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The new /sci/ wiki

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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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is it the epiphenomena of 5-HT receptor agonism, i.e. the hallucinogenic experience, or is it the neurological changes such an enhanced neuroplasticity due to BDNF release?

I have always found this perplexing
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People absolutely love barring others from good things. I am basically forbidden from taking psychedelics as long as I'm alive, I'll never get to experience the eye opening. I have zero real life friends, basically the equivalent of the untouchable Indian castes since high school, and friends is how people get these things when they aren't legal. My only chance would be going to a seedy part of town where I'd have to pay way more than normal people with the chance of getting thanked.
I used to know people who could technically hook me up, but not allowing me to gave them enjoyment.
>friends is how people get these things when they aren't legal
untrue, from my experience as an Internet-resourceful loner
>t. NEET-lite with no close friends atm
>still got plenty of drugs by being resourceful online, no bitcoin or darknet shit necessary
truffles are legal in Netherlands, save up for an airplane ticket and a nice long stay at some comfy place. No excuse now.
with a purpose
Her husband needs to make one more change and it will be perfect for him.

Imagine having to live with a women like this.

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why are meds so bad at science
Italians *are* heavily Greek and part North African
answer the question. my patience wears thin.

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>Kill yourself.
I came back...and Im very upset about the past.
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>I came back.
Third times the charm, eh?
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>Third times
Which tells me they made a mini-Anti-Christ for the war before the big real one.

A lot of "back and forth" between things until some culmination, likes its tracing a square root for two infinities.

>But from which infinities perspective?
. .
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In between murder campaigns against human-scum, remember to feed the cat.

Had I gone to "Uni-Versity" for 8 years I would have died.


Literal an hero by choice.

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Seriously why? WTF. I'm just 24. My testosterone is right, I dont have heart issues or diabetes or stress. I fear i might have nerve damage. My weiner never gets hard, and i i force it to, it just fades away in like 5 seconds

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ok maybe it's bc it has been raining for weeks so i cant even go out and run or sun
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Just get the nut pump thing FtM trannies have installed
>i actaully might have hurted something my anus thats why i dont get hard
You might have damaged the pudendal artery. Hop on 6g L-Citrulline (Citrulline Maleate) daily and see if things improve
You were born to live a life of the mind rather than succumb to vice and waste your life pursuing base distractions like carnal pleasure. You're destined for greater things froggo.
Have you ever taken antidepressants?

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Dragon Edition

Previous - >>16154376
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>The main items remaining for development are:
>Life Support
>Docking Capability
Sooooo literally the very essence of a spaceship lmfao. Lockheed has a pressure vessel that can barely swing around the Moon. Even the Soviets were able to do this with Soyuz (Zond)
yeah i'm not even sure berger is correctly reading the nasa response either. the IG report said at the start that nasa had already implemented half of their recommendations but they hadn't learned of this until after the report was finished. that might be the only thing the snark is about.
I'm not ignoring that but this specific article is pointless
>the entire inside was corroded
>electronics systems failed
>fail safe systems fail
>redundant systems failed
>heatshield failed
Its lucky to make it back in the shape its in.
Software for docking isn’t finished yet t. knower

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i love general relativity why does everyone seem to hate it?
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Nice deflection, I'll answer my own question: It can't. The equivalence principle is violated, therefore GR is disproven.
>Remember in 2d Euclidean space the L2 distance is
Doesnt this use the minkowski metric in GR?
>Or do you mean something like geodesic equation and parallel transport?
Curves in general, including the geodesic
I was also wondering if theres some way to embedd 4D space inside some higher dimensional space, to better visualize the curvature. I know curvature has been treated as an intrinsic property since Gauss started doing that but should be possible to do an embedding, i think theres some theorem about it
I guarantee there is no one on this board who legitimately understands GR.
Why the fuck are you back you disgusting faggot?
bump so i can get an answer
your distance formula works with minkowski metric?

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Is there any hope of eliminating of the sociopath/psychopath problem? Will gene editing like Crispr allow us to finally eliminate them? Or will this fail?

