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Tomorrow starts the new regulation.

Which restricted mon will dominate the meta
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Just ran into Clear Amulet Calyrex Shadow and Okidogi with speed EVs
And? How did it go?
>Otherwise it’d be pretty decent option.
No it wouldn't.
Even back during the Gen 4 days Mewtwo rarely saw play. He's always been utter crap during restricted formats.
Meta got stale and boring as shit really quickly because it's Horses feat Terapagos featuring Incineroar.
Shit's gay and lame.
I am not playing seriously because I am using random mons that I want the rank master ribbon for but I won. If he had spell tag or life orb on Calyrex like a human person would he wouldve won most likely(if he had sash he would've still lost because it died to 3 Articuno attacks.

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Explorers Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:
https://nyaa.si/view/1806610 (1080p)

Next episode:
>May 3rd: PM2023 048 - Shine! The Brilliance of Fire and Art!


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Shame that it turned out Lucius wasn't secretly a woman, or else I'm sure the flamebaiter would've been too busy wanting to fuck him to bitch about Liko being a Mary Sue.
>Yuritard got nuked
Justice is Served.
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Liko's poop hole is for papa only.
Nah, Roy will get his reward.
>Like, I can UNDERSTAND westerners that grew up on the dub and its endless insistence that Misty was in love with Ash thinking that was real
I'm no shipper but how can you still lie about this and say it was only dub shenanigans?

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>This list is incomplete. You can help by expanding it.
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>he belived their whole ¨i am a robot¨ charade
Doesn't excuse child neglect, Sada
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Based, a fate worse than death for worst girl
dat ass

>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

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mommyflop doing worse than tierno
I've used blue candies and still have 11 now lol
My SSA Cynthia is even at 5/5
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The SS Morty event rerun on Sunday will have one as a reward so just wait 3 resets
I gave up on playing "end level" content because it's boring to me. I'm mostly on cruise control for logins and events until a character I like gets an alt.
I am so gonna regret craving in to her banner later. But then again my Psychic roster kinda sucks beyond SSSteven and Lear. Might feel obligated to go for Brycen as well

>*vinyl scratch sound*
>*super effective hit*
>*charizard roars*
>*hyper beam*
>*giga drain*
>*eterna city starts playing*
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i started (regular) platinum too
got luxio, staravia and budew in my team so far
Fucking nice, Anon. This thread's a legend.
>Very finicky.
>Happily eats anything.
She's sending mixed messages here.

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Starting a Novelai Thread because I'm bored. Let me know if anyone would like to see something. I also do NSFW

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator. Users paying $25 a month have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations. Though some actions, such as upscaling, alternate resolutions, and image variation, require credits.

The more art a character has on Danbooru, the better the results, so keep that in mind. NovelAi also released a v3 furry model, so it's also waaay better at generating (certain) Pokemon, though I can't change the artstyle very much.
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Hex! I missed you mate. good to see you're still gening. how're your ocs? those hands look good.
What are the prompts?
It doesn't matter, it's incredible! thanks for those gens and your time!
Is this more to your liking? I removed the huge boobs tag altogether.

For which one? For the milk machine one, I just this:

huge breasts, pokemon, thick thighs, uncensored, nsfw, huge nipples, lactation, sitting, chair, blush, humiliation, milking machine , breast pump,
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My OC Trainers are good! Just trying to get them on Civitai instead of DALL is taking a bit of time, not to mention making a Gyaru Hex on top of that.

……then the Pokémon GO update came to my attention and I’m very tempted to go back JUST to make some Rocket Grunts. That update was just stu- don’t look that up unless you wanna lose more faith in humanity. I’m happy your alive though mate.

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The best months are the ones with 5 Misty Mondays.

Virgin TPC cutting a character on VA unavailability vs chad Nickelodeon finding a solid replacement and carrying on his legacy
Japan will never replace a VA unless the original dies or gets arrested for something.
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The ones with 5 posters?

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The SHOCKING truth about Iono!
She has a boyfriend
The russian Ionofag makes me cringe, I hope he gets stabbed
¿Io no que?

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Digital Jihad edition

>What is Pokérogue?
A Pokémon-themed dungeon crawler filled with gacha-brained mechanics.

^ Fake offline client, play using this. You can eventually export your save to other custom servers. You will reduce server stress by having the assets downloaded. Make sure to actually run the .bat so the assets aren't streamed.

Also, something something, fuck Discord, fuck Sam, fuck shiny mechanics, and fuck gacha pulls.

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Indeed. Also splicers are blue rarity instead of pink. It also indirectly makes bosses weaker since they will randomly be fused with shitmons lowering their average stats
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Treating the situation as if people are so lacking in self control that they'll immediately move on to other games and start spending money because they played Pokerogue is retarded, the only difference between it and "a fun game to waste time in" is that Pokerogue has a gacha mechanic. People have gambled and played gacha/games with this bullshit for decades but now you care, after having done nothing about it you now choose to take a stand and confront the issue by posting about it on fucking 4chan instead of talking to the person behind the game or even attempting to raise awareness about its dangers on the sites with the actual children you fear are being impacted. I'm sure you're actually concerned and aren't just morally posturing to troll. Seriously, it's like going to /v/ and whining about the dangers of videogames
>but now you care,
EVERY op for this general for weeks now has had anti gacha messages
Doesn't change the fact that you apparently waited until last month to start giving a shit about something you perceive as serious, obviously people on this site don't like gacha but it doesn't change that you haven't done anything about something you supposedly "care" about until april of 2024. I don't know who you're trying to fool
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shitkitty get!

