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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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I am moving up north soon where everything is 3x as expensive. My new house has a large garage though, and I'd like to have a workshop. I just don't know what I should buy before I go to save money.
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I plan on making my own casket.
Any suggestions or advice?
As far as the lightbox, is there any reason not to use one of the ultra thin portable ones? Buying the lights and plexiglass will likely cost more than just buying one of those. And then you can move it if you need to. If you want to cut a recess so it sits flat with the desktop, you can do that with a router.
I would be building the whole thing from scratch I suppose. I have a desk currently but I notice its limitations more and more every day so I want to make my own so I can hit everything on my list instead of trying to win the lottery looking at pre-built desks. Everything seems to have something good to offer but nothing seems to have every specific feature I'm after. Also in my head it seems like it would be way harder to adjust an already finished product into something else rather than just getting a blueprint down and starting it from the ground up. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't like the material my current desk is made of anyways so either way I want a change.
no reason, I've only just started kicking the ball around about the whole desk idea in the last 2 or 3 weeks and it just looks cool in my head. Admittedly I haven't seen a lightbox that wasn't built like a cinderblock, the only ones I've seen are the ones from my local Hobby Lobby and I just never really thought to research them all that much. Its such a basic concept, light behind glass to trace things, that I just kind of assumed the ones I've looked at were the endgame.

But also, I plan to make the plexiglass part lift up in the back with either hydraulic tubes similar to a screen door or just a metal rod with rivets to catch it, to give me a reasonable angle for big drawings on bigger papers like how they use in real studios. It would be neat to have a double-whammy like that, being able to tilt it up for sketches and then lay it back down to start tracing a rough sketch with the lightbox.

So I dunno. Feel like the idea can go either way and be justified. The thin light box would be way easier but with the tilt upward it would expose the lights unless I have a second layer of plexiglass for protection or something. If I do the standard lightbox then I could use that space for a drawer instead. I'll kick the ball around some more and ponder what I would rather have, and why.
I'm not an artist just looking at Amazon and these all seem substantially cheaper than what I would expect to build one for. Some even have stands built in. Worth looking at and see what you think. I know this is /diy/ but trying to make things simpler where possible.

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Thread thermally drifted: >>2787618

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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yeah, clear side panels, lots of lights, and...

PCBs that are any color other than black

>Why hate black PCBs.
cuz you cant see the traces you dumb fuck
>calculate power draw), and I want to read the measurement over I2C for logging.
If only there were some kind of pre-made board that did exactly this

>He doesn’t need to measure the voltage at all if you keep in simple and forget about all the what-ifs
P=IV will only be valid for purely resistive loads
>is there math that would let you use the offset to calculate the true power draw from the RMS of the current and voltage, though?
Yes, though this assumes the load is reactive or ohmic:
>phi = 2π * t_offset * f_mains
>P_apparent = Vrms * Irms
>P_real = P_apparent * cosine( phi )
If you assume that the mains frequency is constant, you could do the entire t_offset -> cos(phi) transform with a single lookup table. Or maybe a polynomial, if that's more your speed. Calculating the mains frequency from your timer implies division, but I'd probably use a lookup table for that also, division with a variable denominator is slow.

Caring about non-sinusoidal current waveforms is less important, but if that does matter then that's when you'd need kHz sampling rates with dual ADC channels sampling both waveforms to integrate the instantaneous power.

Cool product, the HLW8032 chip they're using is 44c each on LCSC. I can't tell if it's just a cos(phi) calculator or if it does a continuous integral though, if it's the former then I guess it's cheaper to ADC sample the waveforms directly than to put them through rectifying circuits.
>Yes, though this assumes the load is reactive or ohmic:
Why is it not valid for capacitive loads?
You are talking about the need to rapidly convert the offset time to a phase angle, but doesn't that remain constant? If a load is stably drawing power then voltage and current RMS, and the time delta between the zero crossings should all remain constant, right?
> can’t see the traces
Why do you need to see the traces?
I guess you’re the guy that can fix bad traces in the middle of a 16-layer motherboard with multiple ground planes.
It’s surprising that a thin layer of black paint completely negates your entire skillset.
I just place a light at right angles and I can see the traces just fine, but I’ve also encountered multilayer boards, where you were unaware of there existence apparently.

