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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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>woman upset and emotional over a question she herself asked
why are they like this?
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Lolno. Not even close.
I thought you women would like being sorrounded by potential murderers, seeing as how you all romanticize serial killers and such.
Niggers have the highest violence any race, you gonna start avoiding blacks now?
Stab a guy in the throat and he dies. The only thing keeping a woman from killing a man is her lack of will.
Hell, a woman can easily flirt her way into getting close to a man, could even hold the knife openly in her hand while calling out to someone and get a victim that way.
>rape and torture
you'd be surprised at how brutal animals can be. not days, but man, some of them do absolutely sadistic shit just for the sake of it.

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Mexican Twink Edition

la ultima vez en telemundo: >>77337543
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>ooohhhhh it's just so pathetic and miserable but we're so connected
great, now it's a humblebrag too
i know some blonde boys, what's your discord, lindo?
i went to a gay bar but nobody hit on me
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If somebody bfs me right now we could have TWO success stories, just sayin
Bf applications are OPEN
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Whatchu talkin bout

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i feel like shit i want to die
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my parents gaslit me for years that i must be normal and im totally not insane
the gaslighting got to the point where for several years my intestines were constricting on and pushing out all the food i ate and hurt me every day because of my anxiety and stress affecting the nervous system, and they said it was common indigeston from stomach flue. i had all possible tests done and all came back negative- took me months to accept that its an issue with my mind.
if they sent me to a psychiatrist when i was a teen, maybe i wouldnt be a 24 old neet with no education or friends. now im held back many many years.
>still have time to neet around but being broke all the time is annoying
that's like saying you shouldnt get chemotherapy because the cancer will only kill you after many years
to the contrary, now is the time to change something, to constantly improve yourself and your life so you dont become a womanchild
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yeah that's terrible. i can kinda relate, my parents tried to make me believe i was normal my whole life, despite my crippling shyness and having no friends.if only they took me in to get checked on back then, i mightve not had to leave irl highschool for online out of social anxiety, wouldn't get such bad grades that no college wanted me, and actually had an enjoyable teen experience. instead i waited till 18 and seeked help myself, but it was too little to late and im a retard now
You seem to be anime fag, go anime club near you or anime convention.

At the very least it will be cash money
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anime conventions are way too expensive, there is no anime clubs for adults
kek what is this fucking picture

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>likes Cortazar novels (Hopscotch)
>likes Hesse novels (Demian, Steppenwolf)
>likes Oscar Wilde (Picture of Dorian Gray)
>likes Wes Anderson movie Fantastic Mr. Fox
such a cultured Russian legal loli
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>. imagine such money in Izhevsk, Russia
that's not a lot of money, at all
She is not 20 in the pic, neither on the videos...
720 euros is 2x net median salary in russia
Alina is probably closer to 5 figures a month though. Unfortunately. She's not even showing anything anymore
She's 15 in the videos and 16 in the pic. But she hasn't changed much, pic is her at 21

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>own a small but comfortable home
>steady job not very interesting but with a decent salary that does not require me to do much
>no real no monetary concerns
>waking up every morning anxious after dreaming of being at school again, not having a degree or having an exam and not being able to pass it
what the fuck does this mean
I miss when I had simple dreams like that and not bizarre tests from god or mindless torture. Its gotten so bad that I can actually count each of the 90s minutes each of these dreams lasts because the dream can just stop me from waking myself up and broke all my old methods of escape.
>being at school again
>having upcoming exam
Light ptsd as misused as that term is. Those are stress dreams. Institutional education is notorious for causing it. If anything the not having gone in the first place and getting a degree stressing you out is the weirdest part.

if you had the power to "save and reload" irl, what would you do with it? if you made a mistake or felt like it you could reset back to start of each day and avoid the consequences. nobody would remember the actions you took b4 you reset.

you could say or do anything to anyone and then you could reset it and they wouldn't remember it. What would you do this this power?
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ur given the power of a god and your first thought is
>this seems rather tedious
Rape and murder, what else are you supposed to do?
i would degenerate into (not me) within a year or two
I would save, beat off, reload to when my dick wasn't tired yet, then beat off again
>if: lose everything
>if: win big
>>save, keep gambling

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Are you sourdough?
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Will they? I mean maybe.
Well, you never *really* know. But I think they will. You know why? I can tell from your responses that you have done a lot of thinking and reflection, and have a good head on your shoulders. You also have respect for yourself and are not going to accept poor treatment from others. Those two things alone will take you far and help you to navigate a lot of challenges life can throw at you. You will be okay. I'd wager money on it.
Actually it wasn't because of that list of interests

