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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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What am I in for?
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>as it's made in consultation with the base game's storyline writer.
Neat. Didn't know that.
if you're talking about sands of siberia then you couldn't be more wrong.
man screaming
Should I play the Arab campaign before or after Russian one?
US > RU > AR
one because it's in difficulty order and two because RU is a wild drive story-wise compared to US.
AR very clearly isn't written by the OGs even if they had official notes. It also doesn't have voice acting and way too many missions are pointlessly hard and gimmicky compared to the rest, often violating established lore.

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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Rams and petards
Fun fact: You need exacly 7 petards to raze a castle
Not my intention, its just how i play
What i usually do is lure all deers for all the food possible, get Lumbercamp, Barracks, gold mine and a mill, in that order, then inmediadly get a blacksmith
Only do this in team games or vs cavalry civs in 1vs1
Oh wait LOL you replied to the wrong guy, >>1746262 that post is me
Bloody phoneposting

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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
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Be honest all of you.

You all paid chills for the actual Japanese goverment, that is afraid that Japan "repeats some ideologies from the early 20 century".
>The fact is that the tonal gap between it and RA2 is far, far smaller than the one between RA2 and RA1.
No, it might be a little smaller but it is still large. RA2 pretends that it is pretending to be retarded, while RA3 gleefully goes full retard.
>red alert player complaining about graphics
Generals seemed like things were going to be all right...
Yeah, sometimes all you need is more lead.
I'd even let it pass if only the Soviets got this "simplicity is key" design and the other 2 stayed convoluted.
i suppose the feces without corn slightly outranks the logs with corn, so Generals it is

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What happens in ermland?
Heh, fun times.
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full map
There seems to be two nations in Scotland
France will have lots of vassals
Golden Horde is a raidboss
Bohemia is going to blob
Muscovy is small
Iberia looks the same
>There seems to be two nations in Scotland
One is a civil war.
>Iberia looks the same
There is a kingdom of Majorca now.

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I'm relatively new to Anbennar, but somewhere here I came across information that the mod has been sanitized over time (for example, Orcs have lost their bloodthirstiness). I'm particularly interested in the "elven supermacy" trees here.

Can anyone confirm this?
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This is posited as a purely a joke in the pic but using the same logic used against magic the LakeFed would end up banning female politicians altogether because of the Tyrant queen...
or ban female magicians specifically, like Bulwar ended up banning human magicians(and at least Bulwar seems to have more exceptions even to the targeted ban)
It's dumb
I mean they ended up having a witch-king able to learn crazy magic even without much contact with the rest of the world, so I'm not sure how good this argument is.
It doesn't look like magic knowledge spreads in the same way IRL military tech and techniques spread, which is why we don't see chi in Cannor by 1444.
I don't think anyone tried and the way they review stuff would likely needlessly make the process even harder, even if everyone loved the submod.
All the cool shit in Anbennar is too far away from each other, that's the main issue with the setting. The geography is the main thing that needs a facelift and it'll NEVER happen in the actual mod, it's the prime use case for a fork

