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>Ugly button up shirts
>Skinny jeans/black pants
>Uneven skin tone
>Flip flops
>Ugly ungroomed facial hair
>Weird haircuts that look like someone trying to emulate a 1940s Englishman but failing miserably

Literally the least fashionable race in the world, and I'm a pajet myself.
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>>Skinny jeans/black pants
true. i am a SEA curry and i see them at work. they also keep exposing their panties to me when they bend over in those skinny jeans. they don't even work in fashion or office jebs. skinny jeans are totally impractical. they were carpenters!
Matt Walsh tier.
Skinny jeans slay if you have a nice shapely ass
they seem to not suffer from the baldness as much
Anon India is the most discriminating and racist country on the planet. North is racist towards the south, West is racist towards the east. There is racism between states, communities and religions. There's discrimination based on caste or wealth status. There is discrimination based on the paleness of your skin.

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Sleep Tight edition

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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If you dress well, are /fit/ and have the money is a chad idgaf move. Sadly most of the time from what i've seen are wore by fat rich bearded engineers. But sure.
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Only the bitter dorks in here can find a way to shit on a dude showing us his rolex and lange. If you don't post your own watch your criticism isn't to be taken seriously.
Why is it so expensive
Abandon all value ye who enter here
Yeah but that g-shock isn’t a luxury watch, it looks like any other g-shock and doesn’t seem to have any special functionality either. So why on earth is it 4k

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Previous thread: >>18103386

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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SOTD: Bleu de Chanel, though there is something else I wanted to wear, but I will have to wait till it arrives.
Honestly, bois imperial
I put it on in the morning and I’m still smelling it in my sleep that night
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I work for one of the major decant websites. Ask me anything.
Angel's Share by Killian hands down.
does the site decant from tester bottles, big size bottles or some sort of sourse not available to retail customers?

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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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Bespoke from the best of the best, the likes of G&G, Antonio Meccariello, Yohei Fukuda and so on.
lol, lmao even.
newfag here, how come theres a boot thread and a sneaker thread but no general shoe thread?
>lol, lmao even.
>Yohei Fukuda
looks like every other dress shoe
>Antonio Meccariello
Looks like Enzo Bonafe aka every other Italian shoe brand
Looks like every other dress shoe
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its mostly boots, but sometimes shoes are posted too, i treat this thread less of a boot general but more of a stitched footwear general.
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>I just scrubbed them with a nylon brush
get a horsehair brush the nylon is too stiff

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Thx to Anon >18102057
I dress up like i wanted and i think it looks pretty good on me :D
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>That's my gigantics boobas !!!
They're not that big
Also you're from the Phillipines aren't you?
Particle board, dropsheets, pallets. Fucking terrifying.
This was ACTUALLY a WOMAN btw.
it's cheap, and i'm not a materialist so, if it works, i'm good with it, don t care about the looks :)

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remember these shits? edition

old: >>18049684
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The only running shoes that you can do with jeans are newbies.
Look into the 997R. Updated better looking version of the 997
These are pretty nice, anon.
Do not wear these when you are 29. Unless you look like a zoomer there are plenty of white basic sneakers that are better for someone thats almost 30.
newfag here
how come theres a sneaker thread and a boot thread but no general shoewear thread?

Is dasha nekrasova /fa/
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This is 4chan. 4chan doesn't have a solid stance on anything. They are contrarian. They may have a stance for a while until things change. Hating jews was a right-wing thing. Now hating jews is for the left. So the right-wing people here will say they like jews because it's opposite. Come on now.
meh i've seen better
Once you see the Jew for what he is, there is no chance to go back.
Easy on the antisemitism you leftwing nazi terrorist
Wha, huh? Wtf is going on these days.

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Can I actually get away with a wardrobe like this, especially in a coastal city
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>I tried the Asket shirts and I didn't like the fit, they were too boxy
mind if I ask what size you got? normally I grab tshirts in large but for asket I went for medium-long and they fit perfect
I got the small-short because I'm 5'4
>can I wear basic monochromatic outfits?
yes darling you can
>was too boxy
next time just order teeny-weeny
babie, you don't say peoples do you

Previous >>18086713


Quick guide to prep: www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph

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what kind of patagonia shorts are those??
Pants look cartoonish and make your legs look stumpy. Rolls only look decent on jeans, maybe fatigue pants. Belt is way too dark for those shoes.
Grateful Dead
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Do you guys have recs for a jacket similar to this one from the Anthology or the Armoury's x Ascot Chang safari jacket?

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how do i wear street drip type stuff as a 35 year old dorky white man? where do I shop? I dont want to pay for the designer shit like amiri, gucci, prada, balenciaga, but i wanna have some outfits that look like that.

