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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

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Come share your tales
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Are there Monster absorb skills that operate off of Int/Acu? I was thinking I could use the Cosmos blobs as mages because they're also ephemerals so they can reincarnate into more mage-like bodies.
Agreed. The localization is extremely good and the goofy, light-hearted tone suits the game very well. It's a game that doesn't take itself seriously, and it shouldn't.
There are. Blaster from the little floating masks is like 3 BP and interrupts. Star Fixer from the sunflower is like 4 BP and paralyzes at 50% while it mech paralyzes at 25%
Cyclone Squeeze from frogs, Goop from Baum, Pinpoint Breath from Kelpie, Feather Shot from the birds (But IIRC that's like 5 BP),

I'm STILL not sure how I feel about monsters. I've leveled a lot of abilities to level 3 and still haven't gotten any roles. And their progression in defenses are tied to Sensei as the relics you get out of the unleash and absorb trials are increasingly better than what came before it.

Maybe I need to crown an ability to see a role. I've got a few at IV back in Diva's campaign that I could go work on.

Oh wait also the coconut toss from the trees, and one of the abilities from the second pedro fight. I can't remember off the top of my head.
Ah-ha. Alright, thanks. And yeah, I'm not exactly 100% on monsters, either, but it's something to think about and kick around with. I'm more of a "would rather use 5 humans in every SaGa game" type but EB makes me like a lot more characters than just the humans.
Direct Warp is unlocked on any character that has already visited all the 17 worlds once, I don't think it's a prerequisite for anything.
Monsters are super gimmicky imo, they feel like some kind of general "glue" role that can sort of do anything without being tied to weapons or magic.
An advantage I see over other races is that in typical monster fashion it's exceedingly easy to get access to debuffs or fairly potent status effects, which is certainly nice, and unlike Frontier where they bloom early and then become almost completely useless they keep a way more even level of relevance since stats are no longer tied to monster forms, so they can be good at anything provided you get the right absorbs, things like Scuffle or Hell Claw hit like a truck and since you can also make bona fide monster spellcasters you have access to real hard hitters on AoE too, bonus point for Byaku and Erytheia doubling as Ephemerals.

I don't know what to think about them being more like Mystics rather than the old school monsters, I'm not vibing with it, but it also sorta makes it so that you don't have to obsess over a couple of endgame forms like the previous games and can sorta build them however you like, which is admittedly nice...
I'm conflicted honestly, they're way more usable than the previous games but they also lost a bit of what made them so special.

>takes place 100s of years before the original game
I never get this stupid time-jumping. So am I meant to play this before valkyrie profile 1?
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why did you make this shit thread if you're going to do this, you even killed the other thread
What are you talking about? I saw this thread on the catalogue and replied to the first post.
The Hmm. guy isn’t me.
I played both and VP1 I like more overall but VP2 definitely has a lot going for it.

Lezard Valeth is the best video game antagonist of all time because to him world domination is second only to creepy love and I love him for it. Also he OP as f

So much evidence led us to believe it was. I read some anon on here say indoctrination theory was true and that bioware meant to leave it open to interpretation to drive discussion of the game. I wonder if that anon is still posting on this board. He seemed very knowledgeable on mass effect.
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If you truly want to see an "indoctrinated" Shepard's mannerisms, watch the Morinth romance cutscene maybe
Shepard has absolutely zero reason to take her on the team.
I didn't mean you should recruit Morinth outside of derranged schizoid roleplays, I was just saying if you're curious about Indoctrination, the clips of Shepard getting fucked to death by Morinth on jewtube are interesting enough to warrant watching. Mark Meer and Jennifer Hale's voice acting while Morinth hypnotizes him/her into death sex is eerily similar to Indoctrination somehow. Despite being sterile (clonable maybe though), through a certain point of view she's arguably more evolved than regular Asari, seeing as a theme of the trilogy is being the pinnacle of evolution typically involves enslaving the minds of lesser races like the Thorians, Rapers, Ardat Yakshii and Levithans do

I suppose if you wanted to recruit her on a mentally stable Shepard roleplay, it's barely a stretch to say her mindgames were succesful in manipulating Shepard to betray his friend and kinda mistake her for his foe in the heat of the moment. Maybe Shepard even realizes his fuckup after the mission, but is forced to cope internally as he can't reveal the dark secret to any of his crew, but at least takes small comfort in that he knows he has a replacement Asari is nearly equally as powerful as the previous one
>at least takes small comfort in that he knows he has a replacement Asari is nearly equally as powerful as the previous one
Nah. Lore-wise, Morinth is no match for Samara. She is a simple sex maniac and there is no evidence that she even knows how to hold a weapon in her hands. Not to mention the training of biotic skills.

