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How do I stop myself from jerking off to Asian woman?

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Girlfriend is pregnant and angry because I asked for a paternity test. What now? She is very upset.

Two days ago, I had the day off, so I woke up early and headed to my best friend's place for some beers and breakfast. It was a typical weekend spent watching musical videos and MMA. Upon returning home, I found my girlfriend still in bed, feeling terrible. I helped her get dressed and called a taxi to take us to the nearest hospital.

We wait until it was her turn to see the doctor. (Personally, I dislike hospitals; they always seem like pits of misery). I accompanied her during the examination, where the doctor asked routine questions and ordered some tests. we received the results about 30 minutes later and the doctor told us my girlfriend is pregnant. She broke down instantly repeating over and over that her career was over and she just a promotion some months ago (she is a financial analyst)
Then I asked the doctor if he knew the price of the NIPP test (the NIPP is a prenatal paternity test) and she lost her shit even further.

Upon returning home, she had a complete meltdown, "you want to test to see if it's yours, because you suspect it might not be, and that really pisses me off because im losing everything for you and you repay me with distrust, I will never forgive or forget this"

I mean what's the issue? If she is certain the baby is mine she shouldn't be bothered by a DNA test. If she isn't hiding anything what's the issue right? I won't pay for someone else bastard children, I just want to make sure it's mine and I'll marry her afterwards.
Anyway, now she keeps looking at me with hatred in her eyes. I'm getting worried. Do you have any advice?
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see my post >>31169264

ignore the retard.
Unironically better all that than the alternative.

>Date a whore
>She acts like a whore
*surprised pikachu face*
How about you look for rational women instead of instagram whores? There are plenty of women who have cognitive abilities above that of an infant, you can find them in STEM fields.

You listed all the reasons a man should never trust a woman's words. You managed to write the perfect argument for a paternity test yet still came away with the opposite conclusion.
If he gets married he loses half his shit when the divorce inevitably comes once the child comes out to not be his.
just because you have a kid, doesn't mean you have to get married, or even be a father.
How would blacks ever reproduce if that was the case?
OP is talking about prenatal test. The child is still in the uterus. He has absolutely no motivation to ask for a test beside thinking someone else fucked his gf.

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why is it so hard to get sex
It isn't.

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How do I become self employed and become independent from society? With the way the economy is going on right now, it is pretty safe to say that the rat race is not worth it. however, I can't come out with a plan to become self employed. I tried to fiverr and upwork, it didn't go well. I couldn't get any clients despite offering my services up to 5$. the competition is pretty fierce there and every field is over saturated. I tried making a YT channel, didn't work at all. I literally got 0 views for most of my videos so I gave up completely. What are some ways to free lance and at least be able to pay the bills with it.
I have an engineering degree. however, I can't get any jobs. I am getting ghosted by most companies and I am stuck doing shitty warehouse jobs because nobody is fucking hiring right now. I don't know what to do.
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The only way to become independent from society is to go off-grid. Buying or trading with others indicates a necessity and therefore you are dependent on their goods.
Your best bet is getting some sort of remote job and creating a self-sustaining homestead off-grid. However, creating a homestead like that requires a huge initial investment for land, buildings, livestock, machinery, etc.

Look anon, I was once like you. There are really two paths you can go mentally to help you through this. You can suck it up and get a remote job, work for a few years, buy a piece of property (5-10 acres) and transform it into something you can live off of (simple with 1 person). With this method, you will be completely in control of your own destiny. You will sink if something goes wrong. Your second option is to find a wife and aim to have kids. While you are young, you can build up the homestead and teach your kids about how to maintain it. When you are older, you will have hopefully taught your kids well enough and imbued them with the same values of self-sufficiency such that they will desire to stay on the property you have built. This method is a little self-sacrificial as you are basically building this dream so your descendants can live the lifestyle you desire. But, this method is probably a bit more fulfilling than just roughing it by yourself.

Either way, you will need money. And that requires a job.
So try something different. Harass hiring managers on LinkedIn. Show up to a random company saying you have an interview scheduled right now. Or try to find a startup to work at.
By trying self-employment, you're doing something that is way harder than getting a job.
what if I can't land remote jobs?

