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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Canadian firearms General

New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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sometimes i wish i was a nu-canadian
>come here with the clothing on your back >immediately start getting free government gibs
>rape, pillage, and plunder until the government gets tired of your antics so you flee back to where you came from
>live like a king in a third world shithole with the meager amount of shekels collected while in canada
yeah i would chalk it up to needing more practice, 6" isnt horrendous because someone with more experience can do half that typically. its a glock after all.
6" at 25 yards is fine for a handgun.
Half the people at my range can't even do that at 7 yards
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Yes well there’s a reason for that
They don’t deport them anymore. CBSA is so backed up it can take something insane like 5 years just for them to get around to doing it. But then the person has won the appeal process.

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Is there a reason women tend to male excellent snipers? From the Soviets, to the Vietnamese, to today women just seem to have a predisposition to good marksmanship.
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>hardly any Western historian is interested in actual historical records
How convenient that when we're interested in Stalin's purges, we are denied access to those very records. We had access to those for a while, mind, but now Putin has pretty much declared Stalin a saint whose memory cannot be defiled so no-can-do now
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>Is there a reason women tend to male excellent snipers?
I've yet to see any emperical evidence for this claim. Its purely some boomer gunbunny fantasy or /v/ coomer thing. You can pull all these biological pseudo science fun facts out of your ass but the truth is if they were better you would see them over represented in sniper or competitive shooting positions but they're not
I've aways thought that women would have been a great choice for cavalry back in the day, especially light cavalry.
It's an area where the advantages of male physiology are minimized enough to give women a chance.
Damn, how good do you have to be if you're beating the guys who instruct Marine Snipers and Army Special Forces?

>The US has accused Russia of deploying chemical weapons as a "method of warfare" in Ukraine, in violation of international laws banning their use. The allegations, which US officials said were not an "isolated" incident, would contravene the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which Russia signed.

>Chloropicrin - which the US says Russia has used to "dislodge Ukrainian forces from fortified positions" - is an oily substance which was widely used during WW1. It causes irritation of the lungs, eyes and skin and can cause vomiting, nausea and diarrhoea, according to the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC). The chemical's use in war is expressly banned under the CWC, and is listed as a choking agent by the OPCW. The state department also said Moscow has regularly used "riot control agents," or tear gas, during the war.

>President Joe Biden has previously warned Russia against deploying chemical weapons in Ukraine. In March 2022, just weeks after Moscow launched its invasion, Mr Biden vowed that President Vladimir Putin would pay a "severe price" if he did authorise the use chemical weapons. "We would respond if he uses it. The nature of the response would depend on the nature of the use," Mr Biden said.

>But there have been consistent reports that Moscow has ignored that warning. US Assistant Secretary for Arms Control Mallory Stewart has previously said Russia was using riot control agents in the conflict. And Ukraine says its troops have faced mounting chemical attacks in recent months. The Reuters news agency reported earlier this year that Russian forces have used grenades loaded with CS and CN tear gasses. The report added that at least 500 Ukrainian soldiers have been treated for exposure to toxic gasses, and that one had died after suffocating on tear gas.

Are the prohibitions on the use of chemical weapons now becoming dead letter? How can NATO provide deterrent after the failure to act against Assad?
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Ah I see, I see, so you really mean
>Ukraine is in a dire situation and plans to resort to usage of chemical weapons to gain advantage.
>To protect itself from international disapproval and sanctions, Ukraine and their allies fabricate a story that Russia did it first.
>Based on that, Ukraine will now have 'permission' to use their own stocks of chemical weapons.
>In the future, other arms or war conventions and agreements will be violated by Ukraine in order to prolong the conflict, and those violations will be blamed on Russia, rendering the entire concept of being a signatory to such conventions or agreements null and void.
This is the gayest war ever full of faggots. Especially faggots who will defend this shit.
first post in this thread to mention gays/homos/fags/queers
I rate it how I see it - faggot behaviour. Your son will be suffocating on Zyklon 666 Deluxe by SpaceX in 2050 war because some faggots from Ukraine couldn't invent a better strategy than
>Let's show the world that arms and war conventions don't need to be followed if you go 'no u' before your opponent does
>the guy complaining about gays for no reason
Faggot spotted.

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At least 40 destroyed vehicles ... no specific date or location, but in most places this would count as a battle
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And only 10km from physically cutting the MSR from Pokrovsk to Kostantinynivka too.
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>he thinks the Russian advances aren’t part of Ukraine’s master plan
Oooh boy are you mistaken, brother.
>Losses are not covered.
That's the key, since this war started they've lost pretty close to 9000 armoured vehicles including tanks which made up 3-4000 of that number. They aren't like for like replacements, they're first up what can be refurbished quick and gotten into service, then there's the pretty ratshit messes that take a lot longer to bring back up and finally. There's all the stuff out there that's too fucked to do anything with. There isn't really any vast amounts of 'new' production being churned out because if there was, there would be a lot more T-90M's turning up in the damage reports- but there isn't.
Its still the T-80, 72 and 62's being ground up into scrap.

