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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:

One-Stop Beginners' Guide
The w/ic/i

And don't forget to HEED THE RULES

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Aot get shatted on a lot for it's supposedly bad art or whatever, yet the manga after the first few chapters look like this?
What were people smoking? This looks better than most current ongoing series out right now
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People will always look at your worst as the baseline for your work. That's why it's important to curate and update your portfolio, anon.
No, 4channers will. Actual humans will remember the thing that stuck out the most to them, which more often than not will be the highs, not the lows. Nobody's going around posting Frazetta's worst drawings. Besdies, fucking EVERY artist has made dogshit drawings before. What use is it to judge them for work from when they were just starting off instead of later in their career when they had improved?
Buddy, take this from a professional - art directors will measure you by your worst work in your portfolio. So take them out.
I'm also a professional and nobody is saying you should put your worst work in your portfolio. What a weird strawman.
If people wouldn't judge you by your worst, it wouldn't matter to leave them in.

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This is a thread for /beg/s and /int/s (there is no /adv/) to share and discuss art.
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fellow beglet here, so take this with a cavern of salt.
line of action is meant to convey the "energy" of a pose in the simplest way. since the figure is sitting and balling up, we aren't really seeing movement or high energy, but rather stability and maybe confinement. picrel is just my attempt.
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just a doodle
no it’s lunacy
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evening doodle

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one of the most impressive drawings ive ever seen
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That he's going to bre brutally rapped by the nigger robot behind him
Same as any other renderchink slop.

I've spent some time reflecting and observing on these discussion boards. There seems to be a negative attitude here where some people can't stand to see others succeed. Only a small minority will achieve great things while the majority will likely complain without taking action. It's a harsh reality.
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Yes and the artworks of the former 99.99% will end up as lost media the moment they die.
Sad, blackpilling truth bu natural selection is a bitch
1% of the 1%, that is why it is a noble pursuit, we keep failing and keep trying. One day, we will be glorious!
Yes you are spot on!
Too many people think or rather expect they become the next Hayao Miyazaki or Stan Lee.
Well narcissism is a common character trait among boomers, gen-Xs, millennials and zoomers. not really a surprise.
Breaking news! You are ngmi and will neber be gmi.
Congratulations, you've squandered your time in doing something less autistic and borderline tranny, only to one day, wake up, realize all your "steps to glory" where just illusions and just horrible scribbles that a retarded kid with brain and anal tumor would have done miles better than you without le meme fundies!
And then you will commit suicide in masse!
What a delight !
for my case, skill wasn't issue , this is not a problem if i grind some times

bigger problem was i had so many interest and subject of my art changed too often. therefore my arts doesn't have any consistency

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We all know /ic/ is a hilariously toxic shithole, but most art communities are poisonous in one way or another, being either vapid hugboxes filled with meaningless ball fondling or burnt out hoods filled with gangbangers who relentlessly fling their shit at every sincere question or discussion. I'm curious about why, in all things, artists are so resistant to the very idea of authenticity, of actually talking about art and what they like about it.

The zeitgeist everywhere online is self-deprecation, self-hate, and a complete refusal to take what one does seriously, or talk about it without having to wink at the audience or debase themselves in some way.

For example, an artist posts a piece that moves me. I leave a comment along the lines of "I love this, the two figures seem to represent [blah blah blah.] Was this your intention?"

Artist responds with "yeah I guess lol it's really just a bunch of pretentious crap tho I'm garbage glad you like it but whatever it's shit lol nobody cares anyway."

This is the default mode. On /ic/ art related questions are always met with "kill yourself" or immediately turn into a shitshow of hot takes. One gorilla takes a shit, another gorilla runs with it, takes another shit, and by the end it's just five monkeys jerking off in a pile of their own feces. It's impossible to discuss or analyze art for art's sake without some sort of meta-aware self-deprecating zoomer showing up to shit everywhere in an act of defiance against what they perceive to be "cringe authenticity."

