.
Can someone explain Taoism to me? Is it just about not caring about stupid crap and finding enjoyment in the simple things in life?
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>After that, Yang Sen referred to the book The Origins of
Plants . He Shou Wu and Huang Jing really can
prolong life, allay hunger, reduce weight, and improve energy,
but Baiji only can
treat wounds and lung bleeding.
and the daoist herbs :
>The old priest laughed and said, “Why are you asking this?
Didn’t you get it already? Ginseng, Lingzhi, and
are medicines of longevity.
Taoism is overrated, only appeals to new age-y westerners who find it exotic and mysterious while completely misunderstood it. Taoism is theistic mysticism just like Neoplatonism and Advaita. Also they probably don't know the Dao De Jing text have been tampered throughout history, one of the biggest being that the title should have originally been De Dao Jing (德道經).
>The true sage is in a flow state 100% of the time
No. 無為而無不為 means it's an unmoved mover that is the center of everything while not participating in it personally. Just like a shaft in the middle of a wheel, it does not move itself but keeps the rest of the wheel moving.
It's not pantheism.
>Traditional Chinese Medicine
pseudoscientific scam
Fun fact, Chinese translations of the New Testament render "logos" as "dao". (I don't know how Greek translations of the Dao De Jing render "dao".)
>No. 無為而無不為 means it's an unmoved mover that is the center of everything while not participating in it personally. Just like a shaft in the middle of a wheel, it does not move itself but keeps the rest of the wheel moving.

So is the true meaning of wu wei something like: cultivate perfection within yourself then just be, don't take an active part in affairs, and by doing this you will move the wheel? This would make sense given what Lao Tzu seems to say about so many people being meddlesome. That's quite obnoxious if it's the real meaning but I can see why it would be appealing. Gotta go live in a sick cave because fuck my dad.

>Labour is the substance, and the immanent measure of value, but has itself no value "

>In the expression “value of labour,” the idea of value is not only completely obliterated, but actually reversed. It is an expression as imaginary as the value of the earth. These imaginary expressions, arise, however, from the relations of production themselves. They are categories for the phenomenal forms of essential relations. That in their appearance things often represent themselves in inverted form is pretty well known in every science except Political Economy

Karl Marx. Capital Volume One
Part VI
Chapter Nineteen:
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>Mental labor is still labor fuckwit
Even among marxist brainlets there are inconsistencies of thought and epistemological holes
I would actually love for you to attempt to point out the epistemological failing in my post there. You are a fucking buffoon. You have no idea what you’re talking about .
That's right, keep ypur lips tightly pressed to Marx's pelvis you little commie whore
>pivots away from “epistemological holes”
>faggoty marx thread #284,031
wow thanks OP for the valuable contribution.

Why do people like the Greeks more than the Romans nowadays? Normies still read the Iliad and Sophocles but not really the Aeneid, and especially not Cicero or Horace or whoever else. 100, 200 years ago, the Romans were definitely way more popular. I read an anon on here who claimed:
>I have heard that the opposite of this phenomenon is why Pindar is such a niche poet nowadays despite being universally seen as the greatest of all ancient greek lyric poets until very recently. In general the greeks seem to resonate far better with your average upper-middle class urban western liberal than the decidedly rural, puritanic and practical romans.
Do you agree?
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I would also add to my post that the current mood and climate of the countries that have benefitted from him the most has taken a decidedly anti-Ciceronian turn, which is likely why he is no longer as widely esteemed. For now.
The problem with Cicero is that he was an apologist for a republic that by his time neither existed anymore nor was worth saving from most people's perspective. Aside from his own social class, of course.
People don't care about Cicero specifically because when they actually look into the era he lived they understand even if they might not agree that the republic was not worth saving and so they don't get Cicero because of that.
Idk the reasons why, but I always found the Greeks to be more soulful and enjoyable to read than the Romans.
Cicero was a frickin postmodernist..

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