in my own schizo concept I'd shrink the Salahad, move the Taychend stuff into Rahen (making them no longer ruinborn obviously), eliminate Eordand and integrate that stuff into the deepwoods, cut some more chunks out of the serpentspine to free up movement. Eliminate the Lake Fed and reuse some of their ideas elsewhere, shrink the plains a lot. Move some centaurs down into the Salahad and the eastern steppe, move Daengun closer to the rest of Haless and put that relic island just off the coast instead of 999 light years away. Shrink Sarhal by about 60%, cutting tags and reducing blobs and connecting everything better. Add more stuff to the Divenhal. Maybe extend caverns into the godshield, maybe in the process of changing the salahad, adjust it so there's a spot for a future suez canal... A lot could be done.
It’s because Serpentspine was developed by a different clique and troons don’t care about dwarves
I'm not sure I agree with all the changes, places like the Salahad and the Forbidden plains are ultimately just as big as the real Sahara+Arabian desert and the Eurasian Steppe with the main difference being the Serpentspine.
As it stands those are my main issues with interconnectivity ingame and in the lore:
>Deepwoods: the Verdant Veil or just in general the lack of any lore behind "they shinked because Castanor" makes them a boring region
>Serpentspine: Similar to the Deepwoods, it's a region that just stood there with little connection with the rest of the world that was particularly interesting, as remnant surface holds really didn't do much.
>Forbidden Plains: Basically Centaurs came in and slowly kicked the humans out, with a few interesting events involving humans migrating to Bulwar and a few centaur invasions but nothing beyond Bulwar, the Lakefed is just a place to dump humans fleeing other places in a weird contrived manner.
>Valley: A forcibly closed off region, a closed offness that immediately falls apart in game for now and likely any actual implementation of it's inaccessbiltiy would make it worse than having Verkal Gulan or Jaddari blob there
>Insyaa: Same as above but even worse.
It's one thing to have the geography isolate regions, but in Anbennar the regions are isolated by deliberate action and lore decisions.

The only geographical issue in my opinion is the valley which is just boring in the way it's setup, the way the Western Serpentspin isolated Escann and the Flooded Vale from the Ogre Valley and then the lack of a northern connection for the Middle Dwarovar. Everything else is a lore or gameplay implementation issue.

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Last thread was live for 6+ months, with anons posting quality content and good advice for those struggling with command, let's try that again shall we?
New DLC dropped, set in September 1941 and features windmills and oil rigs as well as a rather weird Sunday release date.
It's been over a month since the operational phase update release, so there should be plenty of opinions to share.
As usual, share your victories, defeats, rants and stuff you struggle with, so helpful anons can lend a hand.
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Watch videos on youtube
its really not that hard if you have a good idea about how world war II warfare worked\
read the manual to find out what the UI elements are, its fairly straight forward despite what people kvetch about it
I'd recommend trying Tank Warfare Tunisia 1943 first, its the same game but set in Africa, with the Chewey Gooey Pass DLC becauses its fairly straightforward and will teach you the basics
after that, just dive into a big campaign and it will all click
put all your guys in a giant line across the map and click them to move towards the enemy
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GUYS i love this game but the pathfinding for vehicles is utter shit especially if in complex terrain, was playing raid as the germans 5mins ago, 2nd turn i attacked the town to the south west of the river (vodyanoe), had vehicles planned to be bases of fire and stay back, send infantry in front and then push them forward toghter, well that wasnt possible since the fucking halftracks just freeze and take 5 minutes to move 500metres, then stop at random points, then you tell them to go up the hill and they dont follow the road, they just dont move, and then 2 of them go and keep stoppoing randomly and one manages to fucking fall on its side.

also when ordering a mech inf platoon to attack the ai doesnt know shit so they just rush the half tracks to the point you told them to attack while the infantry is left behind and the vics get rekt by frags and other stuff of your choice.

really good game i got 365h but this shits annoying

(yes i had enough command level , no i didnt have any formations set in my commands, just advance+maneuver, free formation, fast)
>GT is a "click a few times and sit back watching a movie" wallpaper generator

i dont find that to be true, i myself try to not micro whenever possible but in the end i can never sit back and enjoy the show because i need to keep track of whats going on and give orders and react to events
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how are my overall stats?
post yours

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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
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You are not equipped to have any meaningful interaction with me.
It's so incredibly different from Warno and BA I'm not even sure why you'd bring it up. WitE2 is fucking amazing though. Once you read the manual and suck fucking ass for a while, it starts to click and then you'll appreciate how fun division-level planning can be. If you want something less complex but still has proper management of logistics, morale, and good abstractions of unit readiness, Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensives is a good game too. Much smaller in scale but you can figure it out in like 20 minutes if you've played hex-based sims before.
You don't know?
its unhealthy how much mental energy i spend at random points in my day to day life wondering how the wargame series went so wrong and how it could have been saved

i heard of the wargame series at the time (e.g. the reddit vs 4chan tournament) but i got into it too late. i was shocked to see in my steam history i actually bought it in 2014 but for some reason, never played it until years later.

