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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [co­de] and [/co­de]

The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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New geospatial vision LLM to predict your location within twenty miles.

What do you think?
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>nein nein nein
This faggot created this thread so that you can test his shitty software for free and get feedback. You do it for free.
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huh, technically correct I guess
And I got a chuckle out of it. For the price of free in 20 seconds.
Had worse.
the coords it gives are pretty trippy

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Your average arch user
>you have to go back
k, but this is still literally you.
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this is literally your brain on porn

if you do the coomer thats how you end up...
sticking random objects up your ass to cum and pretending its not gae

also also:
technology? for fucks sake ive been banned many times for much less
Smelly socks imagine the smell
I would lick her clean.
what an apt way of saying the only pussy you saw in your life was your mothers, and you dont even remember that...
scratch that>>100281238

you dont open your eyes until a couple weeks after birth
you got to feel it tho... and that counts i guess...

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This man revolutionised the way we view open source software and has brought about the year of the linux desktop. Thank him.
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looks like a you problem
Why does his neckbeard look like a brillo pad
>KDE devs use internal features of GNOME components
>the latter never had any compatibility guarantees for external consumers
>random distro breaks because of that
Sounds like Kate needs to decide whether it wants to be a GNOME app, a KDE app or a Fedora app.
>internal features of GNOME components
Hi ebussy! The icon pack you advertise to the entire OS isn't internal to your shitty DE.
Please revert.
Holy shit Gnome is such a fucking shit show, something really needs to be done about them, and Red Hat needs to be bullied about them funding those fucking tards

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can you defend rust?
I just like libp2p. The C++ version of it is heavily outdated and dysfunctional.
How do you go from trying to improve C++ to making it worse?
The bar was already so low.
Truly, a mystery.
who's the retard that found C++ syntax beautiful and decided to make something even worse?
I understand why rust attract mental illness so much.
Holy what font is that
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*vomits all over your screen*
sorry it's my hello world in rust

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

ice miku edition

"GPT2" model on lmsys https://rentry.org/GPT2 (unavailable now)
AWS bedrock now has custom models on demand https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/import-custom-models-in-amazon-bedrock-preview/
Meta AI released Llama 3 8B and 70B https://llama.meta.com/llama3
Claude Opus on Amazon Bedrock https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/anthropics-claude-3-opus-model-on-amazon-bedrock

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles


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loli website btw
kill yourself
Bankrupt? literally how. I see LLM shit on nearly every website I browse, no fucking way that Anthropic does not make any money from the licensing alone using that shit.
anon it says gullible on the ceiling

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How are my appletards doing with all the recent EU news of castrating Apple?
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It is already over.
The EU makes me sick.
Why doesn't the government just run Apple themselves?
I expect Apple to keep doing what they are doing and to consider any EU fines as an annual business expense or tax and raise their prices accordingly.

EU officials feel smug. Apple feels nothing. Apple customers in Europe pay and pay, bot no organizations care about them.
They'll just slap a 200 euro price increase on all products. For example the Apple mini is already more expensive in Germany than it is in the US. The EU has no Apple equivalent so they'll just keep paying the price.

intellectual property is something that should not ever exist as You cannot claim idea, just like You cannot claim combination of 0s and 1s or/and pixels

Why do we need kernel level anticheats again?
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I would argue that software is one of the biggest reasons to use an operating system. Hell, that's pretty much the main reason.
I don't know who got into your head that shaming people for not using linux will force them to switch, but it clearly isn't working.
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Life’s too short to care about some faggot’s opinion on what makes you happy. Just do what you enjoy
>Life is too short to waste it playing video game
depends. I've pretty much stopped playing all grinding games and competitive games where all you do is waste your life away for the next rank or achievement. I realized it's not actually fun for me so they're a waste of time, and they demand much more time than other kinds of games. i still enjoy story games though, it's like reading a fiction book but funner, and entertainment (in moderation) is a valid use of one's time. I also still do play competitive games like fortnite sometimes, when my friends want to all get on a call and play. spending time talking to friends/family will always be valid regardless of the actual activity. It's one of the few things that are actually worth it in life.
NEETs hate video games because they've spent so much time playing them that they aren't fun anymore.

