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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

For the love of all, does anyone have a link to the video of the meme that has this scene in loop with space or technicolor in the background and someone has dubbed a blown out scream into it as well as some 70's game show-esque music?? First saw it about a decade ago. Just spent 2hrs trying to find it, no luck. HELP

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I've got a little problem with Excel. I'm trying to paste a list of items, but I want them to match the height of neighboring rows. For example, row B in this image is the list of items I'm trying to paste. However, A and C have items taking up several lines each. Is it possible to paste data into row B so that each item takes up the same amount of lines as the other rows and properly aligns with them?
I think you need to merge the cells. Merge the first three cells in column B, and then then next three, and so on. Then paste your data.
Is there a reason you merged three cells in column A and C? If not, then start the whole thing sheet again and just use one row per item in all columns.
>Is there a reason you merged three cells in column A and C?
Because the other data I'm copying had it like that. I guess if there's no way around it, I can try and manually fix it...

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whats a good tv list website?
3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
so you were only acting like you know anything about these sites beyond the basic bitch trash you read, cheers
What even is your request?
my guy you actually just wrote gibberish lol. use punctuation, at least.
>or similar allowed copium
the meaning of this in particular was 100% lost in translation. embarrassing if you're not esl
>beginning after the end
That has nothing to do with TV, that's a webcomic. To my knowledge there aren't any webcomic databases other than I guess comic aggregators. If you want to browse media:
AniDB for anime
Baka-Updates for manga, includes some manhwa/manhua but not many
MyDramaList for j-drama, k-drama, etc.
iMDB for TV/movies
Goodreads for books
NovelUpdates for webnovels
and that's all I know.

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Please share this chudjak meme about a jew who is holding a board saying "6 billion must cry" and theres jews praying at the western wall in the background.
14 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
Already done that on google, yandex and tineye. Where else shall I try?
Maybe try basedbooru?
Doesn't seem like the original exists anywhere on the internet. It's like it's been totally scrubbed.

I assume the newspaper didn't create it themselves though, so it must have existed at some point. It doesn't seem to be one of the bigger Italian newspapers since Googling phrases for the articles shown doesn't bring anything up.

Can someone edit Hitori from the picture, would be easy enough for me but can't replicate the sunflowers she's covering
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Basic cleanup without redrawing
probably would be a good task for an AI editor but I don't know which ones are good for this stuff
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cba to do this but you can do this
>copy top white/blue portion
>erase bocchi and the two flowers top/bottom touching her
>paste the circled flower in place of the erased flowers
>paste the white/blue portion to get a seamless pattern over flowers

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Where can I get Japanese games... in Japanese, for free? Pirated and freeware alike.
"ゲーム名" torrent
"ゲーム名" mega
"ゲーム名" mediafire

I'm trying to figure out why Google is limiting the number of search results I see when logged-in. As shown in the image, Google says it's displaying 283 results; but when I do a count of the number of links on the page it's only showing me a little over 100 links.

If I repeat the same search in a private window while logged-out of my Google account it shows me the full 283 results.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?
It's the usual targeted results crap. That could mean they think you'd like to see zero results

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Can anyone help me set up the calculation for C) and D)?
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My man, d is trivial. Point b is co-linear with q_1 and q_2 which are of opposite charge so the field's direction is blindingly obvious by inspection. Its magnitude and direction, as with c, are simply the vector addition of the two contributing components at that point E = E_1 + E_2 but you already know the directions are co-linear and you just need to work out twice the magnitude of the electric field at a distance r from a point charge due to a charge q. As the magnitude of one of the charges is 0.75 times the other you can do the calculation once and just apply the 0.75 factor, although quite frankly that you're asking this questions says that you need the practice and should apply the basic formula again and not just use this scale factor until you no longer need to ask for help.

When you have the two magnitudes make sure you assign them a + or - value to indicate their
orientation since the field is a vector field.

c is ever so slightly less trivial with you having to work out the angles of E_1 and E_2, but that is itself trivial as you are given all necessary value directly and once you work out the angle for one symmetry applies so you wouldn't waste time working out the other directly.

Then it's a matter of again working out the magnitude the field for one charge at point a, applying the same factor of 0.75, but again, you need the practice.

Once you have the magnitude and the direction you should produce a sketch of the two vectors E_1 and E_2 and add them by your preferred vector addition to get the net E-field.

BTW where is your sketch? Where is your effort at answering the question? You haven't shown me any effort on your part. 4chan let's you edit images with simple tools and that you haven't sketched even simple arrows for vectors or show any attempt to provide an equation for field strength around a point charge has led me to talk vaguely because I'm not here to do your homework especially when you give no evidence of having even tried yourself.
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is this what it would look like?

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Recommend me manga or anime with a cute but genuinely evil female MC. No "villainess that just wants to survive" stuff, no simple revenge stuff, no "she's just misunderstood" stuff.
Genderbender ones are also fine if it's not a big focus.
the legend of the strongest kurosawa have the most evil female

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Hey /wsr/, help me settle something. Rate the attractiveness of these girls on a scale of 1 to 10. Individually is preferred, but you can just give an average for the group if that's too much hassle.
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i is def the most attractive
Looking at the faces alone:
a 6, b 6, c 6, d 5, e 5, f 7, g 5, h 5, i 7
a: 5
b: 7
c: 7
d: 5
e: 4
f: 5
g: 3
h: 7
i: 6
all ugly, the only mid is f, 62/100
What's your average for the group?

Are there any Fallout 4 mods that make the gameplay more like 3 and New Vegas?
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There are a few that make the perk and leveling system more like 3 and NV. Forget what they're called, iirc they were made for F4NV.
There is also horizon which makes skill leveling more like Skyrim, but adds more calibers and crafting and lots of other mechanics
>there's a mod that makes the leveling system more like one of the worst leveling systems bethesda has made

Just found this image and all I can think of now that I'm seeing it is that vengeance needs to be served.
Can yall find out who he is and scold him, make him do what he did, or something? Don't dox him or anything just mske him regret what he did. First time actually using 4chan so I might be in the wrong category for talking but at least make this happen.
>First time actually using 4chan

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Does anyone know how to stop lag in VX Ace RPGMaker games? I was playing pic rel and it starts lagging after a few minutes.

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looking for recommendations on something to read.

books, manga, or comics are okay.

I would like something post apocalyptic, kinda like fallout but doesnt have to be exactly the same.
stuff like some wasteland exploring, interesting characters, living underground, weird creatures, etc...

thanks in advance, anons.
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>The Road by Cormac McCarthy.
Came here to reccomend this, it doesn't hold back at all. I think The Last of Us took some inspiration from it, but toned it down a lot.
Is that the book where the wife has a cartoonish little monologue before she kills herself that basically goes "I've found a new lover that's going to give me everything I want, and my lover is *DEATH*!"?

It's supposed to be a haunting, grim, dramatic moment but I found it just laughable. Like a middle schooler writing a Myspace post about her favorite emo band.
roadside picnic
It's a short story but read "I have no mouth and I must scream"
it's a post-apocalyptic, post-war setting, in which a war-waging supercomputer has taken over the world and keeps a few humans to torture for revenge on the human race for making it that way
Maybe give the things Tim Cain used for inspiration for Fallout a try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8XTWJRBFeM

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