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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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/vm/ is a place to discuss all types of multiplayer games, whether on console, handheld, or PC, co-op or competitive, online or local.

Does this mean discussion of multiplayer games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vm/ is just a separate board specifically focused on multiplayer games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Multiplayer games includes (but is not limited to) Fighting games, First-person shooters, MMOs, Racing games, Sports games, Board & Card games, Party games, and any other genre of game that requires two or more players. Please post threads about single player games on an appropriate board.

Looking for players? Post a LFP thread. Advertising your game servers is allowed and encouraged! Just don't ask for money or spam the board.

Consider using Hamachi, ZeroTier One, or GameRanger for playing old-school LAN games.

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Wakfu has a mono-account server, there's a guild on INT1, inquire within the thread.

Helpful links.


>Dofus Retro
Sub is required, soul is priceless.

Helpful links.

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What is going on with waven and how to fix it?
It exists and they should kill it. It was born to be a side game, a fate worse than End of Service.
I hope not, I've yet to experience the cutesy, sexy style. Maybe we'll see it in Dofus Unity. But yeah I assume it's one of their side projects to get better with unity, I think Krosmaga was the first.
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I still believe this place only exists for erp purposes
failed bethel like 10 times
didn't clear
randoms don't have any high res gear and can't live without a tank


This thread is for online board, card, and social deduction, drawing and etc. games that fill up with lobbies/custom rooms.

Poker Chase: https://game.poker-chase.com/play/index.html
100% Orange Juice: https://fruitbatfactory.com/100orange/
Etohana: https://etohana-koikoi.com/
Mafia: https://mafia.baseddpt.com/
Secret Hitler: https://secrethitler.io/
Skribbl: https://skribbl.io/
Monopoly: https://richup.io/
Catan: https://colonist.io/
BGO: https://www.boardgame-online.com/
Worms: >>1003047

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I don't know, I'm available for the next 9 hours or so, so just whenever there are more people around
i could host in 1 hour 30 mini.
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But i am going to be asleep then
If you won't be at the bar in 9 hours we could play some bunny and steel.

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previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
Old client: https://files.catbox.moe/ckyq5t.7z (Is kill... For now)

>Technical errors:

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Shiro/Oren/Momoko used to be the best...
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6 out of 8

vote for private games on the 4th
3 hours before maintenance (5pm GMT/ 10am PT/1pm ET)

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I laugh a retard every time I read that image
don't bully retards

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GW1 Guild Wars 1 thread, hall of heroes edition

previous thread >>1252306

GW1 is alive and well anniversary festival is going on, and our /vm/ guild has been surging with players come join us!

Lately we've been dipping our feet into PvP and badly playing HA, made it to hall of heroes a few times and have done not too bad for a group of people who've never done HA or PvP before in GW1. Future plans for some GvG scrimmages along with some endgame dungeons we typically run at least 2 meetups per week. Friday which is campaign prog day, and saturday which is end game dungeons.

Friday May 3rd - 7 PM EST Proph Prog (we are at Iron Mines of Moladune)
Saturday May 4th - SoO dervway? (check next post) I might be busy on this day however. Time undecided.

Future week plans include GvG scrimmages, and potentially some RA games/bot bullying.
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How edgy should your necromancer's name be?
darkblade moondemon
super cutesy fun names only
it should be your irl name
God bless Factions quests, they make survivor easy.
>go here and talk to guy to receive 3k exp

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Previous >>1205425

Minerals in arms
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That would be an incredibly dumb way to ammo limit grappling hooks.
Just tie it to the flare gun instead- the grappling hook doesn't work if there isn't an active flare out.
scout is literally useless without his grappling tardation, why would you want it "nerfed"
he is fucking shit without it, his guns are subpar in every single way without OCs
>too many scout players are bad
>that's why we need to nerf scout
No real counter argument, because you know it's factually true. Grappling hook at high hazards is one of the few easy mode panic buttons you can use in any situation to be practically unkillable. No other class has an analog like that and that's why the shittiest players (and 90% of chinese usernames) are always scouts, they do not have to think about their positioning whatsoever, they can make blunder after blunder and have the rest of the team pick up the slack for them.