We aren't seeing any amounts of other stuff like the Tigr, the BMD-4, Typhoon and Kurganets
If their production was 'healthy' they would be showing up in combat reports and they just aren't out there in any numbers, new, old or otherwise
>And only 10km from physically cutting the MSR from Pokrovsk to Kostantinynivka too.
So, two to three months away.
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>reeeeee trannies trannies trannies trannies TRANNIEEEEESSSSS

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Why is every branch of the US military suddenly shelling out for this thing? Have they figured out how to impregnate aircraft composites with egirl pheromones or something? YOU CAN'T FUCK THE PLANE. GAO, T- TELL THEM THEY CAN'T FUCK IT

• US Navy Selects Electra to Design Ship-Based Contested Logistics Aircraft

• US Army Awards Electra Contract for Powered Wind Tunnel Test of Contested Logistics eSTOL Aircraft

• Electra to develop ultra-short takeoff plane for Air Force
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We were supposed to run out of oil a long time ago.
Every single past prediction about oil has been wrong, simply because no study can realistically account for future technology developments. Oil extraction will keep getting cheaper and previously economically inaccessible reserves will be tapped.
>They're based on economics.
That all begin with "if we never drill a well ever again"
>the only oil reserves left
The only EXPLORED reserves. Like I said, they ALL begin with "if we never drill a well ever again".
You're just repeating yourself. Google the question and see that it's the truth. Please stop saying that oil will be profitable forever.
>You're just repeating yourself.
You keep having something said to you and it slips off your smooth brain like shit out of a seagull's ass.
>Please stop saying that oil will be profitable forever.
Please quote me saying anything remotely approaching that statement once. Oh, and kill yourself.
The thing is that the damned stuff is not growing back. The entire premise hinges on
>hey maybe we can find some new source and scrape by for next few decades
Its like being a jobless guy and living of large inherited wealth.
Money runs out so you start selling jewelry. Jewelry starts running out, you start selling paintings off the wall. Then silver kitchnware goes. Then some of the fancier furniture. Then wooden wall panels.
And each time you start feeling pressures you reassure yourself:
>hey, ill just find something else to sell in future if needed and it will be okay
Without noticing that you spend more and more effort trying to fence the stuff and gain less and less in return.
And unless you actually get a source of new income, at some point - not tomorrow, not in a month or even a year, but the time will ineviteably come, and you will sit hungry in empty house with bare walls and bare floor, looking at grandfathers rare gun collection and thinking that you could sell them as well.

Anyway i hope somebody cracks the industrial scale bacterial petroleum synthesis soon.

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> This mechanical horror was made over a decade ago and destroyed half a town.
> Still no new ones made and improved on by /k/ autist.
Why having there been more of these killdozers made since? This thing was an absolute monster and i am surprised that only one existed since a decade.
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This is criminally uninformed and missing multiple critical pieces of context
lol no:
- He bought a couple acres for like $45k, planning an autoshop. Fine.
- Said property did not come with a muni sewer connection. It had zero modern sewer at all either, just an old decaying literal cement mixer previous owners had buried and that's it, completely not up to any standard anywhere in the US. This is also very normal for mostly unimproved rando land in small rural towns.
- Town responsibility: overall system maintenance, public land. You're responsible for your private land connection if you want to connect.
- Town reasonably pointed out he could just do a normal septic system instead. Like I have at my house. It's cheap. Go look it up, even with decades of inflation, massively increased labor costs etc, right now, today, you will pay like $5k-15k for a typical system depending on details of area and land. It's no big deal if you're not a pajeet.
- He refuses to do it, he says government not doing it is "extortion" (lol!), and yet he continues his voluntary, unnecessary request to get annexed to the sewer district anyway. Like, wtf you fucking retard?
- Everyone lets him be anyway and years go by. He builds a muffler business.
- Neighbors want to build their own business. Offer to buy land. He says he wants $250k. They say ok. He changes his mind and wants another 50%. They offer $350k. No, now he wants a half mil. They give up.
- Neighbors address public noise/environment concerns like normal. He squanders all potential support. Town planning process democratically ultimately approves commercial development, in this commercial area.
- He appeals on lies, and then sues.
- They offer to settle, to pay for his sewer hookup themselves.
- His shitty buried truck overflows. He just goes and pumps raw sewage into an irrigation ditch behind him on someone else's land. Tries to illegally just leech onto another neighbor's line.
- 9 years after being supposed to do this basic thing of taking care of his shit, starts getting fines.
- Spergout
This isn't fucking India. The most simple above-animal thing in the world is to take care of your own poop and piss and not pump it onto your neighbor's land. Actually that's too generous because even some animals like cats know how to bury their shit and be inconspicuous about it. Everyone repeatedly bent over for the stupid fucker, not fining him promptly, offering to buy him out at 800% or more what he paid for the land despite it still being subcode, offering to take care of the problem for free. He refused out of sheer lolbertarian spite and invented grievance and because people like that see any form of generosity as weakness and somehow an insult. It's why any code violations should ideally be enforced hard and immediately because if you let leeches get comfortable and have more time they're never, ever grateful for it, they just get entitled.
lmao lol even

Killdozer was still cool from a mechanic and sheer autism perspective but there was nothing admirable about how it came about, what led up to it, or him just taking the easy way out and going to hell afterwards.
>kill dozer
>nobody was killed by it
Genuinely curious if people will try to defend him in this thread after this.

