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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Redpill me on moldavite
There's nothing to redpill you on. Stop looking into moldavite.

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>solves everything
>has never been refutedw
why arent you buddhist yet?
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Have problem don’t care problem solved
I am what I am self view solved
Do task simply instead of elegantly wasting time solved
Go with the flow anxiety solved
Be and let be social problem solved
There you go anon that’s 5
Fella probably took all his thoughts and ideas too seriously. We all do it to different extents. It's a sort of societal level socailly acceptable psychosis. Another Grande Illusion
Honestly, he's gettin to that age now where it could well be some kind of Alzeheimers/dementia.
The teaching is a raft, you leave it behind once you've reached the other side. Literally one of the most popular teachings...
>"Solved everything"
Then why are we still reincarnating?
Buddha was still right though

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>"Everything you believe is an empty dogma designed to keep you trapped!"
>"Now here, worship my empty dogma that is also designed to keep you trapped"!

Every time, man.

satan represents the i

the eye

the self

all of reality is experienced through the self. your POV

he represents spiritual feminism, going your own way

Who is (((they))) you roaring faggot?

the people who know the truth, but have chosen to side with the dark
You're getting close, but non duality disagrees with your assertion of a distinction between creation and creator, not because they are the same, but because they are not totally separate. To see beyond the "finite loop" there are two paths that similarly seem different but are not totally separate. One path, the non dual, offers an experience without understanding. The path of the dual offers understanding without experience. Each apparently disputes the other, as a finite framing of the infinite necessarily leads to paradox.

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Try to find the meaning of those squares
invalidation of duality.
Right is evil, left is good. Right constrains and provides foundation and hypnotizes left into being addicted to itself and falling into a lower state, then tricking it into believing this state is absolute, and their relationship is divine and necessary for anything to exist.
*then tricking it into believing their relationship is divine and necessary for anything to exist, and thah their current state is an absolute.
is this a stereogram?
That’s the FunnyJunk colors.

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What is the story of Aleister Crowely? Apparently he was also a mountianeer which I find fascinating.
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what exactly does this word mean?
you really don't consider the fact that other people don't always feel the need to play judge and jury, do you?
I wasn't trying to imply you need him for that. More just idle curiosity. Herbert was clearly very well-read, and I'd be interested to see which authors he read (in general.)
that's a big question. he once mentioned that before writing dune, he read "the field" -- so essentially, anything science fiction as a means to get a sense of themes. this article has some pretty direct influences as to what he was looking at in the world, but no doubt his literary influences were many.
I consider Satanism everything that embraces ideas like freedom and individuality, without emphasizing that impulses coming from human nature are a false form of freedom and individuality.

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A thread for everything Alien and Paranormal. Show is what mimd bending stuff people believed or dreamt up!
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>HR Giger just drew walls, interior and some installations.
Barlowe just drew geometric shapes with legs and eyes by your logic.
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Don't forget about C.M Kosemen. He's a speculative biologist with some of the most detailed alien worlds and countless illustrations.
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Yes. And Aliens, characters, alien worlds, cinematic scenes and buildings.
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I have to look into that. Thanks.

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Well, they told us they've got the means to take ET home, haven't they?
I’m imagining your mom licking my asshole as she strokes my cock. Your dad is watching from the corner of the room, crying. I roar with triumph as I pump my load into her face.
It's hype and cope. If they could do anything Russia would not still be advancing in the Dumbass, Isn'treal would've crushed Hamas by now, and Taiwan would be the 51st US state. Instead the dollar is collapsing and Iran embarrassed Isntreal.

Don't fall for propaganda, magick and the supernatural are real but the US government has next to zero control over those things - only some pragmatic entities and spirits helping them out in exchange for sacrifices and offerings. The USA doesn't actually have hyperadvanced technology, or wonder weapons, or aliens and shit. They don't have any of that, it's all actual cope.

That's the biggest conspiracy of all - the deep state has no idea what these supernatural or paranormal forces are and has no direct control or influence over them - only an uneasy transactional relationship. We have a few crashed alien crafts that the compartmentalized and disjointed fed researchers have made little progress in reverse engineering. If the USA would just go public with these things humanity could research the tech out in the open altogether- instead this frankly incredible technology is left languishing in an underground lab at Groom lake. It's all pathetic, really.
According to your retarded and bait posting standard - most of humanity is anti-Semitic you fucking moron.
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I mean, antisemitism is a natural state of mind not only found in mankind, but all living beigns, thats why they invest so much to supress it everywhere

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—“Don’t worry, sweetie. Witchcraft isn’t real. Only God is real. And you must fear Him. You don’t want to go to the bad place when you die, right? Now let’s go worship a ghost at his temple and partake of his flesh and blood!”

—“o-okay mommy…”
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I can't stop listening to olden shit like


Will listen to it 2 more times and will go to bed
They don't know about the power and truth of the holy bible.
the burning pit that was his asshole
Christian witchcraft exists in Italy, Mexico and Haiti. The idea that Catholic magic doesn’t exist is an absurd notion. Vodou makes heavy use of Catholicism along with traditional African-ism. Christian or Godly mysticism is a thing, and you even had Catholic monks attempting to summon demons behind closed doors, justifying it as ‘hallowed’ and totally Christ-approved.

Magic’s just an angle. Or a sleight of view.

Why would god warn us about "witchcraft" if it didn't have any power? He'd just say "there are people who will claim power but have none. Don't believe them." No, he specifically said "avoid them!" Saul (king saul, not saul who becomes paul) sought advice from a witch and it meant the loss of his kingdom and his death.
If we could just say "ok, anything a witch says/a medium says is false" that would be very easy, and there would be no power in denying witchcraft. The reality is that witchcraft can draw from the same power as Christ and can predict the future or heal and perform other miracles. The end result though is with the use of witchcraft for the wrong purposes.

