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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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What does this mean boys?
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>More money than God
>Chooses to look and dress like this
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blue blazer on blue jeans looking hella
Spotted and nobody took a shot at him?
You think he looks that good? How many 60 years old do you find attractive?

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How do you make a living as a day trader?

Sold all my bags at $71K BTC. Waiting for it to dip to $40K to load up on BTC and altcoins. Be smart, anon.
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boughted at 50 something solded at 65 cuz i legit thought itd go lower. not the best but im also waiting for it to go lower before the true bullrun starts hopefully. still doing alts just in case r8 my current bags pls dont be mean
Just wondering why they chose sui, how many daily active users have they got on the chain
55k then bounce or what?
More than starknet I'm sure
decent chain and they should have good reasons for going with it
Then nuke to 40k
It's over bobo

node rewards to power publishers, more than enough for me

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>Live a pretty good life in a country I like
>Have gf that wants to start a family
>Stable job with an okay salary (100k)
>Around half a mil in crypto in ETH/BTC
>50k ish on the stock market
>Travel often
>Good social life

Yet I'm not really happy.

I often think about wanting to have 5 mill to buy a home, break up with gf and just live a chill life with full freedom to do whatever I want.

I feel like that is never going to happen though, I'll be forced to have a family, buy a home with all my savings and settle down with insane opportunity cost loss that will forever tie me into an "okay but mediocre and average life" and it sucks.

You might think "poor guy he's complaining of a life that many would kill for" and I get you. Even knowing this fact and my position of privilege makes me feel worse.

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Yeah I feel this is a good way to start feeling better.


I also get the whole "bossman CEO" thing, but I think I'm too chill of a person to lead anything. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong and I'm underestimating myself here.
> "poor guy he's complaining of a life that many would kill for"
What? You’re poor with some broad that doesn’t make you happy. Who the fuck dreams about that?
It's the woman. You let your close friendships become weird distant friendships that ask you the same questions as the ones you hear at work (how was your weekend, how's work, how's the wife, oh wow congrats on the home), didn't you?

And it was the woman who encouraged that. She was the one who complained when you spent time with them. One day out of the week to just hang with the guys was too much wasn't it? Now you get to see them maybe once or twice a month, and the whole time she's texting you asking when you'll be home, isn't she?

Do you FEEL IT anon? The source of your loneliness, your sense of self slipping away? IT COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE THAT BOOBED LEECH THAT'S BEEN ATTACHED AT THE HIP FOR YEARS CAUSING IT, COULD IT ANON? COULD IT
I have 5 mil liquid and own a house. I would rather be poor and have an autist slampig GF desu
very much this!
you don't need to be bossman CEO, it is enough to have communities where you have a meaningful role to play.
I have a very niche/key position in my team so even though im not the number one in my field, I still feel like a big fish in a small pond and my coworkers value my opinion and often defer to my judgment and I get to help them with strategic decisions/solve problems, and I am pretty satisfied in my career.

During this bull market I plan on scaling down my waging to 4 days a week to have more time with my family and trying to revive my tennis skills, as an example

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Cryptocurrency has no value. If I bought all the crypto coins that exist, what would I be able to do that I can’t do now?
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who are you trying to FUD lil bro
i don't think any currency has great utility or value if only one person holds it
you are the same retarded of the pdfs, i see you are changing thread when you are humiliated in one lol
doesn't matter how much money you have, lil bro
you won't get your dick wet, girls can smell the ick oozing outta your bitch ass
you will die fiatcel
>Cryptocurrency has no value
It has value because other people agree it has value. Study economics and the definition of money, learn what a medium of exchange is and stop fucking posting you retard.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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I wonder if this has something to do with the shareholder vote. Coincidence that when voting on CS becomes available, the stock price does a +11% out of nowhere.
Might be that everybody's recalling lent shares so they can vote. Then everything will be back to normal.
But, why wouldn't they just cycle those shares back so the price doesn't rise like that? It's not like we're on the no-shorting list, or shares have to be held until the vote.
pumps as sudden as this one usally have ripples in the coming days
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Well that was fun, now gimme the low 10 cheapies again
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I bought the dip this morning and my whole stack is now green thanks to averaging down.

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So in the last couple of weeks we've had:
>Sergey has been talking to central and commercial major banks in finance centres across the world and it's universally clear that Chainlink is the access point between trillions of tradfi dollars and blockchains
>CCIP GA is open and transactions are going parabolic
>Chainlink has made nearly $400 million in income, with $50 million of that just in the last couple of months
>Paris Blockchain Week names Sergey Web3 personality of the year
>VRF 2.5 comes out
>more competitive pricing model comes out
>Chainlink joins ISSA (the International Securities Services Organisation) as its only crypto project
>Sergey and Johnathon Ehrenfeld Solé are on stage together again at the end of the month
and probably more that I've missed.

