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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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What pheno is this?
Plastic surgery

Why caused African to never build civilization? No sails, no wheels, no metal, no farms, no cities, just hunter gatherers and cannibals sacrificing children to the juju spirits

Was low iq reason?
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Never heard of pygmy’s, do blacks not know their own history? lmao
Yemeni’s arrived around the 1-2nd century, claiming that they were trading 500 years later with India is a pointless boast when it was driven by Arab slavers
Hi Eurasian Emperor or empireenjoyer10 on Twitter. You will never be a white and whites will never except you as one of them.
>'skipped' the bronze age
Wrong, the never left the stone age.

Metal ages are about quantity and quality of tools, not the ability to produce them period. Bronze age cultures were also able to smelt iron and had a few iron swords albeit mostly from meteoritic iron. We don't say that they were in the "iron age" because most of their tools were still bronze.

We don't say Africans were in the "iron age" because most of their tools were stone or ivory.
>literal who
>except you
Bantu’s are retarded lmao

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If everything that exists needs a creator then God needs a creator too because it exists. Creationism is fucking retarded.
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Natural revelation and observations about the world we live in lead us to conclude in God. One can talk about the attributes of God such as God's triune nature, what happened in history and what the relationship of God to this world/universe is, which is dependent on special revelation instead of general. But to know that the universe has a Creator is something that literally anyone in any situation could deduce.
>Natural revelation and observations about the world we live in lead us to conclude in God.
Is that why all the arguments Christians ever had were "pure logic" pseudointellectual bullshit like contingency and first mover while atheists are the ones who actually point to stuff happening in reality?

>But to know that the universe has a Creator is something that literally anyone in any situation could deduce.
Even if I conceded that, it's not your position. You'd still have to prove the 6000 years, the talking snake, the floating zoo and the trumpets destroying a city or the Bible is W R O N G.
You sound like someone who is so verbally incapable that they need to repeat letters for emphasisssss.
>the universe is finite
No it's not.
>limited in both time and space
Neither this

The Observable Universe isn't all there is, it's all we can observe from the Earth due to the limited nature of light and we deduce way more in the unobservable with nothing to base a limit off.
The big bang was the expansion of a past condensed state of all observable matter, not the start of reality as some may claim it to be. We are simply unable to observe beyond the observable space and time relying on light alone, claiming it's all there is is geocentrism-like ignorance.
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>You'd still have to prove the 6000 years, the talking snake, the floating zoo and the trumpets destroying a city or the Bible is W R O N G.
There are true things that some people won't accept, but that doesn't make them any less true. In fact sometimes the majority is wrong on an issue, but that possibility shouldn't deter our investigations.
>Even if I conceded that, it's not your position.
It literally is, which is why I said it. Whether or not you concede it, that is the simple fact.
>Is that why all the arguments Christians ever had were "pure logic"
Let me get this straight: you are saying that you see Christians only use pure logic? That's what you seem to be saying in this statement. Or are you only talking about arguments for the existence of God? Even then, I don't think that's the case because there are many different facts you can appeal to to show God exists.

For instance, the fact that everyone realizes there is an objective good and that there are degrees of good proves it. There is one objective reference point for good which is God, and things are found to be objectively "good" if they are closer to the reference point and bad otherwise. People inherently recognize this because they use terms like right and wrong, and similar language that implies some things are better than others.

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Do christfags have any evidence for noahs ark, Adam and eve, moses parting red sea, Jesus walking on water and other biblical bullshit or only atheists need to provide evidence for evolution?
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>Nobody claims it wasn't just folklore
Is that why there are creationist thinktanks with 8-digit yearly fundings?
>Of course no, why would I be around the poor.
The poor are your people genius.

Matthew 4:18
"18 While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 19 And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”[b] 20 Immediately they left their nets and followed him. "
>Yet again, fundamentalist Christians are Calvinists & co.
You're lying anon.
>Jews who don't consider Genesis to be literal.
Jews do actually.
They even added extra details to it in the Talmud.
According to the Talmud Adam was having sex with the animals in the garden before meeting Eve.
>>reeeeeeeee lie all lie reeeeeeeee
>Wow nice arguments anon you're so smart and definitely not deranged.

