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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.


Good deal?
Junk. Get a BMW.
I don't think so. Even with 100k being "low" mileage for a Toyota, I'd put it more in the $4k ballpark assuming everything checks out mechanically.
Assuming I can get the price down and its in good condition, is this a reliable model?

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Why is it that every time someone posts on here about help installing some bass ackwards band-aid, then gets told to just fix the problem, they have a temper tantrum about how working on a car is some impossible task?

I get that I was lucky to have my dad teach me things, but do wrenchlets genuinely believe that something like changing oil or spark plugs or a battery, is not just difficult but some insurmountable obstacle? Or are they just attention whoring?
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As someone who used to he scared to work on his car I can explain it. Basically opening an engine bay was like looking inside a computer desktop. I just had no idea what anything does. The extent of my knowledge was "turning key makes the battery start car". I didn't even really know how an internal combustion works. The idea of then taking sockets and tools to this to fix something indont understand and would probably just fuck up and make worse was very worrying. You have to understand a big part of fixing a car, is knowing what's wrong with it. And if you just have some vague grinding or noise or hesitation it's like hieroglyphics. How the fuck do I know what the problem is? This is why I would pay a mechanic to diagnose and fix something - so I'm not just taking something apart I have no idea how it works, to fix a problem I can't diagnose, and most likely just make worse.

Eventually I taught myself but it wasn't easy. Some people are mechanically minded, or grew up around cars. I'm not.
any experience on fixing a cloning plant?

>w-w-w-well if we're talking about cars that the average wrenchtard wouldn't buy in a million years then it might take a slight bit of work!

Are you too addled to read where I said "basic inline 4 shitbox" or are you just pretending to be retarded to prove me right?
>change a starter on a 2012 Civic, dealership wanted $1500 to do it
holy shit lol
>No commonly sold car has *ever* been difficult to repair!

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Tempted to buy one but I don't like that there's no keyless go on the ones I can afford, 2018 g63. Currently daily this POS.
You should see the trousers they wear at the country club.
the maintenance of a porsche with the appeal of a crossover. wtf were you thinking man
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Phil Leocardo
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G ride is a real one

*is the cause of every problem on the US roadways*
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Needs 4x4
lifted pavement princesses with lights brighter than the sun itself who tailgate you even when the left lane is open..... until you hit their eyes with a high grade flashlight... bitch
skill issue
Electric trucks are the cause of all problems? Whoa...
that's not a prius / F150

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I have a nail in my tire and the tpms light came on in the past 3 days despite refilling with air. Should I patch it or plug it?
Tyres don't degrade or get damaged, you've been targeted by a marketer trying to sell you new tyres
>There is a nail in my tire
>I left the nail in the tire and didn't do anything about it
>Why is my tire losing air?

Do retards really?

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>Your honor, remember when I said my Camry was death proof? Well, that wasn't a lie. My car is 100% death proof. Only to get the benefit of it, your honor, you REALLY need to be sitting in my seat.
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i can fix her
Why don't you start riding a bicycle if you live being dangerous and unreasonable
Fuck, that was some crash, then.
>I want all crash safety regulations gone.
i also want this.
after that they can remove all gun safeties, and legalize all drugs, and abortions.
they can let the troons do whatever they want as well, the 41 will get them anyway.
We're talking about cars here. Keep your cock obsession to yourself, thanks.

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I just like it.
I also would buy a new production S10 or old taco in a heart beat. Darn I wish we got the Toyota hilux in the states.
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If you have a need to tow huge shit then the maverick obviously wasn't made for you. This is what I'm talking about when I say truck fags are insecure. Most people will haul a refrigerator at most which this would be perfect at and it's priced reasonably.
What makes you so insecure that you have to seethe at a small truck that isn't marketed for you?
GM trucks are all ugly as hell
That's almost like the smallest amount of currency you could have
My biggest gripe with the Mav aside from F*rd is the relatively short bed and the fact that higher trims are already approaching brand new taco/Frontier/etc. territory. Either way when I found out Chevy still makes an S10 model (S10 Max or some shit) and just has it in Latin America and whatnot I was beyond pissed, so fucking tired of these dickletmobiles that cost an entire fucking mortgage being the only truggs around. And there’s only so much of the older stuff left, especially if you live somewhere like the rust belt. GM can suck my cock for depriving us of kino actual midsize/small truggs.
t. Mid 90’s S10 enjoyer
Very gay

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>cb500 leg legion association guild clan
>How Ya Been posting
>Tennyfren camp HQ
>rip gn, rip indian, rip kiwi anon
>why do trannies only seem to ride hondas?
>motorcycle anime girls
>personal attacks based on brand preference
>boipucci rating services
>scooters are not frens
>schizos welcome

>(New map! Email dbtmap3@gmail.com with pic of bike (hosted) and location to be added):