And on the other side we have torpid, completely BTC dependant price action. No notable volume, no decoupling, no sentiment change. You can't even blame "Sergey dumps" because there's no extra volume, no inflow for him to sell into. Team dumps or no dumps make no difference when there is simply zero general will to buy LINK, and this despite the fact that the product update said that they were working on auto-conversion of all incoming payments to LINK as well as all payments in non-LINK assets having a premium.
What does it mean? What is a market? Is the market some sort of abstract representation of the usefulness and perceived future usefulness of something, rendered in dollar terms? So is Chainlink not only not useful, but not perceived to be useful in the future, despite everything that has happened?
What does literally any of this mean if the unbelievable tsunami of positive Chainlink development is completely, and I mean COMPLETELY decoupled from the price of the fuel that the Chainlink network runs on?
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Go easy on them they have to put food on the table, too
if what you say is true
price wouldn't be shit in the loo
jeet spotted
price never justifies value for the successful investor
strong esl post

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I'm sick of this. Sam bankman fried took all of my money on Solana. The only money I have left is on base and I need coins. I'm in okayeg, apu, and on eth I just have eth. Am I missing anything?

Captcha: GW5J
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Tucker Carlson bent over on a table gay guy edition
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Don't even try
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$bananas. Total cabal play, been holding 1m mc for near two weeks, primmed for a next leg up to 10m plus
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this just started pumping and buy more okayeg too
im buying queef coin

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Greetings esteemed gentlemen of the internet,

I wish to raise some discussion regarding realizing crypto profits in order to tangibly raise the standard of living and psychological well being for one's self. If you take profits, you don't feel as bad for holding down to -90% during the bear markets. I feel like this concept gets surprisingly little attention, and I haven't seen much concrete advice on this topic yet.

I have found personally that considering profit taking in relation to concrete actions, purchases and debt repayments is much easier to manage than generalized rebalancing/diversification.

Last bull run, I set an explicit goal to sell enough to pay for a down payment for a home for my family, which I managed to do by selling 15% of my stack at 60 % from ATH (~$60k post tax).
I achieved this by allocating a portion of my portfolio specifically towards this goal, and once I reached the number I executed my sell order and cashed out.

If I were to repeat this strategy, I would have set stop losses once I was comfortably above my target number for each allocated portion of the stack, and simply raised the price and reduced the amount of coins until the sell order was executed at my desired net gain.

For this upcoming bull market, I will pursue the following goals in order to further upgrade my quality of life and well being:

- selling max 7% of my stack to cash out $30k post tax to reduce mortgage LTV below 50%
- selling max 7% of my stack to cash out $60k post tax and buying a sports car

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makes sense! from my point of view and jurisdiction, I can't really trade in and out of crypto without realizing tax events which is a situation I dont want to complicate further. I started reading this article https://academic.oup.com/imaman/article/34/2/355/6427746?login=false and its really interesting. But I'm not sure how to think about applying it in practice considering I only intend to DCA out and never really reinvesting in the future. My cost basis is very low and I'd rather diversify away to other asset categories over time.
i disagree and you are being disrespectful. touch grass
I 100% understand your issue with tax implications.
I have a wallet for long term holds where I don't worry about taxes as I make so few transactions.
Then i have a trading wallet where I just pay the taxes based on what Koinly tells me i owe when it becomes tax time (i got a fat inheritence coming my way and I'm not risking jail over underpaying the gubbment what they deserve cause I made money)
Regarding your link, the general rule of thumb is if you get big gains, take profits and redistribute it to your other holds.

I have one portfolio I run that is an even split between BTC, ETH, and some other small caps I won't mention to avoid seeming like a shill.
I run this with custom software where any time that an asset deviates from 10% over what it should be according to the portfolio's value it is sold and redistributed to the other assets in the portfolio.
Long term I am looking to move all this trading to the caymans, I have to figure out the cost to get that going. I also have an LLC for my roth that I do this sort of trading in.
Its so comfy knowing I don't have to worry about taxes with my 401k elligible accounts, just gotta jump through hoops.

can you stop namfagging when you have nothing to say. You just seem annoying.
I guess the upside being I can filter you.
Why do you give your shitty opinion in every thread? Why are you so asshurt about crypto? Get liquidated or something?
seems like a comfy plan, and I wish you all success. CGT is such a shitty tax though, making everything so much more complicated

good night and good luck!