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Private investigators get fucked
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Taurus pt92 or two norinco tokarevs.
No one in hongkong is safe not even other detectives
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Fuck, I've been looking for an original Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs in vintage stores the past year and can't find shit I found a Marty Robbins Greatest Hits vinyl a couple times but can't find an actual album. Might just give up and bid on ebay but I kinda like the search.
I’m pretty curious. What changed?
>no ruger gp100
tequila weeps

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Lets discuss the warrior IFV. I know it gets memed on here often but is it really as bad as people say it is?
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Ive never understood why this thread keeps getting made. Warriortard, have you considered making a seperate wiki for this shit and just leaving k alone?
You could ignore it instead you choose to engage everytime. He’s right the warrior is not a good infantry fighting vehicle, despite existing in iraq
>passed by this thread for the 412th time
>post in it for the first time
>immediate warriortard engagement
Did i hit a nerve? Do you have a niche wiki out there with like 12 views? Or were you thinking about making one? My autist brother made one about dinosaurs once, im sure your warrior based autism could deffo make one. You could have different pages for all the parts, every little variant of the warrior. It seems like itd be right up your alley but you wouldnt be called a retard constantly like you are here.
Literally one minute apart.
So either both are by warriortard or warriortard sits in this thread and hammers F5 harder than bongs hammer his mom on a saturday.
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Sorry, this time its just coincidence my dude

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The Comeback Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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I wish NEET would restock this one.
k-keep me posted
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Someone should make a tab patch that just says “Him”
I got my buddy into patches, he sent me this pic of 2 I gave him that he put on his backpack
this backpack will be scanned at every checkpoint relentlessly

Kongou desu.
Battlecruiser thread. Post battlecruisers, discuss battlecruisers.
Start with a simple question: what is your favorite battlecruiser?
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Best Kongo.
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Gentlemen - what if we, and hear me out here, added even more dakka to the dakka?

>game is only aimed at monitizing the top 1% of whales
>everyone else gets to enjoy the game with the bukkake of premium time, xp boosters, and free ships you regularly get thrown at you
yeah man it's just so bad :(
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not daijobu enough for me
t. 45% win rate
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I will put this here, because I know /k/ loves a gruesome horror story from real life.


About two weeks ago, a fishing vessel off the coast of Brazil, near the Amazon river delta, finds a seemingly derelict boat drifting at the sea. The boat is full of dead bodies. Rotting bodies. Badly decomposing, like they have been on the seas for a months.

Coast guard and police are called, forensic investigations started.
The boat looks much like the boats used by coastal fishermen in Mali or Mauritania, at the North-western coast of Africa (pic kinda related, that's what you get if you google "mauritanian fishing boat").
It's 12 meters (39ft) long, has no engine or rudder. And not like "there has been an accident and they lost the rudder" but like "This boat has never had a rudder". It's a fucking row-boat.

On board there are 9 rotting bodies ...and 27 cellphones. Suggesting that originally there were a lot more people on board.
Best guess is that it used to be a migrant boat. They left the African coast trying to get to Canary Islands in the Atlantic. And they missed the Canaries. Current pushes them to south, out to the Atlantic.

Around 30 people trying to get to Canaries. That's Spanish soil. They can apply for asylum.
So they get on this dinky little rowboat, packed tight as sardines, and set off. Their navigational equipment? The Captain's old (non-waterproof) cellphone's GPS.

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>shittiest coldest oceans
it's the Firth of Clyde, I went swimming in there as a kid
Didnt he also rip out their hearts to eat so him and the boys would get magic antibullet powers? This dudes fuckin nuts
Absolutely based, it's only a matter of time before borders get militarized as a response to "climate refugees"
Kek that image.
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Off-topic, but if you could bring one (1) merc IRL, with one loadout from TF2, which would you choose?

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why's their military history so shit
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Dios mio.......
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> Real operator shit.

Modern frogmen are just copying with the Regia Marina invented.

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Finally, Sea Trials!
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Xi comes from a ruling family and was slotted for leadership early on. His entire backstory gets rewritten every year.
He's basically a Donald trump George W bush type. I stopped keeping up with the new xi retcon lore but I can guess it
Let's say he was born into a noble family something happened, he was made poor then worked his way up and that's proof if you work hard enough you can get ahead?
Is that right. I really don't know his new backstory. It's like a comic book
Seriously what is Xis new backstory and how do they explain his family living in billionaires land in NYC?
100% bullshit.
This is why people who get their education on 4chan are dumb as fuck.
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>why does it look plastic? what is that?
Dragon Century technology. Makes it look like a fiberglass prop without access panels, lift points, structural reinforcement elements, etc. Very advanced.
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>implessive levels of instant seethe
Not a Chang, but this thread is just full of insecurity,

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