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HVAC is for faggot.
all you need is a 2 holes on the wall, dust filter, and 2 fans (optional)
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I'd be interested in learning about DIY HVAC but can't find the right resources. My use case is for keeping a 8m2 house ventilated. There is no electricity there, so I'd need a system that could be passive until I can get solar power there.
>a 8m2 house
Nigga, that's called a shed.
open some windows
The shed has a small window and the door nor the window can remain opened while I'm gone. If I can learn to duct a simple passive system, I can ensure the place always has quality air. Moreover, I've been thinking about
using the duct as a Canadian/Provençal well.
Just because you are too poor to afford comfortability doesn't mean everyone is.

comfort you fucking stooge. do you think syllables grow on trees

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Does anyone else feel intense amounts of rage when watching one of these DIY shows as much as me?
I'm a pretty laidback guy, but these shows make me want to assault women and fags.
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i hate nigs
It's called "The One That Isn't A Hetero White Couple Where He Wears Flannel Shirts, Or A Black Couple Where She's Sassy"
You need to get your wife watching youtube DIY shows. There's plenty of female ones who actually know their shit and it's not some lame performative gay glorified interior designer.
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You sounds like a fuckin' nut to me.

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I want to get into DIY gene therapy and metabolomics, but I don't really know where to begin.
Typically you begin by working in a lab and getting experience working with their expensive machines. You will not get far if you're trying to LEARN with DIY centrifuges and biosafety cabinets and god for bid DIY PCR. You need to learn on reliable equipment, the cognitive load and time consequences for technical failure necessitate this.
If you have a degree in sciences and persistence, you should be able to find a lab technician job.

t. Worked in a famous gene therapy lab for 3 years
I'm not going to get all the equipment and make the plasmids myself. I want to learn how to write the genome myself so I can send it to a lab like benchling so they'll do that part for me.
And you will test your construct in what?
And you will use what as a vector?
You're roadblocked at every step if you don't work in a lab, and you're quickly going to realize that paying someone else to do things gets expensive.
It is estimated that with current highest efficiency production methods, the typical gene therapy dose for one human costs in excess of $1M.
There's a reason why almost everybody who does research does it with someone else's money.

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Hello. I would like to find quality hair clippers to cut my hair off with.
I have bought this set a couple of years ago for a great discount, is this hair clipper a good model which should last me years?
The hair clipper is a Wahl 09243-2616 and doesn't use a battery
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Mine too. Just like my marriage. Bitches love practical gifts! Just got a haircut yesterday from the wife using these clippers.
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>Ive been shaving my wifes back and shoulders for 30 yrs


Andis CeramicEdge Carbon-Infused Steel Pet Clipper Blade, Size-50SS, 1/125-Inch Cut Length (64355)

These work on Andis, Conair, Oster and Wahl. I forget when da wife bought the first blade many years ago but I bought a second in 2018 and that's done weekly military-style buzz cutting since.

I have the Andis clipper which survived many doggos (they got coarser blades) but the blade is more key than the clipper if you get a good one.
BTW a red ball cap or do rag lures horse flies out of your face and they can't bite through it: My horse rancherbro tipped me to that trick.
Been using what I think is that exact kit from Wahl for nearly a decade. #2 guard every day. Couple drops of oil every few weeks. Clean it a couple times a year. Zero issues.

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Trade Jobs Are DYING OUT...


Why is this so ????
>yea low pay is going to be one of the main factors.