Why? Why are artists like this? Is it some weird maladaptive coping mechanism for having been shamed or bullied for drawing dinosaurs in highschool? Is having a passion for character design (or even anime titties) that embarrassing? Why do artists have such shit self-esteem, and why do they perpetuate it by internalizing negativity? At what point did artists go from casually talking about what they authentically love to refusing to take their work seriously?
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Go make the site then, see how it goes
There's a fairly simple reason artists generally don't get along when they're in large groups; introversion. The art industry rewards those who analyze everything to an absurd degree and like spending time alone, which are both natural traits of introversion. Imagine a construction worker being bullied (as introverted children often are), sometimes specifically for their chosen profession. Then imagine they are forced to carry on in life with all of that trauma screaming at them to give up what they love. They end up spending days or even weeks at a time working alone, then they're pressured to let the unwashed masses to analyze what they've done, continuously, for the rest of their life and beyond. If this was the norm for construction workers then there would be just as many cesspits on the internet for them.

Source: I'm a major introvert with 30 years of abuse, neglect, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse behind me. I isolate myself because I don't know how to appreciate it when I have positive interactions with people. I'm hypervigilant, so I only feel safe behind a screen watching other introverts progress artistically.

On a side note, I don't know if I'm introverted because of all the bullshit I've had to deal with, or if I just can't handle the bullshit because I'm introverted. All I know is I would rather cut myself than be cut by others.
because when im genuine i get "you cant be serious" or "troll" or just a simple "youre making shit up" so instead i chose to be an asshole
>afraid of vague rudeness
>cope by repressing every emotion except hate
Let me be the first to tell you it's okay to be sensitive. That being said, there's a lot of trash in the world. You can react to every little bit of garbage the wind blows your way, or you can put it in the nearest dumpster and carry on. Choose wisely.
i dont think you understand what i meant
people dont believe in my genuine self and call it a fake persona or a troll and yes they use those words irl and said it to my face
im not afraid of being sensitive im just old and tired so im just mean to people by default

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Because I need a place here to discuss 2D art and post my new stuff.

I suppose a single general is better than making single threads.
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I suggest making a thread on /i/ chris, the culture over therw enjoys personal threads more.
do you even remember what the issue is?? You just tryin find where the tissue is

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Previous thread: >>7146185

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

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So pathetic. He must have a humiliation fetish lol
do you guys think kendrick won or drake
I only listen to cafe jazz with no lyrics
only the biggest dickriders would ever say that drake won
What's with leftists and their obsession with jailing anyone they don't agree with??

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I'm going to be honest. I care DEEPLY about social media engagement when it comes to my art. As far as I'm concerned, if my work doesn't get enough likes, it's bad art.
Yes, I draw for clout
Yes, I draw for followers
Yes, I draw for approval and validation
Why the fuck else would I even bother posting anything online?
All these social media threads made me realize how utterly pointless it is. I'm looking forward to the day I can delete my accounts and link people to my website instead
Based and Raphaelpilled
Don't be a creepy 'muh soul' incel like michelangelo

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Why is it so rare to see art where something is actually happening like pic related, instead of some character striking a pose (and looking at the camera)?

Art is supposed to capture a moment, not emulate a photoshoot.
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it's only rare to you because you follow social media artists, rather than illustrators.
>Art is supposed to
Art is supposed to have different intentions and purposes, the one you're complaining about has more to do with character design and illustration. If you want full illustration or fine art with storytelling there are lots of that too. Your picrel is not something that can be produced in great numbers quickly, and is not ideal in filling up portfolios fast.
For people who want to make a living as an artist in this day and age if you went through a fine art route you have more chances of starving to death. How many finished paintings can you do in a month for example? Meaningful art takes time and is not produced in great quantities.

Use your imagination, there’s enough of a narrative going on. Don’t expect to be spoonfed anon.
Fuck off esl wannabe
Once again, yet another worthless thread by a creepy nodraw incel.