Also, is streetwear even feasible to wear as an introverted white guy
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you ever heard the term culture vulture before? niggas be hating when outsiders take their style
Ironically, among other things, a culture vulture would be some who fakes an accent or dialect to fit in or impress people. No one said that OP had to go stand outside of the trap to be able to wear a hoodie and a pair of air force ones. No one if going to press this man for dressing this way. If you've ever encountered hood dudes that have white friends they are always the first people to defend their dorky white friends, and always tell them to just be themselves. I forget this site is autism central.
Yeah, nobody's going to call you out on a bit of cringe or acquired taste, if you carry it naturally, especially, if that said cringe is only felt by straight laced white guys. I mean, look around, right now, every other zoomer is a low key to full blown wigga. Tryhard, thought, that might be another story.
>amiri, gucci, prada, balenciaga
Good brands. They should have plenty in their selection to reflect your lifestyle. I mean you're white, so probably something that says "business class, success, money" like a luxury silk shirt. That's cool.
But the way you use "dorky" and "street drip", please don't tell me you're thinking about this the same way those white collar people think about wearing blue collar clothing. Like they're wearing what they think a construction worker would wear like a costume. People who do that have a cringe aura but blue collar larp isn't even that bad because honest working people with grit do command respect. Whatever you do, don't let your clothes or mannerisms say "I got it all, the success and the smarts, but I have this weird unceirtanty about myself that makes me wonder if a junkie that's had a hard life or a section 8 retard that's beneath me in every way might have some secret grit that makes them cooler than me" because that's ungodly cringe.

If you want to be you but cooler, just take a boxing class and make some tax-free side income with something that fits your social circle. Like cuban cigars or something fancy if you're upper class.
Your assumptions are so off. People don't think "I want to dress blue collar", it's so much simpler: monkey see, monkey do. You see something you like, and you want to have it, do it. That might very well be a compensation for what you are (not), but so what. Some office guy might pick up a craft as a hobby, others might be content with just dressing the part to "be" something other than the version of themselves they're fed up with. Why not play a little, try something, get a taste.

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>adult man
>wears a cap
From this you can always identify a manchild who is still mentally at the level of elementary school. Grow up already.
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i wear a cap when i have to go outside but my hair is fucked and i dont want to fix it. like walking my dog at 5am or going to the store in the morning. wide brim hats aren't really socially acceptable for men in america outside of the south.
Keep coping with your almost 80% obesity rate. No nation in europe is remotely close to that. The fattest is the UK which still has a long way to go before reaching american levels.
Yea 300lb bimbos
then what the hell are you doing on /fa/?
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it's JOY!!! fucking Curtis died for that emo shit muzak, assshole!!!
and yes i wear band tees as a Gen X manly mandude.

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is full Rick gay in 2024?
Always has been
i feel like if you have love handles wearing rick you missed the point
Yes wearing all black is super gay. Wearing all black with a bit of white is just as gay.

Post your living spaces and let others rate. Where do you guys find artwork? Would you be embarrassed if a girl came over?
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Bigger the window, worse the insulation, hotter and colder it gets, higher heating/cooling costs. Same with higher ceilings.
absolutely in love with everything right side of the balcony door.
personally not a huge fan of the colder, more yellowish wood on the desk and shelf which clashes with the gorgeous warm wooden floor tiles imo. i feel like a shelving system with built-in desk (whether a vitsoe 606, rareraw system000 or even something like ikea's elvarli) would work a lot better and bring the left half of the room much more in line stylistically with the right one.
either way definitely one of the best actual rooms i've seen in these threads
The desk looks diy and made of plywood and some 2x4s. He could stain it I guess, but that edge isn't going away unless he adds banding.
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>throw the black face thing away
I appreciate the feedback but no. It’s a Taro Okamoto relief from the tower of the sun, it’s very cute :)
Ironic you say that, the reason I have this shelving unit is because I needed something available immediately and wasn’t going to wait on getting a vitsoe(nor can I be arsed to install a full wall vitsoe) it’s an ikea ivar and my only complaint is it it’s not taller (parts were out of stock when I needed it)
Appreciate the feedback
I will be getting a clock at some point but it won’t live there, my gf just requires it to have actual numbers otherwise I’d just go buy a Arne Jacobsen one

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Previous: >>18069127

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
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Been bald and shaving my head for about under a year now. Had long hair for the longest time and genuinely it feels pretty good not needing to care about it. Still curious though, do hair meds actually grow your lost hair back or do they just keep what you have?
Also if you stop taking them, after a while, does gained hair still wither away?
Finasteride generally maintains what you already have unless you're a hyper responder or take it at very early stages of balding you can recover lost ground within 6 to 12 months.
Minoxidil definitely grows back your hair if you respond well to it. But both require daily use especially minoxidil since it doesn't block DHT which is why it's recommended to use both.
Hi guys, could Minoxidil help me (30 yo, images on the top, is this already NW 4?) to regrow my hair like the guy on the bottom? Thanks in advance.
you should stop shitting in your pants
Minoxidil stacked with fin or dut (if fin is not strong enough) could fix your hair on top
However that hairline is not coming back without a transplant I'm afraid

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