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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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You're being disingenuous since not every character says something during every cut scene and you don't need to account for those the player hasn't recruited yet at the time.
Then there's also characters you can recruit, but not put on your party which you can discount as well.
Even if so, do those characters say anything interesting? Does it affect anything in anyway other than dipshit and butmunch saying "wowewowwow" outloud instead of it being a text reaction?
I do like the idea of side unique convos after scenes, because like bath scenes it's extra content to see the characters interact.
But if it isn't well written or interesting, who gives a shit?
Shit-eaters like the guy you're talking to, who probably was watching vtubers and anime while playing the game and thought it was good because it never offended him while he was barely paying attention.
Interjections that are not 'one liners this specific character would say' are pretty rare.
I do appreciate their existence for making any party member feel less liek baggage and having an occasional standout line (Reyna going chuuni about how beigoma plays become one with their top like she becomes with her sword is fun), but such details are cherry on top.

If the characters involved in 80% are not interesting, the whole thing sinks.
>you don't need to account for those the player hasn't recruited yet at the time.
You actually do, because of NG+ where you can have every lategame character in your party from the beginning and all of them will react to earlygame shit.
You're really overestimating the amount off effort it takes to do their jobs. Even Suikoden 4 did the same thing. It's not a labor of love to have a single sentence per character that is so much hot air.

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April is the month of Uula. Be nice to her.
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You can play the entire main story and most of the postgame now. The dialogue events, h-scenes and the superboss dungeons aren’t translated though
>dialogue events and H-scenes not translated
Why bother then...?
How the hell do I beat fat cat in Innocent Rules? The traps are fucking me up and I feel like I'm not fully getting the gimmick.
You might just be undergeared/underleveled, the fights with the main 6 characters are optional and you can go further in the postgame without fighting them.
Iirc you can’t prevent the traps in her fight from being sprung, you just have to make do. Luora was the hardest fight easily, because of the bleed that has to be removed with Recover All. I remember Valko was also annoying since you need paralysis immunity on your attackers, otherwise he’s easy.

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So is it really that awful or its just a meme? i refuse to play Balding Cucks 3 and replayed first two games gazillion of times. Some russian on youtube said its decent but ive heard so many bad opions about it before... whats the catch?
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This is the truth.
It's a completely unnecessary "addition" and its plot is nonsensical, especially in relation to CHARNAME.
Insult to injury is the fact it messes up the level progression balance for the beginning of bg2.
It's not even that *bad*, it's just utterly redundant and the saga is better without it.
And all this is without accounting for the quality of beamdog's writing.
>our soul
ew, self-insertion
let it never be said this place fails to be educational
It's pretty good and anyone who likes BG has no excuse why they wouldn't play through it at least once.
It sucks because it tries too hard to make itself relevant to the plot of BG 2.

Had this just been an icewind dale style "CHARNAME goes dungeon delving with the crew and catches the eye of irencus by fluke" story it would have been a far more compelling addition than the convoluted plot they came up with.

Though I will give them credit - BG turning into an absolute cluster fuck with the death of Sarevok and most the nobility was amusing.

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The perfect videogame.
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Also card fish then cactuses for AP. I did this run three times.
I would also accept a 2D de-make.
FF VII is about adults, Yuffie is the only teenager.
It's not, but it is pretty good.
My favorite way to play, takes a Long time but worth it to me.
Card fish on beach to boost up quezacotl and Shiva, get ifrit, back to beach to max out those three GFs then move on.
That process can take weeks but worth the effort later.

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2 and 2-2 over nyaa

TH2 upcoming
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Her face is kind of messed up in DT1 too
So who has the strongest unique character passives in DT1?
I would say Nanako, or Maryaan
another one I like, Tamaki's - it sounds plain, but a flat 25% attack increase FUCKS
Tamaki and Maaryan probably. Silfa also gets +20 AGI from a late game sub-event but her unique skill sucks.
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If you don't like it then grab a knife right now and cut your throat.

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is this really shit? i got it for free from Epic so i'm wasn't hugely invested in it. the beginning is very fun the first time, the open world, gunplay and quests are so much better than people give it credit for and the companions while not super deep are pretty funny,
this just feels like the perfect mix of action and rpg.

