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He looks like an over sized tuna can with makeup on
zesty ass nigga
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for me it's his girly eyelashes

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So why are they so stupid?
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You mean why are those two so based?
numbers confirm
checks out lol
>the cock brothers
it's in the name, bunch of cocks

>Verification not required.
I wish they were in my bed. I'd fuck them like a hardcore porno, and then tuck them in, and thank god for letting me have that life
you get politicians about a standard deviation plus above the avg normally, in africa those are still illiterate

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Would you trust a man who's not willing to stick with his wife if she had a debilitating, incurable disease?
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I have quite a bit of respect for Christopher Reeves' wife. That poor fucker got thrown from a horse and turned in to a wheelchair bound talking head. She stuck with him to the bitter end. Gold standard for "better or worse".
I hate how the word right is on the left arm. Could easily have switched arms. Probably why she got sick.
Women leave their husbands or boyfriends when they’re going to health problems
based autist
We're currently in a bit of a debate now whether Saiyan women count

Oh to be a knight on the front lines fighting against Bulgars Slavs Arabs and Turks. My country surrounded by enemies on all sides giving my life for the empire and it’s people. Such is life.They lived the best life a man could ask for.
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Very interesting pasta fra. All of this just makes me wanna play Mount & Blade II as the Empire.
>both latin/greek text & translation available
Holy hit that's an actual goldmine, thank you bro
Tunisians are Levantine originally.
Nah, they held onto it. They did not pay off the Goth to leave, they BTFOd them at Taginae and broke them as a power, they did not pay off the Moors in Crete, they launched an amphibious operation and retook the island by arms, and so on
I would die for Robert Guiscard. He mounted a black ops style raid on Rome to extract the pope while outnumbered 5:1 and he fucking succeeded

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> In the US and UK, more Black men are married to White women than vice versa
> we observe that there are over twice as many marriages between Black men and White women than between White men and Black women in the US
> For the male faces, Black faces were rated as being most attractive followed by White and then Asian. A three-way ANOVA showed these differences to be significant (F(2,297)=63.305; p<.001) with all of the comparisons significant (p's<0.05).
> Data from previous studies support the required pattern of facial attractiveness over different racial groups. Black men were rated as being significantly more attractive than White men
> it has been demonstrated that skin colour is a sexually dimorphic characteristic. Men tend to have darker skin than women [28], [29]. Further, in the majority of cultures that have been tested, there is a bias that lighter skin pigmentation is considered more attractive in women [28]. This sexual dimorphism can explain why Black men and White women are considered more attractive than White men and Black women respectively. The former represent highly positive sexually dimorphic patterns.


All your white chad memes have been destroyed
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kill cracka hoes
I ain't clicking that shit, nigga.
You sound like you watch porn. Ever talked to a real white woman before? They're more racist than white men. But you wouldn't know, would you? They're beyond your reach, amd always will be. It fills you with such envy, and so you find yourself here, lashing out impotently.
>Gives off domination body language
White boys jesus christ
your own source states that only 4% of marriages are mixed race. if black men are more attractive, why do 96% of white women choose to marry white men? and of those 4% mixed race marriages, less than 20% are black male white female. so out of all married white women, only 0.8% choose to marry black men. wow. looks like you're retarded
>it has been demonstrated that skin colour is a sexually dimorphic characteristic
yes but black people are a different race to white people. they dont have black skin because they are more manly. they have black skin because they are more stupid. you know what else is a sexually dimorphic characteristic? intelligence, which black men do not possess

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It’s over.

continuing from
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The US backing isn't going away. We are just not willing to send troops, because our military is all niggers, women, and spics, now. Israel will continue to use the WMDs that the US supplied them, and nobody will do shit about it. If Israel gets into any serious trouble the US will send troops to help them.
I wonder what all those Jee-hee-zus freaks at the megachurches would like being called "cattle" or find his preacher is run by the same bunch as Epstein and are pushing all that fag-and-trannie shit in his kids faces.
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Well Jews are the most greediest race in the world. They want all the money from every country and giving them a portion won't satisfy them since they want ALL of it.
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Your temples will crumble again.