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I went to school for machining (both manual and cnc, programming included) and currently work as a cnc operator waiting for a position in the tool room to become available. The pay will never be good, but it can certainly be enough. Moving into programming or engineering will absolutely net you more than machining, but personally I have the machine autism and like watching it go brrr, so I'd rather stay a machinist.
the one i apprenticed under is a drug addict, probably still is. i learned more from youtube than him. i do not expect them to be able to do much of anything after work hours. so i bailed and got a very specific job where i am currently very near the top of my very specific field.

thats a rough downgrade bro.
god you are a retarded faggot, i hope you kill yourself. pied pippers like yourself keep leading us off the cliff, now we are falling and trying to grab onto something and you're all
>lol now we are a pitfall economy, soon to transition to a bottom of the pit economy, just embrace it goy

meanwhile, the same dual citizenship JEWS who write these articles and push this meme are literally taking your money and setting up factories and aggricultural in their home country of israel. China is too. Every single country the jew outsources our 'everything' too, those countries double down and use the profits to reinforce their own production because ownership is king.

we arent transitioning to an information economy, we are transitioning to institutionalized serfdom.
>Plumbers can make insane money if they own their own business

yeah. by cheating people
>oey vey goyim i need 100$ an hour, deadline unknown. Oh man i tiled your bathroom but they cracked so now you need to pay me 6 hours of labor to undo my own work, then do it over again. Hopefully they dont crack this time amirite ;)
I can tell you're stupid because you're paying a PLUMBER to lay tile in your bathroom. Try using a flooring or tile contractor next time.

And yeah, plumbers in some areas can charge whatever the fuck they want because the alternative is paying a plumber an hour away who will charge $300 fuel surcharge then tell you to go fuck yourself because you're not worth the drive to work on your plumbing.

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I just bought this shower rough in valve from amazon and i noticed the water flow is restricted by this much smaller hole on the NPT ports.

Wouldn't this massively reduce pressure?
Are all shower valves like this?
Should I return it?
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>reduce pressure
>reduce velocity

Yeah just return it. That's gay.
No. Decrease in volume (space) increases velocity. Bernoulli principle. Technically dame pressure....kinda...in a way. Idk man physics is weird.
They're all like that now. It's not a defective, it's califprnia and EU water laws to make us hate our lives
Probably this, everything is fucking low flow these days.

Nah, this is the real world, not first semester physics. A restriction at the valve means ass for water pressure at the shower head.
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>A restriction at the valve means ass for water pressure at the shower head.
It probably doesn't matter. Many of valves or cartridges already have small holes and they work just fine. Pic related.

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3D Printed Breakfast Edition

Last Thread: >>2787167

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

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the plate is already secured with butterfly clips on the periphery, the problem is that the middle of the plate bows up. it doesn't take much force to flatten it, but it's also a very awkward place to apply force to. right now i can put a small steel weight and a magnet in the middle and print in the corners, and as i said, hair gel held it down for a couple prints, but i need something that will hold it properly and more securely.
I've never had to do what you're describing but my first tries would be something like RTV silicone or I'd look for a semi-permanent contact cement.
Put on a 468mp sheet and call it a day?
Its a really good printer if you already know what you are doing and have used klipper before. Like since its using an inductive probe you have to heat soak first. And theres no way it can print at 40k accel with quality on a 350 bed when bambu can only do 20k on a 250 bed. Not a fault of the printer, just a limitation of corexy designs.

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Baby Ape Edition


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


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the engines for the tinywhoop im building arrived in the mail. did 1 test spin of all the engines in the configurator and the fucking capacitors (im assuming these are capacitors) fell off. i soldered 2 back but i lost one of em.

what the fuck? am i just super unlucky or what? maybe these cheap AT435 NEUTRONRC flight controllers are just trash. the funny thing is this exact same thing happened to me with a caddax ant but there the capacitor fell during a crash and i couldnt solder it back because everything there is so tightly packed
didnt mean to reply
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openIPC are adding customizable OSD
i just got my AIO, im gonna test it with the radxa zero 3w
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its ~14 gr without the cooler block, 19gr with it
on stock settings camera+stock settings VRX im getting ~65 ms latency at 1080p 60fps. fairly smooth and flyable

ill mess with it more then i get it on my drone
I just thought this was cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l21Ev1SPKzE

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For me, it's PH.
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Sorry let me just run back to the truck rq and grab a pack of fucking torx to pick through instead of just using a p2/p3.
But really you square head niggers are the worst.
Cut a slot and be free
I hate hex but hate torx less because it allows to unscrew even fucked up hex
But… the hebrew screws allow me to have an even bigger collection!