Go play haz 6x2 and watch the vast majority of scout players doing nothing but grappling back and forth from one side of the cave to another for 30 minutes straight while the rest of the team is actually playing the game and doing all the heavy lifting. The ONLY thing 90% of scout players contribute to the game is having the ability to light up the cave with their flare gun and half of them can't even be bothered to do that.

Skill issue. Scout has good horde clear and single target DPS weapons. But being able to peace out at any given moment and just dump all the aggro on players who can't just grapple away so they have to drown in bugs tends to have people forget that and do nothing else.

It wouldn't have to be exactly like that, I wouldn't mind anything that made it more limited. I wouldn't even mind if it was actually infinite but you had a limited amount of grapples at any given time and had to wait for them to slowly recharge like flares. It's really a moot point now though because if they made the change for the better this late into the game's lifecycle scout mains would cry like there's no tomorrow and it'd just be reverted back.
that's why anon isn't a game designer, pls understand

SRB2 Kart is a mod of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game engine into a kart racer akin to Super Mario Kart. It's a very lightweight game and runs on most all PCs. Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.

>How to Play
1. Download the game below in 'Full Install (...)'
>Compiling on Linux
2. Unzip contents into a separate folder
3. Load up 'srb2kart-neptune.exe'
4. That's it

>Do we have a /v/ server?
Yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large supply of QoL improvements. First, download it here:

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Bottom left is a lot better than it used to be
I feel like top right's complete lack of spark rate really bites you in the ass in this game.
If anything they're the ones who have to play the catchup game because you really can't maintain a lead when you're barely scraping out red drifts on turns where others are using their ring boost to get rainbows.
yeah it was the earliest windows port that actually had a ton of features
Most notably 3D floors, which are pretty important when making a platforming game. I'm pretty sure it was the only port that had those at the time.
Is that on hard or master?

DURRR pack 1.1.
Saw stuff in the game chat about the lua causing desyncs, particularly with eggboxes.
Might've been a different mod, but I'm not taking any chances. Hopefully this one is smooth sailing.
I've also included the readme in the .zip, which contains a few more details on the changes.

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>Breaking news:
CONTAINMENT in-game event is live and running until April 16th
YEAR 9 roadmap has been revealed. 2 new operators, 2 operators completely reworked.

>Latest news:
>Official news:

>Marketplace (early access, approval needed)
Full launch during Season 2

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F Thatcher
F Mute
F Smoke
F Sledge
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i hate how you have to make sure you're looking directly at someone or else they can just shoot your kevlar mullet which is directly tied to your central nervous system
ive had people headshot me right through my shield while im charging at them
matchmaking broken for anyone else? also anyone wanna run standards assuming its up tonight?
Works here (Central Europe, console)

Talk about modern or retro Arena FPS games in the competitive/action vein, such as:
Quakeworld, Q2, Q3-CPMA, QLive, Quake Champions and UT'99-2k4, UT3, UT4 (rip)
Also welcome to talk about highly anticipated indie developer game Diabotical and nu-retro titles like Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, Amid Evil and DUSK.

Non-main stream retro AFPS titles such as:
https://toxikk.com | https://www.warsow.net | https://www.xonotic.org
Ratz Instagib, Nexuiz, Reflex Arena, Shootmania and mods for any well-known title are all welcome.

>brakfst oats links
quakeworld.nu | playmorepromode.com | quakelive.com
>brakfst of Champions
>children's game

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They need to have a TF2 crossover promo event.
(this is a repost from /v/)
what if we combine armored core mechanics and an arena shooter that is accessible and fun to noobs/console plebs?

a very big hurdle, especially in a fast paced shooter for controllerfags and normies. lets switch to an fcs system.
>how will you balance the guns if this game has auto aim?
>guns with a wide lockbox
normal lock time, piss poor range and has to deplete the enemy's shield before it can deal any damage.
>guns with a balanced lockbox
slighty fast lock time, okay range and depletes both shield and HP.
>guns with a narrow fcs
short lock time, good velocity and ignores shield.