I wanted to say this in case I never post again, not that anyone reads my posts or it matters.
My dad died, you were right I should have gone to see him.
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Can't get the good goy pills in time
Cannot take it easy
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melodramatic horseshit
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le snooz attacks r back
everytime i go out and try to meet new people i always feel out of place and in the end i just feel bad
i know the feeling
ususllay i just try 2 ignore it
the drunken feeling is alight
what comes after is not
r le jews the only ones guilty of this though
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>le snooz attacks r back
I bet the meds are making it worse for you.
>r le jews the only ones guilty of this though
Nah, it's (((everyone))).
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>ususllay i just try 2 ignore it
i wish i could manage to do that
>the drunken feeling is alight
that i have to agree with as much as i hate alcohol
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I'm not really sure where today went. I got some work done but not as much as I should have. Now I'm really tired and I'm going to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will make more sense.

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What's up with this picture? Does kazakhstan really have this high concentration of beauty? I've never in my life been a class room with so many cuties. Wtf?
The best is a 3/10 you're just a closeted homo
seethe more uzbek
Except for the trips girl, most of them look like Latinas with a perfect 50/50 ratio of White and Native American DNA, except they are fully light skinned.
You just have a bit of yellow fever, plus you (correctly) hate on fat cunts.
rollering. Origano
All of them are pretty except 3 and 4 but they probably just need to lose weight and they would be pretty too. Rolling

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>Doing degree
>Have to spend every day at home grinding assignments
>Manage to deliver just in time get decent enough grades
>All the normies send each other their answers and finish the assignments immidiately
>They are 40 man raiding them while I have to solo it
Im going crazy bros this is worse than prison
>>All the normies send each other their answers and finish the assignments immidiately
They're cheating, kek.
Kill them, find a gun and average your suffering
In my uni we have to do homework groups for certain subjects, and most normies here spend a lot of time and ask around in the discord channels or complain when somethings too hard and that makes me feel better when I have managed to do it. In the first three semesters I have done the mistake of not showing up in the lectures and only doing shit at the last moment. Yeah yeah whatever guess youre just complaining to make yourself feel better though. I get it.

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>feminists are disgusting, hypocritical, entitled, lying pieces of shit
>therefore, feminists deserve to get raped
>most women are feminists
>therefore, the average rape is simply justice being served
You literally can't argue against this. Rapists are based and I'm sick of pretending they're not.

You must have really bad experiences with women to think this way. Make sure to tell your mother that you love her. Do not get any ideas of raping the next woman you see, especially your own mother.
>Would you please shut the fuck up
Just because you use a logical structure doesn't mean your logic makes any sense. It just makes you another try-hard who thinks IQ has any place in a real world setting.
>women cope
One day justice will catch up to you.
Men growing more unhinged by the day living in a society which hates them

Why did my sister send me this?
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Believe what you want. You sound jealous desu
tell her to send more
I think he meant that you should get back inside the cupboard.
she wants your smelly robot dick buried inside her cooch
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She said to me and I quote "I want to see how my loser incel brother feels that trhis hot booty is exclusive to the narcissistic shork boy"

Your sister is naughty, I like doing deepthroats on her and her rimjobs are better than your mother's

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Daily reminder the sudden influx of femoids is part of a co-ordinated raid of trannies from discord.

Topic: Favourite War

Other topics:
>Whats for dinner?
>employment status
>favourite movie
>last book you read
>what really grinds you gears atm?
83 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Owner and Operator
Damn, nice. What's your business and how'd you start out anon?
I have two and theyre just manufacturing two different things. I run it out of my garage lol.
Can someone rec me some good WW1 media? Books, films, even vidya. I'm scared to ask /his/ because they might make fun of me.
I had a lot of fun with verdun but I think it died.
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for books, there'a alot of different angles as well as differences between fiction and non-fiction. A Farewell to Arms and All Quiet on the Western Front come up when i think of fictional anti-war type books. then there's things like Storm of Steel which is more like a war journal recounting actual events the author went through.
for films, They Shall Not Grow Old is not a movie with a story, but it's old ww1 footage colorized and redone to look as smooth as possible with many ww1 veteran interviews playing over it.
for vidya, >>77351817 is right about Verdun, most players have moved on to Isonzo lately, which takes place on the Italian front of the war. cool mountain maps and stuff. Valiant Hearts: The Great War is a simple sidescroller with a great story imo

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