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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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is go
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>the internal m.2 mod
You're gonna follow that complicated guide from the German forum and do all the cutting and shit?
>playing on a goodass setup while your cat is cuddled up against you
Living the dream.
yeah, they have cheap ass transparent cases on aliexpress that i wouldn't feel bad cutting up, and the soldering is the fun part
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Here's where I keep assorted lengths of wire
can I be your friend
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How many times have you hotglued her, Anon?

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There is a $99 clone of the DE-10 Nano now, less than half what an official DE-10 Nano costs.

Will still need testing to see if it's a 1:1 replacement for an official DE-10 Nano, things such as RAM or analog timings, especially for more complex cores like the PSX, Saturn, or N64, are at most risk for having issues if it's not cloned as well, but otherwise it could severely slash the costs of building a MiSTer if it's the same performance an official board.
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This post is unreadable.
Must suck to be ESL
Must suck to be a redditor
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If I didn't already build one a few years ago I'd probably wait a couple months for the clone board and SDRAM to be fully tested. A MiSTer setup that costs less than half as much is a big card to play.
There are supposed to be consolized and handheld versions too but whatever. Portables benefit hugely from save states and a cart reader sounds redundant at best.
>I doubt their next device will be as semi-open as the Pocket was.
Analogue have already confirmed the N64 console won't have OpenFPGA. Neither did the recent TG16 console. It seems to just be the Pocket that will be supporting it in the immediate future.

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just how powerful were 6th gen consoles compared to contemporary highend pces from 2001? I know this may sound offtopic and not vr but I'd also like to know how was situation for 7th gen as well
could a pentium d and radeon 1800xt combo beat the likes of xbox360?
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Halo had a massive world with a ton of stuff going on in it. The enemy and squad AI was advanced for the time. It probably didn't have the population size of Battlefield, but it was still damn big for the time. Max Payne though at first glance didn't seem mindblowing like GTA or something, was a graphical achievement with high res textures, very detailed environment geometry, advanced lighting system, debris and particle effects, and realistic enemy AI and physics simulations. The other two though, Devil May Cry and Luigi's Mansion were just like the average console games at the time, designed specifically for console hardware (powerful GPU, weak CPU).
no anon one thread is not enough, it requires two entire threads discussing the same thing
Few PC games used their clock speed advantage to any meaningful degree. It was mostly late generation stuff (04) that saw a difference start to grow and even then, many of those games were adapted to consoles.
Nah, we never saw Battlefield 1, Call of Duty, Tribes 2, Tropico, Serious Sam, Gothic 2 etc getting ported into consoles. And even those that got ported will inevitably suffer from terrible performance, cut content, and simplified physics and mechanics. Powerful CPU made the PC platform superior even when the GPU is technically weaker.
>nofriendo gaycube
>phony gapestation
>microshaft xcox

It would be nice if we could discuss web gamed like gaia, neopets, habbo hotel, tinierme etc.

like it or not these were part of internet culture and even if only just for the sake of "trolling" 4chan has been involved in a lot of them
I remember playing tinierme with a tiny group of /jp/ anons back in the day

there's just nothing like these games any more. I'm not even sure what the modern contemporary would be... roblox maybe?
Man habbo was weird. It was fun, I met some fun people, but looking back it was absolutely RIFE with horny underaged.
>it was absolutely RIFE with horny underaged.

They all were, it's practically what they were for. I remember the weekly gaia online "nude drops" where ominously young looking teenage girls had their revenge porn dumped in general. It's why it was so popular for a while and it's no surprise cracking down on that destroyed its popularity.
The habbo hotel raids were how I first learned about 4chan.

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When was the last time you played through the God of War series? I'm playing through it right now. So far I've played through Chains of Olympus, God of War 1, God of War 2 and i'm currently playing ghost of sparta. All have been excellent so far but my favorite is definitely 2. Everything is so polished, the flow in combat is so much fun to control. The environments are stunning for a ps2 game, and the soundtrack kicks ass. What a great franchise. Unfortunately I don't own a ps3 so I have no way of play GoW 3. There is always emulation, but GoW 3 is one of those games that doesn't run very well. Anyway, what do you guys think of the original God of War series?
The original God of War series is good buit it's a sort of largely casual but very polished series of games in a style similar to Ninja Gaiden reboot series, or Devil May Cry. Not quite as good or replayable as those games, and the higher difficulty modes avaialble in say God of War 2 are mostly "hard" because of retarded escort sequences being infuriating.