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So basically AC but pvp in an arena possibily with pickups?
Didn't the old ones already have something like that?
Kinda, but old ac had a high skill floor for newcomers (turn speed, tank controls and complex bulids)
Basically my version is more digestible for non mech fans.

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could Starbound multiplayer take off on 4chan? I couldn't host but I would play on someone's server if they hosted.

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The Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.

>>Last Huntoon Goddess, Nut

>>NDA Closed Alpha is NOT ongoing, DO NOT ask questions about it, it WAS NOT leaked here
>>New Magetoon Goddess, Hecate with Open Alpha, May 2nd (findom paypiggies only)
>>Closed Beta, 30th July at 23 Godtoons

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i concde my point
real life is a moba just with the ability to toggle on and off your pvp flag at will and attack other players.

people just choose to not toggle the flag but have the potentionally to turn any area into an arena with or without the other person's flag being activated.
Thus the flag only exists as a indicator of murder a VET if you will.
kulk doesnt work at all with phys items
i guess this ANYONE CAN USE ANYTHING is just code for: "we made them access the items but it doesnt scale with them at all LOL"
um actually bellona's autos scale 20% with int,,,, so you can definitely build int on her :)
Kek so god who lean into one damage type will farm all the other gods who have to build hybrid to have access to all their abilities.

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Playstation had such a problem with having no exclusives they had to fuck Helldivers 2 on PC so much that it effectively is PS5 exclusive lmao.
Epic based console vs pc thread
Shadillay all the way to kekistan

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Season 11 is here. How's the update?
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Sorry friend, I'm taken By your mom. :)
ah youre so adorable, id love a cute sea of thieves autist gf
anyone need a guild? it seems like this shit takes far too long to grind with just a single group of friends most of which dont really play
>PC player
Fuck off
none of your shit even counts
Lol wut, why? Is it because I have to play in a more skilled environment as well as go against dickhead cheaters? I would think that that would make it count more.

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>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

Is the game censored?
Yes, skins are censored, multiple instances of race swapping NPCs and the shadowhunter class.

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transcendence is actually so free
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Hello friends I am here to remind (You) that the weekly NAE /lag/ Brel 1-3 HM/Akkan NM lobbies will be posted in ~90 minutes. Newfriends are welcome, watching or reading a guide is recommended.

Reply to this post if you want to reserve a spot. If you're a new or returning player on the fence about reserving a spot, just do it, these runs are for you.
Nah I don't think he meant looking for some crazy fetish stuff. It could've been something vanilla but I think he was saying nobody gave him a real request at all. Like giving some details about a scenario or any specifics of what they want to see. It was probably just requests like "I want to see Echidna/Nineveh/some other character" or "I want to see this sex position"
For example, take his last post. Phrased as a request, someone could say "MVP screen improvement parody where the player is now surrounded by sexy girls" He was probably hoping for comments that gave more ideas like that.
Seems pretty true.
Last Akkan I did, I let almost everyone in. roster level 72 people and stuff.
Cleared every gate first pull. 1-3 were on the ground at the end on those first pulls but whatever, fight isn't that hard and me and some other randoms carried it.
>he read the "lore"
Only western games get lore right. Imagine reading Korean "lore".

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Papaya Play bought the rights and launched its own Global server. It runs parallel to IMC's self published version on Steam, but with different monetization and only 1~2 weeks behind on updates.

>Papaya's ToS(new)

>IMC's ToS(old)
It's on Steam.

>Advanced/Bright Enchant Scroll system added on Steam:
>/tosg/ FAQ:
>Addon Manager

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The guild on PapayaToS died out? I stopped playing shortly after the level cap increase that locked me out of several dungeons I could run just fine prior to the patch (the ones you run for materials and skill points to even get your foot into the endgame shit), and was wondering if the people over at Papaya had done anything about that. From the number of players online, I'd say probably not?
>The guild on PapayaToS died out?
>I'd say probably not?
maybe but doesnt look very good/alive
Everyone on Papaya quit or moved to Steam ToS, they just started new Popo boost so if you still wanted to play it’s a good time for that bad idea
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buns, post them
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