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All I need to learn is how to hold a conversation with a chick. If you guys could just give me some tips & pointers on that, that’s all I would need.
just be yourself
if shes not into it youd be wasting your time
Stop browsing 4chan and putting yourself into situations where you'll have to interact with multiple people including women

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What else is there to do really? At least this way you can bond with the kid. That seems like a worthy way to spend your time.
There's a big BIG difference between a 5 year old and a 15 year old. Fuck I mean 16 is legal in most US states, it almost isn't even a crime.
I'm not ugly, but for most women (and men too I guess) , average, is pretty much just ugly.
Not a tranny I just don't have a cervix
Suicide has been staved off for another week

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How can I experience this as a 29 year old virgin?
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Holy shit dude, go to the gym

Mf nuttin' but bonez
Talking is overrated. Learn body language and micro expressions. I’ve gotten laid barely saying anything. You fags are all up in arms about “what to say” when in reality it’s about how you move and are.
Until recently I was 155-160
Go out into the world and find a woman who feels the way this girl in the webm does about her man; ignore what all these pessimistic fucks say about it being fake or whatever, shit doesn't look fake to me. Even if things don't end up working out, at the very least you got to experience a moment of passion, which none of these faggots can truthfully say they did.
>new partner every 9 months for 15 years straight
>not slutty

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Is this actually good advice for dicklets? That you should tell every girl you have a small dick before you get serious so you can find a girl who is really okay with it as opposed to reluctantly accepting it because its too late?
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y-your vagina is just too deep! M-my dick isn't small..
Dicklet here. Just fuck good and be confident. I have three stalkers and counting.
I'm only 6.5 inches, could be more if I lose 30 pounds. The trick is to rub the clitoris.
stfu im 4.5 and not fat you're above average
If you're good at fucking, it doesn't matter, op. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to make you feel inferior for something you have no control over.

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How do I stop being horny ALL the time?
stop consooming sexually suggestive media, i.e. stop scrolling/watching TV and stop being sedentary. Go become a volunteer fire fighter or EMT to stay busy

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Dating while NEET - is it possible?

Basically I met this girl online around 2 years ago and we have become very good friends. I've floated the idea to her of being more than friends, and she didn't seem entirely opposed to it but said she wasn't ready. She hasn't dated before. For now I'm okay with staying friends but idk, eventually it would be nice to be more than that.

Problem is I'm a NEET on NEETbux. She knows this. I only got approved for it a couple months ago after a couple years of trying. I get more in NEETbux than I was anticipating, but still I'm not fooling myself into thinking I come close to a guy with a career. I can't lie it'll hurt if she finds someone else, since I know he will be better than me in every way.

To make things worse, we plan on meeting up for the first time soon and her parents will be there. What do I tell her parents when they ask what I do? Maybe it would be okay if I had a bunch of productive hobbies and interests but I don't. I would really, really rather not lie to her or her parents so I can't just make something up. To be honest now I mostly just smoke pot and hang around the house. Any anons with ideas of stuff I can start doing to at least make it seem like I have a direction to my life? Because with where I am now I know I'm not deserving of a gf.

Guess I'm looking for general advice regarding the whole situation. Thanks for reading.
>we plan on meeting up for the first time soon and her parents will be there
Jesus that is fucking tragic, is she 13 years old?

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give me all your resources on body language. im really interested in using that to read people
you can read what every body is saying by joe navarro if you want

everything is either a pacifying gesture or an indicator of interest basically people point their genitals at things they like

something you won't find in any book i've read but i've noticed is that females will preen their hair or scratch their head in the direction of things they are paying attention to but trying not to look at

like this bitch right here is thinking about something in the house while she is looking out the window

follow for more tips

Would you date a transgender woman with shaved {{ pussy }} ??
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go back
but you can't give birth can you? why the fuck did you do this to yourself
Alright then
No and i don't want to majority of cis women aren't into pregnancy either so who cares
If we connected on a deeper level, why not? One of my friends I met here is trans and we get along well.
>I was born male but transitioned to female
>I also have pussy now


What does that mean?

What is OP talking about?

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How to successfully cold turkey an addiction?
I'm trying to reduce my screen time, I'm basically looking at a screen from when I wake up to when I fall asleep, except when I shower.
so are most people. what are you looking at on the screen? what do you do online? come here?
Throw your devices away
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In my experience that may be a symptom of an empty life, poor self control and avoidance. If you waste so much time passively consuming content it's because your current lifestyle is promoving this behavior. Quitting cold turkey will probably not help. I suggest that you focus more on WHY do you distract yourself so much. If you made this thread I suppose you agree that what you're doing is harmful, if it's harmful, why do you do it? Are you trying to avoid someone? Something? In my case I compulsively browse 4chan to avoid staying alone with my thoughts, are you doing the same? Build awareness, question yourself, and avoid beating yourself up along the way.

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Why have women in the West stopped wearing skirts?
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Eu, u?
But EU is in the West though? I'm also from Europe
Which part?
>If you travelled that far for women in skirts and still unsatisfied then that’s a (you) issue.
I didn't travel there for the skirts lmao it's just something I noticed.
Besides, white women look better in skirts, is all I'm saying. So if women here in the West would wear skirts again, I would be satisfied
You don't need to know that

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dirty renamon
great thing being caught sleeping at my desk and pretending to have a migraine and asking someone for pain killers and pretending to take them. now i have a hr talk in 1 week.
I can't bear the pain.
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There are people doing work in my house and I am not ok with it. I haven't pooped all day and I have three piss bottles filled up. I'm starting to lose it.

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