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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74169019
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dude. That happens to me atleast once every time i train hard while cutting. I feel like complete shit and spend the whole day in bed fever, body aches and i feel completely fine the day after. wonder what causes it
pr's for today
>He said
He also said he gained all the weight back. Just like how all his cuts go
Probably the immune system takes a hit
I weigh 268 right now, paused the cut slightly to see if I can manage 415 bench in a few weeks

No I didn't, I gained some weight back, ~9 lbs but I'm 3 lbs away from my previous unfasted weight right now

You can't fight
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that is surprising

Yeah, you get bumps and bruises sure, but your joints don't get wrecked like they do in BJJ
am i wrong in saying a 1/2/3/4 + decent cardio gym bro with no fight experience can disintegrate any normal untrained person or badminton/tennis white guy?
No you are right, when the fighting skills are equal (untrained on untrained but fit or trained on trained but stronger) the stronger guy will win almost every time.
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But I can

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Reminder than this was banned on the London underground for promoting "unhealthy habits"
What isn't fucking banned here
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Obviously it went down like a led balloon

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>I cannot be defeated!
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>true love
He didn't breed her. Not true love.
>calling him a kike while promoting any kind of racemixing in the same breath
lol, lmao
this is proof the raw meat carnivore diet is based and redpilled
>me,utterly flummoxed,flabbergasted,perplexed and confused that a female is showing me this much attention for this long,wondering if she is an FBI sleeper agent
kek I watched this movie,the african tribesman mogs him in hunting and tracking skills in the savannah
>guy raised in soviet russian tundra is not good at hunting in the kalahari desert
No really? Anyway the point is he was supporting some fictional communist african dictator or some shit but then he realized the africans were happy doing their own thing and didn't want to be gulag'd by robert mugabe or whatever.

Why haven't you submitted to veganism, yet?
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>I'm not vegan but...
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meat is healthy
meat is tasty
vegans are leftoids and cringe
simple as
Definitely doesn't affect your mental health
It's like the chicken and the egg: did they go vegan because they're retarded? Or did going vegan turn them retarded?
I had a body similar to this faggot during my first year of lifting but it was more veiny and had a masculine feel to it

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Threads unsplit edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Chunky Chonkers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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So... i need to lose like 30 pounds in 40 days to achieve this year's goal.

I ngmi, am i?

Anyway, good morning faggots:
SW 97kg
CW 91.3kg
GOAL: Less than 75kg by the third week of june
OMAD on monday, wednesday, friday and sunday, dont eat the other days. Drink plenty of water and excercise.
Eat a lot of greens and proteins, little carbs (and what carbs you eat make sure they're good quality ones without sugar in them).
You can do it.
lots of cardio and protein sparing modified fast and you maybe could but if you don't have any serious reason like, someone bet you money or something, then it's not worth it
drastic diets are the same mental illness as binge eating and purging, if you have to do them you already failed
Weighed in at 82.2kg today
May shall be my final fasting month
>30 pounds in 40 days
Not happening
You need to be in a def of 2625 calories per day
Obviously that's impossible
Either double your days or expect less loss

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Yeah, just as the title says, tell me about what you are watching lately instead of going to the gym, anons.
Lately I'm getting brainwashed into starting a heavy sandbag routine by this faggot:
And into sprinting by this one:
And to spice things up I'm enjoying the dog-pilling on nipples, even tho I also don't like the zoomer hulk:
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You can wait for some Natural Hypertrophy threads to pop up, them you can either get him to tell you how, or get our boy Hemingway to do so, depending if the thread is a shill thread or a hate one.
Good luck.
Thanks anon also checked
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Swap Hybrid Calisthenics for Gymnastic Method.
Good channels side to side with shit channels and it lacks good channels that are more obscure.

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>dryfast bro! le autophagy! muh hypertrophy!
why are fastard megafats so dumb?
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isn't it amazing that it's so high. the human body can recover from being seriously obese, only when you get to the size of 2 (two) normal humans does this sort of loose skin become a factor. the body is amazing bros
>the human body can recover from being seriously obese, only when you get to the size of 2 (two) normal humans does this sort of loose skin become a factor. the body is amazing bros
Only when you fast. Because your cells will store every single carb as fat, even when you're normal weight you will have more bodyfat than the average human being.
I mean she is still fat at 285 lbs. Give her at least one more year
woman on the right is a slampig
I honestly can't understand how this happens

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I'm 26, insomniac but it doesn't usually bother me as I'm basically a NEET so I can wake up later. I don't like coffee and when I quit it, I become very weak for a while, so I'd rather not get addicted. How can I energymaxx? I've been suggested to do cardio, but I don't like cardio, except for football (soccer), though I've got no one to do it and I don't remember feeling better when I did do it. I need more energy than what I've got. I've been waking up early and cutting my sleep short for the past few weeks to work for free (college requirement), and I've been busted every day since I started. I already forgot what it's like to have youthful strength and energy.
didn't read
meth microdose
supplements are a scam
>supplements are a scam
All of them?
Take in more B vitamins, get some sunlight as soon as you wake up each morning, and take a 20 minute power nap some time during the day
>need more energy
>heres a solution
>but i dont wanna!
whats ur fucking problem nigger?
unless youre deficient in something yes, theyre all a scam except for creatine, will not give a crazy boost but its noticable
>Take in more B vitamins
I'm taking a bunch already, and maybe it helps, but IDK. Still don't feel as good as I want to.

