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Series 3 out
Only 4 episodes?
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thats because your a tosser
i don't care if you aren't from the area, it's when you act like niggers and boom nog music from cars, throw mcdonalds wrapping into the fields despite there not being one around for miles, and purchasing up deano shitboxes
NIMBYs get the rope
popular misconception is that anyone in the countryside actually likes or supports toffs. most of the rural workforce is more diverse than your average english suburb and the south west is staunchly liberal.
That describes 80% of the inhabitants of the UK. You're fighting a losing battle there mate

Me, bottom left.
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it takes more skill and creativity to do the shadow kino
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so was this basically the ancient greek version of telling someone to go touch grass?
Is it more creative to merely take in the world than to create whole universes from shadows?
More like society is full of deluded retards that will attack anyone who tries to break them out of their retardation.

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are zoomers really gonna pay to see a movie about this guy theyve only heard awful shit about their whole lives?
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>theyve only heard awful shit about
MJ was innocent you fucking kike. you got your fucking Beatles copyrights so stfu.
Zoomers don't have money. Their parents do and will be more interested.
Ah yeah, I only saw part of it as a kid. I think I also saw a couple episodes of a Jackson 5 cartoon. And then there was that Martin Bashir hitpiece.
zoomers are already in their 20s you dumb boomer
This. MJ, Epstein, Benoit, and Lee were innocent.

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Humiliation ritual
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Kino ritual
The Wonderful Wizard of Deeznuts
He looks more Romulan than Japanese lol
>ironically uses humiliation ritual to humiliate
humiliation ritual

Why does she hate plays so much?
Why wouldn't you get that hole scraped off?

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Simply some of the best camera work I’ve ever seen. Truly the best robbery
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Can you imagine how devastating it would be for the internet if 1 billion Chinese were let loose? Look at the damage Ranjeet and his ilk are causing. We absolutely must ensure China remains a censored dictatorship.
how is this possible
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even pirate sites are getting sick of Pajeets
>the vast majority are more akin to locusts
based 4chan racists finding new and innovative ways to demonize others using religious-sounding words

Saint Maud bros, why did she do it?
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I really like how shitty everything is in this movie. Her studio flat, the seaside town, the flat roof pub. The dying woman's palatial estate being the one exception
Hitler was a christian.
Incorrect, a secular society was one of his big goals. He hated all religion.
It's just like living here
>I watch it for the Catholicism

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>I hate being probably wrong

Then stop posting. You’re doing it to yourself.

First from the left!!!FACT!!!
No, it doesn’t. That take is a result of the other nonsense you named retroactively demeaning what they imitated. Retrofuturism is a design aesthetic which encompasses all of the bullshit that came after cyberpunk, and cyberpunk as well.
no argument samefag
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Incredible. No one, I mean literally no one cares about them anymore.
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breed with her? she's like 35 years old. still NO kids. and there probably won't be.
Do you really want someone with the anger issues that Arin has to be fathering and raising children?
I know. I figured Arin would sign the demon pact and give in, but she must want to be child free. A shame, as she would produce an incredible hellspawn
We'll cycle back to it, don't worry.
ok? doesn't mean anything

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Is Lauren Lapkus the female Gary Oldman? She has had so many faces over the years, truly a character actor.

>invite the best guitarist of all time for your show
>get millions of views
Did Gosling came up with this idea? If yes then he is a genius
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>good is measured by "soul", not ability
fucking zoomers are a lost cause. always thinking "I don't have to learn this skill, I just have to... uh... have soul!"
you're crazy if you think Slush was the reason this performance was popular
>I don't have to learn this skill, I just have to... uh... have soul!
this but unironically
soulless freaks like you get mad because it's true
hello Yngwie
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>invite the best guitarist of all time for your show
>everyone turns off their TV in disgust

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The clouds moving that fast made no sense. Is he moving super slow or is the world around him moving faster than normal? And why would that be a good plot device?
Might as well call the old kike Francis Flop Slopola.
Why are schizo /pol/yp memes so resolutely unfunny? As two people told you yesterday, Coppola isn't jewish.
>the world around him moving faster than normal
That's what I'm thinking. I thought it was just cookie visual, but he commands for the time to stop, and clouds do indeed freeze.
You can also see in the first minute how the lights in the building are starting to turn on very rapidly, as if people are coming in faster.

can you image?
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Early 30's, autism, small pensil dick that I'm too ashamed of. I can see myself keeping my virginity until I'm 40 easily.
This exact same thread pops up on the catalog 4-5 times every single week with the exact same pathetic faggots in the replies venting and treating this thread like their own personal therapist. Nobody is even discussing the actual movie, it's just pathetic banter back and forth. You people are absolute faggots
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42yo ripped chad, full head of hair with not a single grey, who's had that much sex in my life that I'd rather stay home watch a movie and play vidya than go and bang an 18yo nympho thot
>older fiance
>she's a whore
>your the "man" she settled with after having fun in her youth

Very grim, anon
yeah I'm a 36yo virgin and I'm getting close.
However I would never settle for a single mother or any of these old roasties.

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Post your interesting tales and experiences at your local kinoplex
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>be me
>fren with a nibba
>he's a cool boyo
>go to his nibbaplex to watch random movie
>full of nibba as expected
>some are zesty
>they wont stop hooting
>bitch shut tha fuck up
>it began to rain popcorn
>popcorn turned to shoes
>shoes turned to random sheboon brawling with zesty nibb
>first marvel avengers movie is out
>one of our friends is a massive marvelfag, we all go (we were all like 18 or 19 at the time)
>watch the movie it's fun
>credits rolling, we're staying for a stinger apparently, all talking happily about the movie
>credits begin to fade, lights go dark again, stinger is about to happen
>the literal microsecond the credits begin to fade, hear a weak nasally and desperate 'would you guys just shut up!?' from just ahead of us
>look at who said it
>two fat balding men in their mid thirties wearing graphic tee shirts
>the one who said is it glaring directly at me
>this really pissed me off
>we weren't being too loud, we were talking like everyone else was during the credits, of course we would be quiet during the stinger they didn't even give us the chance
>how can this big fat lump be so rude to me and then glare at me as if he's not a huge fat virgin
>I'm genuinely boiling up in an instant
>grab my drink which is now bottom heavy with water from melted ice and feel the urge to chuck it at his stupid bald head
>resist the urge

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Ahh, a fellow Minnesotan.
>be 10
>sister gives money and send me and nephew to watch space jam
>he wants too many piss breaks so I tell him no
>he's crawling around on the floor, I ignore him and enjoy the kink
>lady in the row in front of us jumps super high and runs out
>hear a bunch of people getting MAD
>move to back of cinema and abandon nephew
>staff escort him out, but they think he's cute and feed him free concession stand candy and soda while I sneak off

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Ringfags BTFO
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This is the dumbest idea. Your enemy is literally a flaming eye on a tower who can see anything approaching from the air. He has dragon-riders who are bigger and faster than eagles in his service and orcs with catapults.
Plus animals are scared of black magic objects
I love JRRT's writing style. The ring is literally the devil
Incase the ring in a bit of mithril so that nobody can easily put it on, no matter how much they get tempted, then proceed with sneaking it to Mt. Doom as originally planned.
>this guy was 10x cleverer than any of you
>w-well being smart is dumb anyway
>whatever, it's merely a trick
Based Sam

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