now, i feel bad that i missed the boat on peak wargame around the wgrd release and never got to experience /wgrd/ general shitposting threads on /vg/ back in 2014 nor really got the chance to play the game when there were people playing it who were relatively normal and it could be played casually. its basically unplayable now and it feels like stepping into a ghost town

then over the last 2 years i stupidly spent way too many hours trying to get into warno, hoping that i could recapture the magic i never experienced or that it would repeat the success of the previous entry but it never did and never will

i dont know why i feel this way, i dont know why i think about this stupid fucking series all the time, its not even fucking good now, and i never played it when it was, it just has so much potential to be good, and it scratches a particular itch, but i never can make the itch go away, it is never satisfying

i think about warno and how it could be maybe fixed way too much - unit ttk, unit ranges, squad size design, move away from division model, sound effects, vfx, etc. - and it makes me feel like a fucking maniac. why do i even care. its gone, its dead, i never even experienced it, warno fucking sucks, i dont even know.

its like a weird autistic fixation but im A. not autistic and B. dont get this way about anything else. it feels like its the one game that got away. why am i getting psychological torment over a shitty busted niche continental european flimsy rts series thats glory years were literally a decade ago?
>not autistic
lmao. do you really believe that?

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Since there isn't a thread up
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>totally organic posting
You first matt
>RS is the only reason I started using Iron Shell and UAF
>totally organic raping
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>rapesector is the only one with the features

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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
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The mod crashes when I tried it. So its still not updated? Fucking hell
And this gives you power over me?
Mentally ill freaks
>some troons aren't chuds. Some troons aren't nazi. In fact, most of them.
prove it
we've looked at the data and it suggests otherwise

>please refrain from playing the game and realizing how bad it is
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Yeah but unfortunately I'm Chinese and the vid's on Bilibili
>unfortunately I'm Chinese
a moment of silence
No worries I'm spiritually of the Yamato race
Hmm... is everything I don't like anime?
It'd make sense...

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Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

Also general EU4 thread, post your maps!
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>yall ready for this ?
>N I G G E R
fucking racist bastard
Based Chuck?
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Why does the eu4 wiki look like this for me now?

No matter what I do, I lose.
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You don't.
The worst part is constantly waiting around while railroads are building
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Sounds like a skill issue to me.
Just finished a Hegemon run
Japan is pure fucking AIDs btw, railroading you to Interventionism and Protectionism instead of Laisse-Fair and Free Trade.
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vgh.... if only...
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>play Prussia
>set wood, fish and mines to auto-expand
>get Britain as ally
>start any war
>spend 1 minute setting every general to defensive
>5 seconds later
>spend 1 minute setting every general to offensive
>no I don't know if this works nor why I win wars, the front number flipflops constantly

>peace out Austria
>half of Germany is annexed off screen
>feel nothing
>the AI's states are awful
>Saxony has everything in it for some reason
>Luxemburg is ATROCIOUS

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1 hour video essay is out
cool, i'll watch ur video (i'm autistic)
me again. I'm 22 minutes in. It's pretty good

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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>tfw all the original 3 died
The company aint what it used to be
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>woodcutters axe shield damage - 30
>round shield durability - 24
>try lone wolf
>thug with a dagger gets two punctures in a row, run ends
>thug with a stick stunlocks me for 3 fucking turns, run ends
>roll 55 matck, run ends
Back to new company
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Classic, 9/10 LW runs end that way.
Get a bro with a shield and a spear, a squire if you will, to slow down opponents and give you the time you need to set up your cleaves and your chops.
He can be a cripple for all you care, he only needs to last the trip until your next town.
He becomes optional at level 7 when you get Underdog, but you may keep him around, to have someone to talk to, you know.

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