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>add "feature" to your game
>don't actually code it
>fake feature that runs on imagination is now added to the game
>sell it as a working feature
Hmmm what other ways can you do this? I want to make a game run purely on imagination where I list tons of features in the game that I don't actually code. Let's see... the back of the box would be like
>if you beat the elite 4 100 times it gives you a higher chance to encounter shinies! (don't actually code it in to the game)
>If you beat the game on nuzlocke mode (which isn't actually coded in to the game and you have to keep track of everything yourself) then you will get a higher chance to catch pokemon! (Don't actually code it into the game)
>If you press the a button after every step it will raises your critical hit ratio! (Don't actually code it into the game)
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needing it to be the same species kills it. it was probably meant for catching breeding partners how many players are gonna care about that?
just learned about this hahahaha
gamefreak is so incompetent its unreal

Welcome to /wfg/!
This is the thread for all your Trading, Battling, Raiding and Camping needs!
Wanna try the team your building? Maybe need a Pokemon or two to fill your Pokedex? Wanna do a Giveaway? Need a carry for a difficult Raid? Say no more.
Please try to not trade modified Pokemon, or at least try to let the other anons in advance.

Have fun Anon, and be excellent to each other!

> Waking Wake & Iron Leaves will be available once more until May 6
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What's a good VGC team for climbing the in-game latter?
I'm extremely new to VGC, and Pokemon PvP as a while.
So what's a good way to learn. Other than trying to brute force it.
It's this thing where newfriends post their stream of consciousness wherever they are at the time.
Because 4chan is their safe space and they are just asking a question or blogging,
So check your privilege!
...So anyone here plan on hosting a iron leaves raid anytime soon?
by the looks of ti everyone here on /wfg/ has Scarlet, so doubt anyone can host Leaves
Damn, I might have to open the forbidden door then....

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you may not post in this thread unless your favorite mon has a 3 digit physical defense stat
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i wish i could strap a howitzer to my aggron
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i wonder what aggron would look like with other eye colors
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>this story is a mess
>we all FINALLY get the first fucking badge of the game
>then get hit with several more instances of having the plot grind to a halt because of irl time
>what a horrible fucking feature
>legendspam, time travel, cults, etc. galore, nearly filling the bingo card
>rg and I break ahead to actually fighting gyms in a somewhat timely manner
>and the ground gym leader resembles...a certain...someone...

>What is this?
Pokemon Full Moon, a game by Esteban. It features 18 gyms, with 16 done as of current release. It also features an incredibly cringeworthy fanfic story that feels like it was written by an angsty hormonal teenage girl and is notorious for having stolen a ton of Reborn assets.
It's often described as the worst fangame ever made on rebornevo and similar sites. Only one way to find out whether it lives up to that title, right?

>Download Link

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This is at the top of notPyrous for if/when Wagie gets to catch the faggot
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A billion grunts.....all of them using status spam stall teams......
Yidsney already did that with that abomination of a movie about a Chinese girl turning into a red panda as a """"subtle""""" allegory for menstruation.
I'm genuinely starting to believe that's the case here.
Yeah, the dev really should've just had someone hand this out like cut desu
remember when this guy said that he let a girl deliberately die so he could test his immortality elixir on someone?

thanks, that's actually pretty good. i doubt it'll be available before postgame though
yeah, yidsney + cursing and really gay relationship drama. actually, it's basically hannah montana or one of those kid's shows with more cursing and blood
>that slightly rigs the RNG against you in an impactful but not always noticable way.
the demicefaggot mods give enemies a 'hidden' 30% accuracy boost, iirc
what an interesting pokemon for this guy to use.

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>instead of coming up with new pokemon, we're going to fill these remaining dex spaces by haphazardly super gluing sharp teeth, face paint, and spikes all over these older pokemon! then we'll pretend they are new pokemon!
paradox mons are the epitome of laziness and creative bankruptcy. they were a mistake. there was no passion put into these designs except walking wake and iron bundle. this is evidence that SV are some of the most rushed games in the series. everything about SV is dogshit. there is not a single silver lining in this game. it is baffling that nintendo hasn't replace gamefreak because their games have been unacceptable for years now
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dang, so they did even less to differentiate it from the original design?
what superiority? most niggers are copies of kantomons but uglier. we got ugly Geodude, Machop, Zubat, etc lines and even an attempt at a failed Mewtwo in genesect. the fucking games feel like Kanto wannabes rather than having their own identity
>have you seen the new pokemon?
yes, a lot of those are bad too but paradox mons and other rehash forms are worse for the sole fact that they are lazy rehashes of older pokemon rather than being designed from the ground up. only tendamaus and maushold can be considered lazier than paradox mons
good thing i hate megas too
bw was the start of every mons being "kanto at home"

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KSF Edition

>May info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

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Fuck PvP.
>caught a hundo oddish out of the blue today
>don't know if I should evolve it into a vileplume or bellossom
wat do?
which one do you like more
next master ball is coming in a free special research, instead of paid and/or timed.
>which one do you like more

Technically I guess I could use a hundo poison type more than a hundo grass type I just didn't want to miss out on the superior mon one way or the other.

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