Lore-wise, Shepard will just get a useless combat unit instead of the most powerful member of the squad.
My takeaway:
>soulful artist writer is ultimately viewed as ignorable, superfluous and replaceable by leads and ceo types
This is reflected via the cost of engine and dev work vs. writing.
You know it's how EA operates already.
They'll have even less say in the next design by committee due to AI + DEI/ESG.
All the complex lore you're coping and discussing won't matter, and never did to them. It's an investment, no longer art. You know this from how the Qunari got retconned in DA.

As long as there is initial hype and enough sticking power from gameplay to keep normans involved they'll line up for the next slop install.
Science fiction is effectively dead as a genre due to these factors, people aren't really into thinking, they're into being passively entertained.
We can see this in operation in Starfield. The audience is becoming as soulless as the creators, new generations are being born that were never even exposed to anything better in the first place. There won't be an epic emotional space drama properly done in the vein of Star Trek or even the BS:G remake because what is essentially glorified click bait to carpet bomb different international audiences will be easier for them to shit out.

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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>an innocent enemy. just spare as usual with normal enemy specific acts
What's their reasoning for fighting you at this tier? They can't exactly be "Innocent" and "Able to send you to a Game Over" at the same time
>you say that as if it might be a bad thing lmao
It's fine, it's just a sharp thematic contrast to Toby Fox's stuff. It was so important he advertized Undertale as "the friendly RPG where no-one has to die" and such. I expect people playing the fangame for more of that will get burned. I just thought I'd point that out.

>See Muffet
I get irritated by cutesy characters getting away with shit, but Muffet was fine. She was told if she took down a murderous spider torturer she'd get enough money to help her friends. If you bring evidence you donated to spider charity she apologizes and the fight just ends.

Mettaton, I'll give you. You don't spare him for his sake, but because he's the only form of escapism the monsters have. But even he can only rationalize his bullshit because he thinks you'll die to Asgore instead and kick off a genocidal war.

I think the biggest bitch is Undyne. You can risk your life to save a monster right in front of her and she still spergs out. She doesn't even have a proper spare option--you have to subdue her. I hear if you leave her on the bridge you can't get the good ending even as a total pacifist.
Do you guys struggle with writing characters? Did you have experience with writing characters before going in? This applies mostly to the anons making fangame but also people who have written fanfics and stuff.
>I think the biggest bitch is Undyne
I like to give Undyne a pass thanks to the "Soldier clause", in that it's literally her job to kill you regardless of how she may feel about it. It's genuinely a better excuse in my mind than "It's not an attack its a bullet pattern greeting" that the mob monsters use. Not to mention she does back off for a second after you help monster kid up so she's clearly thrown off by it.
>She doesn't even have a proper spare option--you have to subdue her.
TECHNICALLY.... If you lower her HP enough she will never make your soul Green, and thus you will never be forced to fight her for the rest of the chase as you can run turn 1. Again, it's her JOB to kill you so she cant let you off the hook outright until given proper reasoning to (Like running into an area she literally cannot survive in)
>I hear if you leave her on the bridge you can't get the good ending even as a total pacifist.
You mean at the start of Hotland with the wter cooler or monster kid on the bridge? Because in the latter's case if saving a child doesnt sound like a requirement for the good ending to you that's a (you) problem. The water cooler though I get that, that's kinda dumb but also it's not an arbitrary reason, if you dont save her there she isnt willing to be your friend, and being her friend is needed for True Pacifist. Going out of your way to save the life of someone who was just trying to murder you is a tall ask yes, but she's a soldier, you NEED to put in that extra effort to prove you mean no harm and for her to forsake her duty and not only stop attacking you but get on your side.
Muffet's just kind of an asshole who only thinks of her spiders and couldnt really care about anyone else even when faced with a genocidal manic, willing to let them go completely because they arent genocidal to HER friends in particular
Some monsters/darkners are simply retarded and cant control their damage, even Toriel can kill you when she is trying no to
I suppose the enemies in that tier are literally just doing their job and can accidently kill you, either that or they see you as a threat for one reason or another and stop fighting as soon as you show them that you mean no harm

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Name 1(one) good game made in rpg maker
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I guess that is comforting to hear, considering I am building a similar system for my RPGMaker game. Closer to FFT and TO than OB, but basically I am rewriting entire chunks of the base code to fit my needs.