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I've been on cycle teams for street and mountain for 8 seasons, so I ought to be fine for balance
Such high praise is a good sign, thanks for sharing and I hope that your bike serves you for years to come
Is ABS really that necessary? I understand it being a nice thing to have, but at the same time, I've been up and down trails and raced on wet tracks, and I never thought I needed abs/tc. Maybe once I'm not poor I'll get a new bike with all the features and never go back, but for the time being, I can't miss what I've never had.
Thanks for the input, and for reading my blogpost
It looks alright as a slow maneuver course, some fairly tight turns, the inevitable figure of 8, a little slalom, should be easily doable by someone who knows how to ride, on somebody else's bike.
>An negress of largess on electric superbike
>An obviously homosexual mystery meat man on a ninja H2
>Boomer with no tendies is a 20 something year old white woman
>Instead of giving them the book, she's showing them the totw2 video on an ipad
>Half of the video is about how motorcycling while black is very dangerous
no nigs please
I want to actually watch this movie.
also no electric bikes. Dr Keith Code would never allow it

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Be honest. If not with me, at least with yourself. Don't you get jealous of seeing people with nice cars? Sure you can cope all day long "oh me probably financed it. muh depreciation asset. his dick is probably small too" but don't you ever get tired of driving shitty old cheap cars? don't you wish you had a car that made you happy just looking at it, and even happier when driving it, without worrying your whole life about money?
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This is an extremely idealistic scenario.
>50k liquid
Why not just buy an asset? Oy vey.
>30 years
Will let this speak for itself.
>The richest people are the ones in the most debt.
I guarantee the mini gets 10x more people looking at it, pointing it out in the street, photographs, thumbs up, smiles, whatever metric of engagement you can think of compared to the Aston while being a tenth of the price. You don't need an expensive car to get noticed. A Twingo will have people shidding and cumming more than a silver Aston Martin or Ferrari. Thinking you need an expensive car to stand out is a stupid hypebeast wealth trap mindset.
Better hope it never ever rains bro

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What are some good /o/ channels on youtube?
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I love uncle Bill
this guy has a lot of practical skills and usually has neat projects
Big Car
reddit incarnate

I'm getting myself picrel to drive around locally, what should I expect?
>2500 euros
>200k km
>3.0 diesel
>fully stacked, well preserved inside and outside
I don't care about gas consumption or repairs btw, I'm not broke and this is not my only car.
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>ZF tranny
Which one, there's 5 speed and 6 speed
Automatics in general, just don't like them.
I see, yeah definitely getting an auto even if there was a choice I'm not fucking around with manual anymore.
sitting car?
You mean if it's been sitting for a while? I don't think so

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This car is amazing on paper, and they are pretty cheap even in good condition, I'm assuming due to the bio-degradable wiring harness
How hard of a job would it be to buy a clean one of these and replace the wiring harness? I've got access to a lift and tools but don't have a huge amount of wrenching experience

for those who are curious:
>bulletproof 2.8 liter N/A inline 6
>manual tranny
>independent double wishbone front, independent multilink rear suspension
>sub 1500 kg

Also general MB bread i guess, mid 90s Mercs are so good
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Jesus you are paranoid. I’m pretty sure euro spec w202s were put together worse than the US ones somehow though. Yes, only be worried about the electrics if multiple things fail simultaneously and it’s not switches or motors failing. In regards to rust, undercoat it if you really want to and repaint it, but mine is perfectly fine aside from some small shit after 24 years on earth. Make sure to do the basics like not parking over grass for extended periods of time, undercarriage wash after driving on salted roads, etc. btw buy a later one with a m112. The m104s are good, but people seem to mention head gasket problems too often. I don’t own a m104 for personal reference however, just a m112, m103, and m119
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Forgor pic
ugh. no thanks
An absolutely bulletproof v6 that makes more power in the same platform. Like I said the m104 is a great motor and I really considered buying an sl300 sportline, but the m104 does apparently have some small issues.
I would find one where you know the harness has been replaced. Alternatively, if it’s still running and on the road today after 25 years, odds are it was already replaced.

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Previous thread: >>27495842

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).
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Yeah and the P5 ones also smell weird lol
Will definitely give them particular TLC when applying
They’re going on a car that I’m stiggering from scratch that will appear in one of these threads once it’s presentable
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Fuck man why did opposing force have to die. Had a gaijin sticker on the driver's side window of my Scion for 4 years and went to buy another for my new car and got a 404 straight to the dick
Ordered the same text in a slightly different script through an Etsy seller, hopefully they don't translate the text into English lmao
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>stickers from a femanon’s house smell weird
Do you have a pic of the original?

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Humiliation ritual.
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City slickers lol.
They actually think they have a higher quality of life. Make all that money but can't even afford a house near by.
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>burning oil made from 300 million years old flora just to show up at some jew's office
This 100%. Petrol should be reserved to sports cars.

That's how you get Western Europe where only the top 5% of the population can afford anything fun and speed cameras and cops are everywhere
Wish I had the balls that 2 wheelers have on the way to my commute.
Love seeing these smaller companies come out of the woodwork to make genuinely cool stuff.

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