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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7126841

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga

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Technically is the second one, the first one was a little one shot for the sma round 17 in which i backpedal in my first idea so i had to do 9 new pages in 6 days

Crippling social anxiety and one fuck up arm doesn't let me

Not that anon, but geez, did you really got published? Congrats, is funny that all started why that thread about the one shots in 22 pages, now you are published and even thought i did make the oneshot then, i was too shy to publish it, and now evolve into a first chapter with 54 pages, i really wish you luck anon

Sorry anon, that looks like too much work and i'm tired, besides i'm kinda satisfied with that page now
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I like to walk 10000 everyday while i listen music, that were i space out and like to think about arcs, scenes and characters too, you may think that is a massive workload, but you actually wanna keep going until you reach that point, that chapter, that introduction, or that scene, that will scratch that part of your brain in the right way

Just look i know that i won't be able to draw her in page in almost a year if everything goes as planned, but when the times come, i will finally be able to draw one of my favorite characters that i have made in one of my pages
Figure out where you want the story to go, figure out where you want it to start and then just take it one chapter at a time.

>is funny that all started why that thread about the one shots in 22 pages
/mmg/ has been around since the Tezuka 100th anniversary contest around mid 2020, I've been posting here since the general started. I've been drawing comics since 2014.
Though yeah I did do that 22 page chapter in a week. Funny thread that one.

Anyway, you really really should not count on winning any awards. Contests are just for practice, never ever plan on winning. If you do win, that's a nice little boost, but you should be entering them just to have a theme and a deadline to shape your practice. Especially for your second work ever.
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I mean that it started for me, i never tried to draw manga seriously until then

And i know i can't count on winning, but mostly i say so see if i have a chance of pointing that high, i mean... ehhh, it's like one way to say if people will like it that much or something like that?
Having a strong core idea that you can build everything off of is a good start.

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Adorable I give you 3 pepe coin for it.
thats not pepe, thats apu. uncultured swine
He glows, I like :)
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pleace phosho this into something good
Good morning I hate women, I wish they all died suddenly

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How did your life change after embracing being a porn artist? Do you feel more confident, do you tell people what you do? Do you get to meet more interesting artists?
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I have 2-3 notifications a month on Patreon and I have mad anxiety to check them over every time, because I know it's either a sub or a cancelation
I have like 20 patreons consistently for a year, and it's very painfull to see the number go up and down and always be the same
did you check a buncha other patreons to set ur price? do u think 3 dollars is the best entry tier, arent theyre a bunch who are at 5 dollars, do u just do pinup or simple lewd arts? do u just upload at the end of every month?
I felt that way too, then I just accepted that fluctuation as part of the process. It's normal to lose some people at the end of the month, and I always gain them back.

>did you check a buncha other patreons to set ur price?
>do u think 3 dollars is the best entry tier
It depends on the content you're offering within that tier. If you consistently provide multiple pieces of art each week, then raising the price to $5 appears justified, provided your artistic skills match the value.
>do u just do pinup or simple lewd arts?
High res full color pin up with different variations, monthly poll, PSD/CSP files, time lapse, art suggestion privilege, discord benefits and art tutorials.
>do u just upload at the end of every month?
Every Friday.
did u do anything special to get out of the no view twitter void, did u just post consistently?
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NTA, what's the point of having friends if they're not even worthy of getting a so-trivial fact about yourself?

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For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
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Does feeling tired/headache after drawing ever go away? Especially when doing studies and breaking things down, I end up getting exhausted and almost having a migraine. I know this is normal when learning new things and whatnot, but it's kinda getting in the way of me spending more hours drawing.
Good scanner for A4? cheap and not too bulky would be nice
What happened to that one korean namefag painter on here from like...2012? I don't even remember his name but I remember his paintings were absolutely clowned on. Does anyone know who I mean? Did he make it?
Nevermind I found him. His name is Chunbum Park, his work is still shit and he trooned out. So to answer myself, no, he did not make it.
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where am I suppose to post now /lsg/ is dead?

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This makes me nauseous
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just your cock'll do, then
bros... i stopped after hitting chapter 4... should i keep going?
>should i keep going?
all you can do is look at what the chapters are about and see if those things interest you. if it seems like it would be fruitful to go over that content, then do it. otherwise check out something else.
Permaprebeg trap lol

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