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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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>use neo-nazi retards as the tip of your spear
>against a country with the "great patriotic war against the nazis" as a national myth
>be surprised when they use your neo-nazi retards as a casus belli to invade you
Ukrainians are straight up retarded. No concept of cause and effect. Did any of the non-Jewish Ukrainian officials question this at all?
Were they too busy falling for the MVH DEFENDERS OF EVROPA bullshit to question anything?
potato bros, this isn't going to run well, is it?
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The same combination map but not shit quality.
I really hope the PU of Burgundy and Flanders is scripted since the first Capetian dynasty died but the Second Capetian House of Burgundy, Valois-Bourgogne, married the same Duchess of Flanders.
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teenage russian boys regularly get raped and infected with AIDS by dagistanis when they're conscripted into the army

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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
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There are winter maps in the release. There aren't constructable spotlight towers but they are gimmicks anyway.
Yes I know there are winter maps in the release. They also that ice dynamic which was pretty cool. Units being able to walk on ice but the ice cracks and they might sink if they take explosive fire while on ice.

>they are gimmicks anyway
Yeah but I love building beautiful bases. Oh well!
>Yeah but I love building beautiful bases.
You still can. You're going to go broke with how much conrete you're going to spend on, especially if playing against Nod.
Oh I love building fences, gates and pavements in TibSun. Sadly by the time you can focus on that sort of thing the enemy has been neutered. I could only imagine a TibSun like game where the map goes on for longer and longer so all those bases you build actually have relevance and / or establish logistics networks with the next based you make.
That was always my biggest problem in Tib, I treated it more like a city builder than an rts.

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I meant Spirit was doing fuck all.
GGs regardless.
What the FUCK is homomarine doing?
why do you guys care about esl eu are you all disgusting g*ermans and stinky french frogs
we are watching mihu vs bonyth

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Anyone playing this?
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What am I looking at?
Drone swarm
The rookpocalypse
Needed about 4 restarts to get a map without a fucking gladiator or paladin on the first town.
What's the actual best strat for avoiding SGs, fellow anons? I've tried capturing towns with Comms on them to try and get an image of where their route is going to.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the DIY Shipbuilding segment because I can just make cheap carriers and missile ships instead of buying the more expensive ones.
They're heading straight for any place you've been spotted. Bait them, use 3 of the 4 ELINT's you have on the Sev to give to other groups that don't have one. Use A220's, aircraft or cruise missiles to take them out and you can loiter around your starting location upgrading ships at your leisure until the second one comes.

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>It's literally just a glorified AoE2 mod
How did you feel when you found this out?
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I would love it so much to see high ELO tournaments of this game. Sadly it would probably all be fire trooper or light mech rushes, but the late game has kino potential from what I recal from campaigns. Its sort of like AoM where everything is a counter unit that melts instantly to something else, but turned up to eleven, exacerbated by almost everyone being ranged. It truly feels like a high-vantage modern warfare RTS just due to how static and very rarely blitzy it is, with combined arms being the key.
I thought everyone always knew that
I never played Age of Empires 2 as a kid or rather let me rephrase that - this was my Age of Empires 2 as a kid and since I was a big star wars fan I was completely ok with that. Probably why I was let down when I played Age of Empires 2 a few years later for the first time.
yeah, but star wars was cool.

can't slaughter wookies in any other game.
Would buy it again if they made a remaster with more factions.

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Post your favorite units from any strategy game.
For me it's the Scylla from AoM
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>can burrow across the map
>can melee
>can one shot cities
>cool af
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Love the way these look. Ships built around big guns are amazing.
Homeworld really does have some absolute KINO unit design.
Deserts of Kharak is my personal favorite even though the game isn't very replayable. I wish there were more content for it.
basic infantry squads my beloved
there's always something about them that just draws me to them
especially the ones that get considerably stronger with upgrades/veterancy

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If you don't border them and beat them at sea then you can just land in Sicily and repeatedly trick them into crossing the strait, block it and then stack wipe them. It's insanely cheesy though.
Because too many people irrationally hate this game and thus avoid the general. The net effect is keeping shitters out.
>Athenian election
>a dude with 30% senate approval wins, via magic I guess
>instantly everyone wants another civil war
This is why I detest this democracy shit and wish I could go dictator. But I think once you've adopted Athenian Republicanism, that's what you're locked into for the rest of the game.
Did that new paradox patch actually do anything?
It did, actually. Read through the patch notes. A few minor annoyances have been smoothed over.

