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What's a good pastar?
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Whys there not as many brands for egg noodles?
how about, you say you support gays, and you make gays your entire c-suite
Israel sends some cruise missiles to flatten your homophobic pasta factory for good
Ill take 2 boxes.
Molisana, Rummo, Garofalo.

What is your countries equivalent of this delicacy?
If there isn't one what do you do with all your Pork rind?
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my mom has the real deal, and she fries them, nothing I've ever had comes close to that
Chicherones. And yes, it's pronounced "cheech er roans" not "chee cher ro naise".
chicharrones, listen to the actual pronunciation here

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Who does it best?
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japanese or this >>20454371
Indian curry with naan. Otherwise, Thai curry.

Japanese curry isn't curry, it's gravy.
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The British. Any other questions?
>tosses lemon rinds into his salad
Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you mentally handicapped?
Nobody is saying that all curries are the same, they have certain fundamental seasonings that are the same. The specifics are different but the basic elements of curry seasoning are present in different cuisines.
Please learn how to read.

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Dry sandwich with a drop of chicken in the middle

Unironically the manufacturer behind this should shoot themselves in the head or have others do it for them. This isn't even poor people food, this is just a fucking scam. I paid 2 euros for toast bread.

I hope your whole bloodline dies you fucking retard sandwich maker.
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the good ones always are
>autistic screeching of le internet culture

Yea maybe you deserve to be ripped off
ITT: Shabbos goys
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Gotta get yourself to Popeye's if you want a real chicken sandwich.
At least they had the decency to shape it like a heart for you

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Diced an onion for the first time ever. Got in in a pan with some garlic and oil
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Looks so good
What do you mean "I don't know". What fucking food has been keeping you alive long enough for you to at least learn to read and write words on an internet computer
Whatever mum and dad make
>t. 26
looks pretty good
good luck living on your own anon
That's a good looking fried rice, anon. Good job.

>microwave popcorn bag specifically says DO NOT PRESS THE POPCORN BUTTON
>press the popcorn button anyway
>it turns out just fine
I don't get it, is my microwave magic or are popcorn sellers just stupid?
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>costs more money
>less healthy
>can't control serving size or flavour
>saves maybe 2 minutes of effort
>requires a microwave which is really just a slop machine
I'd understand if it wasn't easier to make than packet ramen.
It's habit, but I always press 1:00 for 60 seconds.
Dont rly care

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Probably because ur gay lol

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I refuse to believe people actually do this. It makes simple pasta-dishes take twice as long. Why don't you just put the pasta in as it's heating up?
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>boiling pasta separately
if you really wanna save time just put pasta in the pot (or a pan if you refuse to break your pasta) with the sauce and a tiny bit of water.
I plop a few mushrooms and homemade frozen meatballs in too for good measure.
by the time the water boils off it'll be ready (and it will boil much faster since there's less water). plus you'll only have one pot to clean.

takes less than 10 minutes to cook. I do it this way and most of my time is spent cutting the mushrooms.
I had a supposedly smart friend growing up and this is the hill he chose to die on. He put pasta in cold water and refused to preheat the oven. I politely explained to him that yes, it still works that way and might even save him a couple minutes but it invalidates the cooking instructions.

He's a rich lawyer now and I'm still posting on 4chan so I guess he won in the end. But that dude was so fucking dumb it was infuriating.
Are you actually implying you don't have five minutes to bring the water to a boil?
Americans having to wait 5 minutes for water to boil in a pot instead of having an electric kettle do it in one.

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What can i get you?
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holy r*ddit
>nooo you can't just have a conversation without talking about memes
Kill yourself. In real life. Today.
You have to be 18 to post here.