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No seriously guys... This is it. See you at 90k in about two weeks. Screenshot this post.
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>opinion that matters
choose one faggot
You are niggercattle following the social e-norms in a forum made for circus freaks and rejects. Don’t like my posts? Just close your eyes.
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Hope so. I need to go back to Thailand.
wew lad the feds are having a field day with your file. imagine saying this stuff while your identity is linked to them clear as day and consented to LOL

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Why is polkadot so autistic? Are there any functional dapps? I hold 2k dots btw
current dApps that i use regularly are Moonwell Finance and Stellaswap but you have to have GLMR because two of them are on Moonbeam Parachain (you can get some GLMR by swapping your DOT on StellaSwap swap feature: https://app.stellaswap.com/bridge/gas-swap)
other than those i sometimes use HydraDX for LPing, Bifrost for farming, and Interlay lending market (if you are in the US you can't use Interlay BTC bridge or Lending market because of the geoblocking).
their DeFi steadily increasing because of marketing, regular 30% APY (at least on Moonwell, Bifrost and interlay), now mature tooling and the soon-to-be-launched Liquidity Incentives Campaign on Stellaswap and HydraDX. because of that sometimes people can't withdraw stablecoins from Binance or Kucoin because now everyone withdraws but no one wants to deposit into the CEX because those juicy APY except Paolo / Circlecucks regularly top up to CEX wallet or CEX run out of stables and Polkadot plebs will start moaning/calling out Tether/Circle again on Twitter.
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What is going on polkadot bros? Is it finally our time?
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>average dotter

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>Basic Information

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

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I am pleased with these developments, even if this has all been going at a snail's pace up to this point.
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Good things come to those who wait. On top of all the interesting developments, there was also language in the lawsuit that seemed to exonerate jpm. Stuff like
>bbby executives did not consult jpm when making final decisions on stock buybacks
I think Goldberg would be fine if these executives take the fall for acting alone and the waterfall gets half a billion. But I think he’d be even happier if these executives ratted on jpm to save their own skin. This also explains all the anti-Goldberg shilling that plagued this thread ever since picrel was posted.
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"Shareholders eligible for a payout must have purchased Enron stock between Sept. 9, 1997 and Dec. 2, 2001, the day the company went bankrupt. Shareholders who bought stock before that time or after bankruptcy are not eligible."

Im fucking excited for what is unfolding i am only concerned about the potential cutoff dates for a payout, as cash would be nice but either way we fucking squeeze hard with new equity disbursement and lil duggie has an aneurysm.

Idk if the enron case is in anyway applicable here, but i wonder what kind of crooked arguments the legal system will cookup as for a date range that is eligible for fraud compensation, considering the buyback fraud had an irreparable effect in perpetuity, and came with an irreparable opportunity cost of lost cash.

lil dugg gonna be duggin, he knows the new system that is coming will also be a scam but he is furious that he is going to be thrown under the bus the feign 'justice'.

Rc liked a tweet of
>pic related.

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checked, without knowing any nuances about enron case, I imagine many of us GIGA SLURPED post bankruptcy under 10 cents, i know i sure as hell did.
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>Verifies email
>Only posts 7 times before having to delete one and burn the ID
Post email verification shills can't even shamble

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I *sip* DONT *siiiiip* HAVE AN *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* ADDICTION OKAY I JUST *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* THINK IT TASTES GOOD OKAY?
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The dev just bought $250 worth of WM. I think we are gonna make it frens
where you see this?
ngl autistic devs are bullish
Been seeing this a lot last few days, been ignoring it. Someone convince me to throw in 0.25 eth
In their telegram. Apes are sending a picture of WM can and getting free $ for it. (Im just heading to a gas station to get mine and claim the prize, kek)

if all the above mentioned does not convince you then you are destined to not make it

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>everything i buy dumps or rugs
>everything i don't buy pumps and continues to pump
serious question. how in the fuck does this happen every time? it is STATISICALLY improbable to be this wrong, this many times consistently in a row. even when i inverse myself, the same fucking outcome happens.
You’re just fucking stupid, born and bred to be a slave. Just accept it and stop trying to escape your fate.
don't ever listen to anyone that uses a trip, OP.
Dont listen to the retarded sidelined nocoiner op, keep gambling

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when you print money, you're basically stealing value from everyone that holds the money. think of the money supply as a pie chart. when someone piece gets bigger yours gets smaller. now picture a bunch of useless bums buying doggy tokens hoping to catch that stolen value. no skills no anything of value trying to steal value from people with actual value. LOL
>when you’re printing money, you’re stealing value
Yeah, and? If you’re dumb enough to get scammed when buying a dogcoin, you deserve to part ways with your money, and finance a smarter hustler.
Talking about QE
The randomness is technically more fair, because those people have value in a system, and all systems are corrupt to a certain degree.

Stock market fare edition - have you learnt the moves?:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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We can see lower lows by tomorrow if AAPL crashes the market with no survivors
im just watching mostly. at least my one position is doing well.
>advertising and begging platform
somebody paid for that "article"
i dont believe in aapl earnings after sbux.
I'm buying meta

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>feds hike rates
>stock market pumps
>feds promise four rate cuts in one year
>stock market pumps
>feds say oops sorry might be two
>stock market drops
>feds officially say ok we're not doing one of the two anymore this year
>stock market pumps
Are stockbros the biggest simps in /biz/? Who tolerates this kind of cuckoldry it really is all fake money isn't it
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they have to cut the rates because those are unsustainable for the us debt
It is already priced in. The biggest simps are the bond traders.
Wanting something to happen doesn't mean it will ;^P
the market pumping repeatedly for no reason at all is proof that there's still inflation that needs to be beaten back

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