The last thing I want my game to be known as is another RPGMaker slop. Much better to hear that it is "Barely an RPGMaker game"
I can't think of any that are actually RPGs, that should tell you something.
>well Hollow Knight doesn't count because they didn't make Unity asset flip like most people do
this is how stupid you sound
You're a cunt.
*sniff sniff* Y-you're such a meanie!

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Did you "save" your world?
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No? Can you provide a reference for the reference?
>moved to resources requests
>snarky reply about using search engines
>appreciate fake engagement or else
Hmm its not for a tactics game but I don't see the point for towns beyond
On one hand I agree with that.
On the other hand, a lot of the motivation for playing RPGs is exploration. People want to run around in the world and see what's there. They want to look into the weird hut next to the weapon shop and find someone that is offering a reward for returning a sack of bear assholes.
The strategy games don't really have that exploration anywhere, so players are a lot more willing to accept menu-towns. Us autistic nerds probably even prefer the efficiency and clarity of a menu rather than running around.
That's not to say it's mandatory though for non-tactics games. I remembered Shining In The Darkness also. The town isn't exactly a menu, but since you "navigate" it by panning a static image, it may as well be one.
I guess that's a lot of words to say "it depends on the game."
rpgmchads run this board. without them you wouldn't even have dev threads.
I think Etrian Odyssey and other games like it have menu-only towns.

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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
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Awesome, I recognized myself in some posts there
>Capcom is posting a lo of monster hunter stories content in their sites
Its probably because of the ports and not because of an announcement coming soon right? I shouldn't get my hopes up.
I'm surprised disney never thought to do a lilo and stitch mongger, I'm not even much of a disney guy and I think that was a big missed opportunity
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It would encroach on the actual disney monger
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Man, those games had some good designs but they kinda sucked when you aren't cleaning fossils.

>/vrpg/ says Fallout 4 is bad
>Is actually fun
What gives?
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Vault girls don't look like this because Bethesda has godawful character artists
>I wish there was a mod the remove that whole part of the game.

Sim Settlements automates it for you, anon.
>Sim Settlements
That mod is a fucking mess.

It replaces one terrible mechanic with another terrible mechanic except its even more buggy and chugs your systems resources harder than Denuvo.
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Which doesnt solve the general problem how retarded everything about the Institute and the Synths is.

Compare the Institute with BigMT and the technological advances.
Both kinda have a similar backstory where they started planing after the ZAX-Supercomputers declared that Nuclear Annihilation is an inevitability 20-30 years before the great war.
But with BigMT the technology is clunky and weird and fits with the overall tone of the game, even with the whole theme of how the scientists hit a wall when it came to computers which is why the Robo-Brains were a thing.

BigMT comes up with bunch of geniuses that have limited resources but unlimited time on their hands and so they spent it on improving certain technologies like the PowerArmor-Idea into the life preservation suits.

The Institute somehow miniaturized robots in 200 years to such a degree to go from these clunky big and limited machines into being indistinguishable from humans while not having any infrastructure to really support these technological leaps with said leaps handwaved away with the whole "oh they are just different generations of synths"
They try to do the whole Bladerunner-shit but its like it was written by a retarded child who skimmed over the Fallout-Bible and fell asleep while watching Bladerunner.

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I swear to god I have no idea what these retards are on about. Imagine complaining about a Bethesda game? Like really!?
Is there a bigger outting?

I have 461 mods installed, I played 500 hours into the game, and I couldn't stop fucking playing.

Imagine complaining you don't like Skyrim. WHICH FUCKING SKYRIM!

Bro, you are complaining that you don't like the game you chose.

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It's quite literally Skyrim
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You admitted you tried to make playing the game as quick and painless as possible because it wasn't good. The flaw is the entirety of the actual gameplay, which isn't merely an attribute of a larger cohesive whole, it's fundamental to it being a game, while you enjoyed the extraneous non-game features like narrative, setting, and characters. You shouldn't be telling anyone to play this game, but should tell them to watch it on Youtube. It's not that weird, anon, a lot of people do what you do, they don't really examine their behaviour or thoughts and cobble together cope to explain themselves.
>I didn’t like something, therefore no one can possibly like it. You don’t actually like that thing you like.
I’m sorry about your crippling autism, anon.
Not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying your perception of your feelings about the game do not match with what you say about it.
>St. Jude, patron Saint of lost causes, would like to know your location

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>Can't wait for DRH!
Been saying that for two years.
Hopefully we get at the end of this year
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How tall do ya'll think Miranda is? And how tall do ya'll think Miranda's axe's is?
Maybe Hat World, but I'm not very far into it, so I'm not sure
Isn't it more of a SaGa-like gameplay autism game? That anon seems to be searching for crazy stories, not gameplay.
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>pokemon starters.png