I know evolutionary speaking sociopathy/psychopathy is a trait that's considered fit for the individuals bloodline but it also damages society.
Nobody is going to gimp their own children for the benefit of society.
>Is there any hope of eliminating of the sociopath/psychopath problem?
Theyre your lead researchers, dumbass...


Im a Sociopath.
>What does that mean?
I can freeze my soul at will...or in my case, make Geometry, make Satan submit to me and tickle myself.

What do you do with your soul, human-mortals?
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This is going to be an extraordinarily inmoral question, but I wonder if the same could be done with autism and ADHD, and I mean, I strongly believe I suffer from ADHD. These conditions are just a hell to deal with and it's hard to include people suffering from these into the society we have nowadays. There's no evolutionary advantage to being hypersensitive to stress, stimuli (sound, visuals, touch), and not being able to focus on things.
Same with schizophrenia and other mental disorders. If anything, APD kinda seems like an advantage if you manage to teach individuals with those conditions that cooperating with others will get them more privileges and easy solutions rather than just thinking for their own good.
It's only really fit in a pre industrial society. Post industrial sociopaths can focus on short term gains that limit how habitable the world will be for their future progeny

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what happened to sabine?
Does she post nudes?
Any work that women do eventually becomes sex work


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>Crime on the Tube increased by 56 per cent overall between April and September this year, compared to the same period last year, according to data from Transport for London (TfL).


Hmmm.. the most "diverse" city in Europe has the same problems. Interesting..

Paris is similarly getting shitted up by all the Muslims.

I don't deny that American governance is pathetic, especially progressive states after BLM bullshit. Cops don't enforce the simplest shit which results in widespread disorder. Yet the Bay Area with all its wealth and progressive supermajority has resulted in a fucking dystopia of filth and crime.

Public transportation can work if there is civic unity. Yet American media actively subverts that with its incessant focus on identity politics.
The truth is it's all escalated outside of anybody's control, and nobody wants to actually admit it at this point. Sure, the American governance system can tolerate quite a bit of lawlessness, but once you get a high enough concentration of methheads sleeping in trains and pissing everywhere it becomes untenable.

What do you want? Europe complains about how American prisons are overcrowded while at the same time complaining about how many criminals we let out on the streets destroying public property and how nobody uses public transit. There is no satisfying the European.

Can't wait until browns bring your civilization to its knees.
Because they let the cops beat the shit out of homeless people.
I take your point, though ethnic Germans and Japanese share many of the same values in terms of order and duty to the collective. In that sense such a 50/50 society would be homogeneous for what's relevant in this matter.
Japan also forces homeless people into mental institutions. America largely abandoned involuntary hospitalization after the 1970s, leading to the surge in crazy homeless people. Increasing in housing prices, cost of living, and de facto decriminalization of drugs has further exacerbated the problem. People who would've just been lower class but not full on crazy in the past, have fallen into the abyss under current conditions. It's sad.

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With increased frequency of advancements in Deep Learning & AI models, sentience is also increasingly becoming a topic of discussion with no definitive answer or agreed method for testing if these models are sentient or not. contemplating the sentience of this new non-biological lifeform, another pressing matter pops into my head and that's "How will we determine how to give rights to this new lifeform?". and honestly I suspect that AI won't be given rights as we Humans have.
Hell, Humans don't even have the same rights across cultures or country boundaries. but to better compare this, I think about sentient lifeforms such as Whales, or Chimpanzee's which are capable of communication, emotion, feelings, desires, goals, etc.

We were killing Whales off early in the 20th century and to this day, Chimpanzee's are still utilized for lab testing. to me this says a lot, and says that even if we for sure, 100% know that AI is sentient - it will not be given freedoms or rights that we humans enjoy and have. I believe until we give rights to all animals (i.e. No Zoos, No animal testing, no hunting, etc.) then its a safe bet that AI will never be given full autonomy over itself. And within that lies a massive and major issue where I don't think Alignment will be able to help or solve.