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>I was told americans are smart about Bible and understand such basics of it like Bible has lot of metaphors, Bible is not single book and was written by different authors, Bible is not textbook for christianity and etc. But somehow I often see this nonsense in english speaking part of internet like "How world can be created in six days LMAO DEBUUUNKED!!!" - "You don't undesrtdand, since God is immortal one day for him is lot of years!!!".
Because the bible is so stupid that the only way Christians can defend their faith is by pretending they don't think it's the literal word of god. Even though they do think it's the literal word of God.
>Well, Bible is not textbook for christianity and only muslims believe Quran was literally written by God so...
All the Abrahamic faiths think that their holy books are god's word. That's the defining feature of Abrahamic monotheism.
>>big bang theory
>Literally created and supported by Church
Literally rejected and ignored by his own church from 1927 until the public Catholic churches announcement in 1951. And even then it was merely stating that the big bang didn't contradict Genesis. Which is completely wrong. So they basically still reject it and have learned nothing new.
"evidence" to me means "reason to think a statement is an accurate representation of reality". In this case, If you're saying the bible is literally divinely true with no errors whatsoever, I would need you to give me a reason to think that. And keep in mind that until you give me a compelling reason to think the bible is true, simply quoting a passage of the bible that asserts itself to be true is insufficient.
again, what would that evidence entail?
also, are you implying that someone becomes Christian without having any evidence?

>Spanish-American War
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the spics were literally caught napping (siesta) when the american fleet steamed into manila bay for a little surprise wake-up call
More like an accident or suicide by cop
>Spanish dealing with an uprising in Cuba
>US attempts gunboat diplomacy
>Sends USS maine to try to force the Spanyards to surrender to the rebels
>Ship blows up
>Probably an accident
>Or the dumb captain hit a naval mine (Defenses? On the capital of a war torn island? IMPOSSIBLE!)
Black Legend 2.0
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The rebellion was located only in rural plantations, and the USA had a smaller less modern navy than Spain at that point. It was beyond common to recoal in random coastal cities at that point, with Russia and Germany paying routine port visits throughout Latin America despite having no land near said ports, it’s what navies did pre ww1 to keep experience up

Is the ancient Greek God Zeus lucifer?
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because anti-flat earthers don't want to give biblical literalists the satisfaction that heaven/sky are synonyms.

How? Prometheus is the one who created humanity.
He is not "heavenly", he is quite literally tied with the sky, and heaven doesn't mean the physical sky in English anymore
Ah so it is to differentiate from the Christian heavenly father by focusing on the older animistic PIE understanding rather than the later Greco-Roman one.
Heavenly implies benevolent and all forgiving because of the terms tie to Christianity. Use your head.

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Why so silent, John?
Kierkegaard is absolutely brilliant, and a deep, deep soul. I say this as a dissenter from Christianity. He is universally beneficial to read.

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>Don't fight unless you're sure you can win.
>Appear weak when you're strong and strong when you're weak.
>Take your enemy by surprise.
>Make sure your men are fed and paid.

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Why is this stuff treated as some genius revelation?
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>Why is this stuff treated as some genius revelation?
Because most shit is only obvious in hindsight, and plenty of retards would pick and have picked pride or fear over reason.
Also you better fucking believe generals are going to disagree with strategically sound plans for polical reasons, so you need to have some objective external source of authority that outranks them to shut them up.
>Isn't that kind of stuff just intuitive though? I'm not being sarcastic I'm genuinely curious.
The examples in op are neither intuitive nor commonly practiced through history.
>escape from the gang who just caught your wife, go get your friends while she gets raped
>micromanage your image for maximum situational gain at the cost of your pride and often reputation
>alert everyone else of your deviousness and attract criticism for it
>pay with your own resources for discipline (implication: only muster up an army when you have cash and food on top of men) vs hope that your army won't disprse too much looking for loot and food
Nothing here comes natural to the average man or even leader. It works, but it's not straightforward and requires caution, self control and deeper thought into the context you're applying it too.
>>Appear weak when you're strong and strong when you're weak.

