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Terror birds are fucking overrated predators. Only reason why people obsess over them is because they're the only hypercarnivore terrestrial bird, the closest thing to Dinosaur raptors. People keep glazing these birds because they're annoyed that mammals dominate the current age. But frankly, terror birds are terrible predators compared to mammals.

>On average, terror birds weigh less than mammalian apex predator.
>Sharp beaks but are not as useful or powerful as toothed jaws.
>No teeth means can't hold down large prey with mouth like canines, felines, and bears can.
>Reduced forelimbs means less weapons for hunting and combat unlike cats and bears that can use all four limbs.
>Can't wrestle nor jump on backs like cats and bears do which allows them to take down big preys like bovines.
>No evidence for pack hunting or high intelligence like canines. Canines can compete against bears and felines because of their numbers.
>Pathetic hollow bones means they're very robust.
The North and South American interchange resulted in these birds being bullied and displaced by chad mammals. They aren't as good as hunters as cats nor can they beat one in combat unless they have significant weight advantage. Felines, Canines (with numbers), and Bears have a good chance at taking down large herbivore preys but terror birds? They're way to weak and lack the weaponry. Terror birds only hunted small or medium sized prey animals.
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>usually suffocating and restraining prey
Something terror birds can't do with their lack of teeth and inability to wrestle like cats. Allosaurus and Smilodons also had teeth which helped in ripping flesh and holding down prey. Smilodons also most likely used their forelimbs to take down prey for example. I don't doubt terror birds have powerful kicks but that isn't an effective weapon if you want to take down large prey like bovines, and hell even boars. Despite having stronger talons, the talons of the terror birds are, ironically enough, less well suited as weapons for dispatching large prey when compared to the dromeosaurs’ sickle-claw because they're shorter though more durable.
Yes, even lightweight cheetahs are capable of fucking up Ostriches, which are heavier than most terror birds.
>Also I think its really only possible compare Titanis to other placental carnivores since it obviously coexisted with them, in that regard, the only things really larger than it (around 300+ KG) and were predators were Arctodus, which probably didn't compete with it since it was a bear.
But an Arctodus would absolutely fuck up a Titanis if they were to fight. If a Titanis and Arctodus come across a carcass at the same time, who'd you think would flee?
They also get scared off by vultures all the time.
damn, I had no idea cheetahs had driven Ostriches to extinction.
Thank you for continuing to confirm that you are a fucking retard.

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You're telling me I'm made out of this black rock?
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I don't believe in anything people say anymore
This entire world is fake and gay
Most of the dry bits are carbon, yeah. Overall you're still mostly water though. I think the overall most abundant element in life is hydrogen or something.
Scurry on back into the ocean you little fuck, before you dry out.
Crazy how plants can take that shit out of the air and turn it into a solid.
maybe you are, but I'm not black like you, nigger

Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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Demons hate myrrh and exorcised olive oil
Might have something to do with the shit christians pulled recently in real life. The christians themselves can be considered to be trolling.
I agree with you 100%, there aren't many good christians, like 1 in 1000

But truly anyone outside the Catholic church has a very little to learn from compared to the whole faith and lessons

Even then only 1 out of 100 catholics knows his faith

>When the Son of Man comes back, will He find faith upon the face of the earth?

unhinged deranged post, do not engage or become retarded by proximity
Based Christians cucking whoever the fuck you’re whining about

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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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I wish the invert general could live. I wanna talk about tarantulas and answer tarantula questions
Its kinda heartwarming to see brian barcyzyzyyxycuuuxcckkjyyszk's kid carrying on his father's legacy of just being the absolute fucking worst, though.
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Think we should just have a terrarium general for all land critters desu. Aquarium general already exists so don't see why we can have /terrag/.

Not even cancer can stop the eternal animal abuse youtube grift.
Oh God

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APBT will ALWAYS be dog driven even in a mix, whether that comes out as aggression is maybe not set in stone, but they will have a drive. Huskies are often dickheads too, so you may have a ticking timebomb. I'd probably stick with just reinforcing calmness and non-rectivity as you are, "it doesn't matter if there's a dog over there, leave it alone" being the message to the dog.
Show this to liberals when they ask why you need a gun with a high capacity magazine.
>Oh, so you "need" it for felony animal abuse because you're too bigoted to use pepper spray? Let me guess, 18 60? 14 88? All you pittie haters are the same. Dogs dont deserve to die because you triggered them by coming too close to their territory. They just need some training. Give me a youtube video from larry krohn or joel beckman and i'll have all these pitties turned into loving nanny dogs in a day. And you want to kill them, psychopath!
most hinged pit bill mommies.
>The point stands that pits feel love more deeply than say, chihuahuas or shitzus
How the fuck could you know this? You really think you can compare the qualia of different dogs?

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Lounging edition.

