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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Stainless Steel Edition

Previous - >>16156420
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Please explain to me how privately owned and controlled space flight corporations are possible in China
t. lived in China and nearly incorporated there
Do you think spacex will sell these commercially soonish?
What? Why did the industry have to be 'opened' in the first place? Reminds me of "Everything which is not allowed is forbidden".
Is this meant to be some kind of "technically there are no privately controlled corporations in China because the state always has the last say on everything" argument? Well it's the same everywhere, the state always has the last say within its jurisdiction. For example, the US government can commandeer any company using the Defense Production Act, or any new law Congress might decide to pass
bros... holy fr*ggin heckarino... this is just like the duno sodacar le epic popular twink movie!

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Are your maths good enough to be in the Soviet artillery?
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>"Show me just what Russia has brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as their command to spread by the sword the communism they preach."
-Manuel II Palaiologos
tbf the germans invented communism, the russians were just retarded enough to actually implement it
Yes thats precalc baby shit also the ASVAB isnt hard for a mathlete
wtf is this?

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With few exceptions academia wholeheartedly refuses to talk about this subject and racial supremacists aren't exactly objective. Obviously we can be diverse in physical size and appearance. I'm more interested in IQ and temperament which have been proven to be at least partly influenced by genes.
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So bassically egypt used to be more middle eastern and over the years became more like Africa? Makes a lot of sense. I wonder if egyptions saw negroids moving in and were bothered by their behavior? Or just accepted them.
>Wicherts, Borsboom, and Dolan (2009) showed that even after excluding low scoring countries in sub-Saharan Africa, 60 national IQs correlated with latitude (.50), fertility (−.75),
>fertility (-.75)
>The thing breaking pattern here is wolves and coyotes, not humans.
Liar. >>16145786
I'm not and your dumbshit post doesn't prove I'm not.

Beqrs break the pattern too, incidentally. Taxonomy is being constantly revised for a reason. Some shit is just old and wrong.
We different species nigga, not subspecies or races, fr fr

I was wondering what the minimum temperature a naked human being with no shelter could survive imperpetuity and this gent thinks its 17c( 62f). This sounds a little too warm, no? I think it should be closer to like 10 degrees c( 50f). What you make of it?
Look up the Selknam people of tierra del fuego

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is it the epiphenomena of 5-HT receptor agonism, i.e. the hallucinogenic experience, or is it the neurological changes such an enhanced neuroplasticity due to BDNF release?

I have always found this perplexing
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people are afraid of what they don't understand
also, some jealousy mixed in. she probably realizes she doesn't fit with her husband anymore and is insecure about that, which is why she's trying to follow his lead.
This. I went almost 15yrs without access to psychedelics after University days were done, tried the dark net and ended up with 300 tabs of quality acid (make sure to buy testing reagents)
It's toxic femininity. Trying to keep her man a docile, harmless little pet that is sure not to attract any other females.
>I spent tens of hours in my early teens holed up on Erowid learning everything I could about these substances, before I ever set my hands on any of them
Holy shit, based and same, I thought I was the only high iq chad back in high school who knew the redpill on drugs, lmao. I still haven't done any psychedelics yet though. How would they affect someone who's more or less at peace with themselves, and arguably egotistical to a flaw? I'm not a fat cuck like the redditor guy prior to his trip, and it's not like I strictly need any help in making notable lifestyle changes

is picrel an accurate depiction of the ultimate fate of scyence nerds?
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bla bla
I learned to focus on what i can actually control, which might just be making money.
Social skills can be learned.
you guys think all women are the same.
lower class junkie women love lower class criminal men.

these days everyone goes to college because of idea that its fair to give everyone the same privilege but you forget that a lot of the women are low born, it's in their genes to be sluts and hookers.
when those sluts who descended from hookers hook up with tyrone they're just following their programming.
you're not supposed to consider them your women
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>bro, just go for the nerdy women, they are totally different and would never want to be sluts
You cannot control making money unless you're a billionaire or a banker. As a dependent wagie you have no control over your money. As a crypto gambler you have even less control over your money.

