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What are some cities with both good highway/road infrastructure AND good mass transit systems?
Singapore, but the cycling is terrible

Which is weird because they make really good bib shorts
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unironically tokyo, because of public works programs focused on grade separated highways, and of course their public transit which speaks for itself. for a country that adapted so much good urbanism from the western world their bicycle infrastructure is shit though, close to american-tier.
New York
Tokyo highways are not good, nothing special, except for how slow, expensive, and low capacity they are. The expressway system fits the area's needs, but it is not a good system. Grade separating through such tactics as building over a river is not a good look. Tokyo transit is good, but unable to meet the demand of the area. Bicycle infrastructure is largely unnecessary, biking in tokyo is pretty decent ignoring the climate. When I've had to commute during peak hours I much preferred cycling to the railways.
your having a laugh

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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nta but don't people who cycle regularly just automatically develop an efficient stroke narurally? the phrase "pedalling like a retard' doesnt even make sense to me.
nta but the most efficient stroke may require changing your saddle position, cleat position, etc. you might arrive at what seems most comfortable to you in the immediate future, and settle on that as "most efficient" even if you could gain a lot more efficiency by fixing your shit, even if it feels unnatural in the short run
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you lure in a swarm with a queen?

Post trains that are just a bit weird or different from the norm. All trains welcome, passenger, freight, locomotive, rolling stock, etc.

Saw this one in the Netherlands and it's a bit odd.
>Only one motor car
>Which has three bogies and one level
>Every other coach is a normal bilevel
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Reminds me of the Lego monorail system, which I guess belongs in this thread as an unusual toy train system. Nobody else used a single-sided horizontal gear and flat road surface, did they?

I can't understand the logic behind this on real trains though, and I've seen it too on the Twin Cities light rail (Siemens S70, I think?) you've put the part that's most likely to fail in between two long, half-supported frames so reaching it is a hassle, and in a head-on collision it's a nice solid lump of metal to crush your passengers against.
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Metro transfer with dynamometer car A17 serving as a brake van.

Dv12 numbers are slowly decreasing :(
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Brazilian mining concern Vale operates a handful of railways and ordered locomotives with 8 axles instead of 6. I believe they're also narrow gauge

What is the most pleasurable airport to be a passenger in?

Pic unrelated.
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Yeah, the best airport meal I have ever had was in Atlanta so I am willing to forgive it a lot.
In Paris they have Xbox and you are free to play
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La Palma. Canary Islands. Its smol also.
DCA's central position and having a Metro station immediately next to it is great. Although I like the Dulles design better (and the new silver line connection seems cool athough I haven't tried it yet).
MIA needs work, train was down for a while and every time I've been there's some busted walkway or escalator.
New LGA is good. A+ imo.
The tunnel's lighting and ambient music (?) is cool.

Way fucking far, but okay looking and competent.
Rocking chairs and observation areas are neat. Is this a final destination for anyone? It's a great hub but fuck if I know about parking or local transportation options.
Landing in a valley between mountains is amazing to see. It's a tiny airport with some regional connections but it's amazingly comfy. They have a nice outdoor deck and the staff is very friendly.
The new silver line connection to Dulles is not nearly as conveniently located unfortunately. It's not *bad* but it's much further from the terminal than DCA and the tunnel to get there feels like walking through the Catacombs. Navigating the airport is just kind of weird in general because of how labyrinthine it is. Once you get to the terminal you go back downstairs and into even more tunnels then back upstairs again.

the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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0.01c has been deposited into your account, rajesh
you can see from the reviews who buys this kind of stuff. i think mainly south americans. even south east asians prefer shimano.
There's no reason to buy this stuff, at least in europe a basic shimano crankset or cassete is usually cheaper or same price than aliexpress.
I still think that for some road or quirky stuff chinesium is good, but for reliable commuting and urban, as specified by op, I go with branded stuff.
I bought it bc it was the only 165mm 130BCD 5-arm crank I could find
>muh 5mm less
this confirms what I wrote at the end of the post: for quirky stuff chinesium is good
you're quirky
Rotor, croder, TA, INGRID, shimano, ridea, sram, first, suzue, hope, sugino, FSA ...
> what did he mean by this
just to name a few that I am pretty certain all have some sub 170 mm 130 BCD cranksets in their lineup and in most cases at least a little bit more reputation than chinkshit I had to force a pedal axle in.

