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>apex predator
What the fuck? Are other animals even trying?
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yea I ain't no mindless runner. I can tell you guys have never hunted. not that I've hunted the yummy big boys, since we ate them all.
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Imagine how horrifying life would be if we weren't the apex predator, and had to continually live in fear of some other animal brutally eating us alive.
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Yeah, and we teamed up with them to take over the entire fucking planet. Fuck, we still used them regularly up until 80 or so years ago.
Life as an insect. It's basically living in a horror film universe. Tons of giant, flying monsters that try to eat you. Literal plantlife tries to eat you. Fungi try to eat you. Other insects try to eat you. Some do it from the inside, while reprogramming your muscles to defend them. You remain conscious, but you no longer have control over your own body, you can only helplessly observe as the bodysnatcher growing inside you uses your body as defence.
what a funny joke anon did you come up with it yourself

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good luck will come to you.
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Why though?
Prehensile lips is a new one…
>I wouldn't worry about it.
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especially in real life they seem absolutely unreal. like some fantasy creature that became real

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Australian Shepherd Edition

cont. from >>4770582


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull/Sledding Harnesses as They Encourage Pulling Which Can Lead To Death

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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My dog doesn't like balls

I bought a chuckit atlatl launcher thing and the ignoring was so brutal I just left it at the dog park
Maybe someone else will enjoy it.
When there are a lot of bans in my area doesn't it mean there are other 4chan users? If so it might be time to stop posting my dogs.
Is 10,000 sq ft too small for a dog?
That's okay. My friend's GP don't like balls either. They'll run over to sniff it, but I've never seen them with a stick or ball in their mouth.

It may be possible to train fetch, but it would take some work. They're slow learners.

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Toadlines of the Slamuminati edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here
Previous: >>4780283
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Dr. Dwamm
If we're going to go cheap, does thalidomide work on dogs?
Thalidomide does induce deformations in animals, but with the glaring lacuna that the stumpy appendages are not quite serpentine (disregarding that thalidomide would probably spike miscarriages)
yeah, mr toad has legacy value but they have warped flesh and bone far beyond him. They have surpassed a 0.98 coefficient of inbreeding, we will watch them reach 1.0 then watch in horror what happens as they exceed it. the laws of mathematics and nature itself will be warped just like the bodies of the toads, a great gate will open and eldritch abominations will surge forth to SMASH and SLAM this world.

The toadline is the final chapter of Kali Yuga. It was foretold in the Vedas.
anyone else get the feeling the og toadline kennel has slowed down or even closed? they don't update their website nor their youtube channel

>cats are actually cleaner than dogs who lick their balls and ass!!
most animals do that, it's how they clean themselves
>uh actually cats are not really clean but you just need to wash your hands every 2 minutes!!!
so you do that?
>uhmmm akshually cats are very clean and you don't need to clean out their litterbox every single time right after they went poopies
but what about their paws who go into their litterbox and then when they walk everywhere
>uhm my heckin cute kitter doesn't climb/play/walk anywhere. he/she is a good kitty and would never do anything bad
>>"mr whiskers! get off the kitchen counter!"
>>"mr whiskers! come give me cuddles!! oooohhh beeeg stretchies!"
you guys are weird
>*visible steam shoots out from ears and nose*

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>this is what you sound like, you fucking dipshits
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Hijacking your thread, I just want to show off this cute boy I adopted yesterday. I love him so much.
Very cute cat anon, thank you for sharing him.
>bare mattress
off to a good filthy catfaggot start
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Thank you, he's very cuddly.
It was laundry day.

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Post your favorite picture of an animal right fucking now.
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I approve.
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Land Whale edition

Previous Thread >>4685883

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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>The fact the sapient species ended up being matriarchal WITHOUT it being some kind of moral wonderland already elevates it over a ridiculous amount of similar projects

In general their sex and gender roles clearly have nothing at all to do with human sex or gender beyond the fact that one has sperm cells and one has egg cells. Their sexes may as well be called A and B. Yet people can't help but seethe anyways.
It's honestly hilarious, half the video is about anthropocentric bias and how to be carefully about applying it to entirely alien species with a completely different life history
And despite that people still try to 1 for 1 paste very human concepts onto these creatures

creatures that, mind you, would have a very visceral disgust reaction at the core idea of a typical human family
>tumblr filename
>twitter screenshot
You are a damned soul.
The CM Koseman art was awesome to see.
rent free
i don't give a shit about your culture war BS or what muh trannies feel or don't feel enabling
if you don't like it go and make you own shit without it

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No one lived to tell.
Anon, how do you think TCP/IP works?
I am aware of this, but I don't think it's supposed to be yanked at such a speed and swung around
What I do to my slave when he drops one of my nice crystal glasses
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>oh no muh heckin kitty meow meow got killed
Retard, cats have nine fucking lives
Each of the deer have only one ffs

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can we have a wolf thread...pls
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fluffy cousin
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anybody here?
My first thought as well.
Man, I think I should have been a bit older before I saw that horse drowning.
If you talk to some people in Austria or Italy they unironically want the wolf to go extinct.