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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100270791

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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is there a node that lets you input switch text/string between 6 or more nodes? I can only find one that does 4.
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I got an installation of A1111 from last November. How exactly do I setup SDXL here again? Do I just clone the huggingface/github repositories and just merge it with my webui root directory? Or is it just a drag and drop model replacement that I then pair with SDXL compatible LORAs just as if I was downloading any other 1.5 model/LORA?

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Oh no no no no no no no no
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...except that those are owned by zi*nists, the only reason the ban is happening now of all times
More zogbot propaganda coming
And then they decided to throw a fit and take the platform away from everyone... which is only going to redpill zoomies and alphas further.
I can definitely see how they managed to get exiled 109 times. They just can't help themselves.
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"Keep going" was an invitation for...
Actually, fuck it. You seem as board with that as I currently am of this.

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Why do I need javascript enabled to access a site where people upload images?
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That's weird. I disabled WebGL a few years ago, and never had any issue with cuckflare. Do you have more agressive privacy tweaks too?
Imgur has become a shithole. Ever since they deleted pre-2017 content, it's just been a shell of its former self.
They want to run arbitrary code on YOUR machine.
So you can view an image. What a deal.
It's like an image site trying to become the next facebook or something.
Being an "image site" is not a sustainable business model.
Remember to always self-host.

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discussions about which programming language is better are so last century.
there was a time when open source wasn't a thing and thus companies and hobbyists alike had to develop their software from the ground up, that's when these discussions mattered. ever since open source became a thing, not anymore.
you could come up with the greatest and most ergonomic language ever and it wouldn't matter at all because in current year the ecosystem matters more than the language itself.
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haha imagine if she took off her socks ahhaha
It would be extremely painful
'zelig on the log
crystal cafe posters are the biggest boy lovers they are just burnt and i can fix them
imagine the smell

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>stores your message history in plain text
>scans your list of running processes
>happily sends your data to the feds unrequested
>leaks your data on the internet if the jannies get mad
>needs 16 GB of RAM to run smoothly
>makes you pay a monthly fee to send files bigger than 2 kB

What a fucking piece of nigger shit.
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name 5 'epic 4chan poser' key words in that post.
>posts schizo shit himself
Do you remember if people could talk to others without being friends, or the other party had to accept the request before you could send messages? I swear it required approval, but I'm not sure first.

It's the thing that pisses me off about whatsapp and telegram, randos and scammers annoying you in the moment they manage to obtain your phone number thanks to a leak. With Messenger the unwanted annoyances would come from Microsoft shoving ads and crap rather than users, but at least you could use stuff like Plus. With Discord all we can do is add scripts and addons to the web version.
>n-no u
I accept your concession.
>y-ya u
I reject your conclusions

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C64, the only computer worth using at home (as opposed to business environment) went bankrupt 30 years ago

It was made in GERMANY


Today it has been 30 years.

Biggest userbase was of course in Germany but second biggest was surprisingly Finland.

Maybe because it was cheapest computer as well. Technically 30 year old Russian computers were even cheaper but they werent sold outside of Soviets. And they were rubbish.

Whereas C64 was incredible judging from all other fronts except for its CPU and RAM which were laughably bad. Still it outputted somewhat impressive graphics altough a Texas Instruments calculator was just as fast by its CPU.

Nevertheless TI89 calculators DOOM is much much worse than C64 games.

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>They had a multimedia computer before they even existed (cd tv/cd32)
By the time it was in stores people already had multimedia computers with CD-ROM drives.
thank fucking god that germany didn't lead computer or cpu manufacturing, or else we all would be stuck with vt100 terminal, and software limited to some "enterprise" garbage
Not in 1993, they weren't common until like 96/97
>Amiga would've hit acdead end sooner or later anyway,
Just why? Remember Amiga had plug and play while PC struggled with pay and pray. The 68K choice also allowed for simpler memory map and none of that 640 KB nonsense that held the PC back for years.
>None of their extra custom hardware tailored for just one task
>and config facilitates performance scaling.
Got to have a solid source for that one, cap'n.
>Not in 1993
Sure in 1993. Easy.

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