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am i retarded how is this possible
this doesnt seem sustainable in the long term
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>making third world migration to the first world easier than ever
Can't wait for Europeans to get Hondurans
This, I also support oppressing the poor further
They are getting out of line these days

,,,,jump to26;00
I work for a mid-tier carrier as customer support, traps are gay, any other questions?
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How much does this stuff annoy you train autists? I love trains but in a different way to you
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no the reason is called getting up grandpa. you will never be all city
It's cool.
If it's the subway then why the fuck do I care? It's the fucking subway.
I'm not sitting in an observation car
>If it's the subway then why the fuck do I care? It's the fucking subway.
"The demoralization worked"
I don't mind on euro trains since they already look like shit, but on American/Japanese style stainless steel trains, it's terrible. Covers up the natural beauty of the material and the artistry of extraction and manufacturing.

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every problem that people have with fixed gear riding would be solved by just using a front brake.
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Yeah, you can for sure adapt to greater distance for kids unespectedly crossing, Karen turning, animals appearing from wherever etc

Stop trying to justify you silly, dangerous and obsolete vehicle.
Is this a controversial opinion? I think there are plenty of people who ride fixed brakeless who know they're making their lives harder, but do it because it's fun. I respect that.

Anyone who rides brakeless and tries to justify it as somehow better, or at least "not worse", are so obviously doofuses and shouldn't be listened to.

In any case, it's not like them riding brakeless affects your life in any way, who cares?? It's obviously an in-group behavior, let them have their fun. It's retarded sure but you literally "wouldn't get it". Thats why they do it, it's a common human phenomenon
i can't install brakes on my frame. how is a brake going to fix that problem?
>In any case, it's not like them riding brakeless affects your life in any way
Until it does because they can't stop in time.
>It's retarded sure but you literally "wouldn't get it"
Same goes for smoking crack. An in group behavior that I don't get. Still doesn't make me want them to have their fun or make it less wrong to do.
>You dont limit stopping power
The problem isn't the type of brake, all functional brakes are powerful enough. The limiting factor is how much grip the tires have. Not only are you using only half of the tires to brake, but you are using the tire with significantly less grip under deceleration.

A woman who is in a sexual relationship with an aeroplane has revealed that she travelled abroad 30 times in the last year just to spend quality time with her lover.

Sarah Rodo, from Dortmund, Germany, found love on her first flight with a Boeing 737 - after an unfulfilling attempt to date humans.

Since then, the 23-year-old has also 'met' 60 figurines and three larger models who she considers part of a 'collective being' that she is dating, and so she often refers to her lovers as one.

Keeping up a relationship with an object requires real commitment.

The avid jet-setter is so loved up that she has booked 30 mini-breaks in the last 12 months just to be close to her original beau, the Boeing 737.

Despite their many trips together, Sarah, who identifies as objectum sexual [having a sexual or romantic attraction to an inanimate object], is heartbroken that she's never been fully alone with her partner.

Sarah said: 'I'm proud to be objectum sexual – it's a wonderful sexuality, the only sad thing is that I can't be alone with a real plane.

'I flew a lot in the last year to be with the Boeing as often as I possibly could, I took about 30 flights and always combined it with a city trip or vacation.

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That's necroplaneia!
>Hangar 17
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Love is always wright
lmao this is hot as fuck
The more important question is why does she have male pattern baldness?

What's the most retarded bad faith argument against improving transit and walkability you've come across?

