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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Charge edition

>Previous Heresy: >>92657435

『Horus Heresy』
>Official Website
>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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All good anon. I'm personally debating on which legions to pick for a loyalist shattered legion force to go up against my traitor DG so trying to characterise all the legions and think about them in both positive and negative lights has been on my mind too.
>it is kind of a loyalist traitor and traitor loyalist concept which i know is overused
Don't worry about that anon, just do what you think is cool.
would be nice if they could take 150 levy fodder
Yes, for example
What's that chart made in?
>a loyalist traitor and traitor loyalist concept which i know is overused
Doesn't matter if it's overused. Just keep double-checking with yourself to make sure it's grouned, and if it's not, try and figure out how to refine it. So many seemingly cringey ideas can be based as hell if you just adjust the details here and there.
Going off this to ask yay or nay using legion pauldrons on blackshields where they just painted the 3D insignia a different color no fucks given

What do you think of Disneys Lorcana?
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I love deck-builders, so I know where you're coming from. Maybe just tell her to think of her hand as a deck. Yeah, that probably won't work.
Genuinely thought it was a high effort shitpost the first time I saw it here.
I've been playing it since release, and sometimes I still can't believe it's real. What's even more amazing is that it's actually GOOD.
Have you been to ANY card stores lately? I don't know about you, but all the ones I visit have signs up for Lorcana, and many have started selling singles. Almost all the stores that have a play area advertise a Lorcana night.
I will now play your game.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqyw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92666283
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Are you the guy making the waifus influenced by authors cyoa? I'm looking forward to it, I liked the roommate waifu pickers a lot.
Not me, sorry to disappoint. The last ones I made were years ago. I don't have them saved anymore, but they were an ai generated 8bit witch campfire cyoa and a trick or treat one for Halloween where you could give king sized candy bars to monster girls to make them happy. I used ai generated prompts for most of the dialogue and choices on the last one.
Publicly available ai shit is crazy these days.
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Depends on what the style is, some work better with than others. I generally dislike those replicating sketchy drawing styles, they always feel off (even without any extra fingers...).
I like floppa
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What are some races and clases youd like to see in a bigger and better overlord cyoa. I've already got some of generic ones missed like hobgoblins, kobolds, minotaurs, ogres, cyclops, and trolls.
For classes, i'm working on expanding both martials and casters and need ideas

RIP Bant Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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He used mind magic to send his body into a high-powered fever response which mostly only gave him enough of a reprieve to knock himself out. That's not 'yelling'.
so a chthonian nightmare pile
as the anon who wished for energy to not be comp viable, I'll take it
that's the point, no? the only temur cards are the creatures
remove the creature before the aura enters
>it's a bogle
edict, baby
he was literally internally screaming tho, but that's besides the point
he won regardless
you must have not read his post, tard-kun

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Forgotten, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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annihilators look like dog shit though
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As I said, I do understand every bit of the reticence, and my solution to the possible issues is to avoid altogether the business model of collectible card games
in my idealised solution there's no deck building and there's no difference between the decks, each deck is a standardized poker/tarots deck, with not even a real need to have rules printed on the cards at all, as what each card signifies or allows could be simply traced to a page of the rulebook and/or battletome

the deck is essentially a glorified hidden dice roll, because that's the elements I feel warhammer often lacks: real significant differences between matches, which a randomising element like this allows, and the surprise and betting elements of hidden hands of cards

and an opportunity to sell army themed decks of cards whose only value would be the cool artworks or designs, I guess
Shit take.
I would have less of an issue just using a deck of playing cards, but I think we both know that's not what GW will do.
Hope they put at least as much time and effort into writing and testing the indexes, tomes, and core as they seem to have for spearhead.

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>"bro ur wings aren't strong enough to fly in that armor even medium armor is too heavy for you bro!!!"

it's funny how people will allow you to pick up a midget mid-flight but flying in plate armor even if made from lighter metals like mithril is aparently too much

kinda retarded especially for high fantasy gameplay. and yes I'm talking about flying races here.
>The game lets me do this mechanically so I get to do this mechanically
>I understand you might find this mildly strange but it has been codified and is not an exploit, it is how it works inside this game world
>Please stop trying to ruin my characters over your whims rather than playing by the rules

If anyone doesn't respect this then just leave the game. If your master of ceremonies can't accept the game works a certain way which is beneficial for some so he destroys it, well sucks to fucking suck, leave for better pastures.
This thread again?
Shit, that sucks for you.
That's not going to be an issue in my games.

