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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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You’re jumping the gun when it comes to “god could make it not so”. This has essentially turned away from original sin, and now you’re talking about the problem of evil. Evil exists because the lord clearly sees some greater glory in allowing it to exist. Could the lord make the world different? Yes. But you use assume that you know better. Who is to say that god could create a greater glory than exists? Perhaps we do indeed live in the world that will come into fruition to be “the best”. You can’t make that judgement anon. No man can. This is where faith is involved. We are simply men, we can not compete with a divine creature, if he says this is the best way to make a beautiful future, who are we to deny it? You can see the beauty in the struggle all around you. The tapestry of life is gorgeous, and a world with free will and the ability for natural conflict has created a wonderful story that could not possibly exist without our struggles. You also have to ask if existence truly is suffering for animals? Animals seem to be in permanent ecstasy and bliss when not directly in pain. Their understanding of the world is free of anxiety, depression, etc. They simply experience that which is, and when not directly in horrible pain, existence is wonderful. Terrible pain also creates the dichotomy for unconditional joy. Once again we circle back to you thinking you know better than god. It isn’t clear that the world in fact would be better if there were 5 dimensions and we ate hydrogen. We were also made in the lords image, so consider that perhaps he created reality for us in our state.

As for the human millionaire thing, perhaps you would but Adam did not. Adam was the millionaire in this scenario not god. God not owing us anything more than we get is because we have the free will to choose him. He already gave us our wonderful world, reason, and all the gifts we could need to want him and seek him out. We decided to squander that by betraying his perfectly moral nature by sinning. Why is his nature that way? I have no idea, no one does, but it is what it is. He knows better, and he is perfection. I am no one to argue. Sinners being condemned to hell isn’t by gods choice per se. He makes it very clear he does not want you to be in hell. He truly doesn’t and makes that clear throughout the Bible. I mean he came down as man to save us from it. Hell is the absence of gods presence. That’s the most horrible part of hell. It’s simply a place where god and the Holy Spirit can not touch. It’s like being eternally alone, with no spark of happiness, and nothing but your own reason telling you that you fucked by sinning and not taking religion seriously. You chose that fate. God is perfect, therefore he can not associate with that which is imperfect. Sinners being born into this world against their will assumes they wouldn’t want to be born, and that reality is horrible. People are made by parents, the soul by god.
Sorry for my grammatical errors. I’m a phone fag at the moment.
If god is loving why judgement is one his qualities?
Thinking human consciousness somehow evolved piecemeal in the savannah is one of the top most absurd claims of consensus science.
>Everything good comes from skydaddy
>Justice is le good
>Therefore god is justice

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What do I read first? The Rig Veda? The Bhagavad-gītā? Upanishads? Sankara?
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>using relativism/perspectivism to tactically defend an orthodox theological position
Maybe if you are trying to shoehorn the Hindu teaching into the nearest similar thing in Buddhism.
>everyone shares the same Atman which is infinite, partless and undivided
How do finite, partite, divided individuals share the same "awareness"?
> How do finite, partite, divided individuals share the same "awareness"?
How are finite, partite, divided objects on earth illuminated by light from the same sun?
Probably a one volume text on Hinduism in general. This will give you a big picture idea and introduce you to names and concepts you can follow up on.

Ancient literature is extremely challenging to read, especially in translation. It is pretty foolish to dive right into translated sacred texts without a general introduction to terminology and history.

"Survey of Hinduism" was good, I read the entire thing some years ago.

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>Generic, shallow analyses/ideas
>Random video about supernatural healing (lol)
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at first I thought you meant the German boomer who makes videos about magic and reincarnation but I went to check and it's a different guy hehe
They sold out to a huge libertarian think tank and are making tons of money (millions maybe) to shill their ideology, which also includes some wacky stuff. Honestly, not the worst place to be in. Breadtube does the same, being funded by leftist think tanks. Wish the right did the same in retaliation. Peter Thiel has the right idea.
They are/were pretty open about it on their website/Patreon.

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This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the New Aristocracy movement.

>1. What is the New Aristocracy?
It is a movement which seeks to establish a new aristocratic tradition from the ground up, a synthesis the old and the contemporary. One goal of this general is to work out the criteria for initiation into this new social class.
>2. Why?
To provide structure where there is none; to offer a chance at building real-life communities capable of preserving that which must be preserved; to unite disparate fields in ourselves and advance the cause of humanity; to change the face of the world by changing ourselves. We seek knowledge and betterment so that we may love more, that we may experience life more deeply, that we may look at everything from the organization of a room to the complex systems of State and know how to prize them apart, examine the pieces and change them.
>3. How?
First we must discuss what the bones of this class will be composed of, the elements which we must share in order to build a common future. What are the absolutely necessary novels one must read, what history books, what poems and plays, what philosophical works? The initiation envisioned here will, even in its lightest form, take years. That is part of the filter.
>4. What about the rest of the arts and the sciences?
This is the beginning of the beginning. One day we will venture into those fields as well.