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I recently replayed Morrowind for the first time in a decade, and then finished Oblivion for the first time. I'm now going to finish Skyrim for the first time, and see how it stacks up, to contrast the strengths and weaknesses of all three, and consider how the series has progressed and regressed, without the cloud of nostalgia.
Few houserules:
>no potions or alchemy
>no enchanting
>no exploits or cheese
>vendors sell at 4x and buy at 0.25x, unaffected by speech skill
>fast travel only to towns I've already walked to, 50 gold a pop
>light, minimalist modding, made a few small ones myself
Gonna split up the game into three characters that do different factions, quests, and dungeons, to stay within the archetypes I want to play as, and avoid overleveling the game.
>Breton cleric, atronach sign
Mace, shield, and crossbow. Heavy armor and restoration/alteration. College and Dawnguard. Even split magicka/health/stamina.
>Imperial paladin, lord sign.
Greatsword, bow. Heavy armor and restoration. Main quest and Imperial Legion. Even split health/stamina.
>Nord barbarian, lady sign.
Battleaxe, light armor. Companions, Stormcloaks, then main quest and the Solstheim content. Pure health. No magic allowed, just facetanking with a giant pool of HP. Only healing available will be natural regen and eating buckets of stew. Going to be pretty metal.

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Finished the Dawnguard quest line the other night. The Forgotten Vale area was pretty cool to explore, lot more fun than the Soul Cairn. Killed a bunch of vampires, hit level 51ish I think, called that character done. The Dawnguard quest line was fairly fun overall but being stuck with Serana was very annoying. She wasn’t a cool or interesting character, and why would a good aligned cleric/paladin type ever tag team with a vampire to begin with, or care about her family drama? The whole thing felt very forced and artificial. Plenty of character archetypes would tell her to fuck off and then go kill her and then go storm her family’s castle without her. Especially because even before becoming vampires her whole family were devout daedra worshippers.

Restarted as an Imperial knight, Biggus Dickus style. Interesting since I don’t think I’ve ever played as anything other than a Nord who joined the Stormcloaks. I know the civil war questline is just mirrored but it’s interesting seeing the other side of the dialogue. Even Hadvar says “uhhh yeah sure wish we didn’t have these torture chambers” and “uhhh yeah I guess trying to chop your head off was a duck move but you should still join us we need help” and “uhhh yeah I guess banning Talos worship didn’t go over well huh”
>interesting seeing the other side
Most interesting differences are the major players, Tullius, Rikke, Galmar, Ulfric and the couple of quests that are very different. Also the new jarls, if you're into details like that.

Overall it's a good questline. Conquering the forts is fun, loved their designs. Kinda bummed that they are manned by guards afterwards, since they were my favorite dungeon type. Heavy imperial armor is cool too, with the closed helmet.

I sleep.
>sooo, what's up bro? what you doin' later? you busy?
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A nice high elf offered me the opportunity to invest in valuable real estate. I just bought this mansion for only 25,000 Septims, financed at 20% per annum, compounded weekly. It's a bit of a fixer-upper, but I feel so safe here, with that fort right across the road, and that sturdy watchtower nearby as well. And I get to furnish it however I like!

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Why did this era of RPGs end up being mediocre?
>wasteland 2
>tides of numenera
>divinity OS
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Kickstarter is becoming more and more a home of mediocrity, or maybe it was always like that. When you look at the Atom games, none of them are particularly great, just decent crpgs with shitty writing. That’s probably gonna be more of what we get with Swordhaven. But I’m too deep in this, I’ll stay play it. We’ll never go back will we?
It did
WL2's problem was rather than retro it ended feeling archaic. For example, they'll make you retry a skill check over and over until you succeed even if you meet the requirements simply because RNG fucks you over. Sensible choice would've been to make you succeed if you qualify for success rather than waste your time retrying. Entire game is designed like that.
Critically underrated comment
Out of all the games I backed Numanuma is the only one I regret. Mechajammer... was what it was, but I backed Copper Dreams with the understanding that something so ambitious would most likely crash and burn.

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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I had to reread logs a couple of times, but I got it in the end (with some mistakes).
>played through Underrail about 12 times
>he's retarded
It checks.
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>me trying to find the lurker base
my brain outright refuses to try to comprehend this
Damn that was a masterpiece

Any game genre or series infographics?
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I wish there was a Smash Bros rpg.
Starting at Hajimari is the correct answer. You don't need to know anything, even how to read, to understand what is going on.
I thought you had to play them in release order like Kingdom Hearts in order to understand what's going on?
It's a troll post lol.
I see.

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