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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Well NG himself says to think it's done, and others advice it too, to live From the wish fulfilled.
Maybe I misinterpreted this and it was just about the feeling you'd have it has happened, not really the feeling it effectively happened.
Though, my state of mind was I was convinced I'd never see her again.
It still happened (7 years later)
That’s how a lot of people are finding out, genius. Gardner’s bought 4chan ads for years. Smart move of the guy. Look up videos about him and you’ll see he basically became famous because of this website
Hes like if this board were a human
F Gardner was already Chicago famous before he published any books. He used to be involved in politics. But yea, he’s since launched to superstardom
Yes true.
Though I'd not consider it as a win because it took way too long (7years) but maybe if I do it again now and add a bit of "believe it's already done" it would happen sooner.

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i am a sad fish. worst sign for a male. women will fit in to basedciety as this gay fish though.
i meant to say s()yciety why is that word banned?
I'm a fish too but I don't hate my sign, might be because I'm also an ENTP.
Because mods are soys and it triggers them.
Wtf man, pisces most giga chad sign, we are fucking crazy and life is fun. Dont blame you being a bitch on our sign dawg...
Worse sign if you’re a fish that swims downward, with the stream. If you swim upward towards success it’s unironically one of the best. Everyone loves and admires a good Pisces

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Is Uri Geller legit? For those who don't know who this guy is, he even had a guest appearance in Daredevil comic book in 70s
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Randi is a fraud himself
Bend it like Gellar by Ben Harris was just released, it's a pretty even handed treatment of the Jew's story.
>fold spoons (his trademark,I think he denounced legally other magicians for doing this psychic trick ironically)
*you change the gadgets for other spoons that he didn't bring with him.*
<he shits himself and can't bend the spoons unless he does it discreetly with a table or by applying light force

>He talks to you about reading your mind
-*You lie to him and pretend to follow his ''energy vibes'' and other hippie jargon while do a pokerface or happy-acid-face and try to control the responses with positive physical-facial reactions to him.*
<He shits himself, cold reading isn't working; you just had to lie to him.

>You offer him a million dollars to demonstrate his psychic powers in live show in conditions controlled by trained illusionist magicians and scientists with cameras.
<He refuses and does not want to bring up the subject again as if it never happened and continues with his supposed mental powers making millions.
Randi is a fraud. What is your problem? Randi was literally discerning the electric clouds so the mediums would have problems. Randi knew how to make mediums look like retards and he was using it
I think he is legit.

Targ, R. and Puthoff, H. E. (1974). Information transmission under conditions of sensory shielding. Nature, 252, 602–607.
"It has been widely reported that Geller has demonstrated the ability to bend metal by paranormal means. Although metal bending by Geller has been observed in our laboratory, we have not been able to combine such observations with adequately controlled experiments to obtain data suf- ficient to support the paranormal hypothesis."

"Taking up the opportunity to study Uri Geller first-hand, he [G.L. Playfair] reversed his previous skeptical opinion. However, what most convinced him was an incident after completing a series of tests when, on his going into a bathroom, a wet shaving mirror materialized and fell slowly through the air before him."

"Investigators of Geller reported “visions” of flying saucers, a hallucination-inducing teasing spirit, and discarnate raven-like birds appearing to them indoors outside of the locations of Geller’s testing. So, the book’s [Skinwalkers at the Pentagon] authors felt the visions by the Geller investigators were related to the Hitchhiker Effect, though this would presume that they think, in spite of previous problems with Geller’s claims, there was validity to the Livermore results, and therefore Geller’s psychic powers. In other words, if there was no anomaly with Geller, then how did the Livermore investigators have a Hitchhiker Effect?"

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What's the meaning of hearing your name being called by an unknown source? I was meditating and a high pitched voice which i couldn't tell if it was male or female called my name three times, the first and second times sounded too distant and i couldn't understand what it was saying but the third time i heard it right next to my ear.

I was fully alert during meditation and engaged with my awareness as i was trying to expand it and it felt like it occupied my whole room rather than just my body when this happened. After this i did some searching and i found out hearing your name being called is quite common somehow, i wanna hear x's opinions on this.
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Similar vein, but once we I was praying when I was more devote in reading my bible, I felt a voice intrude my thoughts and say " I have plans for you" and it made me freeze and question what just happened. It was distinctly a different sound than my normal inner monolouge.
Think though is I definatly havent done shit with my life so idk if Im failing my purpose or if its yet to come but I for sure dont feel like Im where I should be.
>Happened to me a few times just as I was waking up or falling asleep, it was trippy as fuck
Same, soft female voice
It was a whispering female voice yes
a spirit probably with bad intentions looking for you. That happened to me.
I once responded with, “That’s nice. I’m returning to self improvement now.”
Haven’t had a problem since then.
I’ve politely but firmly explained that if I am to be contacted by any personality not focused in physical life to just wait until I’m asleep and dreaming.
Seems like they agreed to my terms and have followed through with the courtesy.

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What is the significance and meaning of the spiral?
It’s the archetype for “OP is a faggot” and possibly a pedophile as well.
Raping little kids
Same as the swastika
Infinite movement without going anywhere
Blah blah

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Bored mystic 2 electric boogaloo
I have a treasure trove of occult secrets and shit posts
Feel free to AMA
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You diagnosed me and yourself which by your own words should not be something you can do without a Licence tm
Yes your projections are quiet childish as children avoid responsibility and would rather throw a tantrum then put in the work
no u ;)
It all me baby even (you)
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