The intention here is not to list thousands of books and essays nor is it to expect the deepest understanding of each and every work. Some people will be drawn toward history, others to philosophy or poetry, and that is not only expected but encouraged – explore beyond the structures that will be born here, let your intuition for meaning lead you to the lightless places where it might lurk. Then emerge and share what you have found, offer insight and inspire others.
The intention here is not to become lifeless repositories for knowledge. We know so that we may do: “I learn about the history of the 19th century so that I may understand the political systems I find myself living in so that I may orient myself better than my peers so that I may take action that will guide the world in a direction only I can perceive through the knowledge I have gained.” Such are the lines of reasoning I wish to see.


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good god, imagine being the person who made this thread.
>It is a movement which seeks to establish a new aristocratic tradition from the ground up, a synthesis the old and the contemporary. One goal of this general is to work out the criteria for initiation into this new social class.
Your first mistake was beliving that a class is created in an artificial way. Class exists, naturally. Generating it is a mockery of nature.
Also, I'm already an aristocrat of the soul, I don't need a club or validation to be an aristocrat. We have plenty of areas to discuss thoughts and ideas, we don't need to create a subset within yet-another-subset to do this.
>What are the absolutely necessary novels one must read?
You figure it out yourself, as you go along. A reading list is still just a reading list. They're intended to be starting points of a given subject matter, but they are rarely very valuable. Also, if you create easy entry like this, you're making it plebian from the beginning. There is no "filter", just a "read this and you're an aristocrat" which isn't how it works.
Here's my suggestion instead: Come up with a foundational reading list for the education system that you'll impose on your children. Cultivation of aristocracy is better than larping as one, which you're not too far off.
OP causing this much seethe must mean he's on to something
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the issue is you yourself have nothing to add to whatever this thread is supposed to be.

instead of using words like class and aristocracy and movement, you should have just googled one of the 100s of booklists that curate classical educational knowledge.

or, you know, asked for recs.

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Hello everyone I am going to ireland for a great program of book discussion. Please tell me, what books or poems should I read to aquaint myself with the Irish style of writing and the irish attitude in general? Is Joyce a good introduction? Portrait of dorian grey? Please let me know.
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I like it. Nice
I'm not really bent out of shape about it. It's all really just very complicated. We've got a lot of really beaten down people, who basically just got fucked by the system to the point of just being dead inside. It's really fucking depressing, especially because they tend to stick to the status quo, so whatever the latest $IDEA is, that's their mode of thinking. It's not exclusive to Ireland nor is it the only idea, it's just it really depends on where you're at. Like Dublin? Absolute shithole, avoid at all costs, but there are plenty of nicer places. I always love the Gaeltachts, but you'd have to actually know the language, so just kinda stay away from there. In the anglosphere, my little experience of NI is a mixed bag, plenty of really burnt out guys that are really nice when they're finally mellowed out from work, but Donegal is still pretty great and people are like a perfect mixture of kind and leaving you the fuck alone to do your own thing.
I'd suggest trying to read the cycles. Stick to pre-1950's renditions of the cycles though. Lady Augusta Gregory is very influencial, despite taking quite a bit of liberties. Oscar Wilde is obviously a good idea. Check out Eilís Dillon, Liam Mac Uistín, Padraic Colum.
Joyce is great, but just read the Dubliners first. That's what most people will have read, if anything. I know, Ulysses and all that. I have all of his works, plus the study shit to go with it. But that's a very specific niche, and you'll find mostly irish-americans are into it.
Caoimhin De Barra's Gaeilge: A Radical Revolution will give you an idea of the language and general feelings of it.
Oh, check out The Tain. (That's part of the cycles) people generally agree Kinsella's translation is pretty great.
Oh and read up on Patrick Pearse's murder machine. If you're older, read up on Peg and complain a little. Or don't. Peg isn't even that bad.
Anyways, that's all I have. It's late and I have shit to do. Oh, but real quick. An outsider might find Dublin interesting. Now, I'm not from Dublin, but it's a depressing hellscape when you see your people in that state. You ever been to downtown Austin, Texas or look at mid/south California's streets? Same shit, different dialect.
Might like some Patrick Kavannagh poetry if you lean towards the rustic side of things. His novel Tarry Flynn is very good as well.
there's a chart or two filed under charts by country
>all recs a hundred years old
As is the custom.
For something a bit more contemporary, try Colm Toibin, Sinead Morrissey, Paul Muldoon, William Trevor, Michael Longley, John McGahern, Derek Mahon or John Banville