I'll start with "But but but, AMERICA'S TOO BIG"
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You're either too retarded to be online or trolling. Between blind or visually impaired people, the elder, etc, there's significantly more disabled people who either can't or shouldn't be driving then there are who "need" to drive.
Yes, the US is basically a third world country thanks to how many unsavory people live in major cities, the only places that currently really have transit
>You're either too retarded to be online or trolling.
Not an argument.
>Try carrying two weeks of groceries for a family of 5 in the rain during winter on a bicycle!!!!!

Such a retarded ass take. “Not every person on earth can use a bicycle for every trip in all weather scenarios, therefore there shouldn’t be any bike lanes anywhere.” They don’t realize how retarded they sound because NIMBYs lack self-awareness.
>retarded ass take
>how retarded they sound
>NIMBYs lack self-awareness
Post discarded.

I’m no airbus fanboy but has the A350 pretty much totally dethroned Boeing’s long haul offerings at this point? It’s reputation is so good that it has had a total hull loss and people are saying they’d fly on one again in a heartbeat
Twinjets are boring
Give me an a340neo
777X is just a 30 year old plane with new wings and engines, but 350 is designed with 21st century technology
If you want to use PC from the 90's or Core i7 PC, which would you rather use?
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In theory the 777X is not a bad plane, it could be great in fact. The original version of the plane was fantastic at its introduction. A few significant upgrades is honestly all that's needed for it to stay competitive, but the flying public doesn't really have faith in Boeing to deliver a quality aircraft. Deservedly so, this due almost entirely to all the bad press Boeing has earned itself. The airlines as well don't have infinite patience either as its languishes in production/certification hell. It's difficult to replace a 777 with an A350 especially with the new variant's even more impressive capacity but it is an option.

Age isn't such clear cut simple factor to consider - the A320 is just as old as the 777 and its neo is the belle of the ball when it comes to orders.

While I just defended the 777, I like the A350. I like big twins and I cannot I lie. The A350 is one of the best planes flying today alongside the A220 but unlike the A220 it doesn't have as unique a character to it. At least it doesn't require as frequent engine maintenance however.

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It is happening again
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Based, now we, the unique non-plebeians, can finally stop being oppressed by the inferior filthy masses.
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It has only just begun.

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He might be next
Protect our sad engineer at all cost
Imagine if Airbus was the one doing the killings to make Boeing look bad
The lack of baguette crumbs and cigarette butts around the bodies of the deceased leaves them looking innocent

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That the track is narrower? That it's elevated (chicago already has elevated trains)?
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I'm confused which problem would be solved by ersatzing it.
I think the Contemporary is alright in the contemporary as it is, unlike most stuff at didneywhurl

Also your description made me recall this video I haven't seen in years, enjoy (or not):
The question is why is it cool and new
Which line is bangkok is monorail
Yellow Line

Monorails were a relic of the cold war. They were considered futuristic because they were elevated (separated from highways and freight lines). Also concrete beam fabrication was cheap at the time and considered a viable alternative to traditional tracks.

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Post Your Bike Thread
Slow Roll Spring Edition

Previous Edition
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ya, I figured it was cool for short distance, not sure if long rides are worth it for that bike but keep us posted
I was referring to your teeny tiny frame anon. I would appreciate if you vertically challenged people kept words such as 'big' or 'large' out of your vocabulary. It's cultural appropriation.
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This is my first road bike, had to replace old claris sti because of a retarded car driver, also replaced the seatpost with a toseek
im glad you fixed your seat angle
a what
Toseek is the brand of the new seatpost, I bought it from aliexpress

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What are your thoughts on Embraer? what is the future of the company? What do you hope they accomplish?
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I couldn't find any wall papers to post here since they're all over 4m. But there are some awesome photos there. You used to be able to sort it by airlines but they got rid of it for some reason.
https://www.wsj.com/business/airlines/boeing-partner-embraer-aircraft-manufacturing-edf3758a it's happening
They already denied it, though they did announced studies for it last year.
Those motorcycle style yokes look retarded.
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I know, the Brazilian Air Force has something similar on their website, lots of KINO pics.

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