I played GoW2 recently and thought it sucked balls compared to 1
It had better enemies and boss fights but the environments maybe weren't as cool.

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Why does nobody ever talk about this thing? Just found out it exists, and that has been around for over a year. Yet it's cheaper, open source, and has more features than an N64 Everdrive.

When it comes to N64 flashcarts however I only ever hear people talk about the Everdrive, it even fixes the reset to save/only writing the save to SD on next boot nonsense that all N64 Everdrives do.
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I am sorry, I hurt your feelings. It was not my intention.
That’s not an answer

I would like to know too, how does it make it any more compatible for mods? Just because some mods are made on it does not make it any more compatible, some mods are made on the X7 as well, and some in emulators. Only in the earlier super-inaccurate N64 emulation days did we run into mods that had issues, and that was when running them in anything other than those inaccurate emulators.
Yeah I have one and it doesn't do shit for mod compatibility. It's just substantially faster and more convenient to use it for development and debugging
X7 has the same development functionality so I don’t get the difference everyone’s going on about except for the software it uses and I guess the memory type

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10892979

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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very nice
oh, is it missing anything?
I don't think so. Because I'm like at map 22 and everything feels pretty complete.
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Have you ever bought anything from Limited Run?
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Not him but oh shit, I just noticed the one on the bottom right is D, thought this post was just about PDWT. D2 is my favorite Dreamcast game of all time and I’ve always wanted to play the first, D, but never had the opportunity. It’s a Saturn/PS1 game, probably the earliest example of a “movie game” where it’s all in-engine.
If I’d known they made that I probably would have been duped into buying it since I don’t have the means to emulate. I despise LRG but they have put out a few games I would love to own physical copies of like their upcoming Rise of The Triad. Unless the bonus items they bundle in are really worth it to me, I’d refuse to buy anything from them on principle, but with how it looks like they’ve gotten even worse somehow I doubt I’ll even pick up ROTT despite waiting years for it
No, I was considering it for a few releases at first but after hearing about the crap they and others like them such as Strictly Limited Games and others pull I decided not to. And now I see nothing but complaints about them, many orders taking over a year to process and such.

>If there's a specific reason to believe that the particular discs they're using are low enough quality to have a shorter lifespan than pressed discs, that's worth letting people know about

Burned disks will always be lower quality than pressed disks. Burned media relies on a laser literally burning an organic layer of ink to simulate the actual physical pits a professionally pressed CD would have. The glues and ink dyes degrade over time much faster than any well made pressed disk.

The problem is they are the only ones selling physical releases for some games that are available generally as digital only. Also they once pulled a stunt where they were the exclusive English publisher for the physical version of an import game, but the original import had an English option, so they in response actually got the publisher to release a patch for the Japanese version that REMOVED the English option. I don't recall what game it was, but I think it was some SHMUP for the Switch.
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I've only done it a couple times, primarily for games I really loved that weren't going to get a cartridge release on Switch otherwise, like Streets of Rage 4 and No More Heroes. That ended up not being the case for SOR4, but whatever.
They crank these things out now, and it's hard to keep up with when a game you care enough about is getting a release. If you look at their twitter, it's flooded with shit that I wouldn't even buy on a steam sale, let alone something I'd want to display on my desk or shelf.
I'm boycotting them but I can't remember why. Did they say trannies aren't mentally ill or something?
They fired their social media manager because of who she followed on her personal Twitter account.

honourable mention: microsoft encarta
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It's got to be Encarta '95. I used to love it as a kid on my dad's brand new gateway machine. Absolutely peak mid-90s Microsoft.
My son loves the Magic School Bus games, they're pretty excellent, really make the kid want to learn.
Ooh I had Encarta '97. I loved going through the Mind Maze.
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Busytown is pretty good too
It's always good to see your kids enjoying the same games as you did. On a related note, my 7 year old and I got up to the elevator stage on streets of rage 2. Had a blast.

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality. Just avoid the RG Nano
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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Suit yourself
>soijak.party idiocy
What little I played on 353V was okay on Linux, recall reading GammaOS applied some sort of stick fix on Android's end but can't confirm it to you.