The only bad thing i can say is the last main quest is too cinematic.
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>If this is so common, give me examples.
>provides example himself but that doesnt count

Poisoning the well fallacy.
Do better.
>1982 was 62 years ago.
>idk dude, the Enclave could really have just let the dad repair and set up the purifier without interfering.
But then there wouldn't be a plot.
The Enclave are the bad guys, and they have their own scientists, they didn't care about James or his team.
Kek you didn't have more examples to give?
What the fuck are you talking about?
You're acting like you know what a GECK is and what it does.
The GECK is just a mcguffin, it doesn't matter what it is. It's all fake sci fi bullshit anyway.
And the brotherhood knows about GECKs, so James learned it from them prior to living in 101

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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Yeah thats around the time the story becomes incomprehensible trash. First 2 disc's are cool though
GF's give you Alzheimer's, stop victim blaming.
How is it in the jap script?
Thats the other thing, it goes nowhere for any of them except for Squall. At most it explains why Irvine was reluctant to take the shot but thats it, plotwise they only go back to Squall being in the orphanage, none of the others. So why go through all this contrivance to do nothing with it which included Selphie "accidentally Junctioning a guardian force last year" or something to explain her memory wipe.
I played it for the first time in January and February and it felt like they just changed their minds on what the game is halfway through Disc 2. It goes from a special forces academy trope with this political story with Galbadia playing a heavy role to Galbadia just playing no role except for random mooks but they don't explain what they're doing or why and how they literally have no leader, Edea is no longer in control, the President is dead.

What happens with the stuff from Timber? Thats just dropped, at the end of the game they're just still under Galbadia control? It all of a sudden becomes this time story with space shenanigans and shit and all this sorceress lore that the game acts like you know and should expect like the past 20 hours have been like this or something.

I think the Laguna plotline was meant to be the connective tissue and 90% of his stuff being dropped caused all this weird tonal clash and lack of insight into the lore.

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How come this game is utterly unknown??
It is really good even if you ignore fan service, and that part is also great.
I have problem with finding guides or understanding how to perform attacks. That Juicing skill, you are supposed to somehow trigger it and it should cause HP damage, but I just get overrun by goblins and raped to death.
I find it crazy that game like Fear and Hunger is all over the jewtube, but this one, it is like only russians and chinese are playing it. Whole first level is literally anime adaptation.
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Which is ironic coming from someone who very much wants to stay on his little island and drive all the (perceived) intruders out.
I'll only play it if it has a purity route.
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As mentioned earlier in the thread, you can keep Lona pure, but you basically need to git gud at the game (or savescum a lot).
LonaRPG aka latest stable straight from the source
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You would think that one of the most popular pulp genres would lend itself rather well to RPGs.

Why are there no noteworthy horror RPGs?
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Fucking hell, just kiss already you buncha gays.
Most useless reply in thread
Why would you say that about your own post? Are you stupid or something?

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Was thinking of getting NWN2 just to play Mask of the Betrayer (given its reputation). I've never played a NWN game though. Should I be fine to skip the OC? I watched an hour or two of both on YT and the OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock, whereas the opening section of MotB was kino as fuck. Also, more importantly, the modules for these games are a big selling point, so are there any that you guys like?

Basically discussion both NWN games, which expansions you like, and which modules. I'm open to trying out both games
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>OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock
On a certain level, one where I am likely giving them too much credit, it feels like that was on purpose. To me it does sort of help make MotB feel more impactful as well, starting from this swamp bumpkin loser to an adventuring do-gooder to the commander of an inexplicably important keep all while being some vague chosen one in a cliché story with a shit ending to suddenly waking up in a foreign land where everything you just did doesn't matter and you're pulled into something far bigger than some swamp idiot could have ever comprehended. Basically the contrast makes MotB stand out even more for me.
Also if anyone tries to tell you that A Dance With Rouges for the original NWN is a good module, do bad things to them because they deserve it.
Undrentide was great but the original campaign isn’t
Played thru both the original and 2 in multiplayer with my friends, it made them both far easier than was intended though.
Its really only act 1 that's abusively generic, part of it being so fucking dire
The eventual ammon jerro and king of shadows plot has a more normal video game amount of intrigue

Is it always the same guy shilling this?