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Will he be the first man to set foot on mars?
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if you get sick there there's not much you can do. dying of radiation sickness can be quite shitty
I'm going to die of something really shitty anyway once I'm a bum on the street
Sorry but there are much more qualified normies who don't care about the risk either.
Um based?
Mars has no use for useless sack of meat. Its only for the hard working people who can afford to go on their own

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Calabi Yau Edition.

Previous thread: >>16109209 (Dead)

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

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Previous thread is actually here >>16131491
I dont understand the concept of complex manifolds or manifolds with metrics that are not euclidean. For me, everything must be euclidean and embedded in some higher dimensional space. I dont understand intrinsic curvature
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I've got some stupid questions.

Is there any experimental proof of space expansion/hubble constant? or do we just assume it with seemingly linear redshifting of galaxies?

Why are there no live-feeds of orbiting satellites of other planets/moons? Is it because the shitty data transfer? Isn't the moon close enough for it to be possible? or is energy usage an issue?

I was watching Fox News's show Outnumbered and they were about to discuss this scientific news about how AI can make you believe that you're another person. Stupidly, OJ Simpson had to pass away at that exact moment and so they covered that instead of that news about AI... as if I give two fucks about that fat, old, washed up, murderer. It's a travesty because they never got to discussing that part about AI.

So I have no idea what they were talking about. Do any of you /sci/ people know anything about AI making you believe you're in somebody else's body?

Anddo you think there will ever be a day where we can transfer the conciousness of one person into another? Say you have a comatoes patient that is brain dead but with a healthy body and another patient who has a terminal illness and doesn't have much longer to live, could they transfer the mind of the dying patient into the comatose one as a sort of "body" donor progam?

And just for fun, if you could be anyone else other than yourself who would you be?

>How 'swapping bodies' with a friend changes our sense of self

>Some people think machine intelligence will transform humanity for the better. Others fear it may destroy us. Who will decide our fate?
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I like to get all of my scientific news right from the source, from Fox News.
Your self-concept is constructed with feedback you get from interacting with others. In other words: you see yourself in the manner others relate to you. Since your interactions change your self-concept is always changing whether or not the others are AI.
>Unironic boomer news watcher
>Their bumbo jumbo grift skid is swapped for community gossip about muh eggball player
>Comes to /sci/ to unironically blog about it
Imagine thinking like this

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>Today, I will copy the works of LeGendre and others and pass them off as my own writings.

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is this good for the environment?
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Saying "lets cut down this old growth forest to help the environment"
is like saying "lets cut off my dick so I can finally have sex"
>saying "lets cut off my dick so I can finally have sex"
Trannys say that and do that
“People” are the problem though, as in the lower classes and extremely rich
It's not an old growth forest.

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>Ask retarded doctor what he can prescribe for the spikes of cortisol, which are causing me burnout
>Ummm, have you tried to take a nap?
>Ask chat gpt
>Take ketaconazol, my dear chud
Lmao, AI will make most Doctors obsolete.

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well maybe for other people it's enough, I'm sure most people would rather be cured by something like a nap than having to take medication
my situation requires medication.
Now you advertise taking drugs without conclusive evidence that such intervention is necessary and without an analysis of risk/benefits. Irresponsible and morally apprehensive.
I know
I already did the faggot non chemical treatments, for at least a couple months.

I want to develop the most complex game that requires logic and reason only to win, What are your recommendations?
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Realize its already been done.
Stephen's Sausage Roll
make a game that is impossible to be hacked
A CCG where both sides start with the same deck (with cards in the same order) and there's no randomness within the game.
>no randomness
not OP, but what the hell is the point of the deck then?
Maybe the player could sort it himself at start. I wonder if MTG would be a good game, if decks were only like 20 cards, and both players got to sort them first.

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Can someone describe what he's doing using knot theory or braid theory? i've always wondered how the language would be used in practical hairstyling scenarios. how would a physics enthusiast describe this to another physics enthusiast? https://youtu.be/soMhhBSQSQ0

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