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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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Why not just fuck a twink? they are better than women imo and less picky.
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then explain why i'm still a virgin
>Because you can finally have intimacy and sex, duh. Plus men are better lovers than women in the first place.
If I wanted to have sex I will just buy a hooker, not fuck a dude and pretend that he is a woman. That is the same as fucking a pillow and pretending it is a pornstar.
>It's not real sex if it's with another man you fag.
It is you closeted homophobcel.
We both know you want that tight hole of yours bred by multiple married men while you roll your eyes and moan in pleasure.
>Are they though? Where are their tits and pussies? They're incompetent.
Is it just about sex or romance

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You can always travel back and meet up with them.
t. Live on another continent from my parents
stfu tranny die
>she fell for the "you have to sacrifice your childrens' genetic future for mom" meme
no way in hell that i'd coom in a hoe that wants her children to grown up in AMERICA of all places when she isn't a native
What are you talking about? Culture warns you about 'biological clock ticking'. Did you think that was some kimd of joke? You have no excuse.

Anyway, you should come live with me and bear my children.
It sucks that your mom is a total cunt who did a terrible job raising you.

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>come to /r9k/ for the only thing it's good for
>/Momcest general/
>Finally have something worth showing them
You fucking faggots.
You don't deserve what I'm about to give you
Enjoy it faggots.
as an mcgfag you should know it goes up on Monday and 404s before weekend

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incels won't do shit
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leftism without compassion isn't leftism imo, so what you said can't be true


they don't need to do communism to make things better, they just have to make better policies, like giving homeless people houses instead of arresting them for not wanting to be abused in homesless shelters
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>leftism without compassion isn't leftism
commie doesn't even know that he's a commie.
>leftism without compassion isn't leftism imo, so what you said can't be true
You've defined leftism in such a way that it's impossible to criticize, good job
communism fails everytime it's tried, but that doesn't make capitalism ideal, when corporations are prioritized to extremes it lowers the birth rate, income inequality increases crime, also there's global warming

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would you rent a girlfriend
how would you spend your time with her
no sex of course
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>would you rent a girlfriend
if it was just like my animes yes
>how would you spend your time with her
restaurant date or get food from somewhere
>no sex of course
I'll take anything at this point
>what kind of women have you been meeting anon
Normal foids I'd think. They're all as bitchy as eachother.
>you know overconfidence doesn't make a person intelligent right?
>your perception is distorted by the underconfidence of women caused by people like you who look down on them
Or maybe women are just chronically retarded and can't help but whore themselves out.
>no sex
The only value modern women have nowadays is their pussy, especially prostitutes.
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if you're nice maybe she could give you tips anon
perhaps you should change the people you interact with then
>women are just chronically retarded
who's more retarded, the girls who make weird noises on tiktok, or the male andies who actually pay and watch their stuff
popular opinion it seems
Ngl man I would probably have like a 3 hour discussion with her about how Mario and Luigi from the rpg game would thrive in the world of bloodborne.

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the cure to the incel epidemic
Whenever I wear a chastity cage I just get too horny after a while and just take it off and jerk off. Can never wear it long term sadly...
just get a keyholder, its not that much per month

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>working 9-5 office job from 3 months now on
>there's a really fucking annoying dude that's every sentence is sarcasm
>makes fun of me constantly, sometimes even in front of my coworkers
>i try not to mind since i'm getting paid well and lack confidence
>got 3 hours of sleep
>at smoking room
>dude comes up to me and starts his usual sarcastic bullshit, without a single reason
>my patience meter is filled up
>lunch time
>go liquor store
>bought a bottle of jack
>chugged that shit
>gained super confidence and charm all sudden
>back at office

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No, It didn't happened like that.
Then you write the gay sex greentext
top kek originalmente
At the end the day, a lot of tough guy fags don't want any real trouble. Even in school they'd only be ready to fight when an adult comes around the corner. Niggers are different sometimes though they'll go into a parking lot across from the shop or into the woods at the properties and fight. Manual laborers lmao. Even then it's always the younger black guys and they rarely want to fight. The older black guys tend to be more chill but they are more likely to physically fight, especially if it's a younger black dude making them mad.
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You should have told him the jerk store called.

David Hampson edition

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SSM screaming at the top of his voice lol
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Too fat for summer
Just want to wear my winter coat
Tfw no bbq stuffed crust wepperoni dominos
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You will spend the summer of 2024 stripped off and sweating in your boxroom. As you open the boxroom window for the first time this year, you accidently lock eyes with the neighbour who doesn't really know you exist.
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SSM is on a winning streak. Very tempted to bet on his next prediction

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Today is not a take it easy day...
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Keep making assumptions, troglodyte.
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>not much i can do about it so theres no reason to be upset
That's right, just take it easy.
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Can't take it easy ever.
>Helldivers is killed by Sony
>Had nightmares the past nights
>Indulged more in liquors (I swear I'm not a drunkard, never been my thing)
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gotta go work again
>What about cats? Do you have a cat?
i never owned a pet personally
what if u made a fren inside ur town?
helldiver anon!!!
I missed u
where have u been?
>what if u made a fren inside ur town?
that would be ideal
and also very unrealistic
hello helldiver anon!
it really is a shame that sony fucked up the game. repeat after me: I HATE CORPORATIONS I HATE CORPORATIONS I HATE CORPORATIONS

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Gonna go up to the park and smoke a joint after I finish this alcoholic beverage. I have work in the morning but I want to get high rn. What are ny fellow failures up to?
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So you didnt even read my post
Well, you did, but you did not understand
How do other losers enjoy alcohol? It just makes me dizzy and retarded, then makes me feel horrible the next day.
FL loser. Smoking a blunt before I go back inside and play video games.
Just don't have sex. Can't get anyone pregnant if you don't have sex. I've got 2 nieces and 1 nephew and my siblings are younger than me. 22 and 20. They'll probably have another one or two each.
cool shirt man let's hang

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Why do you refuse to help women, gymcel chuds? They need you to step up and defend them.
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Jamal isnt even trying meaning thats just one of his white hoes hes disciplining
Every guy likes to thinks they're rambo but unless you're protecting someone you love or you know for a fact you can beat the other guy because you're trained or just that much bigger than them or whatever then it's stupid to try to fight with some random drugged up third-world african nigger, there is simply nothing to be gained by it other than "being a good person" to somebody who probably doesn't give a shit about you. I'll protect my loved ones and that's it, and since I have no loved ones to speak of then I only fight to protect myself.
That's the problem. People grow up devoid of any sense of community or solidarity. When they see a woman getting beaten, they might as well be looking at two squirrels fighting over a nut.
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You're not worth defending, that's why.
white women have no value when this exists

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i spend 14 hours a day doomscrolling on phone

Why don't women want to fuck everything that moves like men do?
Is the reason biological or cultural?
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With rubber wrappers and poisonous pills, a man and a woman can steal more pleasure from their bodies than they can alone with their hands. But normally, sex makes babies. More specifically, it makes women have babies. So there's a different level of investment involved in choosing a mate.
>You will never see men having sex with dogs and horses
Zoophilia is more widespread among the lower classes than you seem to believe. Men do fuck female dogs.
Cmon now.
>porn does nothing for them
>they get no "tingles doing it themselves"
Sources cited: your dumb ass.
Women masturbate to porn and feel pleasure from it. It's just that it's more difficult for them to cum from it, while almost every man can bring himself to orgasm in 5-10 minutes.
Fem vertebrates have always been selective
Most likely it's for evolutionary reasons.
Hormonal birth control is biochemistry technology not culture
It is the culture that decides whether it is acceptable

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