What really bothers me is this thing's d-pad though, weirdest diagonals.
I didn't get it. Why Onion use Fceux by default when nestopia work fullspeed with tv filters and better accuracy? Same with Snes Faust when Snes9x 2010 better.
Battery life, prolly.
>when Snes9x 2010 better.
lol no.

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post retro vidya memes.
preferably from the early to late 00s
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I bet Stevie was pissed when he saw this.
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Pretty entry tier but i'm surprised nobody posted these already

wow, holy shit. he's started making comics again. oh wait, it's just one actual new 'comic'
>put a PS1 inside
No, that makes too much sense. Put a Raspberry Pi inside.
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>nephew is checking out my game collection because I'm the super cool gamer uncle with a bunch of tendie games
>he sees Sonic Mega Collection for the PCROM and asks me about it
>I explain that it's for the PC but PC's can't read CDs nowadays
I guess I should get rid of this but I doubt anyone is gonna buy it. What did you do with your physical PC games?
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>but PC's can't read CDs nowadays
>What did you do with your physical PC games?

keep them, because unlike some people I am capable of typing "cd-rom drive" into Newegg's search box
The emulation on this feels off and in the PC version at least I'm pretty sure Sonic 2 is the 50hz version, it feels insanely sluggish to me compared to normal. I give Sonic Origins a lot of shit but the versions that I played as a kid were just as butchered now that I think about it.
Can anyone recommend a good external disc drive? I've got one that's OK, but it's the $10 one from Best Buy and I'd rather have a nicer one with a longer cord.
Donate it to a thrift store so I can buy it. I just think they're neat.

>Saddler: "Did you really think I'd trust an American?"

Why was RE4 so anti-american?
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Japan was part of the Satanic coalition in Iraq and Afganistan
actually a bunch of Japanese diplomats were killed in Iraq and there was this retarded Christian citizen who went there and got himself kidnapped then executed, all this happened before RE4 was released and obviously influenced the developers
in the game Leon the glownigger accuses Saddler of terrorism and he responds by saying it's a popular word nowadays
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kek i remember few nips were kidnapped in Iraq and Japan paid a ransom to release them, when they went back to their homeland they were criticized and mocked for not commiting seppuku (am not kidding) and bringing shame to Japan lmao tha absolute state of nips they live in a US colony and were forced to send their meme army to some desert shithole to fight for Israel but none of them made them feel ashamed
>this retarded Christian citizen who went there and got himself kidnapped then executed
yeah this one actually happened after the kidnapping incent i mentioned earlier but this time the demand was for Japan to pull off their boy scouts tier army from Iraq, Japan tried to play it tough rejecting their demands and saying ''they will not give up to terrorism'' and the result was...well you know how it went
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I know this thread is just a shitpost. But the real answer is:
>cult located in rural Spain trying to spread influence with this ancient parasite
>suddenly an American who has military training and ties to the highest echelon's of America tries to pledge allegiance to him
Who in their right mind would believe that Krauser would be a loyal servant? Using him as a way to get the president's daughter was smart, but actually trusting him would be braindead stupid. It would be like an American alphabet agency trusting a Chinaman who was formerly in the CCP's military with their classified secrets. You would have to be stupid to trust him.
Because Japs know US is an extension of Israel.
It was the era where people hated the America was policing the world. Now leftists riot because America *isnt* getting involved in foreign wars....

Hect, a developer mostly known for board game and other such shovelware produces this game about the 1988 US presidential election, or at least an impressionistic Japanese interpretation of it. Nobody knows who asked for this game and nobody wants to know either.
I wanna know why. Hect is a curiosity to me. I played Ihatovo Monogatari on the SNES and it was a great, solemn experience.
For some reason one of the candidates is Margaret Thatcher as a Senator from Michigan (lolwut?) and many of the campaign issues seem to pertain to US-Japanese relations. Also as the OP pic shows it's got a lot of kanji which suggests this game was designed for an adult audience rather than children.
Apparently even in Japan itself this game is kind of a joke/meme/kusoge. They don't have too much to say about it on here.

not much to this game. you win primaries by telling each state what they want to hear (say in Michigan you have to be in favor of tariffs on imported cars) and if you over-campaign your health diminishes ala Nixon in 1960 and you have to drop out of the race. it has a battery save although the game doesn't seem long enough that you'd really need to do that.

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