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What's the story behind Turn A Dark History?
the anime never mentioned Turn A going berserk with red eyes. why is SDGG treating it like a different Turn A than the regular one by giving it different stats?
is it from the novels or manga?
wouldn't you like to know
You need to actually pay attention to the things you watch.
It's Fukui fanfiction
it's partially based on side materials that released around the time of the show like the teleporting weapons and a few bits like turning head and general creepyness are artistic license

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>Anon, pitch me your /m/ anime/toku idea
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Kamen Rider Isekai
Pretty much
Gundam 00?
>We are actually mechs.
and what if we swallow tiny people who merge with our spinal cord and they pilot us?
A Gundam show where the series' Oldtype/Natural equivalent are strongarmed into a culture of tolerating the atrocities of the series' Newtype/Coordinator equivalent lest they repeat the actions of the Titans-like group from decades ago. One of the big messages pushed is that Oldtypes/Naturals are inferior to Newtypes/Coordinators. The main character, a female Oldtype/Natural, refuses to fight the Newtypes/Coordinators at first due to this belief in "tolerance", but, after being rescued from an insane Newtype/Coordinator by the anti-Newtype/Coordinator movement, realizes over the course of the show that Newtypes/Coordinators don't have to be tolerated in the face of their bad deeds and that Newtypes/Coordinators are actually emotionally, physically, and intellectually inferior to Oldtypes/Naturals. This will be proven when the MC is able to defeat Newtypes/Coordinators in mobile suit combat because she is calmer and more logical and has greater control over her mobile suit. In fact, it will be revealed that Newtypes/Coordinators are suffering from a genetic mutation passed off as a "new evolution" because the Newtypes/Spacenoids have interests against the health of the Earth's environment, so wanted to glorify living in space despite its adverse effects on humans. The series will end with the MC and her movement turning all the space colonies to trash and all surviving Newtypes/Coordinators sentenced to prison as humanity works to heal the earth.

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Post your continuity breaking cash gra- I mean, obscure prototype and limited deployment mobile suits from MSV
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I don't care that its origins are rooted in something made by Nagano, it's sexy and shiny and I love it.
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I recently got the Ka Signature action figure of the Hyaku-Shiki Kai Mass Production Type. It was not my favorite MSV, and I would have preferred Bandai releasing the regular Hyaku Shiki, but having in my hands now has given me a new appreciation for the design.
If the Gun-EZ is a Gundam then so is the Javelin
No, wtf, Javelin is RGM. As in GM.
Perhaps you meant Gunblaster?
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>I was made
When did zeeks start making intelligent mech AI?

What did she meant by this?
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Eh I found it fine and understandable by just thinking about each episode for a few minutes after I watched it - you just don't get much built for audience exposition and have to pay attention to context. When characters say something weird it tells you something about their perspective - and the show doesn't like dictating to you who's perspective is the "correct one" - it can be confusing, but also feels very immersive and lifelike due to it.
brain powered was a fucking mess ngl
I have finished almost every tomino show by production order (skipped over triton and garzey because I can't find a working torrent online) and the dialogue/plot/world building in BP is his messiest show so far.

I can sieve through the spiritual pseudo science mumbo jumbo but so much shit is happening so quickly without enough buildup.
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>brain powered was a fucking mess ngl
That is more or less the general consensus. BP is too much weirdness with no real grounding going on.
Correct and right are different things. It is correct to say that Epstein's clients were powerful, well-connected pedophiles. But that doesn't make the exploitation of children by the rich and powerful right.
If it's not right then why isn't it being stop?

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Decent enough I guess. Though pools of water in square rooms still set my heartrate up even over 2 years after I last played it. Funnily enough, it would be a complete nothingburger if I could consistently get even just 1 co-op partner.
>Gameplay is very "fast"
They didn't really bother to make it exactly feel fast like even AC2 managed to
It's clear the devs have the entire setting worked out behind the scenes, but the story DXM tells is one that keeps the player out of the loop as much as possible, and to me that always felt like a deliberate design choice.

Though, I still think ancient astronauts from Mars is wildly out of pocket even with how batshit thing get. But if Tsukuda wants to go solar like that then fine, I expect Titanic Scion to be about ayylmaos though!
Clear me something before I go back to it. Does something ever "happens" in the hangar screen? That is to say, Is there a point going around the hangar (looking for something else to interact eith) other than to look at your Arsenal?
The hangar is mostly a glorified menu mixed with hub. The mechanic NPCs occasionally say something if you are near one (no button interaction). The main use is to see other player's Arsenals in MP (hence the extra 3 spaces behind yours) and a visual flair to your current collection of weapons.

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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

Gundam 00 Raiser - Trans-Am Raiser Sword:
Altron Gundam - Twin Beam Trident Assault:
HG Huckebein Boxer info

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Donald Trump built and painted a Dom? Or De:Vadasy? Man, Dwadges get no attention.
Some kind of brown, but way younger than he let on.
It's the same guy. A specific guy. You'll catch on soon enough if you stick around.
Grendizer is smaller than I expected.