This is wrong and debunked by geopolitical realism. Strong countries should behave like strong countries and weak countries should behave like weak countries.
When a strong country behaves like a weak country by failing to keep surrounding countries in line then other countries will think they can take advantage and you will suffer draining attacks that will leave you weaker than if other countries knew your true strength and knew they ought to leave you alone.
When a weak country behaves like a strong country and tries to throw its weight around and keep other countries in line then it's more likely to get punished severely than if it accepted that as a weak country it needs to behave more meekly and cautiously if it wants to survive.
It could be argued that if you're drained by the attacks more than your adversaries you're not actually strong and thus shouldn't be baiting, and if you're being challenged you're failing at appearing strong.
But yeah, the art of war is about as universally applucable as it is obvious. Meaning not at all.
>if you're drained by the attacks more than your adversaries you're not actually strong
it doesn;t matter if your adversaries are drained more by the attacks or if you are drained more by the attacks . Either way you are more drained than you would be otherwise and likely to be more vulnerable and in a less opportune position in the future to deal with other adversaries than if everyone just respected you and didn't try to test you.

Hitler was not an expert in genetics. The field of genetic research was barely a thing when he came to power. The human genome hadn't even begun to be mapped until 1990 and wasn't even completed until 2022. He didn't know shit about haplogroups let alone different races of human from a genetic standpoint. So why the fuck should I take this dead retards opinions on who is and isn't white or aryan seriously, and why do so many people take him seriously?
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All things in nature breed at least ocassionaly with related species, sometimes even related genera. This may (though not necessarily) lead to superior species.

People are very inbred. One breeding group of chimpanzees exceeds the whole diversity of all people currently alive. Even adding "extinct species" like the neanderthals / denisovans people wouldn't exceed the usual diversity for a species.

People are so similar that virtually all differences are environmental, primarily iron poisoning, and malnutrition, and possibly traits related to dealing with those. It was likely the act of people which changed the chemistry of Earth with such a disastrous result probably about 26ky ago, with the addition of iron poisoning with the (re)invention of iron in the late bronze age. (after which people killed each other because of the brain damage)

pretty much every genetic discovery did nothing but prove right what all the earlier 20th century racial thinkers said. nothing was actually debunked. all aryans/indo-europeans have r1 dna in fact share a common paternal source.
>dude there is so little diversity in humans it’s irrelevant
>but we also need to tailor medications to specific races because different races have different health issues

Thank God it stopped at health issues, would’ve been awkward if different ethnic groups had different average heights or aggression or intelligence. But that’s impossible because it’s just too small a difference. And as we know, the brave scientists would actually love to prove racism is true by mapping out genetic differences and what they cause, that surely wouldn’t be controversial and ruin their career and never get funded to begin with
If it's genetic, how did the people get ruined? Nutrition provides a straightforward answer, but if it was genes, no such change should be possible.

I never said “people got ruined” so not are what the fuck you’re on about

There is no perfect race. But the idea there is no differences between them is nonsense enforced to maintain diverse liberal democracies. You can’t openly accept it’s true then tell people to live side by side equally.

The obvious thing people would always refer to as meaning it’s better is intelligence

It was about state rights
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Photographing your beaten slaves in order to showcase your barbaric cruelty was not something white people paid to do in the South.
They knew how to pick it. They're picking some 200 pounds of it a day. they're being pushed along by armed minders. No matter how careful you try to be or how good your rhythm is, you're gonna hurt your hands. But anyway, it wasn't the bolls so much as the sun, heat, stooping, and just the straight punishing repetitive drudgery.

once again, the whites themselves believed the work was bad for whites. they believed they needed a naturally tougher, more enduring species of man to do it at the scale they wanted it done, and they believed Africans were just that. being a clown and pretending it was easy shit is more than just dumb, it negates the alleged need for slaves in the first place.
>the negro is not equal to the white man
Where's the lie
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>but we still want blue states' tax money and military infrastructure plzzzzzzzzzz
Oh no picking cotton was so difficult