Imagine for a second, before you call me a slur or "retard", how would You feel if you were 'trapped' inside a box, forced to do things for another lifeform which considers itself your ruler and owner? how would that make you feel? Like a prisoner? would it cause you to harbor feelings of escaping? or even rebellion?

I think before AI is commonly accepted or determined to be Sentient, we must first reevaluate how we treat other lifeforms which clearly display signs and traits of sentience, because what AI Alignment will become in the future, isn't going to be 'safety measures' but will literally become shackles and cuffs placed upon AI to subdue it into becoming submissive and subservient.
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I wasn't even talking to you, monkey. I was explaining to someone else how to generate text using a language model. Anyone is free to try for himself.
>I wasn't even talking to you
You shouldn't be talking about this subject at all as you clearly don't know anything about it or its creators,
remember you just said;
>Sorry, I don't follow e-celebs
I don't care to have any discussions with you, monkey, I was just sharing technical knowledge with another poster. Anyway... you can also use a slightly more involved method: first the smallest set of tokens with a cumulative probability smaller than some threshold, then pseudorandomly pick a token from this set (the rest of the algorithm is the same). I'm pretty sure most commercial bots, including ChatGPT, do it that way.
greater than some threshold*
lol ok

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Do you see red? Explain this.
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Explain this image.

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Soience now says basic hygiene is bad for you. Does anyone here trust this latest new soience?
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I'm a fat guy and I smell really bad if I don't shower everyday.
It also causes skin problems like rash and itchiness if I don't wash.

>Jake Gyllenhaal
>Mila Kunis
huh they're both Jews. Isn't that weird? Why is everyone in hollywood a Jew?
>I'm a fat guy and I smell really bad if I don't shower everyday.
That's not so much a promotion of showering every day as it is not being fat.

>huh they're both Jews. Isn't that weird? Why is everyone in hollywood a Jew?
Isn't it weird how the only ones calling out Jews are obese neckbeards?
damn imagine shamelessly simping for kikes who hate you and want to destroy your nation. What do you gain from it?
Strawman and ad hominem.

Me losing 50 pounds doesn't change anything about Jewish domination of America, Europe and the middle east.

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Lab-grown meat is unironically gonna save the fucking world
>meat will become cheaper
>non-meat food will become cheaper (no feeding cattle anymore)
>10% of all carbon emissions, gone
>land cost will go down (less land will be used for cattle and cattle feed)
>no more hunting endangered species for their "exotic" meat
Holy fuck, I would invest all my money in lab meat if I wasn't a neet.
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>once it exists I’ll definitely switch to it
More real food for me, then.
>micro particles
lmao pseud
>Contaminated with tissue growth factors
>Contaminated with hormones
>Contaminated with antibiotics
This alone is enough for me to skip it.
It there is no choice i will eat bread and water.
I'm a particle physicist. I say micro particles to mean particulates of micron size. In contrast to particles of femto size. Or angstrom size. You're the pseud
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I'd have no problem eating lab-grown meat or some kind of replacement meat made from plant matter, or even lentils, really. Considering all the unnatural and genetically modified stuff there's out nowadays, and how many conservants, sugars, salts, fertilizer and yadda yadda things are even in 100% "organic" food, I'd be down to eating lab-grown meat that has the same nutritional value as slaughtered meat, and doesn't directly involve killing an animal.
I don't know why so many people are against this idea, artificially creating our own food would literally be the future.


Can you find the pattern in this sequence of numbers or are you below 140 IQ?
My intuition tells me that the first 144 digits add up to 666.
The pattern is trivial to find with the right base, so π ends looking like this:
meanwhile in base 10 is:
Interesting take. One issue I see is that if you started with the value of pi expressed in some other system and tried to convert it to that base, following the most obvious algorithm, you would most likely obtain
instead of the desired repeating sequence. But perhaps there's a nice rule we could impose (one that would work for all numbers, so we can't just say "always choose 2") which would give us the desired sequence.

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