Post your City, Anon.
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I've been playing on 66 without game breaking issues aside from 2 that got fixed in less than a day. When those happened I just played something else while waiting for the fix.
Yeah, but the wild plants are never ripe when you start and if you use the hunt command a person or two will die no matter what.
I've never had someone die from hunting, but then again I don't use weak and crazy humans maybe they lose to cute little animals
Idk, even Amevia have casualties while hunting for me. Amevia and humans are usually the best soldiers, so I wonder how much worse it is for other races.
sittin at about 6.7k people

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Keep the leaks coming.
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I said it wasn't recent.
The thread itself has mostly stopped caring and it's mostly just a thread about general HOI4 modding last time I checked. Maybe we should take a hint instead of whining about the same shit about a dead mod every day.
I'm not the whining, but fair enough. Im mostly here to see leaks once in a while.
Meant the thread's general tone as a whole.
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Aspies should at least demand some kind of UBI before they agree to sterilize themselves.
Panzer's old posts go hard.

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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
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>At least Poland and Czechoslovakia bring in good amount of new toys,
They won't. Those will be historical Poland and Czechoslovakia, at least more than in Wargame. Poland especially would only really maybe get OT-64s which would functionally be the same as BTRs. Czechs might get the Danas and Pragas too but the rest of stuff is already in.
> we’re heading full steam into Steel Division 2 territory where you have so many so samey divisions that eventually it becomes borderline impossible to remember which Soviet armored division is what.
That's their business model, sell the same thing to you twenty times but with a different unicorn so you actually buy it.
Divisions system was a mistake.
>we’re heading full steam into Steel Division 2 territory where you have so many so samey divisions that eventually it becomes borderline impossible to remember which Soviet armored division is what.
Already confirmed 23 divisions on launch and another TWENTY through DLC in the first year. The game already felt bloated with the main 20, in which basically half are all using identical soviet equipment. Doubling that is going to reduce the game to a bloated, indistinct soup with countless redundant divisions that just share all their units in common.
>in which basically half are all using identical Soviet equipment
I feel like this is really only true of the 79th and 39th. The others are different enough that their playstyles are pretty different. Think it's unlikely though that that's gonna remain true when there will be major expansions, but I think we'll likely still have some variety with special divisions like maybe naval infantry.

Think it's being overlooked though that, as games inevitably move towards the "service" model, there becomes a kind of pressure to make a game "definitive" that is, to keep iterating on it instead of replacing it, and there's more pressure to do that in a niche community like Wargame/Warno/Steel Division. Moving on to sequels entails scrapping development on the prior game and leaving it without support which usually brings just as much ire as continuing the develop the same game ad infinitum. If you really liked maps and balance in Airland Battle or European Escalation, you gotta keep in mind that Red Dragon killed those off, it added but it also took away. It can be a safer bet for a company to just keep adding.
It's entirely possible to make a modern war game in which every playable deck isn't a near-copy or the factions aren't almost perfectly symmetrical and keep adding to that by innovating and coming up with new and novel gameplay niches. Eugen just chooses not to.

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Please help me find this game's title! It is 3/4 top down view. Plays a little like pinball. A young man and his English Mastiff looking dog bust through a door into a courtyard with bad guys. The dog runs from guy to guy disabling them. Thank you.
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Thank you for helping, kind fellow player. Puzzle game. I saw it on Steam less than 5 years ago. I don't know if it is still on there - I searched hard and couldn't find it. I don't know what year it was released. I don't know what other platforms it may have been on.
What sort of art style did it have? Cartoony? Realistic? Was it a 2D/sprite game or 3D?
Also, were the bad guys monsters or humans? What was the setting of the game like?

I found it looking for either "Tactical" or "Strategy". But it came up as a suggestion, not part of the search results.

Cartoony but not very. I don't remember whether 2D or 3D. Not pixelated or voxelated.

The bad guys were humans.
Please pardon. The setting of the game was a medieval castle or big house courtyard.

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hopes? fears?
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I've heard it's your typical chinkshit mobile trash. Basically no interactivity besides how much you want to spend on it.
Big studios never make good mobile games. They don't make them in the first place, they let chinks handle pretty much the whole process (see C&C: Legions with its stolen assets). The game is guaranteed to have awful gameplay, greedy micropayments, and might as well go EOS within months.
True RTS games are exceptionally rare on mobile, I can only really recommend Rusted Warfare and maybe Iron Marines.

It'll be complete trash.
Depends. Forgotten Empires is more or less part of the reason why AoE has gotten as much support as it has in the last decade, otherwise AoE II HD probably would've been the last thing that happened.

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Since there isn't a thread up
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is sneedault-chuckoyan a real thing yet
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Who was in the wrong here?
delayed another week
off to kill myself

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I enjoy the remaster
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If you can stomach the ui, it is worth for some mods. Honestly, nowadays I prefer Rome 2 to play with this historical period.
anybody try this one out for the BAI?
it is exactly the same as og Rome TW other than the ui, which is honestly better in some ways (hit tab to see overview map, info on cities/units easier to see at a glance, etc) even if it is worse in others (ui elements scattered around the screen rather than all in a bar across bottom, small text). Oh and it takes up way too much HD space but I've become apathetic to that bullshit at this point
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What are the mods in question? I never really played modded original Rome so I know little about its modding scene. Is EB ported over to remaster?
Also is Alexander better in remaster or does it still suck?

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