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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It's been pretty difficult to find this cat. It keeps running away to some unknown part of my backyard yet I can still hear its cries.
THANK GOD, oof. Poor kitty, almost giving you a heart attack.
Amazing, seems like that kot is in good hands. I don't know how to take care of baby kittens, but if it can easily escape you and hide then it might be old enough to be weaned or at least be fed hard food + milk.
Maybe luring it with sounds or a stick can help?
Luring it hasn't been working out. I tried talking camly and using food but the cat just won't move. It always stays in its hiding spot and occasionally cries.

I changed my approach a bit. It's getting dark and I turned on one of the lights while placing two bowls of water and a bit of milk under it, so it's easily visible. My main concern isn't the cat not trusting me but how it might not be feeding itself.
Cats are masters of hiding, whenever I take my cat somewhere new he always figures out a corner to hide in where I'll have to look forever to find him. I've found him inside cabinet drawers, behind and under couches, between curtains, behind and under beds, inside wardrobers, on top of chairs, under blankets, etc.

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What a yummy guy
the best thread currently on the 'catty
*shits everywhere in your path*
did you just say cat? grrrr I HATE cats!!

It's not uncommon to hear people say that animals must have souls because clearly their dog, cat, horse or whatever has a distinct personality, emotions they can understand and relate to and so on. But if that's the case where do you draw the line? At cattle? Reptiles? Fish? Insects and other invertebrates? Amoebas?
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We got a world religions major here guys!
If you didn’t say Bible I would’ve sworn you were talking about Muslims because they do all of those things already but I think I can venture a guess that you don’t feel the same way about them
>the crusades
Now I’m very curious what you think the Crusades were
>I say this with no bigotry or hate.
I do. It’s patently retarded and deserves to be called out as such.
>Now it's just /pol/-lite.
Better than leftypol-lite
Kek based /x/

It might not look like much, but Nicotiana tabacum has killed more people than every other plant combined.
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Weed being illegal does. Subculture/bad crowd effect.

Where i live its the white mans liquor (actual liquor is for mexicans) and only boomers smoke it
ok sure, check back with me 5 years from now if not less, wedetard
ok leon
>Where i live
probably Portland or some other shithole, weed effectively turns you into a vegetable later in life if you smoke it consistently, this whole “it’s le miracle drug with little to no negative side effects! :)” line is druggie cope of the highest order
The point is that the LD50 on caffeine is physiologically difficult to achieve without extensive purification, and on LSD it's unironically more about blood displacement than toxicity. Consequently, the practical to ingest quantities are of VERY limited health impact.

Neurological interference resulting in behavioral damage over the course of DECADES is nothing compared to the shitshow of hard dependency and organ damage. Which occurs in a wide range of prescribed medications, mind you.

I've just discovered the pudu exists. It is very cute. Post cute animals. (bonus points for pudu pics)
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They almost never post adult pudus because they look too normal
Kinda just looks like a deer
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Adult ones kinda look like capybaras but with deer heads and tiny, itty bitty horns

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>loyalty of a Golden Retriever
>intelligence of a Border Collie
>courage of a dobermann
Is correct?
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Not really. He looks very intimidating when he is in guard mode barking at a stranger from inside. He's more of an alarm and deterrent than a dog that will maul you, which works for me, and in reality is about as useful as a guard dog can get.
No, there is no such thing as a dog that's a more intelligent security system than a landmine. If your dog bites people it will eventually bite the wrong people.
Of course she got fed.
There are stray dogs in villages, some have more some have less
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Back legs not nearly short enough, toadmaxx it
So what? Guard dogs serve no purpose unless you’re an African war lord?

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Bucket of raccs
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Hell no, without the iconic mask they cannot be considered raccs
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whiskers :D
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Well, I recall there are albino racoons, AND leucistics raccoons, which are different.
Basically if your white racoon doesn't have bloodred eyes and completely white body/fur, it's not albino.
Picrel, an albino raccoon.

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Australian Shepherd Edition

cont. from >>4770582


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull/Sledding Harnesses as They Encourage Pulling Which Can Lead To Death

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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Agreed 100%. The dedicated /dog/ troll is the only one who posts that joke…

Don’t cause pain around anything you don’t want your dog to fear.
Please describe how your dog greets you after you have been away from them for a while.

Mine: Ears pinned, tail wagging like crazy, little jumps wanting to jump on me, goes between my legs repeatedly, and then when I sit it's a full on assault of face licking, squirming around, cobbing, and this funny thing where he goes under my arm or head to lift it up with his nose. Usually lasts about 1 minute per hour I've been gone.
Why would they do that…
Similar experience minus the cobbing. Do you have a Belgian Malinois or Shep?

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Easter edition

previous: >>4725813

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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mr bombastic
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hello fellow bnuies
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hello there, bn- wait.....
wata mugi
veryberry mumu kun
mochitsuki komimi
fuusuu twins
omochi and milk
uchino mikan chan
komugiko usa

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and i forgot alexandrapoco

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meow *snort* meeow meeow
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>AI slop
i want aislop of gusic
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real paws
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Catfaggot "humor"

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