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>I've come here to trickshot you
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that's really cool but fuck Activision, scammy little shits

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I heard that this game is bad but is it worth $10?
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>Cant even get a meal for under 10 dollars in this stupid shitty economy.
Yeah you can, you're just bad with money
No one is playing this shit online at this point lmao.

Anyone if there's kernel-level anti-cheat in this thing or not?
I'd rather not subject my rig to that aids.
it ran on my steam deck so it doesn't have one of those spyware anti-cheats
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>badass intro with 3 of my fav Gundams together
brb gonna gonna buy this game too

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Sequel announcement any day now, am I right?
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Just use google translate/DeepL for the writing parts, don't think they going to mind.
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Sorry in advance Bravern thread. Just wanted to post this amount of 'tism on my part.
This size assumes that Smith is packing 7". And that he and Bravern share about the same body proportions.
You have to be Japanese to win the prize but there's no harm in putting in an answer, I guess?
I'm sure Obari would be happy anyway.
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It doesn't matter what size it is, Isami was willing to take Bravern either way if Lulu didn't interrupt them. lol

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Where's my stompy mecha thread?
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>but still nice
I like to think the non-entrenched infantry meme in a lot of official artwork is official in universe propaganda
"look you can be useful too!"
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>still hope agains all hope for a version of this but for Battletech
Is that the bounty hunter in the bottom corner or did the GDL somehow get old SLDF armor?
I think he mixed up the Grey Death Scput armor and the Light Power Armor?

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expanded universe edition (l-gaim is semi-related and nagano's other works rarely have threads)

discuss the works of the king of mecha design, mamoru nagano!

>i like l-gaim, will i like fss? / vice versa
just read/watch them. l-gaim is a tomino show through and through, just set in a world of nagano's design. the only real similarities are an initial setting draft and the fact that a lot of designs from five star stories are based on designs from l-gaim. nagano's storytelling, worldbuilding, and characters are very different from tomino's
>is fss a sequel to l-gaim? how are they related?
no. read this thread https://twitter.com/TheBangDoll2989/status/1185353448839155712
>why the artstyle change? is gothicmade a retcon or an in-universe progression of technology?
retcon. nagano's artstyle has always been changing and fss designs were iterated on even before gothicmade
>where can i read fss?
up to date high resolution raws are on archive https://archive.org/details/fivestarstroriesnewscans
>but i can't read japanese!
it's never too late to learn. https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/ https://learnjapanese.moe/

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Dead in Japan. Even Tomino doesn't care since Dunbine is all he cares enough to follow up on

Real shame too because there's been a lot of L-Gaim threads the last couple of months I noticed so it's getting more viewers and I personally think there's untapped lore.
It doesn't need to not be dead. Classic anime doesn't need reboots, remakes, or restarts.
Just admit that you're an ESL
Except that L-Gaim is so unpopular that Banrise didn't even bother to release it on BD.
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Do chicks actually dig giant robots
Nice digits, but I fear that they no longer dig giant robots. Maybe they ever did...

We are currently in Golden Week for GBO2 for console. A good time to enhance any of your favorite MS with bonus hanger and banners which grant you extra mechanic tokens and mod kits.

The new MS for the week is one handmade by Scirocco which is part of the Valpurgis Plan and is has the power of the Curse of Gryps which ended Scirocco's life, Over.on has arrived as the next 4-star MS.

On stream we are in the 1st Anniversary Celebration pre-event with special step ups and an MS request campaign event. The new 4-star MS is Perfect Gundam Perfect Gundam [TB] with Zeta Gundam 3A Type as the next MS.

GBO days will also arrive for the usual first week of the month.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

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I hope you're not complaining. I got a level 5 xamel.
yeah just played it and its one of the best suits in the game probably, too bad it was ravine
new sitbat is up early
it'd be nice if we could use haro in sitbat lobby and adjust the suits available for it whether we have it normally or not
how do you jeda cannon

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rip TFO lmao
I'll be a miracle if Mazinger isn't trashed in its first fight, so the TFO could still appear.
It's the hair.
The TFO hasn't been in any trailers or promotional material. Really, there's no good reason to keep it.

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Lost Stories 2nd anni on 5/17.

Previous thread: >>22553086
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I had this absurd dream the other day about some sort of Akito tie-in to Roze, where the villains from the new project showed up and the Wyvern squad were getting injured. The strangest thing about this is...it had some very awkward 3D, not only for the mecha but for the cast of characters. Sort of like MS Igloo.
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Catherine really does get a ton of focus in these promotions. It seems likely to me she is either gonna be the main rival on the NB side and/or defect

Catherine and Haruka are probably the 2nd tier main cast members after Roze, Ash, Sakuya and Norland. They are the most consistently advertised characters after them.
Hmmm...I wonder if this month's raid is going to be a Roze collaboration. It goes up the day before it airs in theaters.

Could easily make the banner Roze and Ash w/ Zi-Apollo as the banner and make the raid unit the Camden or something

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