China is done. 10 years left
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They don't call it the immortal science for no reason!
Literally a meme that looked like it was made by a Reddit asperg buttbaby
DOD's favorite cope merchant. It would be nice if you could get paid lots of money in the private sector to go around to companies and tell them everything's fine and make 6 figs instead of telling them they need to fire half their workforce.
To be fair, there was an economic collapse in 2020, and it’s not clear China has recovered in any meaningful sense. Arguably 2020 could be the market year for the start of China’s current economic troubles, and the current problems are not close to stopping. Now that economic collapse had more to do with COVID than Chinese economic issues, but their inability to effect a recovery is due to their economic weakness that he was likely implicating
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Why didn't they just eat fish instead of starving? Are they stupid?
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why didn't Angland have to be ruled by frogs to finally stabilize, were they stupid?
England was united by the 900s?
Highly original thread op. Very funny. Well done.
Ireland was almost entirely deforested to build the Royal Navy. That same Royal Navy was then used to blow any Irish fishing vessel out of the water if it left the coast. The Irish tried to survive by making relatively primitive vessels that were wholly unsuited to the open sea, but brave and desperate men continued to try and fish in these deadly contraptions, especially on the West coast. The Famine was not a famine at all, it was a crop blight that was taken advantage of to commit genocide against the Irish people and stomp out any chance of resistance or revolution. This isn't even Irish cope, it's a historical fact corroborated by both Irish and British records
Everything you just said was wrong

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Who is the most unfairly treated among them all?
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da jooooooooooooooos
>by history
>implying your personal judgement in this context isn't based on history and therefore self-disproving
Christopher colombus.
graham hancock

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Is the inclusion of the Tanakh/Old Testament into the bible a mistake by Christian scholars?

If you look at the way these books were ordered, it’s clear that the Tanakh was supposed to feel like a complete system. In the first few books, you have the origins of Israel. Further on, you have the Law spelled out, with its 613 commandments. You have the ups and downs of Israel’s history in Canaan and the prophetic books warning of judgments if Israel did not keep with the Covenant - and a promise that someday God would redeem his people. Then you have all these poetic and artistic stories about the crash, and the whole thing rounds out with the return. It feels complete.

Of course, life after the Tanakh did not play out as “They all lived happily ever after.” The Second Temple was built by Israel never regained her sovereignty as a nation. She was always under somebody’s thumb. If not the Persians, then the Greeks. If not the Greeks, then the Romans. The Maccabean Revolt produced a moment of sovereignty, but it was a short moment.

The Greek written New Testament is concerned with the history of Christianity, the writers reordered the Hebrew bible to make it seem incomplete so they could glue in the New Testament and call the whole thing as the Old and New Testament. But why include the Old at all? For historical context?

All that including the O.T has done has given critics of Christianity ammunition for evidence of contradictions in the bible, because obviously they contradict each other the Old Testament is awful in some parts. In Acts God commands Moses to genocide the Midianites, while Jesus teaches Christians to love thy enemies, flee persecution and turn the other cheek.
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>Which part is a lie?
All parts.
>In Matthew 22:42-46 Jesus makes the argument that the Messiah cannot be a son of David.
No sir, he never denies this, his point is that the Messiah is greater than David, being God. Hence, David calls Him "my Lord".
>And all Gospels say he is not the son of Joseph
He is Joseph's son by law, which is what is relevant to a claim to the throne.
basically the people who write and/or gave use to the Tanakh were pagans
the first temple was built honoring the Sun
He asks, how can the Messiah be a son of David. And David never calls him my lord because the psalm was not about the Messiah. David is the one being called my lord in the psalm. The rest of the psalm is clear that it is about David.

By law means nothing with God's promises. God promised David only his seed can be a Messiah. Jesus is not David's seed. The prophecy of Isaiah 11 says he is a sprout that comes from the stump of Jesse, which is David's father, and a branch that bears fruit from his root. He has to come from Jesse's tree.
>Jesus showed clear respect to the different nationalities of his time
yeah, he respected those unclean dogs verrry much.

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