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Show me your mortar and pestle. Right now. Do it.
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Proving yet again that /ck/ is the retard nexus, second only to /pol/
I know what I’m talking about. I live in a studio. I heat up food using the studio lights.
/pol/ is the funniest board though, no contest

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Eat more salt.
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>Humans are omnivores, anon. Just look at our teeth.
I told you he couldn't be convinced but you tried and now you're going to have to sit through infograph spam, nice job fuckwit.
>fruits, vegetables & nuts
Some hippie made this I'm guessing? Key parts of our brains would have never developed without a high-protein meat based diet.
>yes and humans are herbivores as well
No, we're omnivores. The fact that there are groups of people who developed dairy cultures and have genes to be able to digest lactose shows we're not herbivores.

Herbivores will seek out salt licks, or eat dirt that's richer in salt and other minerals. Some monkeys have been seen dipping their food into saltwater. A lot of herbivores will also eat meat if it's available, though they don't typically seek it out intentionally.

> salt licks are not very common
>Natural licks are common, and they provide essential elements such as phosphorus and the biometals (sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, and trace elements) required for bone, muscle and other growth in herbivorous mammals such as deer, moose, elephants, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, tapirs, woodchucks, fox squirrels, mountain goats, porcupines, and frugivorous bats.[1] Such licks are especially important in ecosystems such as tropical rainforests and grasslands with poor general availability of nutrients. Harsh weather exposes salty mineral deposits that draw animals from miles away for a taste of needed nutrients. It is thought that certain fauna can detect calcium in salt licks.
this nigga think herbivores who live on plains lick salt all day lmao. many herbivorous animals live in places where there are literally no salt licks to be found. they will take the opportunity given that sodium is a much needed nutrient for herbivores, but salt itself is not necessary and no herbivore has ever died from not licking salt. they naturally get enough nutrients from, you guessed it, plants

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Vegetables scream when you bite into them, you just can't hear it because it's on another frequency.
Ignorance truly is bliss
Well if plants didnt want to be eaten they would deposit more toxins in their leaves like poison ivy or bully ants into protecting them kike an eccasia tree.

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20433454
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I must say I'm disappointed by the zhu tang.
I was expecting much more from it especially since this is from the same guy that makes fa zhan he.
Zhu tang is maybe better than bangwai but not by much. Definitely not $20 better. Really no reason for this one to cost this much. I bet there are plenty of cakes from other noname villages that taste same/better for less.
I'm in a bit of mood today so I was looking for something special that would made my day better this just not it.
they meant the wet storage. it was probably slightly moldy, as is common for such cakes
they actually have the same cake but from a different storage. I forget which one it was
the best young raw in that price range I've had is probably still the CSH Naka
I did enjoy my sample of the zhu tang though. I remember it was really sweet
hmm wonder if that's safe. is it basically a dice roll on whether it's a mold that doesn't produce some kind of toxin?
supposedly you can tell the dangerous mold apart from the safe one, at least in the context of what tends to grow on tea cakes. light white fuzz is supposedly okay and some vendors will just sell it as normal, but black mold gets binned

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How come you guys never told me this shit is actually good and not some gink meme?
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Dilator got stuck again?
>and not some gink meme?
it absolutely is a gink meme lol. it's total shit too, sugar, chili paste. and preservatives. I make my own at home with garlic shallots and lemongrass and it's 1000x better
Went to a hot chicken place that smeared gochujang on chicken breast strips before breading and frying them. Great flavor, juicy chicken, but the breading didn't stick to the chicken at all. Instead, it was this super thick, crunchy, solid shell that you could slide in huge pieces off the strip. Bit of give and take.
nta, but that sounds like a nice idea. Will try it out, thx
gochujang and peanut butter is an insanely good combo

>its just apple juice for overgrown babies
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>tranny tripfag puts milk in his coffee
checks out
all monster taste the fucking same, that one is blander tho

Almost definitely symbolic of Eve and the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Not a femboy. Coffee moves the bowels and otherwise just gets the day rolling in a way energy drinks can't. Energy drinks are for the evening that you need to work all night.
>Not a femboy
the brow ridge and predator eyes say the opposite

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