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Has anyone actually played pic related as written? I’m taking weapon speed, simultaneous turns etc, not just B/X with AD&D shit stapled onto it.
I have not myself but the The Blue Bard is a blog by a guy who claims to be doing it very by-the-book. I'm not vouching for the blog, I haven't read much of it, but maybe check it out.

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what system can fit for this?
Violence RPG
D&D 5th Edition.

>ironclaw 1e / 2e exist
>its a game made for furries
>most furries don't play it

why tho? tho i did hear some people say the game might be too deadly for furries to even play as they just go back to DnD 5e
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I counted about a dozen scalies one bird and maybe two fishes if that's what you meant.
How do people feel about the other games that use the Ironclaw system like Jadeclaw or Urban Jungle?
I did not know they existed.
I like the core mechanics of the Ironclaw 2e gameplay (the “Cardinal System”), and some of the later games they make seem to make some slight improvements on those mechanics (like Myriad Song). Urban Jungle seemed a little too much like they were tampering with the formula and making some weird decisions, though. Things like making a bunch more Soak Gifts you need to buy for really situational things like, “Reduce damage by acting like a coward” or “Reduce damage by allowing your armor to get destroyed.” Stuff that Ironclaw had to some extent but not quite as bad. And the frequency at which you were expected to run out of ammo for guns (or have your gun malfunction) was kind of ridiculous going off the default rules.

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Work in Progress, "Mid-Week Re-organization" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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>throwing away a gift from your friend
that's not very nice Anon
I had their permission, but I understand the sentiment.
So many of the nighthaunts look like they'd be so much fun to paint, nicely done.
Yep, that's a crusty ass boy.
Do you know where you are?

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
"The word cloud lies" Edition
Previous Thread: >>92646764
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It's just a basic fact of reality.
I use prompt answers in my writefags. In fact, that's why they exist.
>no writefag wife.
As do I. Useful to know more about an anon's character especially if they aren't a writefag.
More than 'sparking discussion' more anons should be answering in the first place.
>Make better prompts
First of all, I didn't make them. Second of all, what do you want? 90% of the naruto prompts have been asking things that should be central to your character.

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>I say no but they keep protesting
>let them play as a goblin
>they just make a green female halfling
>perma ban him from my discord server

why tf do these types of people exist...legit porn brain rot
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no, this is critical role's fault.
Lol, you think goblin girl enthusiasts plays games.
Predates Critical Reddit. People have been cooming to goblin girls for much longer than a fotm normie stream.
I get around this by making it clear that muh setting cuts out 99% of the D&D chaff and merges unnecessary shit together, and so if you want to play a smol person, you have to play a tailed, big-eared, digitigrade-legged little weirdo. People are usually willing to adapt if you present your world as something that is not in any way FR adjacent.

I think there's overlap here, but I think it's also just that cute girls are popular, lewd aggressive girls are popular, and the juxtaposition of those two popular but not conventionally associated traits was at some point a fairly novel form of attractiveness. Now it's just become an archetype.
The CR goblin girl was riffing on the sexy goblin shortstack meme, not the other way round.

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How do you do a barefoot PC/NPC without it being fetish bait?
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What does this possibly add to the character's personality or depth outside of inserting fetish?

It feels like asking:
>How do you do a PC/NPC with huge, ginormous heavy milky tits without it being fetish bait?
You're retarded.
If you can't afford shoes you were wretchedly poor. Crude shoes only require leather or cloth or even wood and some time.

Cloth shoes and foot wraps are quieter still.
>What does this possibly add to the character's personality?
to show that he is a savage and that this harmony with nature
>How do you do a PC/NPC with huge, ginormous heavy milky tits without it being fetish bait?
Having big tits is not something strange, many characters have big tits and no one complains
>If you can't afford shoes you were wretchedly poor.
Yes, that's literally what the other anon said.

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