What? 20 wolves? In my country???????

I'd rather want humans to disappear.

Dickus edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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>free manicure
Any of you guys had success with doing plants on a goldfish tank?
I just started putting some on mine a month ago with some simple java fern and buce tied and glued to the hardscape and the fucker managed to rip everything apart
Now i get why a lot of people just do them non-planted
My 1.5 liter bottle diy co2 is popping off. I don't have a frame of reference tho (with real co2 system). Will it be enough to supercharge my plantus? 120 liter tank and I placed the co2 diffuser in front of the filter out.
Some CO2 will always be better than none, it's virtually always the limiting factor for aquatic plant growth. With DIY CO2 I would pay attention to having an even bubble count, and set up a second bottle just as you notice a drop in output. Consistency is key, as plants will have to adapt to the increased CO2 before they can maximally utilise it. You don't want the plants constantly chasing changing parameters, that's a good way to generate BBA, staghorn or outright melting your plants. Also, since CO2 also makes plants better at utilising light, you can keep the light subdued for at least 6 weeks while they adapt, before trying to ramp the lights up, which again should be a gradual process. If your livestock choices allow it, a circulation pump or two can really help distribute the CO2 to every corner of the tank, which will help avoid algae caused by plant stress if you do go for high light.
Thanks for the info. I only have plants and I have lots of extra pumps, I put an extra in there.

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Post birds, appreciate birds
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the chickadees keep kicking up the seed i put out. they make a giant mess, like a toddler eating cheerios in the back seat of a soccer mom van. maybe they can't distinguish seeds too well in a pile, so they have to spread it out. they're cute, but i don't know what's their problem.
Is it some cheap garbage mix? They are probably digging for just the good ones they want to eat.
Female bluebird seems all alone
She's sitting in the house, came out to eat sunflower hearts this morning but that's it. She made a sad little call at the feeder then flew away. No male in sight, no male singing anywhere. What the fuck.

I want to like go poke some mealworms through the entry hole and see if she takes them but she'll probably just get scared.
go keep her company
Man... A bird just hit my window and died, and I feel like shit.

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Discuss the animal homo sapien.
How we feeling about our species, pretty apes?
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Lol, kxxrlag actually gives a shit about licenses. Just abduct a few low quality ones (some of the white ones outside of their big gathering points) and don't tell anyone.
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Homo erectus was already hairless. Also a relatively complex tool user and capable of making fire.
There'd be nothing wrong with fucking an erectus.

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Horse General

Lonely Commute Edition

>>4769672 - Old Grey Mare
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They are Horsecerers that dropped out of Horse Magicollege.
would horse college be called a hippocampus?
Holy based
i was highly disappointed this adult comic with lots of sex and sexy horses has no horse dong

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Bald Eagles are ugly and dumb.

I hate that this silly ass bird is the symbol of my country. There are tons of other birds out there much more cool than a bald eagle. Show any owl and it's much more majestic than the stupid bald eagle, who isnt even bald like that one vulture that is literally bald so it can get inside carcass asses easier. Yay the symbol of our country is an unsightly rodent eater that bullies away other birds. I mean its accurate, but I still hate it.
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Better than the alternative we had.
Look at this dumb motherfucker.
It literally has something called a "snood" LMFAO
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thats based as fuck tho
the coolness of a raptor is determined by how many mammals it kills
He also considered the timber rattlesnake, which would’ve been cool as well.
But we all know it should’ve been the bison.
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Realistically most ferals won't be able to get adopted out, especially as adults. Many of them are aggresive and don't like people. The best way to help them would be to build tiny houses in which they'd have beds, scratch posts, toys, etc and be sheltered from the elements. Then volunteers will be tasked to clean the homes periodically as well as feed them, vets will examine them as needed but otherwise they'll live independently in a colony with other ferals.
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Ottawa, Canada, used to have a giant cat house that was shaped like the Parliament, it got retired during the Harper era as it was considered inhumane to keep cats outside, but they could have installed heating.
Dodos weren't small ambush predators who reproduce like rabbits.
Imagine being so cucked by reptiles you shill for birds over mammals

>Yasss massa gimme that big lizard cock we mammalcels have no right to kill our lords

Unironically kill yourselves fags.
Right? I would've drown them in a river right away.
Fuck if I'm ever wasting gas to kill cats.
Yes, they were also unique to one island.
They also weren't invasive, and a lot of other things. That's not the crux of the argument. We can bring whipe out animals without trying.
How is spaying and neutering them more effective than killing them?
It's not, if we trapped and killed strays as a society. They would be gone in a number of years. With a huge coyote population and massive amount of other predators. House cats won't root outside of urban environments in which they completely rely.
Killing the invasive species is the most effective route.

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