T-27 is def a Jewish conspiracy. There’s no reason T-25 or T-30 wouldn’t work for that application.

I want to implement an error detecting and correcting system to keep my data perpetually.

I would need it to work through the deaths of individual drive, and I should be able to varry the amount of redundancy

It would also be great to know where there is already error correction in my data

Do y'all know any good resources, programs, etc?

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This insight is INVALUABLE
Tell me MOAR
What file type categories get replaced the most often?
Make me ANXIOUS about my data

Also, links to further reading, plz
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>there are already image types that can no longer be decoded because variations on .jpg have gone defunct. it will happen to .jpg, it already is with .webp.

Microfilm chads, we win again.
Say I wanted to get into using microfilm, what would be the entry cost?
Is this medium compatible with error correction software?
>error correction software?

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Post what you've acquired recently and why little paypiggies
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Just make sure you register all the stuff within 90 days.

The brushed drill and impact driver are basically Ryobi, that’s a new entry level Ridgid, but whatever, I’m sure they work if you’re not expecting DeWalt Flexvolt levels of power. The 7-1/4” saw probably has some balls though. I snagged the 6-1/2” brushless and it has a magnesium show and everything, not bad at all for $99 and it will be nice to rip plywood and stuff with no cord dragging behind.
I would have bought Rigid for my first cordless tool if it wasn't like $20 more for a comparable Milwaukee or Makita. People shit on Ryobi but at least it's cheap as hell compared to the big boy brands
I bought a Makita drill and a Makita impact driver that bot came with batteries, and now I have a working Milwaukee battery since I bought that second-hand charger. I'd like to think I won't have to buy another battery for a very long time.
I regretted getting the Ridgid 12V because of the M12 sales a couple weeks later. But Ridgid has some real good sales from time to time. That’s whay sucked me into them. Before Ryobi even had the brushless tools, with holiday sales, it was like half the price to go with the higher end Ridgid starter setup than the M18 Fuel with fairly close specs. And the “free tool” sales, Milwaukee is always offering an older brushed model for free while Ridgid will give you the current brushless flagship models.
Update: damn, even though they’re quite beat up, the two sola carpenter levels I got are really nice. The bubble is way more precise than on the no-name one I have too and they’ve got some amazing glow-in-the-dark coloring in it.
Those Bahco hacksaws are nice too, and that one looks brand new.

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Lads I'm a clueless shitposter boomer that through sheer persistence managed to pull a job interview next week for a plumber assistant position. How do I increase my chances of getting hired?
I'm a /fit/izen so I'm in pretty good shape and have a tiny bit of diy experience but that's it. Really shitty memory btw.
shit flows downhill
That's the kind of tip that will get me promoted, I'm looking to get hired though.

You’re probably retarded. You’re middle aged interviewing for an apprentice position and you post here asking retarded questions. Highlight the fact that you don’t have a wife or girlfriend, no kids, no drug problems, own an alarm clock and reliable transportation to work. An actual monkey could be a plumbers apprentice, they just want to be sure you’ll show up and not be drunk/high/committing DV
Good to know. I'm retarded in the sense of being pretty lazy and not wanting to be a slave to (((them))) but otherwise I consider myself to have decent common sense.
I guess I'll make sure to highlight the points you have just mentioned and my willingness to learn.
Lol dumbass finally realised lifting heavy weights is a useless excercise and that a man actually has to provide value to society

Not completely true. I was a surveyors assistant for a company and our job was to collect data points of a small towns whole drainage system. We found that on many occasions the water was flowing up hill and was still draining properly.

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