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University demanded students to leave by 10pm
>media set up to smear movement as antisemitic
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Our media never even mentioned that. Shows their priorities.


this word needs to go
it's fast approaching the same fate that befell the word 'racist'
meaningless and ineffective
> Q8Dmo+ac
What program by the way
I can't dox myself but something quantitative

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/pol/ is my only friend i dont have any friends irl
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Jesus says the highest love is to lay down your life for your friends, which is what He did on the cross for our sins.
I had friends but i cut contact with everyone i knew i have done that 2 times now.
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interestingly the original meaning of "loser" is "one who has experienced great loss".
it gets way harder (or near impossible) to make friends as you grow
the friendships that really count are the ones that people usually forge early in life, eg. the first best friend from 1st grade, first girlfriend / the girl next door, etc even if these relations don't last long term (and the fact that they start when both parties are young) make the bond stronger and more likely to last throughout time or stand the test of time
i think this is a big factor, in addition to other factors, why it's harder to make friends as you age
Yeah I have lost. I lost my humanity and sanity living in this clown world

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Cop turns in front of speeding ATV rider and they collide. A case of an idiot biker or a dumb low IQ pig?
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Lay off the booze, pidor.
>pedestrian path
His existence is already a crime.
unfathomably based-fuck people who ride engines and electrics on paths
I don't usually side with cops but the nigger had it coming, he was a menace and a threat to decent folks. Also he can't ride for shit. An 8 year old white kids from the sticks could've swerved right around the cop while flipping him off.

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opossum attcc

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Thank Representative Luna, 1 of 21 house republicans to vote no on the antisemitism bill
Based bimbo
So that's what a hero looks like.
What if you called her office and suggested a law that she owes you sex haha how would she vote?

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Hey frens, the jig is up for Jews and China.

Remember last bread when I was saying the jews -ready to leave the US for China- were funneling all the gold & silber left in the US back to Hong Kong, where gold imports were higher than anywhere else?
And how HSBC who supposedly is a british bank is in reality a jewish one in the hands of the Sassoon family?

And how for a while now we suspect China of using the suppressed comex's price fixing mechanism to import as much PMs as they can?

Well, new intel just dropped frens, and jew-chinks are way more vicious than what we initially thought! And every piece is of a puzzle are fitting together.

Remember the monstruous moves in eligible/registered from 2 days ago with 11Moz moving to registered and 28Moz standing for deliveries for April?
It turned out HSBC was the one issuing 93% of delivery notices of that enormous amount ready to leave the comex.
But that's not all, HSBC have been holding the largest short position on silver's ETF for the past few months. It is not JPM or BofA who are suppressing the price of silver, to the contrary they have been positioned on the other side of the chessboard trying to counterbalance the HSBC position.
HSBC currently is 100% short on silver. And with a position so large all the others players are net long and it's still not enough.

So in one hand we have HSBC standing for delivery of physical for huge amounts (who most likely don't stay in the US, but leave for China the minute they are out of the vault), and on the other hand they are shorting silver like madmen to get the lowest price possible.

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when will i be able to build my harem with mercury dimes?
what role does chabad play in the precious metals markets, anyone know?
wow thats the guy who is predicting 600 dollar silver since 2011. and pumping cryptos like theeta buy my bags goy.
Based Kiwi understands what's going on. Swiss Banks & Basel is really what's collapsing. The GloboHomo HQ is falling to pieces & the Swiss people are getting fucked hard.
Being neck high in money laundering for every trafficking market is being dismantled little by little.
UBS paying fines for Archegos, mortgage fraud, the $2 Billion tax fine, & the loss for CS all happened in a span of only a year. Has anyone ever seen an avalanche like that before on a single bank in just a year?
Crazy shit happeneing.

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i cannot stress this enough!
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>Kiss your girl's knees and thighs
>Obvious erogenous zones
>"Hey wanna suck my dick?"
What a fucking retard kek
silence is consent
Yeah, good luck arguing that in the courts in this gyno-centric world when she decides to say you raped her.
>he didn't get a notarized sex contract
He basically outed himself as a rapist

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Redpill me on apple watches/fitbit, how can they do this on someone
>how can they do this on someone
overheated? what else moron
either way its deserved, watches are for retards, even normal ones that just tell time, that's what a phone is for.
>chinese lithium battery go pop
modern watches are literally just male jewellery, it's gay af
You think it heated fast enough to burn holes in his skin and for some reason didn't take it off as it was heating up

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This is how we win
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I am happy for him and your opinion is based, I'm sure they will produce beautiful golden skinned children.
By shaving all my pubes and getting gonorrhea? How does that help me win? Are you jewish, OP?
This is weird and gross. Take it away please.
>glorious tits
The nipples are shit colored, they look rotten

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HAHAHAHAHAHA ramjeet at the end. Pure blooded italiano!
They are definitely not white, like turks and spaniards
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Is the US Military really out of ideas? Is this really all they can think of to recruit zoomers?
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>how to get rid of globalist soldier fags in three easy steps :
>just fuck a random foreign bitch without consent
Kek, that's it?
Does she at least show the chocolate milk dispensers for artistic purposes?

And no I won't join the army
Even better. She can fuck off in Israel, not waste time on twitch.
You could have joined the air cadets in Canada and got your pilots license by 18.

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