I just don't see the logic in cardio. I expend myself every day and that's somehow going to give me more energy? Besides, I don't have any I'd like to do. Maybe HIIT like jumping jacks or something?

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>just be confident
Literally that's all you need. Confidence. Put yourself out there and you'll get more mires
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Yeah, I count my lucky stars that I was not born in China or India.
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oh yeah,I am grateful to God everyday for this alone.
I don't get this gif
lurk moar or head over to gif newfag
I lifted my shirt to see my abs in the mirror and after that these 2 high school girls kept looking at me

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Any advice on leaving skinnyfat? Bulk? Cut? Is recomping a meme?
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bros, this shit really fucking bothers me
I have this disgusting, pregnant gut all the time, right? noodle arms and legs, no manboobs, just a huge fucking gut
my BMI is 18, I am not fat, I weigh 56 kilograms
it's not fat, I further confirmed it yesterday, when I woke up, I had a flat stomach with not even half a centimeter of fat
I ate some food, and my gut immediately became bigger, but it didn't look disgusting, did look fat
I woke up today, with a fat, disgusting-looking pot belly
fucking hell, man, I'm not gassy, I didn't eat any shit that makes you fart like peas or beans
so I'm definitely not fat, something's just making me bloat like a motherfucker
could it be bread? I eat a lot of pasta
Is it gluten? what in the fuck is this shit
I'm gonna keep working out and running, maybe I have belly fat even though it's not visible, if I lose it, surely I'll look better even with the bloating
and if I become bigger, it will look smaller by comparison
but fucking hell man is it hellish to have a pot belly when you're 56 fucking kilos and 18 BMI, what in the shit
Just be happy you don't have manboobs.
but like I said, it's not even fucking fat, I'm bloating
it's not even gas, I don't fucking know what it is
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>my BMI is 18, I am not fat, I weigh 56 kilograms
>it's not fat, I further confirmed it yesterday, when I woke up, I had a flat stomach with not even half a centimeter of fat
You keep telling yourself that but deep down, you think you're fat. That's what keeping you at 56kg. Even the slightest hint that you look fat, like a bit of bloat, has you rushing back to your starting place.

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Snake Juice Pasta Edition

>How do I start fasting?
By not eating. If you get a migraine or other serious side effects, break your fast with a small amount of low-carb food and start again immediately after.
Recommended app on app store is LIFE Fasting Timer & Tracker

>Electrolytes (recommended for fasts over 3 days):
sodium ~500-1,000 mg/day
potassium ~2,500 mg/day
magnesium ~400 mg/day

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGHXQcryxik [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]


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>baking soda
good for the kidneys, additional sodium as an electrolyte

>cayenne pepper extract
dont know, probably not a big deal

>apple cider vinegar
aids in better gut biome composition,
contains acetic acid which is pure fuel for the body and brain
Baking soda neutralizes the acid's ph level, which doesn't damage your teeth's enamel as much
if i had 30% to 20% bodyfat and wanted to do a 3 to 7 days of snake juice couldnt i just do it to lose weight faster or that would be retarded?
>fiber is not an essential nutrient, your body cant digest it and you would be paying more to just shit more often and waste more toilet paper.
Thanks, but that's exactly what I need, I've been badly constipated ever since I started.
As for nutrient deficiences, I really, REALLY miss eating fruit, but I've heard that it's not really essential (as you said).
Fasting is just that simple, that's all there is to it, man.
If you haven't been at it long, don't worry about it, your appetite/discomfort tolerance goes up very quickly and a couple days of fasting soon become a walk in the park (if you're fat enough, that is).
well, you do you, try out what works best for you :}

i still think the cause could be not getting enough saturated fat in the diet

you could also use cronometer dot com to see which micronutrients you might lack completely in your diet, but dont stress getting 100% in everything

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It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale

Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well

What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.

Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace

We're ALL gonna make it

The motivation thread is open
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It's already pushing to Thursday!
This thread always makes me smile. I don’t know who started making these threads or if it’s been one person or many people doing this. But whoever these anons are: you’re a real force for good on /fit/.
It's multiple people, and that's a good thing, case being I've posted multiple of these threads as well

we're all gonna make it :)
Still haven't jacked off, still haven't consumed alcohol. Killed legs on Monday, Chest and Tris Tuesday, and got up early and did Back and Biceps today. Hit PRs on incline bench and leg press. WAGMI.

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Remember why you're doing it.

>skip the meal
>get the bod
>choke the girl
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If you were a better (leaner) man, she wouldn't cheat on you
I'm going to have to see the focus group testing before I agree with this
So youre not going to try because failing hurts too much?
Whatever happened to aim for the stars so if you fall you land on the clouds. I've noticed lots of millenials and zoomers have "failure to launch syndrome", which basically means they are unable to take the risks necessary to become an independent adult
I'm an artist and I got sick of not being able to find poses for anatomy I wanted so I decided I would just get fit myself so I could pose myself.
I'm really sorry you had bad luck with women bro that blows.

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