>be a faggot
>get called a fag
>by the guy whose son you're fucking, no less
>sue the guy for libel (for calling you a fag)
>your lawyer asks if it's true
>go to court
>get proven a fag
>get sentenced for being a fag
>life ruined and death soon ensues
The fuck? Was he retarded?
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Start with his fairy tales, here's one read to you:
But Wilde didn’t even consider it dishonorable in court he just tried to act like a smart ass and justify it. And no, someone publicly saying you’re a criminal had no legal consequences. Only if they charge you. Which the guy didn’t because he lacked a case strong enough until Wilde decided to be a smart ass
Hmm. I guess this explains the deodorants, the fancy surrogate soap products, the perfumes, colognes, and dryer sheets
No. He only got charged because he was proven to be a sodomite in the libel case. It wasn't a separate charge that he was defending against; it was the defendent (Queensbury) proving that what he said was true, and therefore wasn't libelous.
>didn't consider it dishonorable in court
He sort of did because he was trying to hide behind vaguenesses and flowery language. "The love that dare not speak its name," etc. The not-fucking-around lawyer for Queensbury brought in rentboys as witnesses, so it was over.

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So if Nietzsche thought that Victorian society was too "Apollonian" and needed to be balanced out with Dionysianism what would he make of modern society? It seems to be both too Appollonian and Dionysian. How does one make sense of this?
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I don't just "wish." This is Nietzsche we're talking about, the philosopher who declared that body is all that the self is and who defined the soul as an aspect of the body in TSZ.

Did you think this was a "gotcha" when you wrote it? Because both things you pointed out are already assumed. For democracy to work, some values must be held sacred over others; it is not a problem with democracy that this be the case.

You confuse democracy with capitalism here, and you assume that everyone living in a capitalist society holds capitalist values.
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>So if Nietzsche thought that Victorian society was too "Apollonian" and needed to be balanced out with Dionysianism what would he make of modern society?
If I was Nietzche I would probably say that modern society is too Apollonian (Too rational, focused on positivism, materialism, definitions, "Science" etc.") And that the individual is unrestrained Dionysian (Too irrational, hedonists, basically glorified animals longing for sex and money)
He glorified the greeks for achieving a state where the forces are working together in unison, the irrational tempered by the rational. Basically he wanted to foster a state of intellectual intuition (my words not his)

The Dionysiac World View
>It was the Apolline people who laid the
chains of beauty on over-mighty instinct, who yoked and harnessed
nature's most dangerous elements, her wildest beasts. The idealistic power
of the Hellenic character is seen at its most admirable when one compares
its spiritualization of the festival ofDionysos with what emerged from the
same origin amongst other peoples. Similar festivals are very ancient and
their existence is demonstrable everywhere, most notably in Babylon where
they are known as the sacaea. Here, during five-day-long festivals, every
political and social bond was torn apart; but the centre of the cult lay in the

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Dionysianism is the result of modern day America. Too much hedonistic sexual freedom and inexistent self discipline leads to a chaotic society.

Nietzsche was just a Contrarian he even ridiculed whoever agreed with him, His critic on the Victorian age was just a form of revolt against the society.
I'll explain the problem here.
>Art is slop
>People must see art as a form of contemporary work
>Nobody cares to explore new forms of thinking and living

I don't know but the problem here is that people tend to overlook what others try to do, Everyone is up to the main dish that society provides, Whether it be a marginalized society or a mainstream society, People are constantly trying to create new ways but it's not reaching the surface of society, Even if it reaches the surface it will be heavily criticized and it'll be just another false idea because you must know that our Society now is backwards and is leaning into a more nostalgia-driven outlook.
We're not an Appolonian society, Nay, We're far from it. An Appolonian society requires an actual base core to drive it into an original system, And what is our society is based on primarly but an actual old idea that's getting recirculated to keep it alive. Our society is a Dionysian one because it's driven primarly on emotion, Nostalgia. No one can accept a new idea only if it seems to resonate with their beliefs (old ideas). Nothing is original as you said but in a parallel, originality is the opposite of Dionysian society, As much as Appolonianism is what you refered to is right but still in reality it's a Dionysianistic society that fear Appolonianism
Nietschze was an excellent writer and equally terrible philosopher. Pale shadow of Schopenhauer, whom he admired; an "admiration" of Nietsczhe is a surest sign of midwit.