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I just finished 3, and finished 1 and 4 way back in my high school days
Is 2 worth playing? How about 5?
Also I love love love BOF Faeries
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Perfect slaves.
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Most appropriate team vs myria, given what she has done to them. For some reason when I used weretiger with rei he literally never hit anyone other than myria even though he was berserk and i didn't use the influence tech, i wonder if there is some hidden flag that made him be accurate after the final conversation before taking on the final boss.
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It's funny because they share no dialogue that isn't antagonistic to each other, and the universal agreement in every for fans of the series is "oh yeah they gonna fug BAD". They're My First Tsundere Relationship.
I think Momo's just the kind of character that people want to watch getting some.

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U N C O N T E S T E D !
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I got it from the official page. You fags got BTFO. Stop trying to trick /v/ into installing your poorly hidden malware.
Also, for anyone wondering: the extended release is the only version that works with the English patch which is the one packed with malware. The Russians shilling Sonora know this which is why they're so butthurt that I'm exposing them. Don't download that trash.
Being made by russians is the reason i wont even touch these mods.
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Are these Russians with us in the thread right now anon?
How do you know a ruskie is lying? He's typing. Niggers of Eurasia.

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I can honestly see Nomura just ripping Kitase a new asshole for demanding changes and making a Remake Part 4 where it's just OG in HD now that they have the assets. The issues are making in-engine and Visual Works cutscenes but the mechanics and even enemy stats are in place, etc. It will be in between 13-2 and Lightning Returns-tier expenses, it really shouldn't cost that much to make.
We meet again fellow credits digger & SE historian.

>it comes from a place of wanting Nomura and Yoshi-P Full Control but also more consistent teams for each dev.
>it does worry me that consistent teams either exist or don't have to.
Yeah, I feel that and it does feel like a side effect of those games going through so much development turbulence and years in pre-production until an idea is fully formed. The Toriyama XIII trilogy was certainly not a planned route and you can see why it was so chaotic on the team side.
I look at FFXIV's CBU3 and EW and that big question about Nobuaki Komoto keeps coming up, the man bounced to work on XVI but IS he actually returning to XIV or going to another project.
On a more positive note and SaGa/Kawazu we're also seeing some of the more visible benefits of team members floating and drifting from project to project.

>that must be why there's so much outsourcing now with Team Ninja and Tri-ace.
I'm not averse to it. The Team Ninja SoP project was a beautiful thing to behold even if SE seems to have shafted them on crunch and they never found time to rework the models lol.
I do like the trend of Enix outsourcing and to point to another example (outside of drakengard for now) where it has given a very interesting result, I'd say Valkyrie Elysium and Soleil.
See you in the next thread friend.
lmao why is every second person i see online nowadays "trans" anyways?
>i've actually lost friends to FFXIV because they inevitably troon out and become le heckin' wholesome queer PoC ally epic chungus le wholesome omg have you seen the nier raid its so cute <3
I am this person but without the XIV to trans pipeline for now. Have you seen the YoRHa raid it's fucking despair filled fuck my life I'm turbo depressed, every single fucking day I wake up thinking about Komra and I love tower but if I hear those fucking PTSD inducing final song bells one more time I'm gonna fucking meltdown and the world will pay motherfucker justice for Komra.
Don't fret, that pipeline isn't as strong as it sounds, there's plenty of "toxic" people in XIV and some of us even devolve into XI players.
Please just call me Tokyo Team anon lol.

But yes as I discussed with you before Komoto is now a project manager at CBU3. It's sad to see because he led all of crafting even after he was demoted until Heavensward. I was wondering if he was going to do anything for gameplay but no, he just managed production. And he was the young gun event planner for 9. I'm surprised Nomura hasn't picked him up...

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This game is actually pretty fun.
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funny joke
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Wow so there's night versions of zones too.
Ah, good old walrus rape cave. Classic.
I actually just finished the part where you fight the bosses that feature that track and holy FUCK it is so good.
The second fight in particular felt kino once I got into the rhythm and timed my Flash Guards properly
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This character is super cute. I like her funny accent and I like it when she does that spinning attack skill, gets dizzy and falls down.

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