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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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reminder teq gohan with 2 million defense and guard will still take 400k from gogetas super, theres a reason why nowadays you want both guard and dr, one is usually not enough
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Reminder EZAreas are shit
I won btw.
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How does /vmg feel about this game? I started this week and I'm having fun, I love Lucia Crimson Abyss and cant wait for a chance to get weave
It's cool and has some nice designs.

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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Are you stupid? It needs no help in that regard
Literally no one has heard of your game bro. Did you make it yourself?
Stop embarrassing yourself
Whatever bro, enjoy your "gakumas" whatever the fuck that is. Sounds like what the call Christmas in dragonball.
I doubt the average chink gachaslopper even knows what site they're on

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SF6 has just ended, what are your hopes and fears for the next year?
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I've been waiting for a Darli. I haven't spent a single ruby since Athena. I'm so bored.
Koreans don't want africans in their game
Even the Koreans are joking about this being the final banner. Grim.
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I grinded all those rubies for nothing
Don't be pressured to waste them. It's them just shitposting. Who really knows what's going to happen, I just found it funny.

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A while ago when I was barely 6 years old I remember playing a mobile game that was about a sleeping child where in his dreams he fought against different types of nightmares or something like that, every time you finished a level you pressed an alarm clock to finish the level, depending Depending on how you did it you will have 3 stars, however you lost the name of the game; If anyone of you can know the name of the game I will be grateful

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Official Website:



Livestream Tuesday, AS Yakumo and $A Bertrand incoming.
Previous Thread
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>30 light
comparatively new player?
got her to 80 with monthly trials and the shadow staff I had saved up
stellar board stats are nice obviously but the real goal was the 4th skill slot
I think I'll aim to get to her 200. Her damage seems nuts and I imagine it'll be awhile before she gets powercrept, so that 4th grasta slot might be pretty useful.
>I imagine it'll be awhile before she gets powercrept
Nah, she'll get powercrept next week by Yakumo AS, unless they make him into Flammlapis 2.0. Nowhere the boy can go but up.
>inb4 idol Singer Yakumo
he will be support and they will work together trust the plan

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What went wrong?
Is the cuck drama still going ?
>when you omnipander and cuck your playerbase
The designs are so shit, the original concept art had good designs, and weren't overly coomer, but they went full feminist with the final designs, they look so shit and the game looks bland. They should have learned their lesson about omnipandering from neural cloud.
Dunno, I never play that shit. Maybe they shouldn't have played that in the first place.
How long can they keep gfl2 up with gfl1 tier revenue?
nothing. this was already a gigantic trashfire the moment you knew they weren't made by the original team.

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>2 characters per patch
>They're both powercreep
Every time
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my condolences
Almosty wish I went to cons.
I'd get a Topaz one for sure.
I like this game but holy fuckI don't care about the story or this ace attorney minigame bullshit.
I started a few weeks ago and I finished the main quest and I'm at equilibrium level 2. Which character is best to get from the current event? Since my only healer is Natasha, I don't know whether to choose Lynx or Gallagher. The characters I have are Serval, Pela, Luka, Sushang, Welt and all the free ones except Yukong and Lynx.

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So how is the mega mooth event going for you jp players, do you think you will be able to beat it before it ends ?

game is battle cats btw
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The progenitor of Aku Realms herself. Recently got her in time with the red baron. Im happy shes here too
Most awkward ass smile on Dasli
Like she's not even sure if she should be there
For Revival of Origin, should i get Naala or Doron TF first?
I've been trying to do it with Balrog, but as soon as monkey gets down to 33% he starts oneshotting him.
I'm bleeding money like crazy too, even with Rich Cat.
Ideally you'd get both, they're both really really good.
Doron is a great way of regaining ground throughout the fight, naala is one of the best DPS options against the monkey.
Throw in Dogumaru too as well.
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>still no izanami

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How bout that Hypercharge Event, huh?
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Kit is so fucking disgusting nerf that shit why is his ult undodgeable
Melodie's mutation is so broken in heist, I think only Nita's with hypercharge beats it
I have mutation exhaustion
Supercell needs to hire this man ASAP

All my favorite Dolphins are Gunners
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Don't forget to do the daily roll before maint begins at 2pm JST
>Defense Rider and Gunner
Definite skip.
Not sure what they were thinking when they have to compete with Senrans for the same element/positions.
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Managed to get Utae. Was a bit surprised to see others on the banners in the diorama but I guess I wasn't paying enough attention. >>1461302
Looks like it's Tomo and Eines for the next part of the event? Is Tomo always this massive? It's the only reason I don't think it's her even though the eyes seem to match.
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>Tomo and Eines
That makes a bit more sense now that I look at them more
>Is Tomo always this massive
Always has been

Curious how they're more or less saying there will be a Part 2 compared to the other collabs.

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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As someone who started on afkarena way late to the party, even on a new server there were new whale alt accounts that were 1000x my power level in a matter of months that I had no hope of catching up to. I still had a lot of fun.
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dad looks like a recolored shakir
wuthering waves???
Temesia's big ______!

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Thoughts about the upcoming champs?
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The match making was fine like 2 seasons ago. Riot fucked it. I'll just play Yuumi exclusively until I hit gm.
Jarvan has
>10 skins
>3 of which are limited-timed event
>2 are in the Hextech Shop so they're ridiculous expensive with one being a Chroma
Is Jarvan like super popular in China or something?
are fabled good now???
Graves and Tryndamere are oddly too.

Maybe it easier to port skins for them.
The game's balance really has gone to dogshit. I see Chinese players complaining about this too, right now the game is so fast paced, everyone is oneshotting everyone else (unless you pick mundo or urgot or something).

Which Rioter thought these new Armor boots or Lethality boots are healthy for the game?

Why do we need MORE movement speed on every single champion, when the map is TINY, and flash can be used every 1-2 minutes?

We just want League of Legends adapted to mobile, not an entirely different game.

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New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?
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So far the game feels like a clusterfuck for adhd kids especially when it’s the last min for the round
Clash Mini should have made the cut, not this sad excuse of a "game".
No, both are absolute crap. I don't understand why supercell has such massive hard-on for autochess mechanics. People got bored of that shit years ago.
It's giving me TFT vibes, and I think it would be great idea if they head in that direction but make it in an arena. Similar to Arena in League of Legends. I hate Supercell for making it pay to win where skill < money.

I like how strategy can emerge in this game though, for example going Goblin/Hog and rushing your neighbour, buying their chests (get numbers advantage) and potentially killing them.

It's a big time investment and you can lose so it can often go wrong.

However maybe its because the game is too fast paced, but my the rush playstyle buying goblins/chickens/hogs to rush, gets outscaled extremely quickly in larger "team fights".

There were cases where I'll have fusion Chickens, Goblins, literally losing melee fights to other ranged fusion characters. Not Shelly, like Bo, Dynamike, I don't own Medic so i don't know but it seems to counter my comp.

The games mechanics are very simple, the skill ceiling is there but low, ranged characteres can technically space/kite ranged characters but the game makes it very awkward and janky.

The game has potential, but I think it's gameplay mechanics, like it's builds, balancing, PvP mechanics, pacing, it all needs A LOT of work.

Also the gatcha pull system is very weird, I almost never get Colt if I go Goblin/Chicken starter.

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