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People are driven by self-insert, they only delude themselves of normativity because society wouldn't function otherwise. Anyone who truly believes otherwise, is a sucker and there are many. That is why the rich and powerful keep winning. Religion, Politics, consumerism and even family relations are nothing more than tools used to control the individual. A individual who can break free from all of this rises to the top, the others drown in the swamp. The only person you should focus on is yourself. I know anons will call me an edgy teenager but I honestly feel like a clown for realising this, this late. I need books written by intelligent people who can articulate these thoughts better than me?
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You think people are buying a pulp sci fi novel to stick it on their shelves for pseud cred? Like it was Brief History of Time or something?
You don't believe this. You know Ayn Rand is a widely read author. Don't pretend otherwise, it's dishonest
>Individualists only take what the group provides.
change in the collective always comes from the individual
Individualism should not mean being anti-democratic. It should mean being anti-socialist.

Democracy: when each and every person has the right to pursue and satiate their desires (excluding desires which undermine democracy)

Socialism: when the majority has the right to pursue and satiate their desires (excluding desires which undermine socialism)

Democracy is in favor of the individual, socialism isn't. Learn the difference. Don't listen to Marxist drivel which insists that Western civilization's problems today are related to democracy. It's problems are actually related to socialism. We're hardly democratic anymore.
The man who subsumes himself through the mob, becomes nothing.
The man who alienates himself away from all others, becomes nothing.

You have realized nothing, you are an idiot.

What do you think Brian's opinion was when he finished reading it?
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Ghastly rigmarole
Stan and everybody at the CIA are good, as is Francine, but the rest of the cast sucks.
Bix nood!
It's the least blatantly anti-white cartoon out there right now, for what that's worth.
how were you referring to that pic?

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cheetah cube edition

previous >>23341113
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Colossal is deeply underrated
There is something seriously wrong with my dad. Impossible to have a conversation with him. Everytime I say something, he interprets it the wrong way. Just a few minutes back, he was telling me about how a specific medicine helped him. He was struggling with his words, so to assure I got his point, I said, "I get what you're saying." To which he responded, "why are you cutting off what I'm saying?" And he walked away and now isn't speaking to me. Wtf dude, i was trying to express that i understand your perspective.

The only way to bear an interaction with him is to nod and listen. Anything you share will be misconstrued and used against you.
Okay now that I have expressed the worry and frustration out in this post, it no longer exists in me. The post holds the pain. Not me. I am free.
Being more precise, one can see it as a spectrum.
At one end, everything is subjective and up for discussion. At the other end, everything is dictated by law.
The western countries are clearly a rule by law societies, but at the upper echelons of society, there is still a lot of leeway. Being rich and influential makes the law more flexible. And not just the law. Being rich, you go to a bank and the bank discusses the terms with you.
I thought you quit that job or he got fired or something

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My dad is an old cynical farmer who enjoys boating and mechanics. What are some good books I can get him for his birthday? He said he enjoyed Moby Dick and Blood Meridian.
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I hate my dad. Despise him. I know that's not what you asked, just sayin.
Idk. Get him a card and a scratch ticket.
he should probably do drugs, be twenty and go to college to be less boring. maybe a one month travel vacation where he backpacks around and annoys foreigners
Growth of the Soil, by Hamsun, obviously.
Why do faggots and women only care for how pretty a book looks on your shelf than the actual contents of the book? Books make great gifts, so long as a person reads it and you know their tastes/interests. I can give multiple examples of why gifting books is a very thoughtful thing to do for someone.
It's very difficult to gauge someone's actual tastes, especially for people who think that they can. This is especially detrimental for books, which require a large time investment to experience. Hypothetically, I'd prefer if someone got me the first edition of my favourite book than give me a book that's based off their estimation of me.

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Trad Chads

We can't stop winning!
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no, he thinks it's karmic justice when someone is murdered over words a different person said
Just shut the fuck up man.
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i want to know why people support russia. does there exist a reason, beyond nationalism and the nationalism equivalent to cuckoldry?
>by the USSR in only in 1957 with the understanding it'd remain part of the USSR
Khrushchev was a retard and would be considered the worst leader they ever had if not for their last decade

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Have any sociologists/philosophers written on the subject of Korean Wave i.e. sudden interest in Korean culture as a symptom of decaying late neoliberal capitalism? I really don't get the appeal of Korea, the women are pretty I guess but the culture itself is so soulless that even the fucking Netherlands looks like it exudes soul compared to them
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I’m actually interested. Have a bump.
In SEA, local entertainment is dogshit. So whoever markets well enough does well. Dramas are more popular than movies in SEA and Korean dramas are second to none in production.
What is the name of the book you found?
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Is picrel enough to be able to write the next Great American Novel?
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I have been here off and on for over a decade. Sadly.
close but no dice. you're looking for a minimum of 130 verbal iq. but you could write some decent fiction, not everything that's taught in literature classes consists of great national novels
you could also make good commercial fiction, like maybe a speculative fiction classic
So cruel anon. Who made you Judge of All Minds? You are content to tell a stranger what the limits of their dreams should be based on a Number produced by a dickless, soulless test?
i have 79 IQ

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